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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,状语从句在写作中的应用,状语从句在写作中的应用,1,一 让步状语从句的高中化,高中化:,In spite of the fact that I have been occupied with working,I still have no funds to purchase a house,句式和单词同时都高中化,Although I have been busy with working,I still have no money to buy a house,Though even though while,等引导的让步状语都可以这么做,一 让步状语从句的高中化高中化:In spite of th,2,夜太美,尽管太危险,总有人黑着眼眶熬着夜,The night is so charming.In spite of the fact that it is so danger,there are always someone staying up with dark circles.,The night is so good.Although it is so danger,there are always someone staying up with dark circles.,夜太美,尽管太危险,总有人黑着眼眶熬着夜The night,3,二 原因状语从句的高中化,高中化:,due to the fact that my mums career is a painter,I am addicted to painting as well,句式和单词同时都高中化,因为我妈妈是个画家,我也喜欢画画,Because my mum is a painter,I like painting too.,二 原因状语从句的高中化高中化:due to the fac,4,I am a single dog because others thinks that I have a girlfriend.,I am a single dog due to the fact that others thinks that I have a girlfriend.,I am a single dog due to the fact that others are convinced that I have a girlfriend,I am a single dog because oth,5,Because everyone in it is genius and they talk nicely,I like being in it.,owing to the fact that everyone in it is genius and they talk nicely,I like being in it.,owing to the fact that everyone in it is genius and they talk nicely,I am addicted to being in it.,Because everyone in it is geni,6,三 结果状语从句的高中化,Health is so important that we should pay attention to it,我们可以通过使用倒装句使本句更加有高中风格,So important is health that we should pay attention to it.,So significant is health that we should attach great importance to it.,三 结果状语从句的高中化Health is so impor,7,我是如此优秀所以我本该灿烂过一生,I am so nice that I should have spent my life wonderfully,So nice am I that I should have spent my life wonderfully,So charming am I that I should have spent my life wonderfully,我是如此优秀所以我本该灿烂过一生I am so nice t,8,四 时间状语从句的高中化,当我们努力学习的时候,我们才会取得进步,我们依然可以通过使用倒装句使本句更加有高中风格,Only when we work hard can we make progress.,Only when we are devoted to working can we make progress.,四 时间状语从句的高中化当我们努力学习的时候,我们才会取得进,9,Exercise,:,只有当你加入到我们的时候,我们才能取得成功,Only when you join in us can we succeed,Only when you are involved in us can we succeed,Exercise:只有当你加入到我们的时候,我们才能取得成,10,如果你能来天津,我将带你看看天津,五 条件状语从句的高中化,If you come to Tianjin,I will show you around.,If=on condition that,On condition that you come to Tianjin,I will show you around,如果你能来天津,我将带你看看天津五 条件状语从句的高中化I,11,Exercise,If human have no stickers,chatting will be meaningless,On condition that human have no stickers,chatting will be meaningless.,Exercise If human have no stic,12,四 单词高中化,Be busy with,Be occupied with,Like love,Be addicted to have passion for,Also too,as well,Sb think,Sb is convinced,important,Significant attach importance to sth,Work hard,Be devoted to working,四 单词高中化Be busy withBe occupied,13,summary,让步状语从句(,although though even if,引导的状语从句)的高中化,原因状语从句的高中化,结果状语从句的高中化,时间状语从句的高中化,条件状语从句的高中化,summary让步状语从句(although though,14,Homework,1,整理本节课笔记,2,用今日所学改写一篇短文(尤其标红部分),Homework 1 整理本节课笔记2 用今日所学改写一篇短,15,In my opinion,I have too many rules at home.My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night.They dont allow me to choose my own clothes,either.,And they pay too much attention to my exam results,.,I think,my parents dont quite understand me.,However,I try my best to understand them,.Although they dont allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure,I know that it is because they really love me and want me to have a bright future.,In order to keep a good relationship with my parents,I study hard and listen to them,.I talk with them as friends,and always tell them my troubles.I,also,help them do some housework.,In my opinion,I have too m,16,


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