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warming,Look at the cartoons and answe,2,Notes:,alarming,the cause of/the reason for,shark,dangerous,危险的,endangered,濒危的,eg.Many people think the shark is a _ animal,but it is _.In other words,it is an _ animal.,danger in danger,使人害怕的;告急的,dangerous,endangered/in danger,endangered,Notes:alarming danger in,3,Notes:,surface n.,表面,v.,浮出水面,attack&attract,strengthen,scare,使,惊恐,fin n.,鱼鳍;,v.,切鱼鳍,dive,潜水,admit,target,把,作为目标,Notes:surface n.表面 v.浮出水面,4,Notes:,prove,fortunately,extinction n.,adj.extinct,mislead,advocate,inform,attitude,raise awareness of,Notes:prove,5,Understanding ideas,P62-63,Activity1,Activity2,Read the passage and find out how sharks are described in the film,Jaws,.,Answer:They are described in the film as _,dangerous and bad animals that eat humans.,2,Activity3,Choose the authors,purpose:,Understanding ideasP62-63 Acti,6,Activity4 How attitudes towards sharks have changed,P64,Activity4 How attitudes toward,7,Notes:,in fear,be scared/afraid/frightened of,due to,cut off,have a/an effect on/upon,come across,be covered with,unexpected,positive,negative,Notes:in fearunexpected,pos,8,Notes:,see as,rather than,the other way round,from that day on,by mistake,protect them from extinction,Now,then,that moment,that year,Notes:see asNow,then,tha,9,Using language,P65,非谓语,动词,-ing,形式作补语:表动作正在进行,非谓语,动词,-ed,形式作补语:表被动状态,Using languageP65非谓语 动词-ing 形式,10,See,watch,hear,feel,notice,等感官动词后接现在分词做宾语补足语,表示,“,该动作正在进行,”,;,接过去分词做宾补,表,“,被动或完成,”,。,Have,leave,keep,make,get,等使役动词后接现在分词表示,“,处于某种状态,”,;接过去分词表示,“,由他人完成,”,。,I felt an ant climbing over my leg.,I saw a man knocked down by a car.,Sorry,Ive kept you waiting a long time.,He had his money stolen.,He got her tooth pulled out yesterday.,See,watch,hear,feel,notice,11,现在分词,v-ing,表主动和进行;在句子中可以做,主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语,1.,Seeing,is,believing,.,2.His job is,washing and cooking,.,3.This is her father,s,walking,stick.,4.The building,being constructed,will be used as a library.,5.When he came in,we all stopped,talking,.,6.I found the little boy,lying,under the tree when I passed by.,7.With the children,following,him,he had to go back to the park.,8.,Seeing,the main characters come on stage,I was surprised!,主,/,表,表,定,定,宾,宾补,宾补,状,现在分词v-ing表主动和进行;在句子中可以做主语、宾语、,12,过去分词,v-ed,表被动和完成;在句子中可以做,表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语,The window was,broken,.,He is an,experienced,teacher.,The book,published,in March sells well.,I saw the horse,tied,to a tree.,Locked,up,he had no way to escape.,表,定,定,宾补,状,过去分词v-ed表被动和完成;在句子中可以做表语、定语、状,13,不定式,-to do,表主动和将来;在句子中可以做,主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语,Its necessary for you,to lock the car when you do not use it.,My work is,to clean the room every day,.,She wishes,to be a musician.,The teacher advised us,to have a rest first.,I saw a little girl,run across the street,.,He is the man,to believe in.,He is the first student,to come,.,Every morning he gets up very early,to read English.,He came late,only to find the door locked,.,主,表,定,定,宾,宾补,宾补,状,状,不定式-to do表主动和将来;在句子中可以做主语、宾语、,14,Notes:,devote v.,致力,献身,ocean,highlight,使,突出,cruelty n.,残忍,cruel,残忍的,hunting n.,打猎,presentation,报告,陈述,present,*,reserve n.,保护区,v.,保留,预定,staff,员工,42.establish,建立,sb.be devoted to,sb.devote oneself to,Notes:devote v.致力,献身sb.be,15,Notes:,damage,破损,损害,drought,干旱,flood,洪水,affect v.effect n.,影响,supply,(煤气、电力、自来水等)供应(系统),*,restore,使恢复,adopt,采纳;收养,*,sustainable,可持续的,Notes:damage 破损,损害,16,Using language,P65,Activity 2,Activity 3,Using languageP65Activity 2,17,1._ in a heavy traffic jam is quite an unpleasant experience,A,Caught B,Having caught,C,Being caught D,To catch,2.When the customer caught the shop owner _ him,he stopped _ things there and started dealing with another shop.,A.cheating;to buy B.to cheat;buying,C.cheating;buying D.to cheat;to buy,1._ in a heavy traffic ja,18,3.A cook will be immediately fired if the manager find him _ in the kitchen.,A.smoke B.smoking,C.to smoke D.smoked,4._ a doctors degree abroad,he made up his mind to return to serve his motherland.,A.Having received B.Receiving,C.In order to receive D.Being received,3.A cook will be immediately,19,5.Excuse me,sir,where is Room 301?,Just a minute.Ill have Bob _ you to your room.,A.show B.shows,C.to show D.showing,6.I think it is a great honor _ to visit your country.,A.to invite B.inviting,C.having invited D.to be invited,5.Excuse me,sir,where is R,20,7.Tsinghua University,_ in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.,A.found B.founding,C.founded D.to be founded,8._ into English,the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.,A.Translating B.Translated,C.To translate D.Having translated,7.Tsinghua University,_,21,9.Claire had her luggage _ an hour before her plane left.,A.check B.checking,C.to check D.checked,10.It is impossible to avoid _ by advertisements in a modern society.,A.to be influencedB.being influenced,C.to influence D.influenced,9.Claire had her luggage _,22,Notes:,*,conservation (,对自然资源的,),保护,*,renewable energy,可再生能源,carbon,碳,carbon dioxide,二氧化碳,reusable reuse use,可再度使用的,*,bulb,灯泡,greenhouse effect,温室效应,brochure,小册子,reduce,(,waste,、,pollution,、,stress,、,pressure,),Dealing with global warming,Notes:*conservation (对自然资源的,23,Notes:,solar,太阳的,solar energy solar system,*,release,释放,排放;发行,推出,instead of,wind power,replace A with B,a limited resource,Dealing with global warming,Notes:solar 太阳的 solar ener,24,Dealing with global warming,Activity4,Activity5 Complete the brochure with the expressions in Activity4.,66,Dealing with global warmingAct,25,Listening:,Environmental problems to be solved,67,Step1 Did You Know?,Read the short passage.,Listening:Environmental probl,26,Notes:,smog,雾霾,烟雾,severe,严重的,infection,感染,传染病,lecture,讲座,give a lecture,permission,允许,permit,slide,幻灯片,interrupt interruption,pause,暂停,73.request,请求,smoke,烟,fog,雾,Notes:smog 雾霾,烟雾smoke 烟,27,Activity 7 Listen to the lecture and choose the topics that are covered.,Man:,Lecturer,Student A,Student B,Activity 7 Listen to the lectu,28,1.the 1900s,2.The Great Smog,3.no wind,4.chemicals coming from traffic,5.chemicals,6.paying to drive,1.the 1900s,29,必修二unit6优质英语公开课课件,30,Listening materials,Listening materials,31,Listening materials,Listening materials,32,Listening materials,Listening materials,33,Listening materials,Listening materials,34,Developing ideas,P68 Activity1,Look at the questions about“green living”and tick your answers.,Developing ideasP68 Activity1,35,Notes:,majority n.,大多数,major,主要的,*,subheading,副标题,false,litter n.,垃圾,杂物,v.,乱扔垃圾,乱丢,amount,数量,device,设备,仪器,electricity,leak v.,漏,渗漏,*,appliance,家用电器,Notes:majority n.大多数 ma,36,Notes:,stand-by mode,备用模式,remove,移走,去掉,plug,(电)插头,*,litre,升,common sense,常识,take into account,把,考虑进去,Eg.,Take into account,your own strengths and weaknesses.,Notes:stand-by mode 备用模式,37,Developing ideas,Activity2:Read the four subheadings in the passage and decide if they are true or false.,Then read the passage and check your answers.,Developing ideasActivity2:Re,38,Developing ideas:,What,s really green?,Introduction,Body,Conclusion,green,truth 1,green,truth 2,green,truth 3,green,truth 4,Developing ideas:Whats reall,39,Notes:,the majority of,take steps=take action=take measures,mistake A for B,break down,turn off a device,in some cases,It depends.,environmentally friendly,环保的,Notes:the majority of,40,Notes:,Most of us,are aware that,we must,take care of the environment,.,The majority of,us,take steps,to save energy and reduce waste and pollution.,However,making a paper bag uses,four times,as much energy as,making a plastic bag.,Therefore,the key is to keep your shower time,as short as possible,.,Notes:Most of us are aware th,41,Writing a persuasive letter,P71,campaign(,宣传)活动,urge,竭力主张;敦促,propose,提议;建议,canteen,食堂,concerned,焦急的;担忧的,as far as Im concerned&be concerned about,106.contribute+(to),促成;为,做贡献;投稿,107.average,平均的;平均数,108.call on sb.to do sth.=appeal to sb.to do sth.,Writing a persuasive letterP71,42,低碳生活,要求:假如你是李华,上个星期你们班里就“低碳”生活方式进行了积极的讨论。,请你用英语为校园网站写篇短文,介绍以下讨论结果:,1.,节约水电,2.,垃圾分类处理,3.,少用纸巾,4.,骑自行车或乘坐公交车,注意:,1.,开头已经写好,不计入总词数;,2.,适当增加细节,词数在,100-120,左右参考词汇:低碳,low carbon,纸巾,tissue,低碳生活,43,How to live a low carbon life,Our class had a hot discussion on.,_ are as follows.,First/To begin with,/,.,Besides,rubbish should be sorted out,which will.,In addition,.,More importantly,.,Only,in the ways above,can we,How to live a low carbon life,44,How to live a low carbon life,Our class had a hot discussion on low carbon green lifestyle last week.We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of low carbon life.,First,wed better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the internet.Meanwhile,save and recycle used water.Besides,rubbish should be sorted out,which will surely also benefit us a great deal.In addition,we suggest using less tissues or using handkerchiefs instead so as to protect our environment.More importantly,to contribute to a cleaner and greener world,riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice when we go out.,Only in the ways above can we live a low carbon green life.,How to live a low carbon life,45,


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