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,初二英语复习,大全,初二英语复习,1,知识点总结,2,单选与填空,3,写作,4,答题技巧,决战期中考试,1知识点总结2单选与填空3写作4答题技巧决战期中考试,1,知识点总结,1知识点总结,Unit1,Lesson one,1.,take notes,记笔记,2. between-and-,在,和,之间,3. among,三者以上之中,4. a man named-,一个叫,的人,5. do something difficult,做有难度的事情,6. be interested in sth.,对,感兴趣,Unit1Lesson one,Lesson two,1.,on the internet,通过网络,2. ask sb. about sth.,问某人有关某事,3. listen to the teacher carefully,认真听课,4. in his cousins room,在他表弟的房间,5. have an interview with sb,采访某人,6. have an interview for a job,对某工作的面试,7. also , too, as well, either,的区别,Lesson two,Lesson Three,1.score a goal,进球得分,2. make a basket,投篮得分,3. agree with sb,同意某人,4. agree on sth,在某方面意见一致,5. agree to do sth,同意做某事,6. think about,想一想,考虑,7. think of,想起 认为,8. think over,仔细考虑,Lesson Three,9. pass -to,把,-,传给,10. another two points=two more points,11. What a great kick!,多棒的一个射门!,12. complain about,抱怨,13. How exciting,!真令人兴奋!,14. win first prize,获得一等奖,15. do well on our tests,在考试中做的好,16. What a shame,!真遗憾!,9. pass -to把- 传给,Communication workshop,1. enjoy doing sth.,喜欢做某事,2. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun,3. Many other kinds of,许多其他种类,4. help sb.,(,to,),do sth.,帮助某人做某事,5. help sb. with sth.,在某方面帮助某人,6. help oneself to sth.,随便吃,7. can t help doing sth.,禁不住做,8. run after,追逐,Communication workshop,9. get close to,接近,10. continue to do sth,继续做某事,11. continue with sth,继续某事,12. That s why+,从句:这就是,-,的原因,13. in the wild,在野外,在自然环境下,14. fall asleep,入睡,15. if,主将从现,16. by +doing sth,通过做某事,17. give up doing sth,放弃做某事,18. a pair of,一双,副,9. get close to接近,19. turn on,打开,+,电器,20. open+,门,窗之类的,21. on/in/ at,22. would like to do sth,愿意做某事,23. Would you like sth? -Yes, please. / No, thanks.,24. Would you like to do sth? -Yes, Id love to, but Im,busy.,25. there be,句型,26. find out,发现,找出,look for,寻找,27. be on,上演,19. turn on打开+电器,Lesson Four,1.,play chess,下象棋,2. have to,必须,don t have to,不需要,,must,必须,,mustn t,禁止,决不能,3. describe sth. to sb.,向某人描述某物,4.,bring, take, get,的区别,5.,in front of,与,in the front of,物体内部的前面,6.,borrow sth from sb,借来,Lend sth to sb,借给,Lesson Four,Lesson Five,1.,be polite to sb,对某人有礼貌,2. be in a team with your friends,和朋友在一个团队,3. it s important to do sth.,做某事很重要,4. do research alone,独自研究,5. alone=by oneself,独自,6. cant stand doing sth,不能忍受做某事,7. give speeches,做演讲,8. ask/answer a question,问、回答问题,9. question each other,互相提问,10. in English,用英语,Lesson Five,Lesson Six,1.divide -into-,把,-,分成,-,2. solve the problems,解决问题,3. on holiday,度假,4. take a walk,散步,5. in the middle of,在,的中间,6. start to do sth,开始做某事,7. one by one,连续地,一个接一个的,10.at that moment,在那时,11. decide to do sth,决定做某事,Lesson Six,12. call for ones attention,让大家注意,13. too -to do sth.,太,-,而不能,14. not -until,知道,才,15. look for,寻找,16. use-as,把,-,用作,-,17. encourage sb. to do sth.,鼓励某人做某事,20. give them hope for life,给予生还的希望,21. hope to do sth.,希望做某事,22. hope that+,句子,23.,made sb. do sth.,让某人做某事,12. call for ones attention让大,Communication workshop,1.have fun doing sth,乐于做某事,2. join,、,take part in/ participate,3. cooperate with,和,-,合作,4. the way to do-,的方式,=the way of doing sth,On the way to,在去,的路上,5. Its time to do sth=its time for sth,该做某事了,Communication workshop,6. wear, put on, dress, be in,7. pay money for,为,-,付钱,8. come up with,想出,9. more than,超过,10. maybe, may be,11. make sure,确信,12. for example=such as,例如,13. take photos of,给,-,拍照,6. wear, put on, dress, be in,2,单选与填空,2单选与填空,-Would you like_ to eat?,-Yes, please.,something other,B. other something,C. else something,D. something else,-Would you like_ to eat,Our teacher has given us some good _ English learning. Its very useful.,advice to,B. advices on,C. advices to,D. advice on,Our teacher has given us some,-When did your uncle _in Shanghai?,-The day before yesterday.,arrive,B. get,C. reach,D. come,-When did your uncle _,I always listen to the teacher _than my deskmate in class.,more careful,B. more carefully,C. most careful,D. most carefully,I always listen to the teacher,-Why didnt you buy the pen on your way home?,-Sorry, I forget _money with me.,take,B. bringing,C. to take,D. taking,-Why didnt you buy the pen,Taiwan is _the south of China and _ the south of Fujian.,A . in, to,B. in, on,C. to, in,D. on, to,Taiwan is _the south of Chi,The _ he is, the _he feels.,busy; happy,B. busier; happier,C. busiest; happiest,D. busier; happy,The _ he is, the _h,Betty doesnt like running and she doesnt like cycling ,_.,to,B. too,C. either,D. also,Betty doesnt like running and,The boy is _to go to,school .,A.,enough old,B.,enough young,C.,old enough,D. very young,The boy is _to go to school,The English countryside is very beautiful, _tourists like it very much.,but,B. because,C. so,D. if,The English countryside is ver,_ do you go skateboarding?,Twice a week.,How soon,B. How far,C. How often,D. How long,_ do you go skateboardin,_?,I have a sore throat.,What are you doing,B. Whats the matter,C. What do you do,D. Whats your job,_?,Dad will give me _ to eat _ my fourteenth birthday.,different something, on,B. something different, on,C. something different, in,D. different something, in,Dad will give me _ to eat,Students in China go to school _ their bikes.,A. ride,B. in,C. on,D. by,Students in China go to school,Mary decided to go to work on time (,按时,), _ she was ill.,though,B. so,C. or,D. because,Mary decided to go to work on,This tree is tall, but that tree is much _ (tall).,2. What did the language Doctor advise you_ (do)?,3. Cambridge is famous for old _ (church).,4.,Lets practise _ (play) the piano.,5. Bob draws as _ (good) as Tom.,This tree is tall, but that tr,6. _ (listen) to the radio is important for you to learn,English.,7. There are four_ (million) people in this country.,8. We all think we have a chance of_ (win)?,9. As a student, its important _ (not be) late for school.,10. What is the best way _ (travel) in England?,6. _ (listen) to the ra,3,完形填空,3完形填空,考查范围:,词义辨析,固定搭配,逻辑推理,36,考查范围:词义辨析固定搭配逻辑推理36,解题大四步,读全文,知大意,看选项,初选择,再次选,解难题,读全文,验答案,37,解题大四步读全文,知大意看选项,初选择再次选,解难题读全文,,解题小四步,验答案,分析,选项,分析,题干,找关,键词,38,解题小四步验答案分析分析找关38,解题注意事项,注意开头结尾句,切勿断章取义,鱼和熊掌要兼得,39,解题注意事项注意开头结尾句切勿断章取义鱼和熊掌要兼得39,1.Peter and Mike were in 1 class.,Peter was born in a 2 family.,But Mikes father was a businessman(,商人,)and got 3 money.,When Peter got into trouble(,困难,)he always helped him.,Peter liked to have sports.,He was good at 4 .He ran 5 than any others in their class It was Sunday.,Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic.,Mike took a lot of food there.,1.A.same,B.,different,C.,difference,D.,the same,2.A.rich,B.,happy,C.,poor,D.,bad,3.A.many,B.,lot,C.,any,D.,much,4.A.ran,B.,running,C.,run,D.,runs,5.A.fast,B.,faster,C.,fastest,D.,best,1.Peter and Mike were in 1 cla,It was a _6_ day.,The birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowers.,They ate and drank then went _7_ in the river.,They had a good time.,Suddenly they heard a great noise.,They found it was a tiger behind a big tree.,They were both very _8_ .Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away.,Mike stopped him and said,:”,Its no use for us.,The tiger runs _9_ faster than us.,Lets find a way.”,“It doesnt matter.”,said Peter.,”Im _10_ Ill run faster than you.”,6.A.sun,B.,rain,C.,rained,D.,sunny,7.A.fish,B.,to fishing,C.,fishing,D.,fished,8.A.happy,B.,afraid,C.,sad,D.,exciting,9.A.more,B.,much,C.,many,D.1ittle,10.A.afraid,B.,worried,C.,sure,D.,glad,It was a _6_ day. The birds we,4,写作,4写作,书面表达 (,15,分),为自己设计一个旅行计划,要包括下列问题:,1.,想去哪?为什么?,2.,想在那儿待几天?,3.,怎么去?为什么?,4.,打算什么时候开始旅行?独自一人还是与别人同去?,5.,在这次旅行期间,打算做些什么?,要求:意思连贯、通顺,词数在,6080,之间。,书面表达 (15 分),书面表达(,10,分),在过去的几年中,我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。请结合实际情况,写一篇,100,字左右的短文。,必须包括以下内容:,(,1,)道路更加宽广(,wide,);建造了越来越多(,more and more,)的工厂;,(,2,)环境(,environment,)更加优美;,(,3,)更多的人得到了工作;人们更加富裕(,rich,);生活更加幸福;越来越多的人住进了楼房(,high buildings,);许多人还有了私家车(,own car,);,(,4,)每个人都在努力建设(,build,)我们的家乡。我们的家乡将会更加美好。,In the past few years, our hometown have had great changes. _,书面表达(10分),写作七步法:,一、仔细审题,二、拟定提纲,三、组织语言,四、化繁为简,五、锦上添花,六、书面整洁,七、勿忘检查,45,写作七步法:一、仔细审题45,1.,动笔之前,认真审题,审题要审格式、体裁、人物关系、故事情节、主体时态、活动时间、地点等。,2.,围绕中心,拟定提纲,书面表达评分原则有四条:,(,1,)内容要点;,(,2,)运用词汇和结构的数量;,(,3,)运用语法结构和词汇的准确性;,(,4,)上下文的连贯性。,46,1. 动笔之前,认真审题46,3.,语言通顺,表达准确,(1),避免使用汉语式英语,句式要多样化,(2),多用简单句型,避免使用自己不熟悉的句型,(3),注意语法、句法知识的运用,不要犯以下低级错误:,语态、时态要准确无误,主谓语要一致,主语的人称和数要和谓语一致,注意人称代词的宾格形式,注意冠词用法,例如:,He is an honest student.,中的,an,不能写成,a,注意拼写、标点符号和大小写,例如:,receive, believe, fourteen, forty, ninth, restaurant,等。,47,3. 语言通顺,表达准确47,(4),注意上下文连贯。,1.,表示并列或递进,: and, as well as, bothand, not onlybut also, neithernor,in addition;,2.,表示选择,: or, eitheror;,3.,表示转折,: but, however, although, though, after all,4.,表示因果,: because, so, therefore, thus,as a result,5.,表示条件,: if , unless,48,(4) 注意上下文连贯。48,6.,表示对比,: instead, notbut, on the one handon the other hand;,7.,表示解释,: for example, for instance, such as, that is to say, in other words;,8.,表示顺序,: to begin with, firstly, first (of all), second(ly), next, later, since then, from then on, finally, in the end;,9.,表示强调,: also, besides, whats more, actually, in fact,10.,表示结论,: all in all, altogether, in a word, generally speaking,in conclusion,49,6.表示对比: instead, notbut, on t,4.,不会表达,另辟蹊径,-,化难为易,化繁为简,1.,找更简单的近义词或反义词替代,2.,找卷面中出现过的词或句为我所用,50,4. 不会表达,另辟蹊径-化难为易,化繁为简1.找,5.,锦上添花,量力而行,句型多样化,适当使用一些并列句或主从复合句。,(3),进一步描绘人或事物时,适当使用定语从句。,(4),适当使用分词或分词短语,烘托谓语动词。,(5),偶尔使用一下倒装句,增加新鲜感。,(6),适当调换一下状语在句子中的位置,使句子不雷同。,(7),上下句子紧接时,其中完全相同的成分可以省略,以节省篇幅。,6.,书写工整,卷面整洁,51,5. 锦上添花,量力而行51,7.,写完之后,勿忘检查,检查错误应从以下几个方面入手:,(1),格式是否有错,(2),拼写有无错误,(3),语言逻辑是否正确,(4),时态、语态错误,(5),标点错误,(6),人称是否用错,52,7. 写完之后,勿忘检查52,书面表达(,10,分),在过去的几年中,我们的家乡发生了巨大的变化。请结合实际情况,写一篇,100,字左右的短文。,必须包括以下内容:,(,1,)道路更加宽广(,wide,);建造了越来越多(,more and more,)的工厂;,(,2,)环境(,environment,)更加优美;,(,3,)更多的人得到了工作;人们更加富裕(,rich,);生活更加幸福;越来越多的人住进了楼房(,high buildings,);许多人还有了私家车(,own car,);,(,4,)每个人都在努力建设(,build,)我们的家乡。我们的家乡将会更加美好。,In the past few years, our hometown have had great changes. _,书面表达(10分),写作思路:,确定时态,翻译句子,做出总结,54,写作思路:确定时态翻译句子做出总结54,


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