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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,0,Reading,Unit2 Wildlife protection,ReadingUnit2 Wildlife prote,1,Guessing game,To guess what kind of animals is it,.,1,)It is good at running and jumping.,2)It is one of the Beijing Olympic mascots,(,吉祥物,),3)Its name is closely connected WithChangtang,Reserve Nature,(,羌塘自然保护区,),4)It mainly lives in Qinghai and Tibet,(,西藏,),What is it?,Guessing game To guess what,2,Tibetan,antelope,Tibetan,3,Tibetan,antelope,Tibetan,4,Graceful,/,beautiful,/,cute animals,Graceful/beautiful/cute anim,5,Watch a video about antelopes and talk about the feelings about the video,Watch a video about antelopes,6,新高一必修二-unit2-阅读ppt课件,7,Feel sorry and sad.,They shouldnt be hunted and should be well protected,My feeling,Feel sorry and sad.My feeli,8,Reading,A Day,in The Clouds,walking on the plains with clouds around us,ReadingA Day in The Cloudswalk,9,Fast Reading,WHO,Where,when,Why,What,we,in Tib,et,To observe Tibetan,antelopes,walking on the plains,one day on a short hike,To answer the question based on the title,Fast ReadingWHOWherewhenWhyWh,10,It is,a,narrative,writing,记叙文,It is a narrative writing,11,Match the main idea of each paragraph,carefull reading,para1,para2,para3,para4,para5,para6,para7,Background,Situation of Tibetan antelopes,Introduction of my guide,Bad times for the Tibetan antelopes,Measures,The effect of measures,Summary,Match the main idea of,12,What does the author experience in the clouds,?,C,arefull reading,Things the author sees,Things the author feels or thinks,Things the author hears,1,.Bad times for the Tibetan antelope,2,.Struck by their beauty,3,.Snow-covered mountains dispearing in the clouds,4,.Changtang National Nature Reserve,5,.The antelopes moving slowly across the green grass,6,.Measures to protect the Tibetan antelope,7,.Existing in harmony with nature.,8,.Changing our way of life,9,.Effects achieved after years of protection,3,5,4,1,6,9,2,7,8,What does the author ex,13,Discussion,What can we do to protect Tibetan antelopes?,Discussion,14,We can help the endangered animals as following,s,We can help the endangered an,15,Aonther way to protect animals,poster,How to make a poster,(,海报,),?,Aonther way to protect animals,16,字体,字体,17,新高一必修二-unit2-阅读ppt课件,18,How to write a poster for Tibetan antelope?,How to write a poster,19,Show your posters,pk,Show your posterspk,20,Write a poster for Tibetan antelope?The following can help you,.,.,Every life is worthy of respect,Love life,stop killing,Free,the animals,Keep,wildlife in the wild,Without,animals,life has no power,Title,Introduction,Habitat loss;hunted for its skin and fu,r,National nature reserves are,being,built,to increase the number of,Tibetan antelope,Do not buy fur,.Do not kill them,.,Write a poster for Tibetan ant,21,Summary,To protect animals,Take action!,Animals and we are one family.,SummaryTo protect animalsAnima,22,Write a poster,for,Homework,Write a poster for Homework,23,新高一必修二-unit2-阅读ppt课件,24,


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