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*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,人教版七年级英语下册,课件,全册教学课件,人教版七年级英语下册课件全册教学课件,Can,you play the guitar?,Unit 1,Period 1:Section A 1a2d,Can you play the guitar?Unit 1,dance,swim,speak English,sing,draw,play chess,play,the,guitar,dance swim speak English sin,Music club,English club,Art club,.,What club,do,you,want to join,?,I,want to join,the,(想加入),chess club,What club are they?,1,2,3,4,5,Music clubEnglish club Art cl,A:I want to join the club.,B:Can you?,A:Yes,I can./No,I cant.,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),Pairwork:Talk about yourself!,What can you do?,I cant,I can,A:I want to join the club.(1,She can dance.,She cant sing,.,She can speak English.,She can dance.She cant sing.S,She can sing.,She cant swim.,She can draw.,She cant play chess.,She can play the guitar.,draw,She can sing.She cant swim.S,(1)What club do you want to join?,你想加入哪个俱乐部?,I want to join a sports club.,我想加入体育俱乐部。,(2)What about you?,那你呢,/,你怎么样?,谈话者在询问对方情况或消息时的常用语,也可以问:,How about you?,(3)Sounds good.=That sounds good.,听起来不错。用于肯定或赞赏对方的建议或观点。,(1)What club do you want to,Homework,Please choose one of them as your homework.,A.,.,写出下列词组的英语表达,1.,弹吉他,_,2.,下象棋,_,3.,讲英语,_,4.,唱歌跳舞,_,5.,音乐俱乐部,_,6.,游泳俱乐部,_,7.,加入艺术俱乐部,_,Homework,.,根据要求改写句子,1.I can play chess.,(,改为一般疑问句,),_ _ play chess?,2.She can speak Chinese.,(,改为否定句,),She _ _ Chinese.,3.Can your brother play basketball?,(,作肯定回答,),Yes,_ _.,4.We want to join,the English club,.,(,对画线部分提问,),_ _ do you want to _?,5.Can Tom and Amy draw?,(,作否定回答,),No,_ _.,.根据要求改写句子,B.,采访你的家人或朋友,了解他们的一些,技能,并完成下列表格。,B.采访你的家人或朋友,了解他们的一些,Thank you,Goodbye,Thank you,Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Period 1:Section A 1a2d,Unit 2 What time do you go t,What time is it?,eight oclock,eleven-fifteen,three-thirty,six-thirty,twelve oclock,seven-fifteen,Do you know the time?,What time is it?eight oclocke,Its,twenty past six,.,Its,seven thirty,.,Its,ten five,.,Its,five past ten,.,What time is it?,Its twenty past six.Its sev,Its,four forty,.,Its,twenty to five,.,What time is it?,Its,one fifty,.,Its,ten to two,.,What time is it?Its one fifty,Its,a quarter,to twelve,.,Its,a quarter past one,.,What time is it?,Its a quarter to twelve.Its,my busy morning,get dressed,get up,brush teeth,take a shower,go to school,eat breakfast,Look,listen and learn,my busy morningget dressedget,I usually at 6 oclock.,get up,I usually,at six ten.,take a shower,I usually,at six thirty.,get dressed,brush teeth,I usually at 6,I usually,at seven oclock.,eat breakfast,I usually,at seven fifteen.,go to school,I usually,your busy morning,get dressed,get up,brush teeth,take a shower,go to school,eat breakfast,A:What time do you usually?,B:I usually at,Pairwork,your busy morningget dressedg,at eight thirty,get up,eat breakfast,exercise,go to work,at nine,at about ten twenty,at eleven,Fill in the chart,at eight thirty get upeat bre,key points,1.From twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning.,从晚上,12,点到次日早上,6,点。,from to,从,到,eg.from Shanghai to Nanjing,从上海到南京,from Monday to Friday,从周一到周五,2.Thats a funny time for breakfast!,那个时间吃早饭挺有趣。,eg.Thats a good time for exercise.,那是锻炼的好时间。,3.Im never late for work.,我上班从不迟到。,never,adv.,从不,绝不,eg.I never go to bed so late.,我从来不会晚睡。,be late for,迟到,eg.Sam is often late for school.Sam,上学经常迟到。,key points,Make a survey,Activities,Time,Name,Make a surveyActivities Time N,Report:,My friend Tom,gets,up at,He,eats,breakfast at,He,goes,to school at,Report:,UNIT 3,How do you get to school?,Period 1:Section A 1a2e,UNIT 3How do you get to sch,I take a car,to school.,But sometimes I get to school by bus.,How do I get to school?,Guess,But sometimes I take a bus to school.,=I get to school by car.,I take a car to school.But s,The,kinds of the,transportation:,ride,the bike/bicycle,take the car,take the subway,walk,take the train,take the bus,take the plane,take the ship,The kinds of the transportatio,A:How do you get to school?,B:I.,ride,the bike/bicycle,take the car,take the subway,walk,take the train,take the bus,Pairwork,A:How do you get to school?ri,A:How does.get to school?,B:He/she ,ride,the bike/bicycle,take the car,take the subway,walk,take the train,take the bus,Pairwork,A:How does.get to school?,Home,7:00,School,7:20,It,take,s 20 minutes.,It takes 2 hours(120 minutes).,4:00,6:00,How long does it take?,Home SchoolIt takes,Home,School,Its about 10 kilometers.,How far is it from your home to school?,Home School,Interviw some friends about:,How does she get to school/work?,How long does it take?,How far is it fromto?,Homework,Interviw some friends about:Ho,You can write a passage like this,:,In my group,Jacky gets home by bus.Its 3 kilometers,and it takes 40 minutes.Linda gets home by bikeI,You can write a passage like t,Thank you!,Thank you!,Period 1:Section A 1a2d,Unit 4,Dont eat in class.,Period 1:Section A 1a2d,eat in the classrooms,listen to music in class,Look and learn,eat in the classroomslisten to,fight,arrive late for class,run in the hallways,Look and learn,fightarrive late for classrun,Dont listen to music,in class.,Look and learn,You must eat in the dining hall.,Dont eat in the classrooms.,Dont listen to music,in class.,Dont listen to music Look and,Dont fight.,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont run in the hallways.,You must be on time.,Look and learn,Dont arrive late for class.,You must be on time.,Dont fight.,Dont fight.Dont arrive late,Well,we cant arrive late for class.,We must be on time.,What are the rules?,Ask and answer:,We cant run in the hallways.,What are the rules?,Ask and answer:,Well,we cant arrive late for,What are the rules?,Ask and answer:,We must eat in the dining hall.,We cant eat in the classrooms.,We cant listen to music in class.,We cant fight.,What are the rules?Ask and ans,2c Pairwork,A:,Can,we,listen to music,Cindy?,B:We,cant listen to music in the hallways,but,we,can listen to it outside.,2c PairworkA:Can we listen to,1.important,adj.,重要的,eg.The school rules are very important.,2.bring.to.,把,带到,eg.We cant bring music players to the library.,Please bring your notebook to school tomorrow.,Language points,1.important adj.重要的 Language,3.must,have to,must,必须,eg.We must be on time.,We have to be quiet in the library.,have to,不得不,必须,have to,表“必须”时与,must,意义很接近,有时可,与,must,互换。如:,We have to/must follow the school rules.,但下列情况下有所不同:,must,通常表示说话人的主观看法,语气比较强烈,,have to,往往强调客观需要。如:,We must go to school on time.,Its a little late and I have to go now.,3.must,have to,Homework,Class Rules,1._,2._,3._,4._,5._,You can begin like these:,Dont,You can,You cant,Homework Class RulesYou c,Thank you!,Thank you!,Why do you like pandas?,UNIT 5,Period 1:Section A 1a2c,(,含,Self Check 1),Why do you like pandas?UNIT 5P,Guess:What animal?,Guess:What animal?,tiger,tiger,elephant,elephant,koala,koala,panda,panda,lion,lion,giraffe,giraffe,1a.,Match the words with the animals in the picture.,Answers:,1.a 2.f 3.c 4.e 5.d 6.b,Welcome to the zoo.,1a.Answers:Welcome to the zoo,1b.,Listen and check the animals you hear in 1a.,1b.,cute,fun,lazy,beautiful,smart,interesting,cutefunlazybeautifulsmartinter,1c.,Practice the conversation with your partner.Then make conversations about the other animals in 1a.,Sample:,A:Lets see the lions.,B:Why do you want to see them?,A:Because theyre interesting.,1c.Sample:,kind of,and,very,kind of and very,China,Australia,South Africa,ChinaAustraliaSouth Africa,Present the answers like this:Koalas are very cute,and they are from Australia.,Present the answers like this:,Role-play the conversation in 2b.,Role-play the conversation in,There are many kinds of animals in the zoo.I want to talk about four of them.,Koalas come from Australia.They are quiet,friendly,and cute.Children like koalas.Koalas like to live in trees.Giraffes are from Africa.They are interesting and exciting.They need a big house in the zoo.Lions are also from Africa.Theyre exciting and kind of scary.And theyre not cute.Tigers are beautiful animals.Theyre exciting and scary,too.,Read for more,There are many kinds of animal,According to the passage,check()the adjective words about the animals.,According to the passage,chec,Check the answers.,Check the answers.,Homework:,1.(,必做),Finish Self Check 1 on page 30.,Homework:1.(必做)Finish Self Ch,2.,(选做),Do a survey and tell us what animals your classmates and family like and the reasons,and then finish the chart.,2.(选做)Do a survey and tell us,Thank you for listening.,Thank you for listening.,UNIT 6,Im watching TV.,Period 1:Section A 1a2c,(,含,Self Check 1),UNIT 6Im watching TV.Period 1,Lead in,apartment of,Home With Children,Lead in apartment of Home With,bedroom,bedroom,living room,living room,Its 8:00 p.m.at the weekend.,Lets guess what they are doing now.You could answer this question like this:Liu Xing is watching TV.Are you clear?,1a,Its 8:00 p.m.at the weekend.,.,reading a newspaper,using the computer,making soup,washing the dishes,drinking tea,Xia Donghai,Xia Xiaoxue,Xia Xiaoyu,Liu Mei,Liu Xing,Maybe,Please match them.,.reading a newspaperusing the,Result:They are having dinner.,Result:They are having dinner,1a.Match the activities with the pictures in 1a.,Answers:1.i 2.d 3.g 4.a 5.h 6.e 7.b 8.c 9.f,1a.Match the activities with,现在分词构成口诀,:,现在分词用途多,进行时态不可缺;,它的构成很好记,动词后缀,-ing,。,词尾者有哑音,e,去,e,再加没问题。,一辅重读闭音节,这个字母要双写。,还有一点要注意,改,ie,为,y,再加,-ing,。,现在分词构成口诀:,Imagine you are Steve,your partner is John.Please have a role-play in pairs.You can use the following sentences.,S1:What are you doing?Are you doing your homework?,S2:Yes,I am./No,Im not.I am watching TV/eating,S1:Do you want to go to the movies?,S2:That sounds good.This TV show is boring/the food is awful/Sorry,I am busy.,2c.Role-play,Imagine you are Steve,your pa,Homework 1 must be done.You can,choose to do or not to do the other,works according to your condition.,1.Finish Self Check 1.,Homework,Homework 1 must be done.You c,2.,根据答句写问句,根据问句及括号中的提示写答句。,(1)A,:,?,B,:,I am reading a book.,(2)A,:,?,B,:,He is writing a letter to his friend at home.,(3)A,:,What are the boys doing?,B,:,(,swim),(4)A,:,What is the woman doing?,B,:,(,run),2.根据答句写问句,根据问句及括号中的提示写答句。,3.Pay attention to your familys weekend.Write a passage to describe their activities or draw a picture to show your nice family,.,3.Pay attention to your famil,Thanks!,Thanks!,UNIT 7,Its raining!,Period 1:Section A 1a2c,UNIT 7 Period 1:Section A 1a,A:Hows the weather?,B:Its,rain,A:Hows the weather?rain,Find the difference,raining,rainy,Find the differencerainingrain,cloudy,cloudy,人教版七年级英语下册全册完整ppt课件,人教版七年级英语下册全册完整ppt课件,sunny,sunny,snowy snowing,snowy snowing,人教版七年级英语下册全册完整ppt课件,Lets be the weather reporter!,Lets be the weather reporter!,1a.Match the words with the pictures a-e.,Answers:a;b;e;c;d,d,b,c,a,e,1a.Match the words with the p,1b.Listening.,Moscow,Toronto,Boston,Russian,Canada,America,1b.Listening.MoscowTorontoBos,Imagine you are in one of the places in 1a,talk about the weather with your friend on the phone.,The sample:,A:Hi!Hows the weather in Beijing?,B:Its sunny.,Practice(1c),Imagine you are in one of the,Listening(2a,2b),Look at the pictures in 2a.,How busy the family is!,What are they doing?,Listening(2a,2b)Look at the,cook,cooker,cookcooker,The cook often cooks delicious food with the simple cooker.,The cook often cooks delicious,Before listening to the recording,can you match the persons name with the pictures?,Are your guessing right?,Before listening to the record,Please finish 2b first.Listen and match the names with the activities.,Listening,Answers:,1.c;2.a;3.d;4.b,Please finish 2b first.Listen,This time number the pictures 14 in 2a.,Listening,Answers:2341,This time number the pictures,Practice(2c),Work in pairs.Talk about the people in 2a with your partner.,Sample:,A:What is Uncle Joe doing?,B:Hes playing basketball.,Practice(2c)Work in pairs.,Read for more.(Humor),It is snowing outside!,The wind is blowing,and the snow is falling.The cold winter is coming.There are many children outside.Theyre having a good time.Some are making snowmen,some are skiing,some are throwing snowballs,and some are running in the snow.I want to join them,too.I cant wait to open the door.Oh!Its too cold.I prefer wearing my thick coat to sleep in bed.When it becomes sunny,I will play sports in the snow.,Read for more.(Humor)It is sn,风儿吹,雪儿飘,严寒冬季正来到,,外面小孩真不少,他们玩得好热闹;,有的堆雪人,有的在滑雪;有的打雪仗,有的雪中跑。,看得心里真发痒,加入他们该多妙,,迫不及待打开门,哎呀呀,冷得受不了。,宁愿裹着厚外套,躺在床上睡大觉,,待到阳光灿烂时,看我雪中展拳脚。,风儿吹,雪儿飘,严寒冬季正来到,,Culture looks,Culture looks,A:1.Remember the new words and have a dictation on the exercise book.,2.Write one of the conversations above on the exercise book.,Homework,B:Collect other weather and greeting terms besides the weather words and sentences of the unit.,Choose one of them to finish.,HomeworkB:Collect other weathe,人教版七年级英语下册全册完整ppt课件,Unit 8,Is there a post office near here?,Period 1:Section A 1a2c,(,含,Self Check 1),Unit 8 Period 1:Section A 1a,HOSPITAL,POLICE STATION,RESTAURANT,LONG STREET,BRIDGE STREET,buildings with Chinese words,饭店,警察局,医院,银行,邮局,旅馆,街道,付费电话,公园,park,Pay phone,HOSPITALPOLICE STATIONRESTAURA,HOSPITAL,POLICE STATION,RESTAURANT,LONG STREET,BRIDGE STREET,Chinese words disappear!,park,HOSPITALPOLICE STATIONRESTAURA,1a.Match the words with the places in 1a.,Answers:,1.f;2.a;3.e;4.i;5.c;6.b;7.h;8.g;9.d,1a.Match the words with the p,1b.Listen and circle the places you hear.,In this town,there is,a,1b.Listen and circle the plac,I want to buy a house in a town,can you give me some advice about this town?,1c.Ask and answer in pairs and some of pairs present in class.,I want to buy a house in a tow,Green Street,across from,next to,behind,in front of,Another building is,between,L and H,L,H,L,H,L,H,H,L,L,H,Green Streetacross fromnext to,In front of,In,the,front of,I was sitting right in the front of he cinema but then someone sat in front of me,so I couldnt see a thing.,In front ofIn the front ofI wa,Finish 2a.Please match the sentences with the pictures.Write each number in the box.,Answers:,462351,Finish 2a.Please match the s,2b.Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,2b.Listen and fill in the blan,2c.Ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43.,2c.Ask and answer questions ab,Sample:,A:Where is the hospital?,B:Its next to the police station.,Sample:,Self Check 1,Dont be afraid!Lets complete the words we know first.,Self Check 1 Dont be afraid!,Read for more.,读短文,并在地图上标出位置。,The post office is across from the bank.There is a supermarket next to the post office.There is a park next to the supermarket.Across from the post office is a restaurant.Next to the restaurant is a library.,Bank,3._ 4._ 5._,Answers:,1.library;2.restaurant;3.post office;4.supermarket;5.park,1._,2._,Read for more.BankAnswers:1._,Homework,Choose one of them to finish.,1.Do a survey.You can ask some friends some questions about what places there are in their districts.Then fill in the chart.,Homework,人教版七年级英语下册全册完整ppt课件,2,Write five different sentences to introduce your positions in classroom.,2Write five different sentenc,Thank you for listening!,Thank you for listening!,What does he look like?,Unit 9,Period 1:Section A 1a2c,What does he look like?Unit 9,What does he/she look like?,He,has,short hair.,He,is,tall.,He,is,of medium build.,She,has,short,hair.,She,is,of medium build.,She,is,of medium height.,What does he/she look like?He,What does she look like?,She,has,long,straight black,hair.,What does she look like?She ha,What does she look like?,She,has,straight hair.,She,has,curly hair.,What does she look like?She ha,What does he look like?,He,has,black hair.,He,is,of medium build.,He,is,tall.,He,has,short hair,He,is,short.,He,is,of medium build.,What does he look like?He has,What does he look like?,He,has,short black hair.,He,is,of medium height.,He,is,thin.,What does he look like?He has,What does he/she look like?,He,is,heavy,.,She,is,thin and short,.,She,has,straight and black hair.,What does he/she look like?He,What does he/she look like?,He/She,has,short hair.,has,long hair.,has,straight hair.,has,curly hair.,is,short.,is,of medium height.,is,tall.,is,heavy.,is,of medium build.,is,thin.,He/She,What does he/she look like?He/,Listening.,(,1b,),Before listening.,Ask the students to look through the conversation in the picture quickly.,While listening.,Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.(It is very easy for the students to finish the listening task.),After listening.,Ask the students to repeat the conversation after the tape.Then explain the question:Is he short or tall?,Answers:tall,curly hair,Listening.(1b)Answers,Listening(2a&2b),Before listening.,Ask the students to read the questions correctly in 2a.,While listening.,The first time,students listen to the tape and answer the questions.,Answers:,The second time,students listen to the tape and fill in the chart.,Answers:,After listening.,Ask the students to read and recite the,tapescripts.At the same time,they should pay attention to,is,and,has.,1.tall 2.long hair 3.short,Listening(2a&2b)1.tall 2.lo,Pairwork,(,2c,),A:What does David look like?,B:He is heavy.He is tall.And he has curly hair.,A:What does Sally look like?,B:She is of medium height.She is thin.And she has long hair.,A:What does Peter look like?,B:He is short.He is of medium build.And he has short hair,.,Pairwork(2c)A:What does David,Test in class,1.,短语翻译。,看起来像,_,短头发,_,长头发,_,直头发,_,卷头发,_,中等身高,_,中等身材,_,2.,完成句子,每空一词。,(,1,),A:_does he _ _?,B:He is tall and thin.,(,2,)李晓霞留有短头发,中等个子,中等身材。,Li Xiaoxia has _ _,,,she is _ _ _and _ _ _.,Test in class,Homework,1.Recite the new words and the target language.,2.Describe your favourite teacher with the target language in this unit.,Homework 1.Recite the new word,Thanks for listening!,Thanks for listening!,Period 1:Section A 1a1c,(,含,Grammar Focus),Unit 10,I d like some noodles.,Period 1:Section A 1a1cUni,Please make a list of your favorite food,,,then,fill in the chart.,Please make a list of your fa,potato,es,Lets learn new words.,cabbage,potatoesLets learn new words.,beef,mutton,beefmutton,Noodles,Noodles,noodles,small,medium,large,A:What,size bowl of noodles,would you like?,B:Id like,large,bowl of noodles.,noodlessmallmediumlargeA:What,A:,What size bowl,of noodles,would you,like?,B:,Id,like,a,small,bowl of noodles.,a,medium,bowl of noodles.,a,large,bowl of noodles.,A:What size bowl of noodles,Match the words with the foods in the picture by yourself.,Answers:,g b c d e f a h,1a,Match the words with the foods,Listening,Before listening.,Please look at the pictures carefully and read the conversation in the picture.,While listening.,Please try to grasp the details and find the answer.,After listening.,Please read the conversation clearly and loudly,and understand the target languages.,Listening,A:Can I help you?,B:Yes,please.Id like some noodles.,A:What kind of noodles would you like?,B:Id like beef and potato noodles.,A:.What size would you like?,B:What sizes do you have?,A:We have large,medium and small bowls.,B:A medium bowl,please.,A:Here you are.,B:Thank you.,Pairwork,A:Can I help you?Pairwork,Thanks for listening!,Thanks for listening!,Unit 11 How was your school trip?,Period 1:Section A 1a1c,(,含,Grammar Focus),Unit 11 How was your school tr,What do you usually do on your vacation?,go shopping,watch TV,play computer games,read a book,clean the room,What do you usually do on your,动词过去式知多少,go,have,take,eat,see,buy,take,feed,went,had,took,ate,saw,bought,play,watch,clean,decide,practice,study,stop,shop,played,watched,cleaned,decided,practiced,studied,stopped,shopped,took,fed,动词过去式知多少gowenthadtookatesawbou,Do you remember your,last school trip,?,Where,did,you go?,What,did,you do?,How,was,your last trip?,Do you remember your last scho,Lets match the phrases with the pictures.,Please write the infinitive of the past forms.,1a,Answers:e b a c f d,Answers:went go milked milk rode ride,fed feed talked talk took take,1aAnswers:e b a c f dAn,Before listening.,Please look at the pictures carefully and read the conversation in the picture.Then have a competition and find the best listener.,.,Listening,While listening.,Please try to get the main information and c


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