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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 1,Can you clean the windows?,Unit 2,Housework,Lesson 1Unit 2,Lets chant:,Dance, dance , I can dance.,Sing sing, I can sing.,Skip, skip, you can skip.,Swim, swim, he can swim.,Run , run , can you run?,Lets chant:,Can you,sing?,dance?,swim?,fly?,Can yousing?dance?swim?fly?,What can you do?,What can you do?,I can,do housework,.,做家务,I can do housework. 做家,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,h,ou,se,w,or,k,家务劳动,do housework,Lets do housework.,housework家务劳动do houseworkLets,cl,ea,n,w,in,d,ow,s,Can you clean the windows?,the,Yes, I can. / No, I cant.,cleanwindowsCan you clean the,Can Danny clean the windows?,Guess!,Can Danny clean the windows?Gu,Can Danny clean the windows?,Can Danny clean the windows?,Can Danny clean the windows?,A. Yes, he can.,B. No, he cant.,Can Danny clean the windows?A.,Danny, can you clean the windows?,No, I cant.,Danny, can you clean the windo,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,Listen and answer,Tips:,请在书上划下问题的答案,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,can_.,clean the shoes,can_.,clean the floor,shoe,shoe,s,What can Li Ming and Danny do?,Can you clean your shoes?,Yes, I can.,Can you clean your shoes?Yes,I can clean the floor.,I can clean the floor.,Can he do it well?,A. Yes, he can.,B. No, he cant.,Oh, sorry. I cant do it well.,Can he do it well?A. Yes,Can you clean your shoes?,Yes, I can. Yes, I can.,Can you clean the windows?,No, I cant. No, I cant.,Can you clean your shoes?Yes,Lets listen and imitate.,Lets listen and imitate.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Lets listen and imitate. Let,分角色朗读课文,分角色朗读课文,Guessing game!,No, I cant.,Guessing game!No, I cant.,Guessing game!,Yes, I can.,Guessing game!Yes, I can.,Guessing game!,No, I cant.,Guessing game!No, I cant.,Guessing game!,Yes, I can.,clean the schoolbag,Guessing game!Yes, I can.clean,Can you?,Yes, I can.,No, I cant.,Pairwork,1,2,3,4,Can you?Yes, I can.No, I can,song,Clean up,every,body,clean up, put your things away!,清理卫生,大家一起,清理卫生,把东西收拾好!,songClean up, everybody clean,Talk show!,Talk Show,Hello,friends! Im .Nice to meet you! I often help mum do housework! I can clean my shoes, I can clean, ,Talk show!Talk ShowHello,frien,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,倡议书,Help mum do housework!,帮妈妈做家务!,Do all the things ourselves!,自己的事情自己做!,Come on, children!,行动起来,孩子们!,倡议书 Help mum do hous,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,招募志愿者,We need help,at the old people,s home,.,老年公寓,Can you sing?,Can you,dance,?,Can,you do housework? .,Please join our,QQ group:,86104556,Poster,招募志愿者We need help at the old p,Group work,Peter,Lily,What can your group do for the old people?,志愿者招募中,温馨提示:,First make a survey using the,sentence,“,Can you ”, then choose a volunteer, at last report the result to the whole class.,Group workPeterLilyWhat can yo,H,elping others is a virtue.,助人为乐是一种美德。,Roses given, fragrance in hand.,赠人玫瑰,手有余香。,1.Lets do _.,2._ you run fast?,3. Li Ming likes his,new _.,4. Danny cant _,the _.,clean,shoes,Can,windows,housework,Choose the words.,cleanshoesCanwindowshousew,Homework,Group A:,1.,听课文录音,模仿录音朗读课文。,2. 回家做一些家务活,下节课汇报。,Group B:,读绘本故事,“my dad”,,回答问题,“What can your dad do?,HomeworkGroup A:,Thank you,Thank you,Unit 2 Housework,Lesson 2,What are you doing?,Unit 2 Hou,What are you doing,?,What are you doing?,I say you do.,I say you do.,Lets do housework.,Clean, clean, clean the bag,I can clean the bag.,Clean, clean, clean the shoes,I can clean the shoes.,Clean, clean, clean the window,I can clean the window.,Clean, clean, clean the floor,I can clean the floor.,Chant,Lets do housework.Clean, clea,Im clean,ing,the floor,.,clean,Im cleaning the floor .,Watch and answer,Q1.What are you doing, mum,?,Im _.,Q2.What are you doing, Danny?,Im _.,Watch and answerQ1.What are,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,What are you doing, mum,?,Im,_,washing clothes.,wash,wash,ing,What are you doing, mum?washin,watering the flowers.,What are you doing, Danny?,Im,_,water,the flowers,Watch and fill in the blanks,water,ing,watering the flowers.water,tch,Li Ming: Are you cooking the meal, Dad?,Yes, Im cooking the ( ).,tchLi Ming: Are you cooking t,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,tch,Are you cooking,the,meal, Dad?,meal,d,tch Are you cooking the meal,Yes, Im (,).,A: cooking the chicken,B: cooking vegetables,A,Yes, Im ( ).A: cooking,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,wash,ing,clothes,water,ing,the flowers,clean,ing,the floor,cook,ing,the meal,clean,ing,the windows,Guess,:,What are you doing?,washing clothes wat,假设今天是周末,现在我们都在自己家或者公园,打电话给你的朋友问一问,猜一猜她(他)们在干什么,邀请他们出去玩,.,A: Hello ,B: Hello ,A: Are you ing?,B: Yes, I am./No, Im not.,A: What are you doing?,B: Lets go out to play.,A: OK.,Extension. Suppose its Saturday today. Call your friend, guess and ask what is she or he doing? Invite them to go out to play.,假设今天是周末,现在我们都在自己家或者公园,打电话给你的朋友,Lets,help our parents do housework. It will make our life more beautiful!,帮父母做家务吧!生活会更美好!,Lets help our parents do hous,Summary:,What have you learned today?,water,flower,wash,clothes,meal,What are you do,ing,?,Im washi,ng,clothes.,Im cook,ing,the meal.,Im water,ing,the flowers.,浇水,洗,一顿饭,衣服,花,表示正在进行的动作。,Summary:waterflowerwashclothes,2. Do some housework and say them with “ing”.,做自己力所能及的家务活动,边做边用动词的,ing,来说。,1. Listen to the tape and imitate it .,听本课录音,模仿跟读。,Homework,2. Do some housework and say t,Have a nice day .,Goodbye!,Have a nice day .,Unit 2 Housework,Lesson 3,Whats mum doing?,Unit 2 Hous,Lets chant,What are you doing?,Im washing clothes.,What are you doing?,Im cooking the meal.,What are you doing?,Im cooking the chicken.,What are you doing?,Im watering the flowers.,Lets chantWhat are you doing?,Sharp eyes,(,快速读并表演所示短语,),clean the window,clean the floor,wash clothes,water the flowers,cook the meal,clean the window,clean the floor,wash clothes,water the flowers,cook the meal,Sharp eyes(快速读并表演所示短语)clean th,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,Whats mum doing?,Watch and answer:,Whats mum doing?Watch and ans,Shes,_.,washing,the dishes,Shes _.washing,ish,f,d,es,盘子,ishfdes盘子,Whats she doing?,Shes washing the dishes.,Whats she doing? Shes washin,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,Whats dad,doing?,Hes,_.,cleaning the kitchen,Whats dad Hes _,鲁科版四年级英语下册Unit2Housework-单元课件,How dose mum ask?,How dose mum ask?,Are you playing,computer games?,No, we arent,.,.,Are you playing No, we arent.,Happy birthday,mum!,Wow! Thank you.,Happy birthday,Wow! Thank you.,Listen and repeat.,Listen and repeat.,Role play,Read and act in groups of four.,(,四人一组分角色表演课文,),Role playRead and act in group,立志,开始,Lets talk.,Whats doing?,Hes / Shes .,立志开始Lets talk.Whats doing?,Whats Jenny doing?,Whats Jenny doing?,Shes washing the dishes.,Shes washing the dishes.,Whats Li Ming doing?,Whats Li Ming doing?,Hes cleaning the kitchen.,Hes cleaning the kitchen.,Lets sing,Whats Jenny doing?Lets sing,What is she doing?,She is,reading,.,Guessing game,What is she doing?She is readi,What is he doing?,He is,doing the dishes.,What is he doing?He is doing t,What is she doing?,She is,cooking the meal.,What is she doing?She is cooki,What is he doing?,He is,singing.,What is he doing?He is singing,What is she doing?,She is,writing.,What is she doing?She is writi,Group work:,人人争做小记者:,人人争做小记者。活动形式是小组内互相采访,根据事先准备的表格,用句型,What,s heshe doing? HeShe,s,来采访别人,练习后到台前表演,.,Housework,Names,cleaning the kitchen,watering the flowers,washing the clothes,doing the dishes,Group work:人人争做小记者: 人人争做小,Whats your brothersistergrandmamum doing? HesShes,Whats your brothersistergra,Hes washing vegetables.,Hes watering the flowers.,Hes cleaning the table.,Hes hanging the socks.(,晒袜子,),Hes washing vegetables.Hes w,哈佛大学学者曾经做过一项调查研究,得出一个,惊人的结论:爱干家务的孩子和不爱干家务的孩子,,成年之后的就业率为,151,,犯罪率是,110,。爱干,家务的孩子,离婚率低,心理疾病患病率也低。另有,专家指出,在孩子的成长过程中,家务劳动与孩子,的动作技能、认知能力的发展以及责任感的培养有,着密不可分的关系。,凡是从小就好吃懒做、不爱劳动的人,长大了多不能,吃苦,独立自谋能力差,工作成就平平。,Lets do housework,!,(,让我们一起做家务吧!,),哈佛大学学者曾经做过一项调查研究,得出一个,Homework,1. Listen and read the text for two times.,(听音,跟读课文两遍。),2. Help your parents do some housework.,(帮助父母做些力所能及的家务。),Homework1. Listen and read the,Thank you !,Thank you !,Unit 2 Housework,Lesson 4 Again, please!,Unit 2 HouseworkLesson 4 Again,Lets chant,Clean clean,can you clean the window?,Yes,I can .Yes,I can.,Cook cook ,Can you cook the meal?,No,I cant .No,I cant.,What are you doing?,Cooking cooking, Im cooking the meal,What are you doing?,Washing washing. Im washing clothes.,Whats mum doing?,Doing doing ,shes doing the dishes.,Whats dad doing?,Cleaning cleaning ,hes cleaning the kitchen,.,Lets chantClean clean,can you,Lets sing.,Lets sing.,Snow White,Snow White,Lets watch.,Lets watch.,Lets guess and talk.,If youre Snow White, what can you do?,(,如果你是白雪公主,你会做哪些家务活?,),I can .,Lets guess and talk.,clean the floor,clean the shoes,clean the window,water the flowers,wash the clothes,wash the dishes,Brainstorming,头脑风暴法,clean the floor clean the shoe,clean the floor,clean,Brainstorming,头脑风暴法,clean the shoes,clean the window,clean the kitchen,clean the floor cleanBrainstor,wash the clothes,wash,Brainstorming,头脑风暴法,wash the dishes,wash your shirt,wash my sweater,wash the clothes washBrainstor,water the flowers,water,Brainstorming,头脑风暴法,water the trees,water the flowers waterBrainst,clean,ing,the window,cook,ing,the meal,clean,ing,the floor,-,Snow White, Snow White. What are you doing?,-Im .,cleaning the windowcooking the,clean,ing,the window,cook,ing,the meal,clean,ing,the floor,Whats she doing?,Shes.,cleaning the windowcooking the,Listen and choose.,Whats Li Ming doing ?,( ) Hes cleaning the,window.,( ) Hes cooking.,Listen and choose. Whats,Listen and choose.,Can you cook?,( )Sure. Come and have a look.,( )No, I cant.,have a look,看一看,Listen and choose.Can you cook,Listen and choose.,Can you cook?,( ),Sure. Come and have a look.,( )No, I cant.,What are you cooking?,( ) Im making bread.,( ) Im cooking meals.,Listen and choose.Can you cook,make bread,做面包,铺床,make friend,交朋友,make bread铺床make friend 交朋友,Is Danny cooking bread, too?,No, hes eating bread.,Im here. Yum, yum!,Is Danny cooking bread, too?No,Read the text in your favourite ways.,1.Read together,组内齐读,2.Read in roles,分角色扮演,3.Read one by one,一人一段,Warm Tips(,温馨提示,),读准单词和句子的发音,模仿角色的语音语调生动形象,创造性地加上自己的语言和动作,Read the text in your favour,help,帮助,helpful,有帮助的,help 帮助helpful有帮助的,Theyre helpful.,Theyre helpful.,I can _.,Im _.,Can you _?,Lets do,.,(,小组谈论做家务活的照片,),wash the dishes,washing the dishes,wash the dishes,I can _,I can _.,Im _.,Words Bank,(单词银行),clean the floor clean the shoes,clean the window clean the kitchen,wash the clothes wash the dishes,water the flowers cook the meal,Lets write.,(,用英语介绍自己做家务活的照片,),wash the dishes,washing the dishes,I can _.Let,Try to follow the words.,Magic “Ee”,Try to follow the words.Magic,Listen and repeat.,Listen and repeat.,Listen and point,Listen and point,Try to read,Try to read,Y,在单词开头,发,j,音,我发现:,都有字母,y,Y在单词开头发j音 我发现:都有字母y,Read and say,总结:都有字母,s, s,一般来说,在元音或浊辅音后读,z,发,z,音。,Read and say总结:都有字母s, s一般来说,在元,Pair Work,(,同桌互帮互助找规则,),Pair Work(同桌互帮互助找规则),/e/,b,e,d p,e,n,d,e,sk l,e,g,l,e,t,e,gg,p,e,n t,e,xt,g,e,t b,e,st,我们发现:,也就是,/,e,/,字母,Ee,在,闭音节,当中读字母短促的音,,/e/bed pen 我们发现:也就是/e/字母E,year,Read loudly,his,egg,help,please,yellow,yearRead loudlyhisegghelppleas,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1,、,y,es,y,ellow b,y,e,( ) 2,、,h,e,lp th,e,se l,e,t,( ) 3,、,m,e,g,e,t b,e,d,( ) 4,、,hi,s,plea,s,e,s,ing,( ) 5,、,b,e,d b,ee,h,e,A B C,C,B,A,C,A,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。(,Lets chant.,clean the floor,clean the window,They are tidy. We are happy.,wash the dishes,wash the clothes,They are clean. We are happy.,cook the meal,cook the chicken,They are yummy. We are happy.,cook the meal,cook the chicken,They are yummy. We are happy.,Lets chant.clean the floor,Homework.,(作业),1. Need to do homework,:,Listen and imitate the text of Unit 2.,2. Choose to do homework:,Do some housework for your parents and talk about it in English.,Homework.(作业),


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