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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,二选词填空There is /There are1_a Chinatown in New York.2._lots of Chinese shops there.3._a teacher in the classroom.4,_some books on the desks.,There is,There are,There is,There are,二选词填空There is /There are1_,1,B. How long /How big,_is the Great Wall.,Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres.,_is New York?,Its got eight million people,.,How long,How big,B. How long /How bigHow longH,2,Can you tell_(me/we)more about American festivals?,-Excuse_(me/mine).Is this your bag?,-Yes,it is.,I have to do _(my/me) homework tonight.,We say thank you for_ (our/we)food, family and friends.,_(We/our) always have a special meal.,me,me,my,our,We,Can you tell_(me/we)more,3,Do you like collecting_?,A. stamps B. a stamp,Please tell me more _your city.,A . about B.of,There are_shops and restaurants in this street.,A lots of B. a lot,Ive got _picture books from Japan.,A .a B. some,-Have you got any American stamps?,Yes,_.,A .I do B . I have,A,A,A,B,B,Do you like collecting_?AA,4,Now you can have _Chinese stamp.,A . another B.other,-Can you speak English? -No,_.,A .I cant B.I dont,We carry flags and we sing songs _Flag Day.,A . At B .on,Can I write_ your friends?,A .to B. of,Laura is_ England.,A. from B.at,A,A,B,A,A,Now you can have _Chinese,5,( )1. There _ lots of shops there .,A .are B.is C. am,( )2.I m _ a letter to my family .,A. send B.writ ing C. write,( )3.- _ you send an email? - Yes , I can .,A . Can B. Are C. Do,( ) 4. _ you go to the Great Wall last Sunday ?,A. Do B. Did C. do,( )5.It s _ big square .,A . such B. such a C. a such,A,B,A,B,B,( )1. There _ lots of s,6,( )11.It s a picture _ the Huangshan Mountain .,A .of B. with C ./,( ) 12.New York is_of America.,A. in east B. in the east C . at the east,( )13.Beijing,_about fourteen million people .,A have B. have got C. has got,( )14.I t s _animal .,A . an B . a C. the,( )15.Is there a letter _ me ?,A . in B. to C. for,A,B,C,A,C,( )11.It s a picture _,7,( ) 6.-What colour is the American flag ? -I ts _.,A . red B. blue C. red , blue and white,( )7._ is Shanghai ?-It s got about 16 million people .,A.How many B.How big C.How long,( ) 8.-_cheese do you want ? -A kilo .,A. How many B. How much C.How long,( )9.There are _ in the picture .,Anoodle shopsB. noodle shopC. a noodle shop,( )10.Lets _ to the Tian anmen Square .,A . go B. to go C. going,C,B,B,A,A,( ) 6.-What colour is the A,8,( )10.Lets _ to the Tian anmen Square .,A . go B. to go C. going,三、用所给词的适当形式。,1.These postcards _,(be,) great.,2.There _ (,be,) about eight million people.,3.There _ (,be,) a book and two pens.,4.How big _ (,be,) it ?,are,are,is,is,A,( )10.Lets _ to the Tian a,9,There is There are There was There were,There isnt/arent There wasnt/werent,1. _ some desks.,2. _ a teacher.,3._ some books on the desks.,4._ some students.,5. _ a blackboard in the front,.,There are,There is,There are,There are,There is,There is There are There was,10,There is There are There was There were,There isnt/arent There wasnt/werent,6._ some pictures on the wall.,7. _a pen and some books on the desk.,8. _ a TV many years ago.,9._ any buses many years ago,but now _ lots of buses.,10._ some water in the glass yesterday,but now _ any.,There are,There is,There was,There werent,There are,There was,There isnt,There areThere isThere wasTher,11,A. has got Bhave got Cthere areDthere is,1._some beautiful squares in Dalian .,2._ a book and a pen on her desk .,3. They_a lovely dog .,4. She_some photos .,五.用所给动词的适当形式填空.,1.Daming_(,visit ),America now .,2._(,tell,) me more about the Great Wall .,Is visiting,Tell,There is,have got,has got,A. has got Bhave got Cthere a,12,3.China and Japan_ (,be,) in the east and Mexico_(,be,)in the south.,4._Daming _,( miss,) China ?,5. We_(,go,) to Chinatown tomorrow .,6.They_ (,collect,) lots of great stamps last year .,7.Girls like_-,( dance,) and_(,play,) football is boys hobby .,8.Lets _ (,go,) to Chinatown now,are,is,Does,miss,Will go,collected,dancing,playing,go,3.China and Japan_ ( be ) i,13,( )Daming gives a present_his mother.,A for B to C in,( ) Mum buy a kite _ Sam.,A for B in C in,( ) Can you tell me more about _?,A America B American C Americans,( ) Can you tell me more about_ festivals?,A America B American C Americans,( ) Simon always _ a special meal.,A has B have C haves,( ) They always _ a special meal.,A has B have C haves,B,A,A,B,A,B,( )Daming gives a present_h,14,Sam _(like)_(fly) kites.,_(fly) kites is his hobby,I like_(play) computer games.,_are some postcards from America.,A This B These C That D Those,This photo _(be) from Canada.,Those photos_(be) from China.,They _(visit) the Great wall.,_ he _(ride) a bike?,Lets _(watch) a football game.,We_(have) a special meal tomorrow.,That _(sound) nice.,likes,flying,Flying,playing,B D,is,are,are visiting,Is,riding,watch,will have,sounds,Sam _(like)_(fly) kites.,15,1.many/much(比较级),2.kilometre(复数)3. eight(同音词)ate,4.Its got (完全形式) 5.people(复数) 6.east(对应词)7.north(对应词),8.day(对应词)9.there(同音词) 10.long(对应词)11.America(形容词) 12.Mexico (形容词13.Canada(形容词) 14.tell (过去式)15.visit(过去式),16.km(完全形式) 17these(对应词),18.postcard(复数) 19.country(复数,),1.many/much(比较级),16,1.many/much(比较级),more,2.kilometre(复数),kilometres,3. eight(同音词),ate,4.Its got (完全形式),It has got,5.people(复数),people,6.east(对应词),west,7.north(对词),south,8.day(对应词),night,9.there(同音词),their,10.long(对应词,short,11.America(形容词),American,12.Mexico (形容词),Mexican,13.Canada(形容词),Canadian,14.tell (过去式),told,15.visit(过去式),visited,16.km(完全形式),kilometre,17these(对应词),those,18.postcard(复数),postcards,19.country(复数),countries,1.many/much(比较级)more,17,send (过去式) send(现在分词),picture(同义词) miss (三单),visit(ing形式) dancing(动词),ride(现在分词) here(对应词),family(复数) also(同义词),right(同音词) lets(完全形式),theres(同音词) bike(同义词),ride (过去式) sing(过去式),eat(过去式),send (过去式) send(现在分词,18,send (过去式),sent,send(现在分词,)sending,picture(同义词,photo,miss (三单),misses,visit(ing形式),visiting,dancing(动词),dance,ride(现在分词),riding,here(对应词),there,family(复数),families,also(同义词,too,right(同音词),write,lets(完全形式),let us,theres(同音词),theirs,bike(同义词),bicycle,ride (过去式),rode,sing(过去式),sang,eat(过去式),ate,send (过去式)sent send(现在分词)sendi,19,1.collect (现在分词)2.stamp(复数),3.these(对应词) 4.have(三单),5.men(单数)6.women(单数),7.men (对应词) 8.China(形容词),9.fly(三单)10.love(近义词),11.hobby(复数)12photo(复数),13 some(同义词14lots of (同义词),15paint(现在分词),1.collect (现在分词)2.stamp(复数),20,1.collect (现在分词),collecting,3.these(对应词),those,4.have(三单),has,5.men(单数),man,6.women(单数,woman,7.men (对应词),women,8.China(形容词),Chinese,9.fly(三单),flies,10.love(近义词),like,11.hobby(复数),hobbies,12photo(复数),photos,13 some(同义词),any,14lots of (同义词),a lot of,15paint(现在分词),painting,1.collect (现在分词) collecting,21,festival(复数) have(过去式),we(宾格) sound(三单),carry(三单) sing(三单),sing (过去式) give (过去式),I(宾格) they(宾格),see(过去式) after(对应词),think(过去式) see(同音词),like(同义词) make(过去式),night(对应词)we(形容性物主代词),festival(复数) have(过去式),22,festival(复数),festivals,have(过去式,had,we(宾格),us,sound(三单),sounds,carry(三单),carries,sing(三单),sings,sing (过去式),sang,give (过去式),gave,I(宾格),me,they(宾格),them,see(过去式),saw,after(对应词),before,think(过去式),thought,see(同音词),sea,like(同义词),love,make(过去式),made,night(对应词),day,festival(复数) festivals have(过去,23,please(形容词) game(同义词),meet(同音词) meet(过去式),speak(三单) can(过去式),speak(过去式) address(复数),their(同音词) write(同音词),write(过去式) cant(完全形式),swim(ing形式) story(复数),dance(ing形式) draw(过去式,),please(形容词) game(同义词),24,please(形容词),please,d meet(同音词),meat,meet(过去式),met,speak(三单),speaks,can(过去式),could,speak(过去式),spoke,address(复数),addresses,their(同音词),there,write(同音词),right,write(过去式),wrote,cant(完全形式),can not,swim(ing形式),swimming,story(复数),stories,dance(ing形式),dancing,draw(过去式),drew,please(形容词)pleased meet(同音词)m,25,


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