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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第六章 法律题材翻译,第六章 法律题材翻译,1,法律题材文本特点,法律英语的词汇特征,一、古英语和中世纪英语,二、拉丁语和法语,三、法律术语和行话,四、具有法律意义的常用词,五、同义词或近义词的并列,六、准确性词语和模糊性词语,七、情态动词,法律题材文本特点 法律英语的词汇特征,2,古英语词语,aforementioned,foregoing,hereby,herein,hereto,notwithstanding,pursuant to,saith,thereof,to wit,wherefore,前述的,前述的,特此,于此处,至此,尽管,根据,说(第三人称单数现在时),其,即,为何,因此,古英语词语,3,拉丁语,alibi,bona fide,ex parte,habeas corpus,in re,inter alia,lex fori,per capita,per se,prima facie,quorum,ultra vires,versus,不在犯罪现场,善意,单方,人身保护令,有关事宜,在其他事项中,法院地法,人均,本身,初步的,表面的,法定人数,越权行为,诉,对,拉丁语,4,法语,easement,force majeure,laches,lien,suit,tort,trespass,地役权,不可抗力,疏忽延误,留置权,诉讼,侵权,侵犯、闯入私人领地,法语,5,常见的法律术语,clause 条款,decree 法令,draft 法案,草案,law enforcement 法律的实施,legislation 立法,offender 罪犯,specific performance 实际履行,will 遗嘱,常见的法律术语clause,6,常见的法律行话,alleged 被指控的,cause of action 诉由,damages 赔偿金,day in court 出庭日,due process of law 法律正当程序,issue of fact 事实上的争论点,issue of law 法律上的争论点,legal fiction 法律拟制,material evidence 关键证据,plea bargain 辩诉交易(认罪求情协议),reasonable doubt 合理怀疑,reasonable man 正常的人,subrogation 代位权,without prejudice 不使合法权利受到损害,常见的法律行话,7,具有法律意义的常用词,常用词,action,brief,construction,finding,motion,practice,security,service,一般意义,行动,简短的,简洁的,建设,发现,运动,练习,实践,安全,服务,法律意义,诉讼,案情说明书,(法律)解释,判决,裁定,动议,诉讼程序,诉讼实务,抵押品,担保品,送达(传票),具有法律意义的常用词 常用词一般意义法律意义,8,同义词或近义词的并列,acknowledge and confess,authorize,direct and empower,business,enterprise and undertaking,by and with,cancel,annul and set aside,cease and come to an end,cease and terminate,final and conclusive,for and on behalf of,give and grant,have,hold and possess,last will and testament,mentioned or referred to,modified and changed,obey,observe and comply with,right,title and interest,save and except,true and correct,void and of no effect,within and under the terms of,同义词或近义词的并列 acknowledge and con,9,准确性词语,all,each and every,impossible,irrevocable,never,none,unavoidable,wherever,whoever,所有的,每一个,不可能,不可撤消,永远不,没有,无法避免,任何地方,任何人,准确性词语all所有的,10,模糊性词语,adequate,due process,excessive,improper,reasonable speed,related,sufficient,unreasonable,适当的,正当程序,额外的,不适当的,合理的速度,相关的,足够的,不合理的,模糊性词语adequate适当的,11,情态动词,may 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),shall约定当事人的义务(应当做什么),may not(或shall not)用于禁止性义务(不得做什么),情态动词 may 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),12,法律英语的句式特征,陈述句,完整句,被动句,长句,法律英语的句式特征 陈述句,13,陈述句,Whoever commits arson,breaches a dike,causes explosion,spreads poison or uses other dangerous means to sabotage any factory,mine,oilfield,harbor,river,water source,warehouse,house,forest,farm,threshing grounds,pasture,key pipeline,public building or any other public or private property,thereby endangering public security but causing no serious consequences,shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.,陈述句 Whoever commits arson,bre,14,完整句,In the Contract(as hereinafter defined)the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them,except where the context otherwise requires:,1.1 Employer,means,the person named as such in this contract and the legal successors in title to such person,but not(except with the consent of the Contractor)any assignee of such person.,1.2 Contractor,means,the person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such person but not(except with the consent of the Employer)any assignee of such person.,1.3 Subcontractor,means,any person named in the Contract as a Subcontractor for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the Works has been subcontracted with the consent of the Engineer and the legal successors in title to such person,but not any assignee of any such person.,完整句 In the Contract(as hereina,15,被动句,The validity of an arbitration clause or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by the modification,rescission,termination,invalidity,revocation or non-existence of the contract.,Adequate food and refreshment will be supplied free.You are not entitled to receive from outside anything except the basic necessities of clothing.However you may,if you request,be permitted at your own expense to have food from outside to be brought to you subject to inspection.,被动句 The validity of an arbitra,16,长句,The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty shall comprise in addition to the text,including its preamble and annexes;,(a)any agreement relating to the treaty which was made between all the parties in connection with the conclusion of the treaty;,(b)any instrument which was made by one or more parties in connection with the conclusion of the treaty and accepted by the other parties as an instrument related to the treaty.,长句 The context for the purpose,17,法律英语的篇章特征,程式化,规范化,法律英语的篇章特征 程式化,18,法律英语文本的翻译,信、达、雅 vs.忠实,直译法 vs.诠释法,法律英语文本的翻译 信、达、雅 vs.忠实,19,词的翻译,准确性,同一性,词的翻译 准确性,20,英翻中:把握准确性,专业用语的翻译,复合副词的翻译,配对词和三连词的翻译,模糊用语的翻译,英翻中:把握准确性 专业用语的翻译,21,专业用语的翻译,例1:The Directors may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money and to mortgage or charge its undertaking,property and,uncalled capital,,or any part thereof,and subject to Section 80 of the Company Act,to issue and create,mortgages,charges,memoranda of deposits,debentures,debenture stock,and other,securities,whether outright or as security for any debts,liability or obligation of the Company or any third party,uncalled capital是“未收资本”,mortgage是“按揭”,charge是“抵押”,memorandum of deposit是“存放单”,debenture是“债券”,debenture stock是“公司债券”,securities是“证券”。,专业用语的翻译例1:The Directors may ex,22,复合副词的翻译,Attachments,thereof,shall be made an integral part of this contract.(hereof指of this contract),These rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected,therewith,navigable by seagoing vessel.(therewith指with the high seas),NOW THEREFORE for good and valuable consideration,the Parties hereby mutually agree to the following terms and conditions,whereby,Recipient will hold in confidence Suppliers confidential and proprietary information which has been or will be disclosed to Recipient.(whereby即by which,指by the following terms and conditions),复合副词的翻译Attachments thereof sha,23,配对词和三连词的翻译,完全同义词,This agreement is made and entered into,by and between,Party A and Party B.,译文:甲方与乙方达成并签订本合同。,部分同义词,例7:THEREFORE,in view of the foregoing premises and consideration of the mutual,covenants and undertakings,hereinafter provided,the parties hereto agree as follows:,译文:鉴于上述前提以及双方就下列事项进行的约定和承诺,双方约定如下:,配对词和三连词的翻译完全同义词,24,模糊用语的翻译,模糊词对模糊词,If a sentence of imprisonment is imposed,there are limits on the term of imprisonment,not more than,six months or,less than,three years.,译文:如对之做出徒刑判决,其刑期也有限制 或,不超过,六个月或,少于,三年。,模糊词对具体词,Party A is a company duly organized,validly existing and,in good standing,as a legal person under the laws of the PRC.,译文:甲方是依据中华人民共和国法律正式成立、有效存续和,资格完备,的法人公司。,模糊用语的翻译模糊词对模糊词,25,中翻英:体现专业性,专业用语的使用,正式用语的使用,同义词的选择,中翻英:体现专业性 专业用语的使用,26,专业用语的使用,“不可抗力”翻译成“force majeure”或“act of God”,“不动产转让”译成“conveyance”,“停业”是“wind up a business”或“cease a business”,“实际履行”为“specific performance”,“援引”是“invoke”,专业用语的使用“不可抗力”翻译成“force majeu,27,正式用语的使用,“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of”,远远多于“due to”,一般不用“because of”;,“财政年度末”一般用“at the close of the fiscal year”,而不用“in the end of the fiscal year”;,“在之前”一般用“prior to”,而不用“before”;,“关于”常用“with regard to”,“concerning”或“relating to”,而不会用“about”;,“开始”用“commence”,而不用“start”或“begin”;,“停止做”用“cease to do”,而不用“stop to do”;,“其他事项”用“miscellaneous”,而不用“other matters/events”;,“理解合同”用“construe a contract”“comprehend a contract”,而不用“understand a contract”;,“认为”用“deem”,较少使用“consider”,不用“think”或“believe”;,“愿意做”用“intend to do”或“desire to do”,而不用“want to do”,“wish to do”;,“鉴于”用“whereas”,而基本不用“given the fact that”;,“根据”用“pursuant to”或“in accordance with”,而不用“according to”。,正式用语的使用“因为”的短语多用“by virtue of,28,同义词的选择,mortgage,hypothecate,pledge,lien,security,The carrier shall have a,lien,on the goods for freight,dead freight,demurrage and any other amount payable by the cargo.,译文:承运人得因未付运费、空舱费、逾期费和其它一切有关货物的款额而对货物行使,留置权,。,他用房子作,抵押,向银行借款,译文:He raised a,mortgage,on a house from a bank.,同义词的选择 mortgage,hypothecate,29,句的翻译,英翻中:注重可读性,中翻英:蕴含庄重性,句的翻译 英翻中:注重可读性,30,英翻中:注重可读性,增补和省略,语态调整,语序调整,长句拆分,英翻中:注重可读性 增补和省略,31,增补和省略,Civil actions generally are brought for breach of a contract,or for a wrong or tort.,译文:一般来说,当事人都是因为对方违约、违法或侵权而对其提起民事诉讼的。,例2:The formation of this Contract,its validity,interpretation,execution and settlement of disputes in connection herewith shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China(“PRC”),but in the event that there is no published and,publicly available,law in the PRC governing a particular matter relating to this Contract,reference shall be made to general international commercial practices.,译文:本合同的订立、效力、解释、执行及合同争议的解决,均受中华人民共和国(“中国”)法律管辖。中国颁布的法律对本合同相关的某一事项未作规定的,参照国际商业惯例。,增补和省略 Civil actions generally,32,语态调整,Criminal law,is enforced,on behalf of the state.,译文:刑法,由,国家强制,执行,。,After Completion,the Vendor shall not in any way hold itself out or permit itself,to be held,out as being interested in,or in any way connected with,the Company.,译文:交易完成后,卖方不得自称,也不得允许,他人宣称,卖方在公司中拥有权益或与公司有任何关联。,Courts,are discouraged,from passing sentences of imprisonment on offenders under 18 years of age.,译文:,不鼓励,法院对未满18岁的罪犯作出徒刑判决。,语态调整Criminal law is enforced o,33,语序调整,Subject to the provision of Article 12,,the General Assembly may recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation,regardless of origin,,which it deems likely to impair the general welfare or friendly relations among nations,,including situations resulting from a violation of the provision of the present charter setting forth the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.,译文:大会对于其所认为,足以妨害国际间公共福利或友好关系之,任何情势,不论其起源如何,包括由违反本宪章所述联合国宗旨及原则之规定而起之情势,可以建议和平调整方法,,但以不违背第十二条之规定为限。,语序调整 Subject to the provision,34,长句拆分,Any income tax on income earned by consultant within the PRC pursuant to this contract and subject to taxation according to the Income tax Law of the PRC Concerning Enterprises with Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises and other relevant laws and regulations shall paid by Consultant.,译文一:顾问就按本合同在中国境内赚取的所得并按中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法和其他有关的法律法规而被征收的任何所得税应由顾问支付。,译文二:顾问按本合同在中国境内赚取的所得,按中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法以及其他法律法规须纳税的,应由顾问缴纳所得税。,长句拆分Any income tax on income e,35,中翻英:蕴含庄重性,使用固定句式,使用插入结构,短语替代从句,中翻英:蕴含庄重性使用固定句式,36,使用固定句式,根据 under,in accordance with,subject to,pursuant to,as provided in,该报盘以贵公司的接受于十月十五日以前到达敝公司为准。,译文:The offer is,subject to,your acceptance reaching us before October 15th.,根据行政程序法可得到司法复审。,译文:Judicial review is available,pursuant to,the Administrative Procedure Act.,使用固定句式根据 under,in accordanc,37,在不损害的情况下 without prejudice to,此类措施不得损害各成员在GATT1994项下的权利和义务。,译文:Such actions shall be,without prejudice to,the rights and obligations of Members under GATT 1994.,在不损害的情况下 without prejudic,38,有权做 have the right to do,be entitled to,may do,be authorized to do,reserve the right to do,人民代表大会代表有权向国家机关提出质询。,译文:Deputies to the Peoples Congresses,have the right to,address inquiries to state organs.,妇女有权享有产假。,译文:Women,are entitled to,maternity leave.,有权做 have the right to do,be e,39,有义务,有责任做 have the obligation to do,shall/will do,be obliged to,under the obligations to do,shall be liable to do,shall be liable for,托运人应当如实填报托运单。,译文:SHIPPER,shall,truthfully fill in the goods consignment note.,银行在其营业时间外,无接受提交单据的义务。,译文:Banks are,under no obligation to,accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours.,运输公司将对损坏负责。,译文:The shipping company will,be liable for,the damage,有义务,有责任做 have the obligation t,40,另有规定的除外/如无另行规定unless otherwise provided/stipulated/stated,except as otherwise provided,除本法另有规定外,香港特别行政区立法会对法案和议案的表决采取下列程序:,译文:,Unless otherwise provided for,in this Law,the Legislative Council shall adopt the following procedures for voting on bills and motions:,除另有明确约定外,本协议和根据本协议进行的仲裁应适用中华人民共和国法律。,译文:,Except as otherwise expressly provided,the law of the Peoples Republic of China shall apply to this Agreement and to the arbitration conducted under this Agreement.,另有规定的除外/如无另行规定unless otherwise,41,的 whoever,anyone who,具有下列条件之一的,可以参加执业医师资格考试。,译文:,Whoever,meets one of the following requirements may take the examinations for the qualifications of a licensed doctor.,具有高等学校医学专科或者中等专业学校医学专业学历,在执业医师指导下,在医疗、预防、保健机构中试用期满1年的,可以参加执业助理医师资格考试。,译文:,Anyone who,has reached the level of a graduate from the faculty of medicine of a university or a polytechnic school and,under the guidance of a licensed doctor,worked on probation for at least one year in the medical treatment,disease-prevention or health care institution may take the examinations for the qualifications of an assistant doctor.,的 whoever,anyone who,42,在前提下 provided that,在不会对调查的进行或执法构成不合理延迟或阻碍的前提下,你可与一名法律顾问通讯和商议。,译文:,Provided that,no unreasonable delay or hindrance is caused to the processes of investigation or the administration of justice you may communicate and consult with a legal adviser.,在前提下 provided that,43,如果 if,in the event that,in case of,where,should,发生下列情况之一的,甲方得终止本契约。,译文:,In the event,the Employee is found to have violated any of the followings,the Employer may terminate this contract.,延长工作时间在两小时以内者,按平日每小时工资加给三分之一。,译文:,Where,the overtime does not exceed 2 hours,the Employee shall be paid in addition to his regular hourly wage,an additional 1/3 of regular hourly rate.,如果这是份可转移的信用证并且需要我们的授权才会使之生效,请注意我们没有这样的义务。,译文:,Should,this be a transferable credit and should we be authorized to effect such transfer,please note that we are under no obligation to do so.,如果 if,in the event that,in,44,一就 upon sth.,领养令一经作出,有关幼年人的父母或监护人所具有的关于该幼年人日后的管养、赡养和教育方面的一切权利、职责、义务和法律责任均告终绝。,译文:,Upon,an adoption order being made,all rights,duties,obligations and liabilities of the parents or guardians of the infant in relation to the future custody,maintenance and education of the infant shall be extinguished.,一就 upon sth.,45,使用插入结构,申请人应自接到主管机关批准通知后30日内办理工商登记手续。,译文:Applicants,within 30 days upon receipt of notice of approval from relevant competent authority,shall go through industrial and commercial registration.,如果当事人一方收到按照第一款提出的建议后三十天内未能遴选独任仲裁员达成协议,则应由当事人所约定的指定机关指定独任仲裁员。,译文:If,within thirty days after receipt by a party of a proposal made in accordance with paragraph 1,the parties have not reached agreement on the choice of a sole arbitrator,the sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the appointing authority agreed upon by the parties.,要约可以撤回。撤回要约的通知应当在要约到达受要约人之前或者与要约同时到达受要约人。,译文:The offer may be withdrawn,if,before or at the same time when an offer arrives,the withdrawal notice reaches the offeree.,使用插入结构申请人应自接到主管机关批准通知后30日内办理工商,46,短语替代从句,任何违反本款规定试图转让股份的行为均归于无效。,译文一:Any conduct which attempts to assign the shares and violates the provisions of this Section shall be void.,译文二:Any attempted assignment of the shares in violation of the provisions of this Section shall be void.,合营企业,如发生严重亏损,、,一方不履行,合同和章程规定的义务、不可抗力等,经合营各方协商同意,报请审查批准机关批准、并向国家工商行政管理主管部门登记,可终止合同。,译文:In case of heavy losses,failure of a party to perform its obligations under the contract and the articles of association,or force majeure etc.,the parties to the joint venture may terminate the contract through their consultation and agreement,subject to approval by the examination and approval authorities and to registration with the states competent department in charge of industry and commerce administration.,短语替代从句任何违反本款规定试图转让股份的行为均归于无效。,47,篇章的翻译,衔接,代词的使用,语言的时代性,篇章的翻译 衔接,48,翻译训练,公司章程,合同和协议书,公证书,翻译训练公司章程,49,公司章程,limited liability company 有限责任公司,joint-stock limited company/Co.Ltd.股份有限公司,one-person limited liability company 一人公司,wholly state-owned company 国有独资公司,common stock/share 普通股,preferential stock/share 优先股,issue and transfer of shares 股份的发行和转让,company bonds 公司债券,shareholder 股东,director 董事,president/chairman of the board 董事长,general manager 总经理,supervisor 监事,board of directors 董事会,general meeting of shareholders 股东会,公司章程limited liability company,50,合同和协议书,合同vs.协议,销售协议,雇佣合同,合同和协议书 合同vs.协议,51,销售合同,title or name and domicile of the parities(当事人的名称或姓名和住址),contract object(标的),quantity(数量),quality(质量),price or remuneration(价款或者报酬),time limit,place and method of performance(履行期限、地点和方式),liability for breach of contract(违约责任),methods to settle disputes(解决争议的方法),销售合同 title or name and domicil,52,雇佣合同,The name,domicile and legal representative or main person in charge of the Employer(用人单位的名称、住所和法定代表人或者主要负责人);,The name,domicile and number of the resident ID card or other valid identity document of the Employee(劳动者的姓名、住址和居民身份证或者其他有效身份证件号码);,The term of the employment contract(劳动合同期限);,The job description and the place of work(工作内容和工作地点);,Working hours,rest and leave(工作时间和休息休假);,Labor compensation(劳动报酬);,Social insurance(社会保险);,Labor protection,working conditions and protection against occupational hazards(劳动保护、劳动条件和职业危害防护);,Other matters which laws and statutes require to be included in employment contracts(法律、法规规定应当纳入劳动合同的其他事项)。,雇佣合同 The name,domicile and le,53,公证书,合同公证书,委托公证书,商标注册公证书,招标投标公证书,公证书 合同公证书,54,合同公证书,_,COMMONWEALTH,ss.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLAND,On this _day of_,20_,personally appeared before me _ and _,known to me to be the person(s)whose signature(s)is/are subscribed to me to be the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth therein.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.,_,NOTARY PUBLIC,合同公证书 _,COMMONWEALTH,55,_联邦马里亚纳群岛公证书,兹证明_和_于_年_月_日,在我的面前,签订上述_合同。经查,此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同精神自愿履行的。,_,公证员(签名),_联邦马里亚纳群岛公证书,56,委托公证书,STATE OF NEW JERSEY,ss.,COUNTY OF FRANKLIN,On this first day of May,1996,before me personally appeared John Smith,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed as the attorney in fact for Jeffery Grove,and acknowledged that he executed the same as the act of his principal for the purpose contained therein.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and in the year first written above.,(seal)_,Notary Public,My commission expires May 1,19_,委托公证书 STATE OF NEW JERSEY,57,新泽西州富兰克林县公证书,兹证明约翰史密斯于1996年5月1日来到我面前,登记作为杰弗里格罗夫的代理人,并声称他将为委托人代理委托书中所规定的一切事项。,(盖章),公证员(签名),公证期限直至19_年5月1日为止,新泽西州富兰克林县公证书,58,商标注册公证书,公证书,()_字第_号,兹证明我国_厂(或公司)生产的_(货名)的_商标注册证(编号或登记号为_号)系我国工商行政管理总局出具。该商标的专有权属于我国_厂(或公司)。,商标图案附后。,中华人民共和国_省_市公证处,公证员_(签名),_年_月_日,商标注册公证书,59,NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE,()_Zi,No._,This is to certify that No._ Trademark Registration Certificate,identifying the _Trademark on _(the name of the goods)produced by _Factory(or Company),is issued by the General Administration for Industry and Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China._ Factory(or Company)is entitled to the exclusive right of the Trademark Registration.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and official seal on the _(Date).,Notary:_(Signature),_Notary Public Office(Seal),_ Province,The Peoples Republic of China,60,招标投标公证书,公证书,()_字第_号,兹证明_(招标单位全称)于_年_月_日在_地对_(招标项目名称)举行了公开招标,_、_、_(投标单位全称)参加了投标,_(中标单位全称)中标(或全部投标单位均为中标)。,经审查和现场监督,招标项目与招标活动已或主管部分批准,招标方与投标方_(投标单位全称)均具有合法的招标、投标资格(或_因_原因不具有投标资格),投标方_(投标单位全称)所投标书均符合招标文件的规定,为有效书(或增加 _(投标单位全称)所投标书,因_(原因)无效),整个过程的投标、开标、评标、定标,活动均符合_(相关法律、法规、规章)和招标文件的规定,招标结果合法,有效。,中华人民共和国_省_市公证处,公证员_(签名),_年_月_日,招标投标公证书 公证书,61,NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE,()_Zi,No._,THIS IS TO CERTIFY that_invited competitive bidding for_at_on_day,_,_,and _,_ and _ made bids for the above mentioned project while_became the successful bidder(or none of the bidders herein was successful).,It was verified and testified at the site that the tendering project and procedures were all approved by the relevant authorities,the vendor(or purchaser)_and the tenderers,_,_and_were all entitled to the tender(or_was not entitled to the tender because of_).The whole process of bidding,opening,appraising and awarding was in compliance with _ and relevant rules and the outcome of the tender is legal and valid.,IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above,Notary:_(Signature),_Notary Public Office(Seal),_ Province,The Peoples Republic of China,NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE,62,


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