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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Exercise,1.Robert is said _ abroad,but I dont know what country he studied in.,to have studied B.to study,C.to be studying D.to have been studying,2.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,_ it more difficult.,not make B.not to make,C.not making D.dont make,3.Ive worked with children before,so I know what _ in my new job.,expected B.to expect,C.to be expecting D.expects,1,爱和被爱都是最大的幸福。,_,are both great happiness.,2,中国人民决不会征服。,The Chinese people refuse _,3,据说他已经完成了他的工作。,He is said _.,4,根据报道他们已安全到达。,They are reported _,To love and to be loved,to give in,/be conquered,to have finished,/,completed his work,to have arrived safely,A letter to an architect,the form of a suggestion letter,Heading,Greeting,Body:,1st part:,2nd part:,3rd part:,Complimentary,close(,结束语,),Signature,the purpose,suggestions,ask the receiver to consider the suggestions and take them,Lifts,Earphones,Seats,Toilets,Car parking,Suggestions to the architect,what aspects?,Make the buttons _ and the doors _.,Make the cinema _ to people in wheelchairs.,easy to reach,wide enough to enter,accessible,Adequate,access,for wheelchairs.,(Para2),A.means of entering/way in,B.opportunity or right to use sth.,为乘坐轮椅的人进入电影院提供充分的便利。,_ sets of earphones to all seats to allow hearing-impaired customers to enjoy the,company,of their friends.,Fit(安装),/,Fix(使固定),This would allow,hearing-impaired,customers to enjoy the,company,of their hearing friends.,A.firm,B.companion,C.fellow,D.being together with sb,The seats at the back should be _ than,those,at the front,and there could be _ at the end of each row for people in wheelchairs to sit next to their friends.,placed higher,a space,Place the toilets near _ the cinema and make the doors opened _.,the entrance to,outwards,armrests;handrails(扶手),Make the parking lot close to the cinema entrance or _.,exit,All in all,disabled people should have,the same,opportunities,as,_people to enjoy the cinema and to do so _.,physically healthy,with dignity,Able-bodied,Close the text,Ms L Sanders is the _ who is to design the new Bankstown cinema.Alice Major writes a letter to put forward five _,for _ _of the cinema by customers with disability,in _,who have _ walking,hearing.,The most important one,is to design,convenient _ to the cinema.All in all,_ people should have the same opportunities as _,people to enjoy the cinema and they should be able to do so with _.,architect,suggestions,easy,use,particular,difficulty,access,disabled,able-bodied,dignity,Period 2,mind sb/sbs doing sth,think about,the needs of disabled customs,in particular,wonder if,the following things,adequate,access,be handy to do sth,have lifts,be easy for sb to do,be,+,adj,.+,enough to do sth,at the back of the cinema,in cold,unattractive places,进入.提供充分便利,做.很便利,安装电梯,足够.,阴冷而又不显眼的地方,access,(,U,),to:,门上的钥匙,课文注释,问题的答案,key,to,the door,notes,to,the text,answer,to,the question,密室的唯一通道,塔的唯一通道,the only access,to,the secret room,the only access,to,the tower,3)give access to,接见;准许进入,have/get/obtain/gain access to,拥有.的机会;可以接近.;进入,sth/sb,be accessible to sb,sb可接近或使用sth,根据汉语意思完成句子。,1)因为路崎岖不平,到达山顶的庙宇很不容易。,Its quite difficult to _ on top of the mountain because of the,rough path.,2)你知道已经有一种软件,帮助盲人使用因特网,了吗?,Do you know there has been a software _?,get access to the temple,making the Internet,t,o the blind,accessible,Massive,open online,courses,provide a wonderful model of,we call high-tech learning,which helps students,have access to,web-based,resources.,A.which B.why C.what D.how,大量的,网上公开,课,为我们所说的高科技学习提供了一个好的样板,它帮助学生,接触,网络,资源,。,1)孩子们应该有上网的机会。,Kids should,have/get/obtain/gain access to,the Internet.,The Internet should,be accessible to,kids.,2)Medicine should not be kept,where,it,is accessible to,children.,药品不应该放在儿童容易拿到的地方,。,3)公众无法看到这些文件。,These documents,the public.,4),A manager,should be accessible to,his/her staff.,经理应该让职员感到,平易近人,。,are,not,accessible to,adequate P 178,These measures,are,not,adequate to,prevent the,haze,from happening so frequently.,这些措施不足以阻止雾霭天气的频繁发生,。,工作经验和知识让我完全能胜任这个工作。,My working experience and knowledge,are,quite,adequate for,the job.,The buttons in the lifts should,be eas,y,for a person in a wheelchair,to reach,and,the doors,be wide enough to enter,.,句中and连接两个并列分句,两个分句都是“,主语+be+adj.(for sb)+to do”,句式。此句式的用法:,形容词,多为表示,主语性质特征的词,,如:easy,difficult,hard,important等,不定式用,主动形式,表_.不定式中的动词若是,不及物,动词,其后要加上相应的_.,当堂训练:这个问题很难回答。_(翻译),The chair is comfortable to _ _.这把椅子坐起来很舒服。,The room is too small and it is not fit_.,A.to be worked in B.to work in,C.to work D.to be worked,被动,介词,This question is easy to answer.,sit on,B,have trouble,(,in,),doing sth,fit,sets of earphones to all seats,所有座位旁安装耳机,allow sb to do sth,hearing-impaired customers,听力有缺陷的观众,enjoy the,company,of sb,喜,欢sbs陪伴/喜欢和sb在一起,rather than,Earphones for people who,have trouble hearing,.,在做某事有困难,知识拓展:,in trouble,处于困境中,get into trouble,陷入困境,make trouble,制造麻烦,ask for trouble,自找麻,烦,have,(,some/much/great/little/no/any/,),difficulty/trouble,(in),doing sth,We had no difficulty/trouble in finding hi,s,house,1)我们费了好大的劲才说服她。,2)他解这道题没有多大困难。,3)我们毫不费劲地找到了他家,。,We had great difficulty/trouble(in)persuading her.,He has little difficulty/trouble(in)working out the problem.,当堂训练:,*1)Do you know the difficulty he had _ the work?,A.on finishing B.to finish,C.finishing D.having finished,C,This will allow hearing impaired customers to enjoy the,company,of their hearing friends,rather than,having to sit in a special area.,这样可以使有听力障碍的观众能够和他们听力正常的朋友坐在一起欣赏,而不是让他们做在一个特定的区域。,相关短语:keep,company,with/,=keep sb,company,陪伴某人,in,company,with sb 与.一同,一起,=together with,companion,可数名词,1)person who goes with 同伴,伙伴,四个同伴:four companion,s,Heres the glove for my left hand but wheres the companion?,2)种类,颜色,大小等,相配的东西,2)句中rather than 意为“_”,充当,介词,。还可作,连词,,,连接两个并列成分,,但若连接不定式时,可省略to。,注意:连接的,并列成分,作,主语,时,,谓语与,其前,的,成分,在人称和数上,保持一致,。,当堂训练:,I would take the slowest train_by air.,A.rather than going B.rather than go,C.rather than to go D.better than go,*,The form cannot be signed by anyone _yourself.,A.rather than,B.other than,C.more than,D.or rather,*,It is I_my parents who _to blame for the accident.,A.rather than;are B.rather than;am,C.more than;are D.more than;am,而不是,B,B,B,更确切地说,除了,prefer to,do,sth,rather than,do,sth,prefer,doing,sth,to,doing,sth,would,do,sth,rather than,do,sth,would rather,do,sth,than,do,sth,我喜欢慢跑也不愿散步。,I prefer,to jog,rather,than,walk,.,I prefer,jogging,to,walking,.,I would,jog,rather than,walk,.,I would rather,jog,than,walk,.,*你能总结表示“宁愿做而不愿做”的句型吗?,raised seating,at the front,so that,at the end of each row,people in wheelchairs,sit next to their friends,抬高座椅,So Id like to,suggest,that the seats at the back,be placed,higher than,those,at the front,so that,everyone can see the screen easily.,所以我想建议影院后排的座位应该此前排的高,这样每个人都能很容易地看到银幕。,So Id like to,suggest,that the seats at the back,be placed,higher than those at the front,so that,everyone can see the screen easily.,suggest后跟一个that引导的_从句。so that引导的是一个_从句。,当堂训练:,Janes pale face suggested that she _ ill,and her parents suggested that she _ a medical examination.,A.be;should have B.was;have,C.should be;hadD.was;has,宾语,目的状语,B,be con,ve,nient to do sth,the entrance,to,the cinema,in the,basement,地下室,be,specially,reserved for,disabled and elderly drivers,专门为残疾司机和老年司机安排,的.,be close to,it is adj for sb to do sth,car parking,thank you,/sb,for doing sth=,thanks,for doing sth,meet with,your approval,得到你的认可,have the same opportunities to do sth,able-bodied,people,健全的人,do sth,with dignity,make higher profits,赚更多的钱,meet,met met,meet with,sth,meet with,sb,遭遇sth;受到某种对待,和sb会晤(商讨问题等),她怕他出了车祸。,She was worried that he,might have met with,an accident.,They,are meeting with,Russian leaders to try to end the,crisis.,他们正在会见俄罗斯领导人,试图结束这场,危机,。,approve,of,sb/sth 赞成;同意,approve,sth,批准,approving,adj.,赞许的,approval,n.,赞成;批准,His plan was,and the won him many,glances.,他的计划被批准了,这项计划的批准为他赢得了许多赞许的目光。,approved,approval,approving,absent-minded,bare-footed,round-faced,kind-hearted,cold-blooded,one-eyed,long-armed,honey-tongued,赤着脚的,心不在焉的,圆脸的,好心的,冷血的,独眼的,长臂的,甜言蜜语的,able-bodied:,健全的,形容词名词-ed复合形容词,a.我希望您不要介意我写信询问您是否,已考虑到残疾顾客的需要。,b.尤其是我想知道您是否已经考虑了下面的事:,Translation,I hope you will not mind me writing to,ask if you have thought about the needs,of disabled customers.,In particular I wonder if you have considred the following things:,c.在电影院的所有角落都装配上电梯那将,会是方便的。,d.如果厕所的门能设计成向外开,残疾人是会,很高兴的。,It would be handy to have lifts to all,parts of the cinema.,If the doors could be opened outwards,disabled customers would be very happy.,e.所有的座位都配上耳机,而不是少数的几个,座位,那会很有助益。,f.所以,我想建议影院的后排座位应该比前排,的座位高些,这样的话,每个人都能很容易地,观看到银幕。,I would help to fit sets of earphones to all seats,not just to some of them.,So Id like to suggest that the seats at the,back should be placed higher than those,at the front so that everyone can see the,screen easily.,


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