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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2021/2/25,#,课前小测,1.-Are you going anywhere for a holiday this summer,?,-Yes,I _ a plan already.,A.make B.will make,C.have made D.am making,2.Im so hungry now.I _ since breakfast.,A.wont eat B.havent eaten,C.didnt eat D.dont eat,课前小测1.-Are you going anywhere,1,课前小测,3.-,Do you still play basketball?,-Oh,no.I,_,it for the past two years.,A.havent played,B.didnt play,C.wont play,D.hadnt played,4.-Our city _ a lot in recent years,-Yes.Its becoming more and more beautiful,A.has changed B.changed,C.changes D.change,课前小测3.-Do you still play bask,2,课前小测,5.-Is Jane at home,?,-No.He _ Beijing to be a volunteer,A.is going to B.was going to,C.has been to D.has gone to,6.Hes,_,China twice.Hes visited many interesting places there.,A.been to B.gone to,C.going to D.going to go to,课前小测5.-Is Jane at home?,3,课前小测,7.Lei Feng _ for many years,but his spirit is still encouraging us,A.died B.has been dead C.has died,8.-Have you _ your homework?,-Not yet.,A.finishB.finished,C.finishingD.finishes,课前小测7.Lei Feng _ for man,4,课前小测答案,CBAA DABB,课前小测答案CBAA DABB,5,课程目标,一、现在完成时的构成,二、现在完成时的意义,三、标志词,四、与一般过去时的区别,五、,have/has been(to),;,have/has gone(to),六、延续性动词与非延续性动词,现在完成时,完成意义,持续意义,课程目标一、现在完成时的构成现在完成时 完成意义,6,课程导入,同学们,我们都知道,在英语中,要表示过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时。那么如果想要表达过去的事情对现在有影响,该用什么时态呢?,课程导入同学们,我们都知道,在英语中,要表示过去发生的事情,,7,知识讲解,一、现在完成时的构成,肯定句,have/has done,We,have begun,our class.,否定句,have/has not done,We,havent begun,our class.,一般疑问句,Have/Has+,主语,+done,Have,you,begun,your class?,回答,Yes,sb.have/has.,No,sb.havent/hasnt.,Yes,we,have,.,No,we,havent,.,知识讲解一、现在完成时的构成肯定句have/has do,8,(1,)完成意义,(2,)持续意义,知识讲解,二、现在完成时的意义,(1)完成意义知识讲解二、现在完成时的意义,9,知识讲解,什么是完成意义?,完成意义:,过去的动作,对,现在的影响,。,动作,现在,过去,将来,time,影响,Mum:Go to clean your room.,Mary:I,have cleaned,the room.,过去的动作:打扫房间,现在的结果,/,影响:,房间现在还干净,不用打扫了。,知识讲解什么是完成意义?动作现在过去将来time影响Mum:,10,知识讲解,什么是完成意义?,过去的动作,对,现在的影响,。,Where is the chair?,Mum has moved it to the living room.,过去的动作:移动到客厅。,现在的结果,/,影响:椅子在客厅。,真正含义:椅子在,客厅。,知识讲解什么是完成意义?Where is the chair,11,知识讲解,什么是持续意义?,持续意义:,动作在,过去开始,,一直,持续到现,在,,而且很有可能将来还会持续下去。,现在,过去,将来,time,I,have lived,here for two years.,意义:过去就住在这里,现在还住在这儿,将来可能还会继续住在这儿。,have lived,知识讲解什么是持续意义?现在过去将来timeI have l,12,知识讲解,三、现在完成时标志词,标志词,a,lready(已经),yet(还,仍然),just,(刚刚),ever,(曾经),never,(从没有),before(之前,以前),recently(最近),so far=by now=until now,(到目前为止),in the past two(few)years,(在过去的几年里),for+,时间段,(持续),since+,过去的时间点,/,一般过去时的句子,(自从),知识讲解三、现在完成时标志词标志词already(已经),13,知识讲解,E.g.,I have,just,finished my work.,She has,already,known the good news.,My hometown has changed a lot,in the past three years,.,-,Have you,ever,seen this film?,-,Yes,I have./No,I havent.,知识讲解E.g.,14,例题讲解,1.I dont feel very well,Jack.Im afraid you _ me your cold.,A.give B.had given,C.have given D.would give,2.-Look!Someone _ the classroom.,-Well,it wasnt me.I didnt do it.,A.is cleaning B.was cleaning,C.has cleaned D.will clean,例题讲解1.I dont feel very well,15,知识讲解,already,与,yet,的,区别:,yet,常用于,疑问句,和,否定句句末,。,E.g.He havent finished the book yet.,Have you seen him yet?,already,常用于,肯定句句中,。,E.g.They have already known one another.,知识讲解already 与yet的区别:,16,例题讲解,1.,根据中文提示完成下列句子。,They havent accepted the invitation _,(还,仍然),.,2.Ihaventstartedit_,A.already B.just C.yet,3.-Have you finished your work _,Jane?-Yes,Ive done it _.,A.already;yet B.yet;yet,C.yet,already D.since,already,例题讲解1.根据中文提示完成下列句子。,17,知识小结,请总结一下刚刚学习了哪些知识?,知识小结请总结一下刚刚学习了哪些知识?,18,知识讲解,现在完成时中的,ever,和,never,ever,的含义及用法,ever,作,副词,,意为“,曾经,”,常用于现在完成时的,否定句,和,疑问句,中,,位于助动词,have/has,之后、过去分词之前。,E.g.,Have you ever seen anything like it?,I dont think I have ever been here before.,知识讲解现在完成时中的ever和 never,19,知识讲解,never,的含义及用法,never,作副词,意为,“,从不,;,从未,”,常用于现在完成时和一般现在时中,表示否定含义,位于助动词,have/has,之后、过去分词之前。,E.g.,I have never communicated with him.,我从未和他联系过。,知识讲解 never的含义及用法,20,知识讲解,for,和,since,for,+,时间段,since,+,过去的时间点,/,时间段,+ago/,一般过去时的句子,She has worked here,for,5 years.,She has worked here,since,2013.,She has worked here,since,5 years ago.,She has worked here,since,she graduated from college.,知识讲解 for 和 sincefor+时间段She h,21,知识讲解,用,for,或,since,填空,Ive taken driving lessons _,last month.,My sister has had her cell phone _,a month.,My friends havent visited me _,few days ago.,Tom has worn glasses _,he was 7 years old.,知识讲解用for 或since填空,22,知识讲解,1.My parents _ some trees in front of the house since last spring,A.plant B.have planted,C.planted D.were planting,2.We _in our middle school for about 3 years,A.study B.studied,C.have studied D.will study,知识讲解1.My parents _ some,23,知识讲解,四、现在完成时的完成意义,VS,一般过去时,完成意义:,过去的动作对,现在的影响,。,一般过去时:,过去,发生的动作,。,time,过去,现在,将来,过去发生的动作,Mom:What did you do yesterday?,Mary:I,cleaned,the room yesterday.,知识讲解四、现在完成时的完成意义VS一般过去时完成意义:过去,24,知识讲解,-How,clean,theclassroomis!-Yes,Iamsurethatsomeone,hascleaned,it.,Mom:What did you do yesterday?,Mary:I,cleaned,the room yesterday.,过去打扫了房间,,现在房间很干净,过去打扫了房间,知识讲解-Howcleantheclassroom,25,知识讲解,现在完成时,表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,,强调的是现在的情况,;,不能和表示过去的时间状语连用,。,He has lived here since 2008.,2008,年以来他一直住在这里。,(,他现在还住在这里,),一般过去时,只表示过去的动作或状态,,和现在不发生联系,;,可以和表示过去的时间状语连用,。,He lived here in 1992.,1992,年他住在这里。,(,不涉及他现在是否还住在这里,),知识讲解表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的,26,例题讲解,1.Tom is pleased that she _ her lost watch.,A.finds B.found C.has found D.will find,2.-You cant smoke here.,-Sorry,I _ the sign just now.,A.dont see B.didnt see,C.havent seen D.wont see,例题讲解1.Tom is pleased that she,27,例题讲解,3.I cant find my notebook anywhere.,Im afraid I _ it.,A.lose B.lost C.have lost D.was losing,例题讲解3.I cant find my noteboo,28,知识讲解,have/has,been(to),去,过,某地(有去,有回,)(常与,once,、,twice,、,three times,连用),have/has,gone(to),去,了,某地(有去,无回,),have/has,been(in),在某地待了多长时间 (常与,for,、,since,连用),The man has been to Beijing,three times,.,The man,has gone to Beijing.,The man has been in Beijing,for two years.,五、,have been(to),、,have gone(to),、,have been(in),的区别,知识讲解 have/has been(to),29,例题讲解,1.,(,四川凉山州中考,),-Paris is wonderful place.,-So it is.I _ there twice.,A.have been B.have gone C.went D.will,2.Where do you live,,,Lin Tao?,I live in Beijing now,I _ here for ten years,A.moved B.have moved C.have been,3.Where is Mr.Smith?,He _ Guangzhou,He _ there for a week,A.has gone to;,has been to B.has gone to;,has been,C.has been to;,has gone to D.has been in;,has gone to,例题讲解1.(四川凉山州中考)-Paris is wo,30,例题讲解,4.Is that Jack speaking,?,Sorry,,,he isnt in right now,He _the shop with his aunt,A.has been to,B.has gone to,C.have been to,D.have gone to,例题讲解4.Is that Jack speaking?,31,知识讲解,判断以下句子的正误。,1.He,has bought,the book,for two years,.,2.He,has had,the book,for two years,.,3.I,have borrowed,the book,since Monday,.,4.I,have kept,the book,since Monday,.,知识讲解 判断以下句子的正误。,32,知识讲解,puton wear,borrowkeep,buyhave,become be,begin/startbeon,diebedead,finishbeover,go(get)out beout,comebackbeback,come/go to be in/at,join be in+,组织机构,/be a member of,leavebeaway,fall asleep,be asleep,非延续,性动词,变延续,性动词,知识讲解 puton weargo(get)out,33,知识讲解,1.They came to our school in 1980.,They,have been in,our school since 1980.,2.The man died five years ago.,The man,has been dead,for five years.,3.The meeting began two minutes ago.,The meeting,has been on,for two minutes.,4.We borrowed two books last week.,We,have kept,the two books for a week.,知识讲解 1.They came to our schoo,34,例题讲解,1.William Shakespeare _ for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.,A.died B.was dying,C.has died D.has been dead,2.-Mom,I want to watch the Legend of Miyue,(,芈月传,),on China 8 tonight.,-Oh,dear,it _ for a few minutes.Come on!,A.has begun B.will begin,C.has been on D.will be on,例题讲解1.William Shakespeare _,35,应用练习,1.I have been in China _1997.,A.since B.for C.in D.until,2.Its nice to see you again.We _ each other since 2014.,A.wont see B.dont see,C.havent seen D.didnt see,应用练习1.I have been in China _,36,应用练习,3.-Where are the flowers?,-You see,someone _them to the window.,A.moves B.had moved,C.has moved D.would move,4.-Your new car looks so nice!,-Thanks!But I _ for five years,A.have bought B.have had C.bought,应用练习3.-Where are the flowers?,37,应用练习,6.-What a nice watch!How long _ you _ it?,-For just two weeks.,A.will;buy B.have;had,C.were;having D.did;buy,7.-Have you known Mo Yan for a long time?,-Yes,since he_ the novel Red Sorghum.,A.has written B.wrote,C.writes D.write,应用练习6.-What a nice watch!How,38,see you next time!,see you next time!,39,


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