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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6Im going to studycomputer science.,Unit 6,Section B 11a-2e,Section B 1,头脑风暴:说出表示职业的名词,actor,actress,cook,driver,doctor,engineer,pilot,pianist,soccer player,scientist,teacher,computer programmer,violinist,nurse,Revision,头脑风暴:说出表示职业的名词actoractresscook,teacher,a soccer player,eg.I want to be an engineer.,a reporter,Im going to study math.,Pair work:,说理想,谈打算。,a cook,a race car driver,a singer,a doctor,an actor/actress,teacher a soccer player eg.,(一)翻译下列短语(P44)。,1.学习弹钢琴_,2.组建足球队_,3.取得好成绩_,4.吃更健康的食物_,5.做很多的运动_,6.上吉他课_,7,.学习另一门外语_,8,.不适合我_,9,.听起来像一个好计划_,10,.新年计划,新年决定_,导学案,learn to play the piano,make the soccer team,get good grades,eat healthier food,get lots of exercise,take guitar lessons,learn another foreign language,be not for me,souds like a good plan,New Years resolutions,(一)翻译下列短语(P44)。导学案learn to pla,(一)翻译下列短语(P44)。,1.学习弹钢琴_,2.组建足球队_,3.取得好成绩_,4.吃更健康的食物_,5.做很多的运动_,6.上吉他课_,7,.学习另一门外语_,8,.不适合我_,9,.听起来像一个好计划_,10,.新年计划,新年决定_,考考你!,learn to play the piano,make the soccer team,get good grades,eat healthier food,get lots of exercise,take guitar lessons,learn another foreign language,be not for me,souds like a good plan,New Years resolutions,(一)翻译下列短语(P44)。考考你!learn to pl,Free talk,Im going to get,a new toy next year.,New year is coming.Do you have any New Years resolutions?Do you know how to make a resolution?,Im going to,visit,Hainan with my parents by plane next year.,resolution,n.,决心,;,决定,常构成短语:,make a resolution to do sth.,下决心做某事,全品听课手册,P37-1,【,探究,】,resolution,与,decision,(,decide,名词形式),意义相同。因此做决定也可以说,make a decision,【,活学活用,】,He _ _ _ to get good,grades this term.,made a resolution/decision,Free talkIm going to get a ne,2,4,3,5,Match the pictures with the New Years resolutions.Number the pictures 1-5.,1a,2435Match the pictures with th,New Years resolutions,句型:,Next year,Im going to:,1.learn to play the piano,2.make the soccer team,4.eat healthier food,3.get good grades,5.get lots of exercise,team,n.,队,;,组,New Years resolutions1.learn,Talking,What are you going to do next year?,Well,Im going to,take guitar lessons,.I really love music.,What are going to do next year?Tell your partner.,1b,Takelessons,上,课,TalkingWhat are you going to d,Sounds interesting.Im going to,learn another foreign language,.,Are you?Great!But foreign languages,are not for me,.,学习另外一门外语,Be(not)for sb.(,不,),适合某人,foreign,adj.,外国的;,foreign,er,n.,外国人,Sounds interesting.Im going,learn to play the piano,make the soccer team,get good grades,eat healthier food,get lots of exercise,Listening,Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a.,1c,learn to play the pianoListeni,How are they going to do it?,Lucy,She,s going to take piano lessons.,Kim,Mike,1d,Listen again.Write how the people are going to make their resolutions work.,Shes going to study hard and do her homework every day.,Hes going to practice really hard,and this summer hes going to go to a soccer camp.,How are they going to do it?L,Make a list of other resolutions and how you are going to make them work.Then discuss them with your group.,1e,resolutions,how to make them work,become stronger,get a lot of exercise,take piano lessons,be a musician,Make a list of other resolutio,A:I want to be a teacher.,B:How are you going to do that?,A:Well,Im going to study hard and get good grades.,B:,Sounds like a good plan,.I want to get a lot of exercise.,sound,s,like,听起来像,,sound,感观动词常用的感观动词还有,look,smell,taste,feel,等。一般做第三人称单数变化,后接形容词。,全品听课手册,P38,探究,sound,是系动词,后接,_,作表语,也可加介词,_,再接名词。,活学活用,-Lets go swimming!,-That sounds _(well),形容词,like,good,A:I want to be a teacher.soun,Talking,I want to be a musician.,How are you going to do that?,Im going to take piano lessons every day.,Sounds good.I want to join a music club.,TalkingI want to be a musician,Discuss the questions with your partner.,2a,Did you make any resolutions last year?,Yes,I did.,Were,you,able to,keep them?,Sure.,Why?,1.Were you able to keep them?,be able to,意为,_,,其后接动词,_,,相当于情态动词,_,。但是,be able to,有各种时态、人称和数的变化,,can,只有一般现在时和一般过去时,没有人称和数的变化。,练一练:,Im afraid I _ go shopping with you on Sunday.I have to work.,A.wont be able B.wont able,C.wont able to D.wont be able to,导学案知识点导学,能够做某事,原形,can,D,Discuss the questions with you,【,运用,】,将下列句子翻译成英语。,(1),他妹妹会弹钢琴。,His sister is able to/can play the,piano.,(2),他去年就会骑自行车。,He was able to/could ride a,bicycle last year.,【运用】将下列句子翻译成英语。,2c,Read the passage and match each paragraph(1-3)with its main purpose.,Underline,the words and phrases that helped you decide.,_ To,question,the idea of making,resolutions,_ To,discuss,the different kinds of,resolutions,_ To give the meaning of,resolution,question,v.,表示疑问,;,怀疑,;,提问,;,质询。还可做名词,意为“问题”,全品听课手册,P37-2,,阅读,【,辨析,】,然后填空:,Can I ask you some_?,The math_ is too difficult for me.,活学活用,-Whats the _ with you?,-I got a headache.,A.question B.problem C.wrong D.right,questions,problem,B,discuss,v.讨论;商量,n.disscuss,ion,常用搭配:,discuss with sb.about sth,与某人讨论,关于某事,,have a discussion with sb.,与某人讨论,2cRead the passage and match e,指导:,先读这三个主题的意思,带着问题去读短文。,通读每个段落,理解每个段落所讲的内容。,在相关段落中划出相关的依据,根据依据确定每个段落主要意思。,指导:,第三段:,hardly ever keep them.the,best resolution is to have no,resolutions!,第一段:,Its a kind of promise.However,promises you make to yourself,are resolutions.,第二段:,different kinds of resolutions;,some;some resolutions,Key:3 1 2,第三段:hardly ever keep them.t,Which paragraph in the passage do you think each sentence goes in?Write the letters A-D in the correct places in the passage.,These are about making yourself a better person.,For example,a student may have to find more time to study.,C.There are good reasons for this.,D.The start of the year is often,a time for making resolutions.,2b,制作计划的时间,Which paragraph in the passage,指导:,首先,阅读这四个句子,掌握其意思。,然后,阅读每个段落,重点阅读每个空格前后的句子。,根据上下文来确定空格处应填的句子。,指导:,1._,D,D,句意:,新年伊始常是下新年决心的时候。,第一段中介绍了,resolution,的意思。第一空格前句意“最普通的一种就是新年决心”,空格后句意为“当我们在新年的开端下新年决心的时候,”,可推测出本空应填此句。,1._ DD句意:新年伊始常是下新年决心的时候。第,2._ _,A,句意:,这些决心是有关让你自己成为一名更优秀的人的。,A,B,由前一句话“很多决心与自我提高有关。”,可知空格处是对这句的进一步解释。,2._ _A句意:这些决心是有关让你自己成,B,句意:,例如,一名学生可能必须利用更多的时间来学习。,本段中介绍了不同类型的决心,并一一举例说明。由空格前所列是第三种“与更好的计划有关的决心”,本空格处应为举例说明这种类型的决心的情况。,B句意:例如,一名学生可能必须利用更多的时间来学习。本段中,3._,C,句意,:,对此种情况有不错的理由。,C,本段中心意思是对下新年决心这种想法的怀疑。由空格前句意“人们很难实现他们”,及空格后的两句都是叙述不能实现这些决心的原因,可知空格处应先,C,句。,3._C句意:对此种情况有不错的理由。C本段中心意,Answer the questions with short sentences.,What,is a,resolution,?,_,2.,When,do people make resolutions?,_,3.,Why,do people usually make resolutions?,_,_,Its a kind of promise.,They hope that they are going to improve their lives.,At the beginning of the year.,2d,Tips,:,注意红色字体的关键词,Answer the questions with shor,4.,How,can people,remember,their resolutions?,_,_,_,_,Some people write down their resolutions and plans.Some people,tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.,5.,How many kinds of resolutions,does the writer talk about?_,_,Three:physical health,self-improvement,better planning.,4.How can people remember the,6.,Why,do you think resolutions,may be difficult to keep?,_,7.Do you think,the best resolution is to have no resolutions,?Why or why not?_,Sometimes they may be difficult to keep or sometimes people just forget about them.,Because resolutions can help us try our best.,No,I dont.,6.Why do you think resolution,(二)翻译下列短语(,P45,),1.,能够做某事,_,2.,制作计划的时间,_,3.,大多数时候,_,4.,承诺给某人,_,5.,整理房间,_,6.,从,.,回来,_,7.,在,开始的时候,_,8.,改善生活,_,9.,写下来,_,导学案,be able to do sth.,a time for making resolutions,most of the time,make promises to sb.,tidy room,get back from.,at the beginning of.,improve life,write down,(二)翻译下列短语(P45)导学案be able to do,(二)翻译下列短语(,P45,),10.,来年,_,11.,不同种类,_,12.,少吃快餐,_,13.,与,.,有关,_,14.,学着做,开始做,_,15.,一周的计划,_,16.,有共同点,_,17.,因为这个原因,_,18.,太,.,以至于不,_,导学案,the coming year,different kinds of,eat less fast food,have to do with.,take up,weekly plan,have.in common,for this reason,too.to.,(二)翻译下列短语(P45)导学案the coming ye,1.Some resolutions,have to do with,better,planning,有些决定与合理的时间规划相关,,1)have to do with,这个结构表示“与,相关;与,有关联或有关系”。,e.g.What does this problem,have to do with,what were learning today?,这道题跟我们今天所学的内容有什么系?,1.Some resolutions have to do,全品听课手册,P38-2,【,活学活用,】,我与这件事无关。,I _ _ _ _ _ this matter.,have nothing to do with,全品听课手册P38-2【活学活用】have nothing,2),此句中的,planning,为名词,表示“计划;规划”等意思,,如:,city planning,(城市规划)等。,英语中,better planning,类似汉语中的“合理规划”,指通过制定计划来更加充分地利用时间、空间、精力等。,2)此句中的planning为名词,表示“计划;规划”等,2.Some people,write down,their resolutions and plans for,the coming year,.,1),the coming year,来年,2),write down,意为,_,,是动词,+_,的结构,当代词做宾语时,代词要放在,write,和,down,的,_,。,练一练:,The teacher taught us some new,words,and asked us to _ on the note.,A.write it down B.write them down,C.write down it D.write down them,导学案知识点导学,写下来,副词,中间,B,2.Some people write down thei,3.Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos,1)might“,可能,也许”,是一个,_,动词,后接动词,_,。,2)take up“,开始;从事;占用”,是一个“动词,+,副词”的结构,代词做宾语时要放在中间。,take over_ take away_ take place_take off_ take down_,导学案知识点导学,情态,原形,接收,接管,;,接任,;,接办,拿走,代替,脱下,起飞,写下,记下,3.Some people might say they,练一练:,1)This is my seat.Who _?,A.take it up B.take up it,C.took it up D.took up it,2),完成句子:读书占用了他大部分的空余时间。,Reading _ _ most of his free time.,导学案知识点导学,C,takes up,练一练:1)This is my seat.Who _,2.Sometimes the resolutions,may,be,too,difficult,to,keep,.,有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。,此处情态动词,may,表示推测,相当于汉语的“可能;或许;大概”之意。,e.g.You,may,be right this time,but Im,not sure.,这一次你或许是对的,但我无法确,定。,2.Sometimes the resolutions m,4.Sometimes the resolutions may be,too,difficult,to,keep.,tooto,太,以致不能,观察句子:,1)Tom is,too young to go,to school.,2)Tom is,not old enough to go,to school.,3)Tom is,so young that he cant go,to school.,4)Tom is,such a young boy that he cant go,to school.,导学案知识点导学,4.Sometimes the resolutions m,总结:,1)notenough to,和,tooto.,句式互换时,,enough,前的形容词,/,副词和,too,后的形容词,/,副词互为,_,。,2)tooto,可与,sothat/suchthat,转换,转换后,,that,后句子为,_,句。,3)so+adj./adv.+that+,句子,,such+(a/an)+adj.+n.+that+,句子。,导学案知识点导学,反义词,否定句,总结:1)notenough to和tooto.句,练一练:,1)You are never too old _ learn things.A.of B.to C.in D.that,2)Liu Xiang is _ famous _ we all know him.,A.too;to B.enough;to C.so;that D.such;that,导学案知识点导学,B,C,练一练:1)You are never too old _,3),本句中的动词,keep,意为“履行,(,诺言等,);,遵守,(,惯例等,)”,,这是,keep,的常见用法之一,。类似的句子还有:,People hardly ever,keep,them!,人们很少履行它们,(,指计划,),。,在这一语义下,常见的表述还有,keep a promise(,信守诺言,),,,keep ones word(,遵守承诺,;,说话算数,),等。,如:,We always,keep,our word.,我们说话是算数的。,3)本句中的动词keep意为“履行(诺言等);遵守(惯例等,1.,能够做某事,_,2.,制作计划的时间,_,3.,大多数时候,_,4.,承诺给某人,_,5.,整理房间,_,6.,从,.,回来,_,7.,在,开始的时候,_,8.,改善生活,_,9.,写下来,_,词组翻译,be able to do sth.,2,a time for making resolutions,3,most of the time,1,make promises to sb.,1,tidy room,0,get back from.,1,at the beginning of.,2,improve life,1,write down,0,Exercises,词组翻译be able to do sth.2a tim,10.,来年,_,11.,不同种类,_,12.,少吃快餐,_,13.,与,.,有关,_,14.,学着做,开始做,_,15.,一周的计划,_,16.,有共同点,_,17.,因为这个原因,_,18.,太,.,以至于不,_,词组翻译,the coming year,1,different kinds of,2,eat less fast food,1,have to do with.,2,take up,2,weekly plan,1,have.in common,1,for this reason,1,too.to.,0,Exercises,词组翻译the coming year 1differe,Exercises,导学案随堂小测,(一)单项选择。,()1.Whats your New Years _?,-Im going to eat more vegetables.,A.idea B.job C.subject D.resolution,()2.Her brother was able to _ a car last year.,A.drived B.driving C.drive D.drove,()3.I can speak English,and I want to learn _ languages.,A.other B.others C.another D.the other,D,C,A,Exercises导学案随堂小测(一)单项选择。DCA,Exercises,导学案随堂小测,(二)句型转换。,1.Next year I am going to,learn a foreign language,.(,对划线部分提问,),_ are you going _ _ next year?,2.Jim is too tired.He cant walk.(,合并为一句话,),Jim is _ tired _walk.,3.He often sends his articles to magazines and newspapers.(,改为同义句,),He often_ _ _ magazines and newspapers.,What,to do,too,to,writes articles to,Exercises导学案随堂小测(二)句型转换。Whatto,Exercises,导学案随堂小测,(二)句型转换。,4.Shes going to hold art exhibitions,in Paris,.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _she_ to hold art exhibitions?,5.My grandpa cooks for us every week.(,用,next week,改写,),My grandpa_ _ _ _for us next week.,Where is,going,is going to cook,Exercises导学案随堂小测(二)句型转换。Where,1.,全品作业手册,,sectionB1,练习,2.Find these phrases in the passage.Then,write your own sentences with them.,have to do with;make promises,have in common;write down,for this reason;take up,1.全品作业手册,sectionB1 练习,


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