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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 5,Summarizing,Chapter 5,1,summary,definition:,the gist,or,main theme,of a piece of writing expressed in,as few words as possible,requirements,:,clear,brief,and complete,with,all the essential points,included,so that the general effect of the original is achieved.,summary,2,Focus 1,Uses of Summary-Writing,Summary writing,enables people to get more out of their reading,.,Why?,forcing us to pay attention to what we read,for no one can write a summary of any piece of writing unless he has clearly grasped its meaning.So summarizing is,excellent training,.It makes us,read with the mind as well as the eye.,Focus 1 Uses of Summary-Writi,3,2.Summary-writing is also,a very good exercise,.,It teaches us to express thoughts,clearly,concisely and effectively,.,Why?,Since we are required to express the main information in,as few words as possible,we must learn to,choose,our,words,and,construct,our,sentences,carefully and to,write,in strictly logical order.,2.Summary-writing is also a v,4,3.Summary-writing has,great practical value,.,Why?,The ability(,to grasp quickly and accurately what is read or heard and to,reproduce it briefly,clearly and concisely,)is of great importance,particularly to,lawyers,scholars,businessmen,and government officials.,3.Summary-writing has great,5,Focus 2,Procedure,What?,Reading,1)We first,read through,the original carefully,but not too slowly,to,get,a clear idea of its,general meaning,.,Focus 2 Procedure,6,2)We are required to,supply a title,for our summary.Think of some word,phrase or short sentence that will sum up briefly the subject of the piece of writing.,2)We are required to supply a,7,3),Further reading,is now necessary to ensure that we understand the details of the piece of writing as well as its main idea.,3)Further reading is now nece,8,4)When we have a clear and correct idea of the subject or main theme of the piece,we can,decide,which,parts,are essential and which parts can be omitted.,4)When we have a clear and co,9,5)We,jot down the,subject,the,title,and the,details,which we will include in the summary and are now,ready to write,the summary.,5)We jot down the subject,th,10,2.Writing,We should be sure of,the world limit required.,Summary writing is an exercise,in compression,:,Ways to reduce the length,?(discussion),-,Omit the details,.,Only the,important points,should be,included,in,the summary;all the details that explain the,main points can be left out.,2.Writing,11,-,Reduce the examples.,Out of five or six,examples,given in the original passage,one or two,may be,chosen,for the summary;the rest are to be omitted.,-,Simplify the descriptions.,If in the passage there are ten,sentences,describing a person or an object,it will be enough to keep,one or two,in the summary.,-Reduce the examples.,12,-,Eliminate all repetitions.,Sometimes a statement is repeated for emphasis.This is not necessary in a summary.,-,Compress wordy sentences and change phrases to words,e.g.,“His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.”,He was very brave in battle.,-Eliminate all repetitions.,13,“The account the witness gave of the incident made everyone that heard it laugh.”,The witnesss story was absurd.,“John fell into the river and,before help could reach him,he sank.”,John was drowned in the river.,“He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.”,He was in financial difficulties.,“The account the witness gave,14,-,Make phrases do the work of clauses or,sentences,e.g.,Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai,Lushan Mountain,and Yellow Mountain,were visited by only a few people in the past.Today,better wages,holidays with pay,new hotels on those mountains,and better train and bus services,have brought them within reach of many who never thought of visiting them ten years ago.,(53 words),-Make phrases do the work of,15,Beautiful mountains like Mount Tai,once visited by only a few people,are today accessible to many,thanks to better wages,paid holidays,new hotels and better communication.,(28 words),Beautiful mountains like Mount,16,-,Use general words instead of specific words.,e.g.,She brought home several Chinese and English novels,a few copies of,Time,and,Newsweek,and some textbooks.She intended to read all of them during the winter vacation.,She brought home a lot of books and magazines to read during the vacation.,-Use general words instead o,17,-,Use the shortest possible transitions.,but,then,thus,yet,for,at the same time,on the other hand,semi-colon used to replace a transitional word or phrase,-,Put the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech,-Use the shortest possible t,18,2)We should use,our own words,to write a summary.,3)We should,convey the message fully and clearly,so that the reader does not need to refer to the original.,2)We should use our own words,19,3.Revision,How?,1)carefully,compare,it with the original and see to it,that,we have not omitted any important point,that,it reads well as a connected whole,3.Revision,20,2)correct,mistakes,in spelling,punctuation,grammar and idiom,3)cross out,unnecessary words,to keep the length of the summary within the limits required,4)write out the fair copy neatly,under the title chosen.,2)correct mistakes in spellin,21,P122 sample1,Task 1/2/3,Practice (group work),P122 sample1,22,Read the article given.Make a summary in not more than 85 words.,My neighbours children,love,playing hide-and-seek,as all children do,but no one expected that a game they played last week would be reported in the local newspaper.,One afternoon,they were playing in the street just,outside the post-office,.,Young Ian,who is only five years old,found the perfect place to hide.,His sister,Janet,had shut her eyes and was counting up ten when Ian noticed that the small metal door of,the letter-box had been left open,.,Read the article given.Make a,23,The postman had just taken all the letters out and had gone into the post office to see if there were any parcels.,Ian climbed into the letter-box,and pulled the door from the inside so hard that it,locked,.Soon realizing what he had done,he became very frightened and started crying.Meanwhile,Janet was looking for him everywhere but couldnt find him.It was lucky she happened to stop outside the letter-box and,heard her brothers cries,.She immediately ran to tell the postman,who hurried out to,unlock,the metal door.Ian was now free,but he had such a bad fright that,he could not stop crying,.,The postman had just taken all,24,The postman,however,soon,found a way of making him laugh again,.He told him that,next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box,he should remember to stick a stamp on himself.,The postman,however,soon fou,25,


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