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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,二级,三级,四级,五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,The Wild Within,新,外研选修,Book 2,Unit 6 Survival,The Wild Within新外研选修Book 2 Un,1,Learning objectives,1.,To get the main idea by the title,pictures and topic sentences.,2.To gain some writing skills and apply them to writing.,3.To raise the awareness of coexisting with wild animals.,Learning objectives,2,Pre-reading,Pre-reading,3,Where do these animals normally live?,Pre-reading,In the wild,Where do these animals norm,4,Where are the animals in the picture?,In the cities,Where are the animals in the p,5,Predict,What does the title“The Wild Within”mean according to the two pictures?,The wild animals within the cities.,Predict The wild animals withi,6,a One thing crucial to the increasing number of,“urban animals”is their ability to adapt.,b People often wonder about the reasons behind,this mass urban migration.,c For those animals that dont adapt,the city can,be a dangerous or even deadly place.,d Yet,for its newest and wildest inhabitants,a city can offer many benefits.,Choose the topic sentences for Paragraphs 25.,2b 3d 4a 5c,a One thing crucial to the in,7,Para5,Para2,Para3,Para4,Para1,Para6,Main idea,Our cities are being,taken over,by wild animals.,.a,dangerous or even deadly,place,stay with us,Tips,:,1.,Come to the point directly,.,2.Pay attention to the,first,and the,last,sentence.A,topic sentence,always lies there.,3.,Para 1,is often the,main idea of a passage,.,.the,reasons,behind the mass urban migration,.a city can offer many,benefits,.their ability to,adapt,The wild within,To push us to protect wild animals and live in harmony with them.,Para5Para2Para3Para4Para1Para6,8,What,figure of speech,(,修辞),is used in the first paragraph?Why does the author choose to start the passage this way?,The,crime,tookplaceinaseasidesuburbofCapeTown.Spottingthecarwithits,windowleftopen,thegreedy thiefdidnt,hesitate,.Withinseconds,he,hadreached,insideandrunawaywithabagofshopping.No matter howmany,crimeshecommitted,thepolicewere powerlesstoarresthim,.,The Wild within,Para1,Personification,To attract the readers attention,What figure of speech(修辞)is us,9,2._,1._,climate changes,urban development,Reasons,for,migration,Para,2,.,.a means of survival,pineapple,nowhere else to live in,Wild animals were there first.Huamns are newcomers.Its we humans that make them homeless.,1._ climate ch,10,2._,3._,1._,out of reach from natural predators,appealing habitats,Benefits of cities for animals,Para,3,meanwhile,in addition,moreover,besides,furthermore,on the other hand,pineapple,plenty to eat,Whats more,2._1._,11,2.change their living habits,1.become more intelligent,_,urban foxes come out in daylight,figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other contsiners,Para,4,Evidence such as,examples,datas,facts,original documents,can make your opinion more believable and stronger.,pineapple,whats more,s,hamburgers,lamb kebabs,garlic bread,_,3.have a taste for the multicultural cuisine,_,animals adaption to cities,1.become more intelligenturba,12,1.How many birds live in America according to the author?,2.Why,are some species more affected than others?,Para,5,pineapple,For those animals that dont adapt,the city can be a dangerous or even deadly place.,About 4,000 million to 10 billion.,Because they havent changed their routes of migration through cities with tall buidings.,Para5pineappleFor those animal,13,Some species are more affected than others.One thoery behind this is that these birds,have yet to,change their migratory routes that take them through cities with high-rise buildings.,1.I have read a few success stories about MBD,but I,have yet to,witness one.,2.The two ministers,have yet to,meet,but they may do so in New York soon.,Para,5,For those animals that dont adapt,the city can be a dangerous or even deadly place.,not yet,Some species are more affected,14,share our urban habitats harmoniously with them,Attitude to urban animals,Para,6,What to continue?,pineapple,What can we do to share our habitats with wild animals,?,share our urban habitats harmo,15,新外研版高中英语选择性必修二-Unit-6-The-Wild-Within-reading课件,16,新外研版高中英语选择性必修二-Unit-6-The-Wild-Within-reading课件,17,pineapple,How shall we balance the relation between urban development and wild animal protection,?,Tips:,1.Come,straight,to the point.,2.Put the topic sentence at the,beginning or end,of the paragraph.,3.Use some,connection words,such as,“,whats more.”,to make your writing coherent(,连贯的),4.Add some evidence such as,examples,data and documents,to make your opinions more believable and stronger.,pineappleHow shall we balance,18,However,how can we humans live in harmony with them?,First and foremost,nature reserves must be set up to preserve the natural habitats of wild animals.Second,we should make efforts to protect the animals immigrating to the cities,such as providing food and shelters for them.,What s more,the government is supposed to take measures to prevent the animals from being trapped or killed,especially some endangered species.,In conclusion,It is crucial to keep the ecosystem balanced and give the animals greener and safer space.,However,how can we human,19,1.The wild are our friends and we should coexist with them harmoniously.,2.Reading and writing skills.,3.How to describe the human-wildlife topic.,Summary,1.The wild are our friends an,20,Assignments,1.,Conduct an interview with your partner about“The Wild Within”.,2.,近年来,时常有野生动物闯入市区,请根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文,刊登到一国外杂志上。,1,)原因,2,)动物在市区遭遇的问题,3,)解决的办法,要求:字数,80,词左右。,Assignments1.Conduct an inter,21,Predict,1.What does the title“The Wild Within”mean according to the two pictures?,2.What will probably be talked about in the passage?,The wild animals within the cities.,Predict The wild animals withi,22,Predict,kinds of urban animals,reasons for migration,benefits of cities for animals,animals adaption to cities,dangers for animals,dangers for humans,conflicts between animals and humans,how humans live in harmony with wild animals,Predictkinds of urban animals,23,How to balance,found natioanal parks.In 2006 Dickson found the Olare Orok conservancy in which local people can benefit from tourism and wildlife life safely and happily as well.,How to balancefound natioanal,24,


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