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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 2 We bought ice creams.,英语外研社版 五年级上,Module 1,Unit 2 We bought ice cre,1,发送,寄,New words,发送,寄New words,2,电子邮件,电子邮件,3,run,的过去式,跑,run的过去式跑,4,爱你的,爱你的,5,Game,点击礼物读单词,礼物就属于你啦,send,email,ran,love,Game点击礼物读单词sendemailranlove,6,词汇分类,动词:,met(meet的过去式)碰上,遇见,wait 等待,等候;,send 发送,寄;dropped(drop 的过去式),(无意中)使掉落hurry 赶紧,匆忙;ran(run的过去式)跑,名词:,ground地面,email 电子邮件,其他:,above在上方,在之上;those那些;us(宾格)我们,词汇分类动词:met(meet的过去式)碰上,遇见,wai,7,Phrase,come back 回来,live in 住在,wait for 等待,go to the park 去公园,by bus 乘公共汽车,go home 回家,hurry up赶紧,赶快,last Sunday 上星期日,Phrasecome back 回来,8,句 型,1.谈论过去发生的事情的句型。,主语十动词过去式十其他,2.询问过去做过某事及其回答的句型。,问句:Did+主语十动词原形十其他?,答语:Yes,主语十did.,主语十didnt.,句 型1.谈论过去发生的事情的句型。,9,Look,listen and say,Look,listen and say,10,Look,listen and say,点我看解析,Look,listen and say点我看解析,11,What did Lingling do?,She wrote a postcard for Daming.,What did Lingling do?She wrot,12,Listen and read,Listen and read,13,Listen and read,Dear Daming,Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy.,We met John in the park.,Hes Sam and Amys friend.,We bought ice creams.,Then we went home by bus.,I ran to the bus.And I dropped my ice cream on Johns new shoes!I was verysorry.,Love,Lingling,点我看解析,点我看解析,点我看解析,Listen and readDear Daming,点我看,14,Answer,Did Lingling go to the park yesterday?,Did she meet John?,Did they buy ice creams?,Did they go home by bike?,Did Lingling walk to the bus?,Did Lingling drop her ice cream?,Now answer the questions.,Yes,she did.,Yes,she did.,Yes,they did.,No,they didnt.,No,she didnt.,Yes,she did.,AnswerDid Lingling go to the p,15,Listen and repeat,/,i:,/,-e,ea:Chinese,these,teacher,please,/,e/-e:tell,then,desk,pen,/-i:listen,given,sit,it,/-a:cat,apple,hat,bag,Listen and repeat/i:/-e,ea:C,16,Listen and say,Listen and say,17,Follow and say,YesterdayXiaohai bought an Ice cream,Lulu watched,TV and I did my homework.,Follow and sayYesterdayXiaohai,18,Follow and say,YesterdayXiaohai bought an Ice cream,Lulu watched,TV,Jack did his homework and I went to the park.,Follow and sayYesterdayXiaohai,19,Look and say,Look and say,20,介绍过去发生的事情,假期里你去哪儿旅游了?什么时候去的?怎么去的?参观了什么?在那儿买了什么?请以,“A Trip to.”,为题,写一写你假期中的一次旅游吧!,小作文,介绍过去发生的事情小作,21,Practise,A Trip to Beijing,I had a happy trip this summer holiday.,I went to Beijing.I went there by train.I visited the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.I took pictures there and bought some interesting things.I bought some postcards for my friends too.I met my old friend in Beijing.His name is Li,Ming.We ate ice creams and had a great talk.,I was very happy.,Practise,22,I.选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项,(),1.A.c,a,t B.bl,a,ck C.,a,pple D.l,a,ke,(),2.A.b,a,d B.,w,a,ter,C.d,a,d D.b,a,ck,()3.,A.y,e,llow B.sh,e,C.h,e,D.w,e,(),4.A.r,i,ver B.,i,t C.rabb,i,t D.Ch,i,nese,(),5.A,.i,n B.,i,t C.,i,ce D.c,i,ty,A,D,B,D,C,I.选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项AD,23,I,II,.按要求写一写,1.run(过去式),_,3.drop(过去式),_,5.is/am(过去式,_,7.meet(过去式),_,2.came(原形),_,4.bought(原形),_,6.did(原形),_,8.lived(原形),_,ran,dropping,were,met,come,buy,do,live,III.按要求写一写 2.came(,24,(),1.What did you see?,(),2.Did you wash your dress?,(),3.Did you go home by bike?,(),4.Where did you have lunch?,(),5.Who did you meet last week?,A.Yes,I did.,B.No,I didnt.I walked home.,C.We saw lots of animals.,D.At school.,E.I met my English teacher.,II.选择正确的答语,c,A,B,E,D,()1.What did you see?A,25,Homework,Read P5 postcards fluently,HomeworkRead P5 postcards flue,26,Thank you,Thank you,27,send 意为“发送,寄”,后面可以接名词或代词。我们可以用 send的以下两种结构表示“把某物发送寄给某人”。,1.,Did she send you an email?她给你发电子邮件了吗?,send 意为“发送,寄”,后面可以接名词或代词。我们可以,28,“met”为“meet”的过去式。meet 为动词,意为“遇见;碰上”,在英语中常用作及物动词,后接“人”,构成meet sb,意为“遇见某人”。有时meet意为“会见,迎接”。,I met her at the gate of the school.,Yesterday we met my mother at the airport.,2.,We met John in the park.我们在公园里遇到了约翰。,“met”为“meet”的过去式。meet 为动词,意为“遇,29,(1)意为“相遇;相会”。,The two old friends met at a small station.,这两个老朋友在一个小车站相遇了。,(2)意为“(在)相接;相交;交汇,会合”。,The two roads meet just north of Flagstaff.,这两条路就在弗拉格斯塔夫以北不远处会合。,拓展 meet 做不及物动词:,(1)意为“相遇;相会”。拓展 meet 做不及物动词:,30,名词所有格表示共同所有的用法,Sam and Amys friend 的意思是“萨姆和埃米(共同)的朋友”。,当用名词所有格表示两个人共同所有时,只需要在表示第二个人的名词后面加上s就可以了。,3.,Hes Sam and Amys friend.,他是萨姆和埃米的朋友。,名词所有格表示共同所有的用法3.Hes Sam and A,31,by bus乘公共汽车。在英语中,“by十交通工具”表示乘坐某种交通工具。,4.,Then we went home by bus.,然后我们乘公共汽车回家。,by bus乘公共汽车。在英语中,“by十交通工具”表示乘坐,32,


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