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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,THE MILLION POUND BANK NOTE,New lesson,1.bet,(bet/betted),v.,以,打赌,与,打赌;,bet on,sth,就,打赌,eg,.They,bet on,the next election.,.,n.,【C】,打赌;赌金,赌注,make/have a bet,(with,sb.on,sth,.),和某人在某事物上打赌,win/lose a bet,打,赌赢,/,输了,eg,.-Did you,have/make a bet,on that race?,-Yes,I,won a bet.,2.permit,1,vt,.,许可,允许,容许,permit,doing,准许做某事,permit sb.to do,sth,.,准许某人做某事,We dont,permit,making noise here.,我们不允许在这里吵闹。,The teacher didnt,permit,us to swim in this river.,老师不允许我们在这条河里游泳。,2.,n,通行证;许可证;执照,Without a drivers permit,you are not permitted to,drive a car.,3.,permission n,允许;许可,ask for permission,3.go ahead,1),进行,;,发生,The building of the new bridge will,go,ahead,as planned.,新桥的建设将会按照计划进行。,2),先走,You go ahead,well catch up with you.,3),进展,取得进步,He is always,going ahead,.,他一直在进步。,4),行,可以,I wonder if I could use your computer?,Yes,go ahead.,go against,go through,go over,go after,go in for,go up,反对;违背,经历;浏览,复习,追求;设法获得,从事;爱好,上升;上涨,词组扩展,4.by accident=by chance,偶然地,意外地,I found him in the airport,by accident,.,on purpose,故意的,I think she lost the key,on purpose.,5.spot,n.&v.,n.1,斑点,she wore that black skirt with white spots.,她穿了那件黑底白点的裙子。,2,污点,The tomato juice left a brown spot on the,front of my jacket.,3,地点,场所,This is the very,spot,where the accident happened.,on the spot,在现场;当场,v.,找出,认出,发觉,I cant,spot,the difference between them.,我看不出两者的区别。,6.account for:,1,对,做出解释,说明原因,His illness,accounts for,his absence.,他因病缺席。,Please,account for,your own conduct.,请你对自己的行为作出解释。,2,导致,Bad weather,accounted for,the long delay.,长期的延缓是由坏天气导致的。,account for,解释原因;导致,on account of,由于;因为,take into account,考虑,on no account,绝不(放句首时,用半倒装),He retired early on account of illness.,On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.,7.seek,(sought,sought),vt,.&vi.,1),寻找,追求,He found it worthless to,seek,fame.,他发现追求名声是不值钱得的。,2),请求,征求,You should,seek,advice from your lawyer,on this matter.,在这件事上你应征求你律师的意见。,3),企图,试图,They,sought,to punish him for his crime,but he escaped.,他们试图惩罚他的罪行,但他却逃跑了。,(,seek to do,试图做某事),相关短语,seek ones/a fortune,追求财富,碰运气,seek,ones advice,征求某人的意见,seek for,寻找,追求,She,sought,for,a solution to the problem.,8.,patience,n.,忍耐,耐心,lose ones/be out of,patience,with,对,失去耐心,I lose my patience with Math.,知识拓展,patient,adj.,耐心的,能容忍的,n.,病人,be patient with sb./,sth,.,对,有耐心,You should be more,patient,with others.,你应该多容忍他人一些。,9.to be honest,=to tell you the truth,=honestly speaking,类似用法,:,to be frank=frankly speaking,坦率地说,To be honest,I dont think we have a,chance of winning.,我认为我们取胜的可能性不大。,10.bring up,抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐,1,),She has three young children to,bring up,on her own.,2)Why did you,bring up,the subject at the meeting?,3)Children should be brought up to respect,parents.,4)She was so sick that she brought up her lunch.,抚养,提出,教育,呕吐,bring in,引进;赚的;收)庄稼),bring down,降低;减少,bring about,引起;产生,bring out,取出;阐明;出版;激起,Science has brought about many changes in our lives.,巧学助记,2.The plan he brought up has brought down the costs of production and brought in a lot of profit,which brought the company back to life.,Fill in the blanks.,1.,Lets,_(,打赌,),on the next exam.,2.,I doubt _(,是否,)Tom has taken my book.,3.,Her mother would not,permit,her_,(,come,),back late.,4.,Would you mind me _(smoke)?,5.,I only found it _.,(偶然),make a bet,if/whether,to come,smoking,by accident,6.He have _,(寻找),advice from his teacher.,sought,Reading,1.Where does Henry Adams come from?Does he know much about London?,2.What did he do in America?,Henry comes from San Francisco.,No,he doesnt know London at all.,He worked for a mining company.,Answer these questions.,Fast Reading,3.Why did he land in Britain?,He was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by a ship for London.,4.Why do the brothers make a bet?,Because they want to know if a poor,man can live with a million pound,note in a strange place.,Imagine that somebody gives you a large sum of money to spend as you like.What would you do with it?,help,the poor,buy a big flat,run a business,spend them on food and clothing,share with friends,plan a trip,do some science research,7.stare,v.,1),瞪着眼睛凝视,盯着人看是没有礼貌的,Its rude to,stare,.,他们都惊讶得瞪大了眼睛。,They all,stared,in amazement.,2),睁大眼睛注视,他瞪着眼睛注视着这场面。,He gazed at the scene with,staring,eyes.,1.scene,n.,1),一场,一镜头,He added a new,scene,at the beginning.,在开头他又加了一场戏。,We missed the first few,scenes,of the film.,我们错过了这场电影开始的几个镜头。,2),景色,风景,场面,The night,scene,in Shanghai is quite beautiful.,上海的夜景非常美。,3)(,发生事件的,),现场,地点,They rushed to the,scene,of the traffic accident.,他们火速赶到车祸的现场。,Language points,Henry,the hero of the story,an American young man,sailed too far,drifted out to the ocean,A British ship,for London,passing by,fortunately saved him.,Jobless,penniless,honest,the right person to choose for betting,gave Henry an envelope and told him not to open it until 2 oclock,比较,:scene,scenery view,和,sight,scene,指都市景观或室内陈设,还可以指,舞台场面或部分布景,可数名词。,scenery,指山河湖海等自然景观,也可以,指舞台全部,是不可数名词。,view,指从远处或高处看到的风景。,The,view,from the top of the hill is wonderful.,从山顶上眺望,风景很美。,1.,scene,指一眼可以浏览的风景;场面;,(,一,),幕,scenery,指该地区的整个风景,由 多个,scene,构成的景色,view,指在远处或高处从人的角度看 到的,scenery,的一部分,sight,风景,名胜,常用复数,指人为景观;观点,1.H,enry wandered in London streets.,2.About a month ago Henry Adams was,sailing out of the bay.,3.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.,4.Towards nightfall he found himself carried,out to sea by a strong wind.,5.On the ship he earned his passage by,working as an unpaid hand.,Put the following events in correct order.,2 4 3 5 1,Careful Reading,About a month ago,Henry was _ out of the bay;,Towards nightfall,Henry found himself _ to sea by a strong wind.,The next morning,Henry was _ by a ship.,Lastly,Henry arrived in _ by working on the ship as an unpaid hand.,sailing,carried,spotted,London,Fill in the form.,Now,Henry was _ in London and wandering in the streets.,Just at that time,Roderick _ him and asked him to step in.,To Henrys surprise,Roderick gave Henry a _ with money in it.,lost,called,letter,Henry was an_.One day he had an,accident in a_.Luckily he was survived by a,ship for_.He arrived in London by,earning his passage without pay.He was _,in the street in _.To his surprise an,_ thing happened.Two rich brothers,gave him a million pound bank-note because,they had made a _.,incredible,American,London,bay,rags,lost,bet,Retell the story by filling the blanks.,1.Henry wants to find a job in London.,(),2.Henry is given an envelope by the two,brothers.(),3.Henry is an unlucky young man.(),4.,The servant is called James,.(),5.Henry is foolish to go and meet the,two brothers.(),F,F,O,F,O,Comprehending:1 Fact or Opinion,2 Find all the examples of polite requests.,Then rewrite them in informal language.,Would you step inside a moment,please?,2.Good morning,sir,would you please,come in?,Hello,please come in.,Come in,please,3.Permit me to lead the way,sir.,4.How do you do,Mr,er,?,5.I wonder,Mr,Adams,if youd,mind,Let me show you the way.,Hello,Mr,Mr,Adams,is it OK if,6.May we ask what youre doing in,this country?,7.Now if youll excuse me Ill,Why are you in England?,Please,excuse,me.,3 In pairs describe how Henrys feelings,change during the conversation.,What Henry says or does,How he feels,Before he enters the brothers house,When he introduces himself,wandering round London,miserable,unhappy,anxious,behaves politely and answers questions fully,curious why he has been asked to go into the house,What Henry says or does,How he feels,When the brothers ask him about his plan,When he tells them how he reached London by ship,admits his problems and asks for work;explains his situation,hopeful that he might find a solution to his troubles,blames himself for his carelessness;remembers how hungry he was when he sees the food on the table,grateful that he was rescued;aware of his hunger,What Henry says or does,How he feels,When they seem happy that he has no money,When they give him the envelope,replies,angrily,angry,irritated,wants to open the envelope straightaway,irritated that he cannot open the envelope at once,What Henry says or does,How he feels,When they tell him there is money in it,Before he leaves the house,explains he wants a job not charity,unhappy to be given money rather than working for it,agrees not to open the letter till 2 p.m.,interested and curious,1.Why do you think that the brothers,chose Henry for their bet?,It was his first visit to London so nobody,knew him.,2)He had no money so he would have to rely,on the bank note.,3)They thought he looked honest because he,asked for a job and not charity.,4 Discuss these questions in groups.,2.What kind of person do you think,Henry is?Why do you think so?,overconfident.,He thought he could sail,better than he could.,2)independent.,He worked for his passage,as an unpaid hand to England.,3)honest.,He tells the truth to the brothers.,4)hand-working.,He wants work but not,charity.,3.What kind of persons you think,Oliver and Roderick are?,1)rich,(servants and not worrying about,giving a stranger a million pound bank-note),2)mischievous,(,恶作剧的,;,调皮的,淘气的,),(prepared to bet one million pounds just for,a bit of fun),3)good judges of character,(they see Henry is,honest and proud),What do you think will happen to Henry?,Will the bank-note help him or get him into trouble?,Give a possible development to the story.,Prediction,How many _ are there in the play?,The boats in the harbor make a beautiful_.,The _ in the hospital was very moving.,Jiu,Zhaigou,is full of natural _.,From my point of_,you did a good job.,If you stand at this window,youll get a better _ of the hill.,He can see the temple clearly,for he has good _.,scenes,scene,scene,scenery,view,view,sight,2.bet n.,1),赌博,make a bet,打赌,咱们赌下次大选好吗?,Lets,make a bet,on the next election.,have,a,bet,打赌,win/lose,a,bet,打赌赢,/,输了,1.)A few of us,had a,bet,on,whod get married first.,2)If he scores now,Ill,win,my,bet,.,v.,1),打赌,赌博,Mrs.Black spent all her money,betting,on horses.,布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。,How much do you want to,bet,?,bet(somebody)that,He,bet,me 10 that I wouldn,t do it.,bet,(something)on something,She,bet,all her money,on,a horse that,came last.,1.-It must have been terrible.,-,On the contrary,I enjoyed every minute.,2.The job isnt interesting,but on the other hand,it was well-paid,1.,他妈妈是不会允许他晚归的。,His mother wouldnt permit him to come,back late.,2.,他登上飞往巴黎的飞机时偶然被警方认出。,He was spotted by police by accident,boarding a plane for Paris.,3.,你曾和你朋友打过赌吗,?,Have you made a bet with your friends?,4.,他对他的愚蠢的行为做出的解释实在是,难以置信。,What accounts for his silly behavior is,really unbelievable.,Translation,Homework,1.Review the new words and the key,sentences in this part.Preview the,words in the second period.,2.Finish the exercises in“Learning,about Language”.,


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