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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,*,*,QG,英语,英语,英语,英语,QG英语英语英语英语,【诊断平台】,(2012新课标全国卷),Kids,􀆳,health: Four steps for fighting stress,Everybody gets stressed from time to time.,71,Some ways of deal-,ing with stresslike screaming or hitting someonedon,􀆳,t solve (解,决) much. But other ways, like talking to someone you trust, can lead,you to solving your problem or at least feeling better.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Try taking these four steps the next time you are stressed:,【诊断平台】(2012新课标全国卷)Kids􀆳 he,72,They might have had similar problems, such as dealing with a,test, or the death of a beloved pet.,(2)Don,􀆳,t take it out on yourself. Sometimes when kids are stressed and,upset they take it out on themselves. Oh, dear, that,􀆳,s not a good idea.,Remember that there are always people to help you. Don,􀆳,t take it out,on yourself.,73,(3)Try to solve the problem. After you,􀆳,re calm and you have support,from adults and friends, it,􀆳,s time to get down to business.,74,Even,(1)Get support. When you need help, reach out to the people who care,about you. Talk to a trusted adult, such as a parent or other relatives.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,72 They might have had sim,if you can,􀆳,t solve it all, you can solve a piece of it.,(4)Be positive. Most stress is temporary (暂时的). Remember stress,does go away, especially when you figure out the problem and start,working on solving it.,These steps aren,􀆳,t magic, but they do work. And if you can stay posi-,tive as you make your way through a tough time, you,􀆳,ll help yourself,feel better even faster.,75,A.Ask for a helping hand to get you through the tough situation.,B.Notice your friends,􀆳,feelings and find a way to help them.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,if you can􀆳t solve it all, y,C.Different people feel stress in different ways.,D.Ah, it feels so good when the stress is gone.,E.You need to figure out what the problem is.,F.And don,􀆳,t forget about your friends.,G.Then, find a way to calm down.,【答案】,CFAED,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,C.Different people feel stress,【误区诊断】,考生解答该题型时最大的困难是不知如何判断哪个选项最能衔接,上下文。主要原因在于:,1.没有把握住语篇大意、内容要点和篇章层次;,2.没有仔细辨别各选项在意义上的区别;,3.不能根据语言线索判断哪个选项是最佳答案。,【误区警示】,该题型需要考生不仅要注重句子层面的结构分析和意义理解,更要,注重句与句、句群与句群、段与段等语篇层次上的意义连贯和关,系分析。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,【误区诊断】考生解答该题型时最大的困难是不知如何判断哪个选项,【名师解析】,该阅读材料属于问题回答模式。该短文的篇章结构简析如下:,情景每个人都会遇到压力问题。处理压力方法不同,效果可能,也不同。,问题 那么如何处理比较有效呢?,回答1.寻求支持,2.不要孤军奋战,3.尽力解决问题,4.保持乐观,评价上述四个步骤虽不神奇,但确实有效。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,【名师解析】该阅读材料属于问题回答模式。该短文的篇章结构简,第71题,此题不易误选。可根据两条线索确定答案:一是第1段的句型特点,全是陈述句,而选项中,C,、,D,、,E,三项是陈述句,但,E,项实际上是祈使,句;二是逻辑线索,C,项中的,feel,stress,与前句中的,get,stressed,和后句中,的,dealing,with,stress,构成时间上的先后关系。,D,项中的,the,stress,is,gone,是最后的结果,故,D,项不合适。,第72题,此题易误选,A,项或,E,项。分析除,C,、,D,之外的选项,先易后难地排除,干扰项:先排除,B,项,因为短文大意是父母帮助孩子如何解决压力问,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,第71题此题不易误选。可根据两条线索确定答案:一是第1段的句,题,而不是建议孩子如何帮助朋友;再排除,G,项,因为空格后的句子与,空格及其前句之间是前果后因的关系,而,G,项割裂了这种关系。,A,、,E,、,F,选项中,解答第73和74题后可排除,A,、,E,项。,F,项最合适,因为该,句中的,friends,与前句中的,a,trusted,adult,是并列关系,而且第5段第2句,中的“,After,.,you,have,support,from,adults,and,friends,.”也可以进,一步确认该选项正确。,第73题,此题易误选,F,项或,G,项。前文提到,“记住总会有人帮助你的。不要,自己一个人扛着”,应该“请人帮助你渡过难关”,所以,A,项最合适,。,F,项中的,friends,与前句中的,people,是所属关系而不是并列关系,因,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,题,而不是建议孩子如何帮助朋友;再排除G项,因为空格后的句子,此可以排除。考生受第5段第2句中“,After,you,􀆳,re,calm,”影响易误,选,G,项,但,G,项填入该空后语义无法连贯起来。,第74题,此题不易误选。根据上下文逻辑,“尽力去解决问题”之前应先,“搞清楚问题是什么”,这样“即使不能解决问题的全部,至少可以,解决一部分”,所以,E,项最合适。,第75题,此题不易误选。最后一段是对上文建议遵循四个步骤的效果的预,测,D,项中的“,the,stress,is,gone,”是成功解决压力的结果,feel,good,是,孩子的心理感受,故该项最合适。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,此可以排除。考生受第5段第2句中“After you􀆳re,【考情报告】,新课标全国卷相关数据统计表,年份,2010,2011,2012,体裁,指导性说明文,指导性说明文,指导性说明文,题干词数,211,238,238,选项词数,51,66,62,设空位置,1段首2段中2段尾,1段首4段中,3段中2段尾,短文标题,无(Q&S非真正标题),有,有,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,【考情报告】新课标全国卷相关数据统计表年份2010201,该题型主要考查考生对文章基本结构的理解能力,对语篇衔接,手段与语义连贯的敏感度,要求考生把握住全篇的文脉,即句与句、,段与段之间的逻辑关系。,【考向预测】,补全短文自2007年推出以来,短文体裁一直选用了指导性说明文,话,题都是就某一问题提供方法或建议。根据“稳中求变,稳中求新”,的命题指导思想,2013年全国卷的该题型短文很可能选用描述性说,明文(参照北京卷)或记叙文(参照2010年辽宁卷),甚至是议论文。,【解题技巧】,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,该题型主要考查考生对文章基本结构的理解能力,对语篇衔接,与完形填空相比,补全短文空缺的是5个句子,无法单纯从句子层面,寻找线索,所以空格与上下文之间的逻辑关系显得异常重要。解答,该题型的思路通常是:,(1) 通读选项,理解句意并比较语义重心的异同;,(2) 通读全文,了解大意并分析篇章结构;,(3) 根据语境线索选择答案;,(4) 重读以确定补全后的短文的连贯性。,语境线索主要指反映上下文关系的衔接手段如篇章结构、词语重,现、逻辑、连接、指称、同构等。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,与完形填空相比,补全短文空缺的是5个句子,无法单纯从句子层面,词语重现是指词语的重复出现,但这里不是指词语的简单重现,而是,指某词语可能以不同词类、性、数、格、时、体、态等形式出现,如read, reading, reader,readers。还可能是以同义词、近义词甚至反,义词等形式出现。,逻辑是事物之间内在的、必然的联系,包括时间先后关系、空间位,置关系、因果关系等。,连接是指用连接词或连接语表明上下文之间的逻辑关系,如增补关,系连接词and,转折关系连接副词however。,指称是指用代词替代前文已出现的人物、事件、物品等,如人称代,词he,she,they。,同构是指上下文使用了同一或类似的句式。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,词语重现是指词语的重复出现,但这里不是指词语的简单重现,而是,(一),Buying your first digital camera can be lots of fun. But it can also be,confusing because of all the different terms associated with digital pho-,tography.,1,These tips can help you buy a digital camera if you,􀆳,re,a beginner or if this is your first digital camera.,(1)Set a budget for how much you,􀆳,re willing to spend for a digital,camera.,2,As digital cameras are getting cheaper and adding more,options, you can probably find a good deal.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(一)Buying your first digital c,(2)Look at the number of megapixels (百万像素) the camera has. This,indicates the number of pixels or dots used to make a picture.,3,Three megapixels is a good place to start for a beginner digital camera.,(3)Check out the digital camera,􀆳,s zoom. Most digital cameras have,digital and optical (光学的) zoom lenses (镜片). The optical zoom is,the one that really can put the sharpness into the photograph. The high-,er the optical zoom is, the better the pictures can be.,4,(4)Find a digital camera with an easy,-,to,-,read LCD. Newer models are,easier to see in bright light that makes it easier to see what you are pho-,tographing.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(2)Look at the number of megap,(5)Hold the camera in your hands.,5,This step is especially impor-,tant if you are purchasing a beginner camera for a child.,A.It has two different kinds of zoom lenses.,B.Find one that isn,􀆳,t too big yet has all the features you want.,C.There are advantages to increasing the number of megapixels.,D.Buy the highest optical zoom you can find within your budget.,E.Since it,􀆳,s a beginner camera, you can keep the cost in the low range.,F.The higher the concentration of pixels is, the sharper the photo can,be.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(5)Hold the camera in your han,G.Whether you,􀆳,re a beginner or an expert, do your research before,buying a digital camera.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要内容是就如何购买一部入门,级数码相机提供了几条建议。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,G.Whether you􀆳re a beginner o,1.,G,选项与空格后句存在词语重复“,you,􀆳,re,a,beginner,”。,2.,E,该选项中的“,a,beginner,camera,”与前文照应,“,keep,the,cost,in,the,low,range,”与后文“,find,a,good,deal,”照应。,3.,F,前句指出像素值是拍摄照片所使用的像素或点数,该选项进一,步指出像素与清晰度的关系。,4.,D,前句指出了可变焦距与照片清晰度的正向关系,所以建议购买,可变焦距最大的相机。,5.,B,该选项中“,isn,􀆳,t,too,big,”与后句中“,for,a,child,”相照应。,【答案与解析】,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,1.G选项与空格后句存在词语重复“you􀆳re a be,1,Men lie; women lie. Husbands lie, friends lie, wives lie, and be-,lieve it or not, your mother might lie. A recent study showed that 91%,of all people lie on a regular basis, and people tell at least 13 major lies,a week.,Dr Robert G Newby, a professor of sociology, believes that men are,more likely to tell lies than women. “Men are more concerned about,how they present themselves in public, the impression they make on,people and things like that,” he says.“And they want to make sure,that their presentation of self is one that makes them look good.,2,”,(二),名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,1 Men lie; women lie. Hus,Women, on the other hand, Dr Newby believes, are more private people,and their relationship tends to be more interpersonal, as opposed to,having to put on a public face. Women are more easily hurt and they,are not as likely to try to cheat like men.,Psychotherapist Vesta Callender also agrees that men and women do lie,differently. “,3,They plan better,” Callender notes. “They cre-,ate a history around the lie, and they try to project into the future what,might happen if the lie is detected. With a woman, a lie has a begin-,ning, a middle and an end.” Callender believes that men tend to lie for,the moment or to get out of a situation.,4,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Women, on the other hand, Dr N,Dr Elmore stresses that while it is true that most people lie from time to,time, one should be truthful. “,5,Everything that is true does not,need to be said, but everything said needs to be true,” he says.,A.Be truthful at any cost.,B.Men also lie to each other.,C.Everyone lies from time to time.,D.Women are much more careful in their lies.,E.Men think less about how the lie can be detected.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Dr Elmore stresses that while,F.He lies about almost everything, even when he doesn,􀆳,t have to.,G.Men are more likely to step outside of their relationships than wom-,en.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项关于人们撒谎的,心理和男女差异的研究报告。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,F.He lies about almost everyth,1.,C,该选项与后文是论点与例证的关系。,2.,G,该选项与下一段(即第3段)首句在句意上是相反关系。,3.,D,该选项与后文第3、4、5句是概括与具体的关系。,4.,E,该选项和本段前文形成对比关系,且与前文存在,the,lie,detect-,ed,等词语重复。,5.,A,该选项和本段文意相符,且与前后句共有核心词汇,true,。,【答案与解析】,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,1.C该选项与后文是论点与例证的关系。2.G该选项与下一,on his brake, skidded (打滑), and missed the black car,􀆳,s back end by,just inches! The driver of the black car, who almost caused a major ac-,cident, turned his head angrily and started shouting bad words at us.,1,I mean, my taxi driver was friendly. So, I said, “Why did you,just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to hospital!”,And the following is what my taxi driver told me, which I now call,“The Law of the Garbage Truck”.,(三),We were driving on the right road when, all of a sudden, a black car,pulled out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stepped,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,on his brake, skidded (打滑), a,ally.,3,Believe me, you,􀆳,ll be happier.”,So this is “The Law of the Garbage Truck”. I started thinking:,4,And how often do I take their garbage and spread it to other people at,work, at home, or on the streets? It was then that I said, “I,􀆳,m not go-,ing to do it any more.”,5,I see the load they,􀆳,re carrying. I see them coming to drop it off.,And like my taxi driver, I don,􀆳,t make it a personal thing; I just smile,wave, and move on.,“Many people are like garbage trucks.,2,As their garbage piles,up, they need a place to dump (倾倒) it. And if you let them, they dump,it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don,􀆳,t take it person-,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,ally. 3 Believe me, you􀆳,A.I began to see “Garbage Trucks”.,B.Just smile, wave, wish him well, and move on.,C.But then I couldn,􀆳,t believe what happened next.,D.My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy.,E.How often do I let “Garbage Trucks” run right over me?,F.Successful people do not let Garbage Trucks take over their lives.,G.They run around full of garbage, full of anger, and full of disappointment.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要介绍了一位出租车司机,发现的“垃圾车法则”及作者在现实生活中的应用。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,A.I began to see “Garbage Truc,1.,D,该选项与后句中的“,I,mean,my,taxi,driver,was,friendly,”意思,相符。,2.,G,该选项和后文解释了前句把那种司机比喻成垃圾车的含义。,3.,B,承接前句中的“,don,􀆳,t,take,it,personally,”,后句指出了用友好,行动回应的结果。,4.,E,该选项中的“,Garbage,Trucks,run,right,over,me,”与后文,中的“,take,their,garbage,and,spread,it,to,other,people,”是顺承关系。,5.,A,该选项中的“,began,to,see,”和后文的谓语动词之间是顺承关,【答案与解析】,系,是上一段反思后的具体行动。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,1.D该选项与后句中的“I mean, my taxi d,(四),How to Shop Online Safely,Shopping online has become a part of everyday life.,1,Just re-,member to follow these tips to keep your online shopping a safe and,secure experience.,Ensure that you know the identity, location and contact details of the,online retailer (零售商). There are many online companies whose,brand name is instantly recognizable, such as,Amazon,.,com,. Additional-,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(四)How to Shop Online SafelySh,ly, many real life stores now include an online retailing arm as part of,their retail services and you already know their reputations.,2,After looking for these signs of identification, it is a good idea,to also ensure that the company has a good online reputation. Reputa-,tion can be checked through searches of the Internet for comments from,others on consumer review sites. And you can always phone or e,-,mail,a company the first time you purchase something and ask questions.,Find out about billing, guarantees and delivery before you buy.,3,And look for how to return the product if it doesn,􀆳,t work or meet,your expectations.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,ly, many real life stores now,Only use secure websites if you are transferring funds via the site.,Once you,􀆳,re happy with the company you are purchasing from, ensure,that your credit card details are going to be processed using a secure,connection.,Take care when entering information. Be sure to enter the correct de-,tails when typing in your order. An incorrect address, amount of items,or wrong item code can cause many difficulties.,4, Record purchase details. After purchasing your item, always record,the details of the time, date, receipt number and order confirmation.,5,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Only use secure websites if y,A.Find out more about a company,􀆳,s reputation.,B.Always review the information before pressing send.,C.Always look for the additional costs and payment details.,D.If you cannot print one off, take a screenshot as a form of proof of,purchase.,E.Shopping online can be safer than shopping over the phone or even in,person.,F.Yet many people still worry that their credit card details will land in,the wrong hands.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,A.Find out more about a compan,G.Such organizations can give you more details about a company, in-,cluding any complaints.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要就在网上如何安全购物提供,了一些建议。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,G.Such organizations can give,1.,F,该选项指出网上购物这个时尚的风险,下文进而为回避风险提,供具体建议。注意连接副词,yet,。,2.,A,后文是如何更多地了解公司信誉的具体方法,reputation,是重复,词语。,3.,C,该选项中的“,the,additional,costs,and,payment,details,”是前句,中“,billing,”的具体内容。,4.,B,“,review,the,information,”与该段首句中的“,entering,informa-,tion,”相照应,是避免“,incorrect,address,amount,of,items,or,wrong,item,code,”的保证。,【答案与解析】,5.,D,“,print,”和“,take,a,screenshot,”是“,Record,purchase,details,”的具体做法。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,1.F该选项指出网上购物这个时尚的风险,下文进而为回避风险,(五),5 Ways to Get More Sleep,If you,􀆳,ve had one or two bad nights lately, you can probably solve the,problem by taking some of the measures below. These strategies may,require you to change your sleeping habits, but the effort is well worth,it in the long run.,1,Heavy curtains can help keep the light out and a fan or white,-,noise machine can help drown out any annoying sounds. Cool tempera-,tures help you sleep, so set your air conditioner appropriately. For bet-,ter air circulation, open a window or use a fan.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(五)5 Ways to Get More Sleep If, Become a creature of habit. A nighttime routine can be effective in,letting your body know when it,􀆳,s time to sleep. Go through whatever,rituals (惯例) help you mentally prepare for sleep.,2, Watch the caffeine (咖啡因). Too much caffeine throughout the day,even if it,􀆳,s not consumed immediately before bedtime, can contribute,to an irregular sleep.,3,And they should be taken at least six hours,before bedtime. If that doesn,􀆳,t work, try cutting out caffeine altogether.,4,Your body temperature will slowly drop after you get out of,the bathtub, making you feel tired. Don,􀆳,t have a bath right before bed,however, because it can briefly stimulate you enough to make it hard to,fall asleep.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考, Become a creature of habit.,Don,􀆳,t toss and turn. If 30 minutes go by and you haven,􀆳,t fallen,asleep, get up and do something relaxing, such as listening to soothing,music or looking through a magazine.,5,A.Say good night to sleep problems.,B.Make your bedroom a haven for sleep.,C.Or make yourself a cup of warm milk.,D.Have a warm bath an hour or two before bed.,E.A bed that,􀆳,s too soft can cause muscle or back problems.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,Don􀆳t toss and turn. If 30,F.Limit yourself to two cups of tea, coffee or cola per day.,G.And go to bed and get up at the same time each dayeven on week-,ends.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要大意是就如何增加睡眠时间,提供了5条建议。,1.,B,后文中的“,heavy,curtains,cool,temperatures,”和“,better,air,circulation,”等是该选项中“,a,haven,for,sleep,”的条件。,【答案与解析】,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,F.Limit yourself to two cups o,2.,G,该选项中“,at,the,same,time,each,day,”与上下文中的“,habit,routine,”和“,rituals,”是近义关系。,3.,F,“,tea,coffee,or,cola,”都含有一定量的,caffeine,与后句中的,“,they,”形成指代关系;限定(,limit,.,to,)饮料杯数是注意(,watch,)咖啡,因摄入量的有效措施。,4.,D,该选项与后文存在“,have,a,bath,”, “,before,bed,”等词语重,复。,5.,C,该选项与前句形成选择关系,且都属于自我放松的方式。注意,并列连词,or,。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,2.G该选项中“at the same time each,(六),Tips to Help Manage Depression,1,In truth, it,􀆳,s a serious emotional condition that can have harmful,effects on your home and work life if left untreated. There are some,steps you can take on your own to get rid of it and develop a more posi-,tive outlook.,Stress Levels,Simplify your schedule and practice coping techniques to ease the,stress that can worsen depression. Avoid taking on unnecessary duties,at work and set reasonable deadlines for your goals. Buy a daily calen,dar,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,(六)Tips to Help Manage Depress,and plan out each day and week ahead of time. Seek out a yoga,class or learn deep breathing and similar relaxation techniques.,2,Exercise and Health,Regular exercise is considered an excellent way to ease the symptoms,of depression.,3,Running, biking and swimming are easy to do and,can get you outdoors if the weather,􀆳,s nice.,For your diet, consider healthy, nutritious diets with a lot of fruits and,vegetables, and avoid fast food or foods with an excessive amount of,sugar.,4,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,and plan out each day and week,Socializing,Because isolation and loneliness make depression worse, work on stay-,ing social. Go out with friends, keep in touch with your family and,stick to normal activities like book clubs or going to the movies.,5,Set a regular sleep schedule and stick to it. A good night,􀆳,s sleep does,wonders for your outlook.,A.Avoid alcohol and drugs.,B.You might even lose a few pounds.,C.It raises energy levels and helps you feel empowered.,D.Healthy human contact provides a long,-,lasting influence in your life.,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,SocializingBecause isolation a,E.They can help you stay calm and lessen the emotional influence of depression.,F.Depression is too often viewed as a simple case of sadness that will,pass in time.,G.Most of us have had at least some experience with feeling lonely,even while in a crowd.,【语篇大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要内容是就如何处理抑郁提供,了几条建议。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,E.They can help you stay calm,【答案与解析】,1.,F,In,truth,揭示了后句对前句在意义(人们对压力的通常观点)上,的修正。,2.,E,选项中的“,stay,calm,and,lessen,the,emotional,influence,”与前,句中的“,ease,the,stress,”, “,relaxation,”等存在近义关系,“,they,”,与“,techniques,”是指代关系。,3.,C,“增强体能,体力充沛”是经常锻炼的结果。选项中的,It,与前,句中的,regular,exercise,是指代关系。,4.,A,alcohol,and,drugs,属于饮食健康方面的问题,与该段意义相符。,5.,D,human,contact,与前文中的,social,存在近义关系,是对前句中的,“,go,out,with,friends,keep,in,touch,with,your,family,and,stick,to,nor-,mal,activities,”等活动的概括。,名师诊断,专案突破,对点集训,决胜高考,【答案与解析】1.FIn truth揭示了后句对前句,(七),One of the great things about the development of new technology is,how it can often be used to help solve an old problem. One example of,that is miniaturization (微型) of electronics and advances made in,robotics. Together, they have allowed researchers in Europe to build,robo,-,fish.,1,Every eight hours they will return to a special port,when their batteries run low.,The robo,-,fish are about the size of a shark and look a little clumsy.,2,They cost about $30,000 each. They are designed to monitor pollu-,tion levels in Europe. In addition to providing a superior mode of mov-,ing through the water, the fish can also avoid being troubled by floating,名师诊断,专案突破,对点


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