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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Module 3 Unit 1,Robots will,do everything.,Module 3 Unit 1Robots will,HI!,1.Greetings.,HI!1.Greetings.,2.Do the actions.,Youre walking.,Youre talking.,Youre taking pictures.,Youre singing songs.,Youre making a cake.,Youre doing your homework.,2.Do the actions.Youre walkin,3.How to say,机器人,in English,?,3.How to say 机器人in English?,a robot,a robot,a robot,a robot,a robot,a robot,a robot,a robot,外研版三起点四年级英语下册Module3Unit1Robotswilldoeverythingppt课件,外研版三起点四年级英语下册Module3Unit1Robotswilldoeverythingppt课件,外研版三起点四年级英语下册Module3Unit1Robotswilldoeverythingppt课件,外研版三起点四年级英语下册Module3Unit1Robotswilldoeverythingppt课件,4.Chating.,1.Have you ever seen a,robot,?,2.Where have you seen it?,3.What does it look like?,4.Chating.1.Have you ever seen,4.Can it walk?5.Can it talk?,It can walk.,It can talk.,4.Can it walk?5.Can it,5.Lets chant,With/legs,it can/walk walk walk.,With/mouth,it can/talk talk talk.,5.Lets chantWith/legs,it c,6.Chating,If Im a robots designer,I,will,make robots:,6.ChatingIf Im a robots desig,do the,housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,do the housework,So,Robots,will,do the housework.,SoRobots will do the housewor,help children,learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,help children learn,So,Robots,will,help children learn.,SoRobots will help children l,7.What else,will,robots do?,Robots,will,sing.,Robots,will,dance.,They,will,run.,They,will,swim.,7.What else will robots do?Rob,So,One day,Robots,will,do,everything,.,SoOne day,Robots will do eve,BUT,They,wont,do,our,homework.,wont=will not,BUTThey wont do our homework,8.Listen to the recording,1.Just listen.,2.Repeat.,3.Imitate the accent.,8.Listen to the recording1.Jus,Damings robots can walk.,(),2),It can talk.,(),3),Robots will help children learn,.(),4),They will do homework,.(),Choose T/F.,F,T,T,T,Damings robots can walk.(,一,.Listen,choose,Yes or No.,1,.Damings robot can walk,.,2.Damings robot can talk,.,3.,Robots can do our homework,.,4.They will help children learn,.,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,No,No,No,一.Listen,choose Yes or No.1.,Daming has got a,.It can,.It can,.It will do the,.It will help children,.It wont do our,.,robot,walk,talk,housework,learn,homework,Lets say.,Daming has got a,1,.,2,.,3,.,4,.,5,.,C,.Robots will,make cakes,.,D,.Robots will,help children learn.,E,.Robots will,sing,.,B,.Robots will,write letters,.,A,.Robots will,take pictures.,连线,:,Can you do?, will m,10.Robots will,10.Robots will,9.Remind,1.Robots can _.,2.They can _.,3.Robots will _.,4.They will _.,5.They will _.,6.Robots wont _.,9.Remind1.Robots can _.,11.Plans,On Saturday,I will _.,I will _.,On Saturday,I wont _.,I wont _.,11.PlansOn Saturday On Saturd,12.Lets chant,What are you/going to do?,Im going to/visit the zoo.,I will do/my homework.,I will do/the housework too.,And help my/little brother learn,I will go to/the park with you.,12.Lets chantWhat are you/,13.Homework,Talk about your plans of this Sunday with your friends.,13.HomeworkTalk about your pla,BYE!,BYE!,


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