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栏目导引,UNITS 2224,基础盘点,自测自评,考点串讲,讲练互动,强化演练,知能闯关,写作技,能培训,Unit 22,Environmental Protection,环境保护,Unit 22Environmental Protecti,1,We put the production under a _(,联合抵制;拒绝参加,),2,Its _(,超出,)us to give them all the help they need.,基础盘点自测自评,核心单词,boycott,beyond,1We put the production under,3,The jeep bumped along the _(,不平的,)mountain road.,4,On _(,代表,)of my colleagues and myself I thank you.,5,The material of the building is steel,_(,砖头,)and wood.,rough,behalf,brick,3The jeep bumped along the _,6,The poor environment has scared away _(,潜在的,可能的,)tourists.,7,He was _(,体贴的;体谅的,)of everyone and we all respected him.,potential,considerate,6The poor environment has sca,8,The King lived in a _(,宏伟的,)palace.,9,_(,灌溉,)is needed to make crops grow in dry areas so we have to _(,灌溉,)in a way.,grand,Irrigation,irrigate,8The King lived in a _,1,_,摆脱,脱离,2,_,超出,的控制;不受,的控制,3,_,展望未来,4,_,提到;涉及;参考;查阅,5,_,依次;转而,高频短语,break away from,beyond ones control,look ahead,refer to,in turn,1_ 摆脱,脱离高频,6,_,引起,导致,7,_,采取行动,8,_,除,以外,9,_ (,对已产生的不良后果,),负责任,10,_,要求结束,lead to,take action,apart from,answer for,call for an end to sth.,6_ 引起,导致le,11,_,实际上,12,_,代表,13,_,掠去,夺走,14,_,总的来说,15,_,导致,16,_,祝一切顺利,as a matter of fact,on somebodys behalf,carry off,all in all,result in,all the best,11_ 实际上as,1._,the suns rays would bounce back into space_ the Earth cold and impossible to live on.,如果没有这些自然存在的气体,太阳的光线将会离开地球,返回到太空,使地球变得寒冷,人类将无法居住。,重点句式,Without these naturally occurring gases,leaving,1._,2,_ this data,,,_ the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.,鉴于这些数据,好像人类活动与正在升高的地球温度之间的联系并不仅仅是巧合。,Given,it seems that,2_ this data,_,3,_ the Titanic was the largest,the most beautiful,the most technologically advanced and the safest ship_,,,and this made people believe that it was unsinkable.,It had been declared that,that had ever been built,3_ the,人们声称泰坦尼克号是所造的最大、最豪华、技术最高超、最安全的船只,这就使人们相信它是不可能沉没的。,人们声称泰坦尼克号是所造的最大、最豪华、技术最高超、最安全的,考点串讲讲练互动,词汇精研,1beyond,prep.,超出,出乎,adv.,在更远处;另外,(,回归课本,P,6,),.something previously seen as beyond our control.,在以前看来是我们不能控制的。,考点串讲讲练互动词汇精研1beyondprep.超出,出,归纳拓展,beyond the mountain,在山那边,beyond midnight,午夜以后,beyond ones control/repair,不受,控制;无法修理,归纳拓展,beyond ones reach,够不着,超出,之外,beyond ones praise,夸不胜夸,beyond ones power,超出某人权限,beyond ones understanding,无法理解,beyond ones reach 够不着,超出之外,例句探源,(,牛津,P,176,)Our success was far beyond what we thought possible.,我们的成功远远超出了我们估计的范围。,Her beauty is beyond comparison.,她的美貌无与伦比。,例句探源,They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond.,他们越过群山,到了那边的山谷。,They crossed the mountains an,即境活用,1,This new model of car is so expensive that it is_the reach of those with average incomes.,A,over,B,within,C,beyond D,below,即境活用,解析:选,C,。,beyond,在此意为“超出”。,A,选项有一定的干扰性,over,后跟数字,表示“多于”。,解析:选C。beyond 在此意为“超出”。A选项有一定的干,2claim,v,&n,要求;声称;主张;断言,(,回归课本,P,6,)They claim that in the last 50 years,,,gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up.,他们声称,在过去的五十年间,工厂和汽车排放入地球大气层中的气体加速了,2claimv&n要求;声称;主张;断言,归纳拓展,claim sth.,要求,/,索要某物,claim,thatclause,声称,claim sth.for sb.for sth.,因某事向某人索取某物,claim on sth.,对某事物的权利,claim sth.back,要回某物;索回,It,s claimed that.,有人声称,归纳拓展,例句探源,They claimed the reward for working for him.,为他工作他们要求报酬。,The court claimed(that)he was innocent.,法庭宣布他无罪。,例句探源,The settlers claimed the land to be theirs.,殖民者声称土地是他们的。,The settlers claimed the land,即境活用,2,Every citizen in our country may_the protection of the law.,A,Announce,B,suggest,C,beg D,claim,即境活用,解析:选,D,。句意:我国的每一个公民都有得到法律保护的权利。,announce,宣告,发表;,suggest,建议,暗示;,beg,请求,乞求。作为公民是有权利得到法律保护的,故,claim,符合句意。,解析:选D。句意:我国的每一个公民都有得到法律保护的权利。a,3condemn,vt.,宣判死刑,注定毁灭;责难,责备,(,回归课本,P,6,),.we are condemning life on Earth and should expect severe consequences.,我们会是地球上正在被毁灭的生命,并且会出现预料中更严重的后果。,3condemnvt.宣判死刑,注定毁灭;责难,责备,归纳拓展,be condemned to death,被判死刑,condemn sb.for sth.,因某事而谴责某人或告某人有罪,condemn sb.to do sth.,判某人做某事,迫使某人陷入不幸的境地,归纳拓展,例句探源,(,朗文,P,343,)He was condemned to death for murder and later hanged.,他因凶杀罪被判处死刑后被绞死。,例句探源,We condemned him for his bad conduct.,我们责备他行为不检点。,As an old person,one is often condemned to live alone.,老年人常出于无奈而独自生活。,We condemned him for his bad,即境活用,3,Poor education_many young people to lowpaid jobs.,A,caused,B,condemned,C,contributed D,conducted,解析:选,B,。,condemn sb.to sth.,把某人逼到某种不幸的境地或状态。,即境活用,4advocate,vt.,主张,提倡,n,提倡者,拥护者,(,回归课本,P,6,)Experts advocate that each person play their part.,专家提倡大家各尽所能。,4advocatevt.主张,提倡n提倡者,拥护者,归纳拓展,advocate sth./doing sth.,拥护;主张,advocate,that,从句,从句中的谓语动词用,(should),动词原形,an advocate of.,支持,的人,归纳拓展,例句探源,I dont advocate doing such things.,我不主张做这样的事情。,He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.,他是一个提倡多造飞机、少造军舰的人。,例句探源,I advocate a policy of gradual reform.,我拥护逐步改革的政策。,I advocate a policy of gradua,即境活用,4,完成句子,(1),你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗?,Do you _ in the city centre?,advocate banning cars,即境活用advocate banning cars,(2),我们主张用小容器包装这批货。,We _,to pack the goods.,advocate using smaller containers,(2)我们主张用小容器包装这批货。advocate usin,5substitute,n,代替者;代用品,vt.,用,(),代替,vi.,替代,取代,(,回归课本,P,6,)After all,,,theres no substitute for our Earth.,毕竟,我们的地球无可替代。,5substituten代替者;代用品vt.用(,归纳拓展,a substitute for.,的代替者,a milk/meat substitute,代乳,/,肉制品,substitute A for B,(,substitute B with/by A,),用,A,代替,/,取代,B,substitute for,代替,取代,substitute as.,代替做,工作,归纳拓展,例句探源,Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe.,做这道菜可以用人造黄油代替黄油。,He substituted as the typist in the office.,他代替做这个办公室的打字员。,例句探源,Can you substitute for the singer who is ill?,你能代替那位生了病的歌手吗?,Can you substitute for the si,易混辨析,replace,,,substitute,(1)replace,多指以新换旧,以好换坏,常与介词,with,连用。,replace A with B,用,B,替换,A,易混辨析,(2)substitute,多指,“,暂时代替或代理,”,的意思,常与介词,for,连用。,(,牛津,P,2016,)Nothing can,substitute,for the advice your doctor is able to give you.,(,牛津,P,1688,)Teachers will never be,replaced,by computers in the classroom.,(2)substitute 多指“暂时代替或代理”的意思,常,即境活用,5,It is wise of you to_welltrained workers _untrained ones in the assembly line.,A,substitute,;,for,B,substitute,;,with,即境活用,C,replace,;,by,D,replace,;,with,解析:选,A,。,substitute.for.,用前者代替后者,其余三项均为用后者代替前者。,Creplace;by,6insignificant,adj.,无关紧要的,价值不大的,无意义的,6insignificantadj.无关紧要的,价值不大,归纳拓展,归纳拓展,例句探源,(,朗文,P,1015,)Looking at the Earth from space makes you realize how small and insignificant we all are.,从太空看地球,会使你发现我们都是多么渺小。,例句探源,(,朗文,P,1848,)So far,research has not produced anything of very great significance.,迄今为止,研究尚未产生任何具有重大意义的结果。,(朗文P1848)So far,research has,即境活用,6,完成句子,这种新药对治疗这种疾病有重大的意义。,The new drug has great_the treatment of the disease.,significance for,即境活用significance for,7means,n,方法,手段,(,回归课本,P,10,)People in agricultural areas,,,without any means to earn their living,,,move to the cities,,,.,农业区的人们没有谋生手段时便向城市进发,,7meansn 方法,手段,归纳拓展,means of(doing)sth.(,做,),某事的方法、途径,by means of,借助,的手段,by all means,可以,当然行;尽一切办法,务必,by no means,决不,一点也不,(,置于句首,其后倒装,归纳拓展,【,温馨提示,】,means,表示,“,方法,方式,手段,”,时,其单复数同形。当,means,作主语且有,every,,,each,等词修饰时谓语动词用单数;有,some,,,several,,,many,,,few,等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。,【温馨提示】means表示“方法,方式,手段”时,其单复数,例句探源,All possible means have been tried.,Every possible means has been tried.,所有,(,每一种,),可能的办法都已经试过了。,例句探源,(2011,高考浙江卷,)Can I come and have a look at your new house?,Yes,,,by all means!,“,我可以看看你的新房子吗?,”“,当然行,可以。,”,(2011高考浙江卷)Can I come and,Thoughts are expressed by means of words.,思想靠语言来表达。,By no means should he be left alone.,绝不能把他单独留下。,Thoughts are expressed by mea,即境活用,7,(2010,高考江苏卷,)Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?,_.Ours is much stronger than theirs.,即境活用,A,Of course,B,It depends,C,Dont mention it D,By no means,解析:选,D,。,by no means,表示绝不;,It depends,表示看情况而定。,AOf course BIt depends,8considerate,adj.,体贴的;想的周到的,(,回归课本,P,133,)We can all help by being more considerate and thinking of our neighbours.,我们都可以通过更体贴的多想想我们的邻居来提供帮助。,8considerateadj.体贴的;想的周到的,归纳拓展,归纳拓展,例句探源,Since I am now preparing for the College Entrance Examination,,,my mother is very considerate of me.,自从我在为高考做准备,妈妈就对我的照顾很细心。,例句探源,Its very considerate of you to remember my birthday.,你想的真周到还记得我的生日。,Its very considerate of you,即境活用,8,用,consider,的适当形式填空,(1)You should be_to others.,(2)He is very energetic,,,_his age.,considerate,considering,即境活用considerateconsidering,(3)Take everything into_,,,I decided to accept the job.,(4)All things_,,,this is really a good plan.,consideration,considered,(3)Take everything into_,9refer to,提到,涉及;查阅,(,回归课本,P,6,)Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earths temperature.,地球变暖是指地球气温的平均上升,9refer to 提到,涉及;查阅,归纳拓展,refer to.as.,把,看作,refer oneself to,依赖,求助于,refer.to.,把,归因于,;把,提交给,归纳拓展,例句探源,Dont refer to the matter again.,不要再提这件事了。,Refer to the dictionary when you dont know how to spell a word.,当你不知道怎么拼写一个单词时,查阅一下词典。,例句探源,He referred his success to the good teaching he had had.,他把他的成功归于他以前所受的良好教育。,He referred his success to th,即境活用,9,(2012,泰安模拟,)On AIDS Day,,,the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _paid special attention to.,A,referred to being,B,referred to be,C,refer to being D,refer to be,即境活用,解析:选,B,。,referred to,为过去分词作后置定语;,demand,后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即,should,动词原形的形式,这里省略了,should,。,解析:选B。referred to为过去分词作后置定语;de,10answer for sth.,对某事负责;为某事受谴责,(,回归课本,P,132,)Hunters in general have a lot to answer for in terms of endangered animals.,就濒危动物而言,猎人通常应付许多责任。,10answer for sth.对某事负责;为某事受谴责,例句探源,in answer(to sth.),as a reply,作为回应,answer(sb.)back,反驳;回嘴;顶嘴;还口,answer to sb.(for sth.),向某人,(,为某事,),负责;对某人承担,(,某事的,),责任,例句探源,即境活用,They shall answer for their behavior.,他们应对自己的行为负责。,The doctor came at once in answer to my phone call.,医生一接到我的电话立刻就来了。,即境活用,(,朗文,P,60,)Stop answering your mother back!,不准和母亲顶嘴!,(朗文P60)Stop answering your mo,即境活用,10,You may get away with this kind of thing now,,,but you will have to _it some day.,A,answer back,B,answer to,C,answer for D,answer up,即境活用,解析:选,C,。句意:现在你可以逃过此事,但日后你将必须对此承担责任。,answer for,对,负责,符合句意。,解析:选C。句意:现在你可以逃过此事,但日后你将必须对此承担,11on somebodys behalf,代表,(,回归课本,P,132,)We need to speak out on their behalf before they disappear for good.,在它们永远消失之前,我们需要代表它们公开站出来说出心声。,11on somebodys behalf 代表,归纳拓展,on behalf of sb.,on sb.s behalf,in behalf of sb.,in sb.s behalf US,都可表示,“,做某人的代表或代言人;为了帮助某人,”,。,归纳拓展,例句探源,Im here on behalf of my family to give our regards to you.,我在这里代表我们全家向你问候。,I paid the money on your behalf.,我替你付了钱。,例句探源,We collected money in behalf of the poor students.,我们为帮助贫困学生而募捐。,We collected money in behalf,即境活用,11,完成句子,(1)I am appealing_(,代表,)the famine victims.,(2)_(,代表,)my colleagues and myself Id like to give a warm welcome to you all.,on behalf of,On behalf of,即境活用on behalf ofOn behalf of,1,【,教材原句,】,Without,these naturally occurring gases,the suns rays would bounce back into space,leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on,.(P6),如果没有这些自然存在的气体,太阳的光线将会离开地球,返回到太空,使地球变得寒冷,人类将无法居住。,句型巧析,1【教材原句】Without these naturall,【,句法分析,】,(1)without,在本句中表示一个假设的条件,后面的主句中用,“,would,do,”,表示对将来的虚拟,像这样表假设条件的介词还有,but for,;连词,or,otherwise,,它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄条件句。,【句法分析】(1)without 在本句中表示一个假设的条,(2011,高考陕西卷,)I couldnt have gone through that bitter period without your generous help.,要是没有你慷慨的帮助,我挺不过那段艰难地时期。,(2011高考陕西卷)I couldnt have g,(2)leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on,为现在分词短语作结果状语。,Football is played in over 80 countries,making it the most popular sport in the world.,在,80,多个国家里都有足球这项体育活动,使它成为世界上最受欢迎的一项运动。,(2)leaving the Earth cold and,They have been discussing the problem for 2 hours,reaching no agreement at last.,他们对这个问题一直讨论了两个小时,最后也没达成协议。,They have been discussing the,即境活用,12,The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance,,,_in the natural light during the day.,A,to let,B,letting,C,let D,having let,即境活用,解析:选,B,。考查现在分词作伴随状语;如选,A,表动词不定式作目的状语,必须把题干中的逗号省略。,解析:选B。考查现在分词作伴随状语;如选A表动词不定式作目的,2,【,教材原句,】,Given,this data,,,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.(P,24,),鉴于这些数据,好像人类活动与正在升高的地球温度之间的联系并不仅仅是巧合。,2【教材原句】Given this data,it se,【,句法分析,】,本句中,given,为介词,意思为,“,鉴于,”,(,表示原因,),。另外,它还可以表示假设,意为,“,倘若;假定,”,。,Given the present conditions,,,I think shes done rather well.,考虑到目前的条件,我认为她已做得相当出色。,【句法分析】本句中given为介词,意思为“鉴于”(表,Given her interest in children/Given that she is interested in children,,,I am sure teaching is the right career for her.,考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书是最适合她的职业。,Given the chance,,,Ill do it again.,如果有机会,我会再做一次。,Given her interest in childre,归纳拓展,类似的还有,regarding(,关于,有关,)/,considering(,鉴于,考虑到,)/concerning(,关于,涉及,)/provided/providing(,假定,),;,judging from.(,根据,来判断,),等。,归纳拓展,Considering the strength of the opposition,,,we did very well to score two goals.,就对方的实力而论,我们能进两个球就很不错了。,Considering the strength of t,We did more work concerning the aging population.,我们关于老龄人口的工作进一步开展。,Provided/Providing the price is right,well buy everything you produce.,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的全部产品。,We did more work concerning t,即境活用,13,_that you are right,,,we wont be able to do anything about it.,A,Giving,B,Considered,C,Given D,Seen,即境活用,解析:选,C,。句意:倘若你正确的话,我们就不能做任何事了。,given,在此意为,“,倘若,”,,后面可跟名词、代词和,that,从句。,解析:选C。句意:倘若你正确的话,我们就不能做任何事了。gi,3,【,教材原句,】,.,,,Titanic,,,was on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City,,,when it struck an iceberg,and sank about 153 km south of Newfoundland.(P,17,),,泰坦尼克号在作首次航海,从南安普敦开往纽约城,突然间撞上冰山,在纽芬兰岛南,153,公里的地方沉船。,3【教材原句】.,Titanic,was on it,【,句法分析,】,when it struck an iceberg and.,在此为时间状语从句,,when,“,这时,就在这时突然间,”,不可用,while,代替。,I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.,我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。,【句法分析】when it struck an icebe,He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door.,他刚要走就有人敲门。,We had hardly fallen asleep when the bell rang.,我们刚刚入睡,铃声就响了起来。,He was on the point of leavin,归纳拓展,归纳拓展,即境活用,14,完成句子,I had just gone out _(,这时风就把门关上了,),when the wind had the door closed,即境活用when the wind had the door,强化演练知能闯关,强化演练知能闯关,写作技能培训,图画类作文,【,体裁导航,】,图画类的材料直观、形象、生动,具有很大的自由发挥空间,所以,近几年一直是高考英语写作题的考查形式。,写作技能培训图画类作文,图画类材料的图片可能是一幅或几幅,也可能以漫画形式出现;其写作体裁更不固定,可以记叙,可以说明,也可以议论。但无论是何种形式,何种体裁,其写作的过程及要求基本相同。,图画类材料的图片可能是一幅或几幅,也可能以漫画形式出现;其写,1,认真观察图片所表达的内容或内涵,分清图与图之间的关系,甚至要考虑到图片表达的是何时、何地、什么人、什么事、过程和结果等。,1认真观察图片所表达的内容或内涵,分清图与图之间的关系,甚,2,考虑用什么样的体裁来写,(,记叙、说明、议论都有可能,),,从而确定你的写作模式。是日记、通知,要注意其格式;是书信、,Email,,要注意其特定的要求或组成部分;是议论,则要把握好论点的设立,论据的选择和论证的拓展等。,2考虑用什么样的体裁来写(记叙、说明、议论都有可能),从而,3,文章的过渡词、过渡段在图画类的书面表达中起着关键的,“,润滑,”,作用,可见,如何串点成文,整体划一,关联词必不可少。,4,如何开头才能做到,“,先声夺人,”,,怎样结尾才能令人,“,回味无穷,”,,也是要通盘考虑的问题。,3文章的过渡词、过渡段在图画类的书面表达中起着关键的“润滑,【,写作示例,】,请仔细观察以下五幅图,根据图中信息用英语写一篇有关第三中学优秀学生方芳的短文。,要求:,1.,要点齐全,适当增加细节;,2.,条理清晰,行文连贯;,3.,词数:,150,左右。,【写作示例】,高考英语总复习-Unit22-Environmental-Protection环境保护课课件,【,写作要领,】,本篇书面表达属于看图说话类。写作时,首先看清要求,认真审题,确定文体、人称和时态。这是一篇故事性的记叙文,主体时态应为一般过去时,应用第三人称来写。,【写作要领】,其次,通过对五幅图的认真观察,得出故事的主要情节:一天夜里,风刮得很大。方芳凌晨两点钟起床,赶到学校,把窗户关好后回家。,然后仔细观察每一幅图,注意图画之间的内在联系,不放过每一处细节,如图画中钟表的时间为两点钟。,其次,通过对五幅图的认真观察,得出故事的主要情节:一天夜里,,最后,根据以上的观察和分析,开始用英文进行写作。写作时注意不但要把每一幅图的信息表达出来,还要注意图画之间的衔接,注意使用必要的连接词并照顾到首尾呼应。,最后,根据以上的观察和分析,开始用英文进行写作。写作时注意不,【,范文点评,】,第一幅和第二幅图,(,两幅图可根据需要放在一起进行描述,),One night,,,at about 2 oclock,,,it began to blow outside./It was at 2 oclock in the early morning that it began to blow.,【范文点评】,The wind was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.,The wind stuck the window open,,,and she felt a bit cold.,She knew a heavy rain would soon arrive.She thought of her classroom.,She wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly.,She got up and put on her clothes.,The wind was so strong that th,第三幅图,She decided to go out right away and get to the school before the rain came.,She opened the door and rushed out into the dark to the school.,第三幅图,On the way,,,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward quickly.In spite of this,,,she ran as fast as possible,,,and finally she got to the school.,On the way,the strong wind mad,第四幅图,She hurried to her classroom and opened the door.,She turned on the lights and found that all the windows were open.,The strong wind made it difficult for,第四幅图,her to shut up all the windows.It was difficult for her to./She made great efforts to.,She made sure that all the windows were closed properly.,her to shut up all the windows,第五幅图,She turned off the lights and left the classroom.,As soon as she got home,,,the rain started to pour down.,No sooner had she got home than the,第五幅图,rain began to pour down.,Hardly had she got home when the rain began to pour down.,Upon/On getting home,,,she found the rain began to pour down.,rain began to pour down.,【,范文点评,】,It was nearly at 2 oclock in the early morning that the wind began to blow outside.It was so strong that the noise woke up Fang Fang.,The wind blowing through the windows that were struck open made her feel a bit,【范文点评】,cold.She realized that a heavy rain,would soon arrive.,Suddenly she thought of the windows in the classroom and wondered whether the students on duty had closed the windows properly or not.,Without hesitation,,,she began to put on her,cold.She realized that a heavy,clothes,,,opened the door and rushed out into the dark to her school.,On the way,,,the strong wind made it difficult for her to go forward.In spite of this,,,she ran as fast as possible and finally managed to get to the school before the rain came.,She hurried to,clothes,opened the door and ru,her classroom,,,turned on the lights,,,and found that some of the windows were open.,She made great efforts to shut up all the windows one by one,,,fighting against the heavy wind.,After making sure that all the windows were properly closed,,,she turned off,her classroom,turned on the l,the lights and left the classroom.Hardly had she got home when the rain started to pour down.,Tired and sleepy as she was,,,she felt happy about the meaningful thing she had done.,the lights and left the classr,点评:,该句使用强调句型,突出事件发生的时间是凌晨两点。,现在分词作定语修饰,the wind,,更加生动形象;用定语从句强调风大。,使用并列复合句,使文章句式更加多样化。,点评:,介词短语用得恰到好处;一系列谓语动词的并列使用展现出她当时急切的心情和迅速的动作。,it,作形式宾语。,三个并列谓语表明动作的连贯与迅速,符合她当时的心情。,介词短语用得恰到好处;一系列谓语动词的并列使用展现出她当时,短语,make efforts to do,的使用非常贴切;现在分词作伴随状语,突出她当时关窗的难度之大。,准确地应用了,hardly.when.,句式。,使用,as,引导的倒装句式,使文章句式丰富。,短语make efforts to do 的使用非常贴切;,【,类题尝试,】,(2011,北京海淀区第二学期期末考试,),假设你是某中学的学生,,3,月,22,日,(,世界水日,),你参加了你班开展的一系列节水宣传活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,以日记的形式记录当天的活动内容。注意:词数不少于,150,。,【类题尝试】,参考词汇:宣传材料,leaflets,;危机,crisis,参考词汇:宣传材料leaflets;危机crisis,March 22,2011,Monday,Sunny,Today is World Water Day._,March 22,2011Monday,One possible version,:,March 22,2011,Monday,Sunny,Today is World Water Day.,In the morning,,,we had a class meeting talking about what to do on this special day.Finally,,,we reached an,One possible version:,agreement and immediately began to make preparations for the afternoons activities.,At 200 p,m.,,,we went to the neighboring community to hand out leaflets,,,calling on people to save water.Around 3 oclock,,,the expert,agreement and immediately bega,we invited made an excellent speech on the current water crisis in China.He talked about the draught in the Southeast and the severe shortage of water in out city.The speech had a strong appeal to all the people present,including me.,we invited made an excellent s,After the speech,,,we had a discussion with our neighbors about various ways of saving water in our daily life.I suggested turning off the tap water immediately after use,,,and a granny came up with the idea of reusing the water from kitchen,,,for example,,,the,After the speech,we had a disc,water after washing fruits and vegetables can be used to water flowers and so on.,Today,,,I have had a better understanding of the importance of saving water and really learned a lot about saving water.,water after washing fruits and,


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