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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,The written word,牛津高中英语第八模块,Unit 1牛津高中英语第八模块,Welcome to the unit,Welcome to the unit,1. What will you do for entertainment,in your spare time?,2. Do you still like reading books? How,long will you spend reading books,everyday?,1. What will you do for entert,watching films,watching films,watching TV,watching TV,reading books,reading books,listening to music,exercising,listening to musicexercising,sleeping,sleeping,reading books,reading books,surfing the internet,surfing the internet,attending concerts,attending concerts,travelling,travelling,enjoying food,enjoying food,Who is your favourite writer?,2. Do you know these famous writers?,Who is your favourite writer?,拜伦,茅盾,拜伦茅盾,雪莱,鲁迅,雪莱鲁迅,狄更斯,巴金,狄更斯巴金,莎士比亚,艾青,莎士比亚艾青,郭沫若,高尔基,郭沫若高尔基,Look at the pictures on page 1 and answer the questions:,1. What are the genres of literature?,drama,poetry,novels,short stories,science fictions,Look at the pictures on page 1,2. What are the different ways to read?,Read books in the library.,Run the CDs or read e-books on web,pages.,Read books on their mobile phones.,2. What are the different ways,3. Do you like science fiction? Can you,name some science fiction books and,their writers?,3. Do you like science fiction,4. Do you like reading or writing poem?,Which poem is your favorite?,4. Do you like reading or writ,Discussion,If you were asked to recommend a book to a friend, what book would you choose? Why?,Do you think that e-books will ever,replace books in print?,What are some of the differences between poetry and science fiction books?,DiscussionIf you were asked to,Find more information about classic,literature.,2. Go over the text and retell the story of,Great Expectation.,Homework,Find more information about cl,高考复习教学课件-模块八-M8U1-Welcome-to-the-unit牛津译林版,


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