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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,FUNTIONS IN SENTENCES,For Senior,FUNTIONS IN SENTENCESFor Senio,1,句子成分包括:主语 谓语 表语 宾语1、及物动词宾语和介词宾语;2、直接宾语和间接宾语 补足语 定语 状语原因、时间、地点、方式、条件、结果、目的、比较、让步、程度,句子成分包括:主语 谓语,2,主语,名词、代词、动词-ing、动词不定式、wh+动词不定式、从句 都可以作主语。,1.Our,master,is very kind.,2.,He,is a good boy.,3.,Teaching them English,is her job.,4.,To work with them,is very interesting,主语名词、代词、动词-ing、动词不定式、wh+动词不定式、,3,5.,It,is necessary for him,to attend the meeting tomorrow,.,6.,It,is necessary,that he will attend the meeting tomorrow.,(,注意,对比,),It was,in the book-shop,that,I met one of my old classmates last Sunday.,5.It is necessary for him to,4,7.,What to do next,is unknown.,8.,What we will do next,is unknown.,高考英语句子成分课件,5,谓语,谓语 包括,时态,和,语态,。,I.,时态,现在时一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时现在完成进行时,1)He,doesnt work,in this factory.,2),Is,Tom,watching,TV in the sitting-room now?,谓语谓语 包括时态和语态。,6,3)They,have learned,three English songs already.,4)We,have been learning,English for almost two years since Mr.Brown taught us.,3)They have learned three Eng,7,过去时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去将来时,1)I,didnt go,there for some food yesterday.,2)They,were doing,their homework when I entered their classroom.,3)Before he arrived at the cinema,the film,had been,on for four minutes.,4)He said he,would come,here to help us.,过去时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时,8,将来时 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时,1),Will,they,visit,the museum next Sunday?,2)I,will be waiting,for you at the school gate at 5 oclock tomorrow evening.,3)She,will have finished,the report by the end of next month.,将来时 一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时1,9,II.,语态,基本结构,be+动词的过去分词,现在时一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时,1)Our bedroom,is often kept,clean every day.,2),Is,our car,being repairing,in the garagenow?,3)The building over there,has been built,.It is for women and children.,II.语态基本结构be+动词的过去分词,10,过去时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去将来时,1),Was,this dictionary,bought,last Tuesday?,2)The performance,was being given,in the street when I was passing by.,3)The operation,had been carried out,on Tom before his parents got to the hospital.,4)The manager said that the goods,would be sent,to the chain-shops as soon as possible.,过去时 一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时,11,将来时 一般将来时 将来完成时,1)A new chemical works,will be built,among the hills far away from our town.,2)The meeting,will have been ended,by 6 oclock this afternoon.,将来时 一般将来时 将来完成时1)A new c,12,宾语,名词、代词、动词-ing、动词不定式、wh+动词不定式、从句 都可以作宾语。,宾语包括及物动词宾语和介词宾语。,1)I dont know,the man,over there.,2)He wants,to be,an engineer.,3)Alice thinks,it,interesting,to swim with her sister,.,宾语名词、代词、动词-ing、动词不定式、wh+动词不定式、,13,4)Did you enjoy,playing,games with them at the last party?,5)Do you know,where to hold,the sports meet?,6)I dont know,where the sports meet will be held,.,7)We are interested,in,English and maths,.,8)We must prevent the rivers,from,being polluted.,4)Did you enjoy playing games,14,直接宾语,和,间接宾语,1.He passed,me,a bottle of salt,.,2.He promised,his teacher,to help,us.,(,对比,)He asked his teacher,to help,him.,3.She asked,me,a question,just now.,(,对比,)Mark made,London,the base,for the revolution.,直接宾语和间接宾语1.He passed me a bot,15,表语,名词、形容词、表示方向地点的副词、动词-ing、动词的过去分词、动词不定式、WH+动词不定式、介词短语、从句 都可以作表语。,1)He isnt,a teacher,.,2)John is quite,tall,.,3)Are they,in,?,表语名词、形容词、表示方向地点的副词、动词-ing、动词的过,16,4)His full-time job is,selling,newspapers.,(,对比,)He,is selling,newspapers now.,5)The cup is,broken,.,(,对比,)The cup,was broken,by the cat last night.,6)He was,to leave,when the phone rang.,4)His full-time job is sellin,17,7)The question is,when and where to go,for picnic.,8)The question is,when and where we will go for a picnic,.,9)The children are,in the reading-room,now.,7)The question is when and wh,18,补足语,补足语可分为主语补足语和宾语补足语,名词、形容词、表示方向地点的副词、动词-ing、动词的过去分词、动词不定式、介词短语等都可以作补足语,1)We all made Jack,monitor,at the last class meeting.,Jack was made,monitor,at the last class meeting.,补足语补足语可分为主语补足语和宾语补足语,19,2)Did you find our room very,dirty,?,Was our room found very,dirty,?,3)Let him,in,please.,4)Someone found him,swimming,in the river when it was getting dark.,He was found,swimming,in the river when it was getting dark.,2)Did you find our room very,20,5)I heard him,sing,three pop songs in the next room last night.,He was heard,to,sing,three pop songs in the next room last night.,6)I asked him,to give,her his uncles phone number.,He was asked,to give,her his uncles phone number.,5)I heard him sing three pop,21,7)He found his house,broken into,when he got home.,His house was found,broken into,when he got home.,8)Did you see him,under the tree,alone?,Was he seen,under the tree,alone?,7)He found his house broken i,22,定语,定语可分为:前置定语和后置定语。,形容词、物主代词的所有格、(单个)动词ing形式、(单个)过去分词常作前置定语。,1)The,tall,boy is,Toms,elder,brother.,2)The,dancing,hall is being repaired now.,3)The,broken,cup isnt mine.,4)The,sleeping,girl is,my,younger,sister.,定语定语可分为:前置定语和后置定语。,23,else 常作后置定语。,形容词修饰 something,anything,nothing,everything 等词常作后置定语。,形容词短语、介词短语、动词不定式、动词ing短语、动词过去分词短语、定语从语等都常作后置定语。,else 常作后置定语。,24,else,常作后置定语,1)Mum,is there anything,else,for me to do?,2)What,else,did you say at the last meeting?,3)Who,else,went there with you last night?,4)Where,else,have you been besides Shanghai?,else 常作后置定语1)Mum,is there an,25,形容词修饰 something,anything,nothing,everything 等词常作后置定语,1)A:Anything,else,to buy besides meat?B:Nothing,else,.Thank you,Jack.,2)A:Is there anything,interesting,in todays newspaper?B:Yes.Look!And here is something,important,.,形容词修饰 something,anything,not,26,形容词短语、介词短语、动词不定式、动词ing短语、动词过去分词短语、定语从语等都常作后置定语,1)The boy,full of bravery,rushed into the,burning,house and carried an old lady out.,2)Do you know the man,with a blue hat on his head,?,3)Sorry,I cant go with you because Ill have something,important,to write,.,4)Boys and girls,today there is a little homework,to do,.,形容词短语、介词短语、动词不定式、动词ing短语、动词过去分,27,5)The building,being built next to the park,is for the children.,6)He cant recognize the bike,stolen two weeks ago,.,7)The man,whose son is a soldier,lives here.,8)The house,where Lu Xun once lived,is still there.,9)The reason,why he didnt go to school,sounds reasonable.,5)The building being built ne,28,注意 enough,和 nearby,1)I havent got,enough money,.I cant afford it.,2)We have,time enough,to do the work.,3)If you are in trouble,ask a policeman,nearby,for help.,=If you are in trouble,ask a,nearby,policeman for help.,注意 enough 和 nearby1)I havent,29,状语,(原因、时间、地点、方式、条件、结果、目的、比较、让步、程度、伴随),1.原因状语,1)Tom didnt go to school yesterday,because he was ill/because of his illness.,2),Since all of us are here,lets begin our meeting.,3),Having finished my homework,I went out to play football.,状语(原因、时间、地点、方式、条件、结果、目的、比较、让步,30,4),Why,didnt you attend my birthday party?,5),As it was late,I made haste to go.,(,注意,)Get up,Tom,for the birds are singing,.,4)Why didnt you attend my bi,31,2.时间状语,1)They will be there,at 8:00a.m.tomorrow,.,2)The train had left,before we got to the railway station,.,3)It was,then,that I recognize him at the airport.,4)Only,when she entered her house,did she find everything stolen.,2.时间状语1)They will be there a,32,5),Seeing the old photos,he remembered his life in the countryside.,6),Having been taken to the hospital,the injured in the accident were taken good care of.,7),Once seen,it will never be forgotten.,5)Seeing the old photos,he r,33,3.地点状语,1)They wanted to go,there,for help.,2)My father works,in this factory,.,3)We,young people,should go,where there are a lot of difficulties,.,3.地点状语1)They wanted to go th,34,4.方式状语,1)I will go to visit the museum,by bike,this Sunday.,2),A:,How,did you get to the mountain?B:,On Food,.,3)He looked at me,strangely,.,4)The children came into the classroom,singing and laughing,.,5)The professor came in,followed by his assistants,.,4.方式状语1)I will go to visit t,35,5)Alice sat there,with a book in her hand,.,=Alice sat there,book in hand,.,5)Alice sat there with a book,36,5.条件状语,真实条件,1),If it rains tomorrow,we wont go out for a picnic.,2)I wont come,unless I am invited,.,=I wont come,if not invited,.,3)You will go out,so long as you promise to come back before 10 oclock tonight,.,(,注意,)I dont know,if he is in the lab now,.,5.条件状语真实条件,37,虚拟条件,1),If I were you,I wouldnt say that.,2)He would see my uncle,if he stayed here now,.,3)You would have met the famous professor,if you had attended the meeting,.,=,Had you attended the meeting,you would have met the famous professor.,虚拟条件1)If I were you,I wouldn,38,4),If I were here tomorrow,I would join you in the camp.,5),If you were to see it,you would always remember it forever.,=,Were you to see it,you would always remember it forever.,6)I would telephone her as soon as possible,if she should be interested in it,.,=,Should she be interested in it,I would telephone her as soon as possible.,4)If I were here tomorrow,I,39,6.结果状语,1)He is so kind,that all the children here likes him very much,.,2)John got up so early,that he caught the first bus this morning,.,3)We sat at the back of the meeting-room,so that nobody saw us,.,4)He is so young,to go to school,.,5)He isnt tall enough,to reach the book,on the top of the shelf.,6.结果状语1)He is so kind that a,40,7.目的状语,1)He started at 6:00 a.m.,in order that he could arrive there in time.,=,He started at 6:00 a.m.,in order to arrive there in time.,=,He started at 6:00 a.m.,so that he could arrive there in time.,=,He started at 6:00 a.m.,so as to arrive there in time.,=,In order to arrive there in time,he started at 6:00 a.m.,7.目的状语1)He started at 6:00 a,41,2)He went there,for some assistance,.,3)She came here,to borrow some books,.,4)A:,What,did he come here,for,?B:,For some food,.,5)A:,What,did he come here,for,?B:,To buy some food,.,2)He went there for some assi,42,8.比较状语,I.同级比较,1)He is,as,tall,as,I.,2)This river is twice as long,as,that one.,3)He doesnt work,so,hard,as,his brother.,4)This rope is,the same,length,as,that one.,8.比较状语,43,II.比较级,1)Bob is tall,er than,Tom.,2)He ran,much,fast,er,than,his classmate,Jacky.,3)This watch is,three times,more,expensive,than,that one.,4)Which is better,A or B?,5)It is getting,warmer and warmer,.,6),The more,you learn,the more,you get.,II.比较级 1)Bob is taller than,44,7)He is,taller than any other classmate,in my class.,=He is,taller than anyone else,in my class.,=He is,the tallest,student in my class.,7)He is taller than any other,45,(,注意,)He gave more food to me than to Joan.,He meJoan,He gave more food to me than Joan.,Heme Joan,(注意)He gave more food,46,III.,最高级,1)The Changjiang River is,the longest,river in China.,2)This is,the most interesting,book among these four books.,3)In the race Tim ran,fastest,.,4)Of those five girls Alice swims,best,.,III.最高级1)The Changjiang Riv,47,5)Who is,the tallest,Tim,Jack or Bob?,6)Who works,hardest,Tim,Jack,Bob or John?,7)This park is,more beautiful than any other park,in our city.,8)This desk is,strongest than anything else,in this room.,9)She studies,hardest than anybody else,in our class.,hardest than any other student,5)Who is the tallest,Tim,Ja,48,9.让步状语,1),Although he is young,he knows a lot.,=Young as he is,he knows a lot.,2),Though she is a girl,she can lift the big stone.,=,Girl as she is,she can lift the big stone.,3)You must continue your work,even though you are very tired,.,4)He looked,as if he were ill,.,9.让步状语1)Although he is young,49,10.程度状语,1)He works,very,hard.,2)The man is,so,tall that he can reach the apple on the top of the tree.,3)It is,quite,hot today.,4)This dictionary is,very,helpful.,(,注意,)This dictionary is of,great,help.,10.程度状语1)He works very hard.,50,5)My brother knows Taishan,better,than,I.,7)He has,greatly,improved his English.,6)He studies,much,harder than his brother.,(,注意,)He knows,much,about Chinese History.,5)My brother knows Taishan be,51,The End,Thank you for coming to attend this lesson.,The End Thank you for c,52,


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