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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,目 录,Part A,Lets learn,Write and say,Lets try,Lets talk,Part B,Lets learn,Role-play,Lets try,Lets talk,Read and write,Tips for pronunciation,Lets check,Lets wrap it up,单元小结,重点词汇,重点句型,小练习,欢乐记单词,轻松学语法,目 录Part APart B单元小结欢乐记单词,Mrs Smith:Lets go to the,nature park.,John:Hooray!,Sarah:How do we get there?,Mrs Smith:By bus.,Lets learn,Mrs Smith:Lets go to the Let,bus,bus,plane,plane,taxi,taxi,ship,ship,Ship and Sheep,Lets Chant:,A sheep is a sheep.,A ship is a ship.,A sheep is not a ship.,A ship is not a sheep.,Look at the ship,theres a sheep.,Look at the sheep,its on the ship.,Ship and SheepLets Chant:,subway,subway,train,train,train,ai,|ei|tr,ai,n,w,ai,t r,ai,n p,ai,nting,trainai|ei|train,train,subway,地铁通常是地下的,而火车是在地面上的、户外的。,trainsubway地铁通常是地下的,而火车是在地面上的、,c,ar,Guess:Whats this?,carGuess:Whats this?,bus,bus,I am a bird.I can fly.,Im big and hard.,I dont eat.,What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,I am a bird.I can fly.猜猜我是谁?,plane,plane,I live on the sea.,I can swim very fast.,But Im not a fish.,Im a traffic tool.,What am I?,猜猜我是谁?,I live on the sea.猜猜我是谁?,ship,ship,Im,a kind of,(一种),train.,I work,under the ground.,I,run fast.,What,am I,?,猜猜我是谁?,Im a kind of(一种)train.猜猜我是谁,subway,subway,by bus,by plane,by taxi,by bike,by car,by train,by subway,by+,交通工具:乘,坐,by busby planeby taxiby bikeby,A.I go to school on foot.,B.I go to school by foot.,on,foot,A.I go to school on foot.B.I,by,ship,taxi,bus,train,plane,subway,on,foot,byshiptaxibustrainplanesubwayo,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,Mike:Good morning,Mrs Smith!,Mrs Smith:Hi,children.Youre early.,How do,you come to school?,Amy:,Usually,I come on foot.,Sometimes,I come by bus.,Mike:,I often come by bike.,Amy:,How do you come to school,Mrs,Smith?,By car?,Mrs Smith:Sometimes,b,ut I usually walk.,Mike:Thats good exercise.,Lets talk,Mike:Good morning,Mrs S,How do you come to school?I,usually/often/sometimes,.,usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时候,How do you come to school?,What,are these,?,guess,Part B Lets learn,What are these?guessPart B Let,traffic light,s,red light,yellow light,green light,What do they mean?,traffic lightsred lightyellow,Stop and wait at a red light.,Slow down and stop at a yellow light.,Go at a green light.,Traffic rules,交通规则,Stop and wait at a red light.S,green,light,go,at a green light,green light go at a green ligh,red,light,stop,and,wait,at a red light,Dont,go at a red light.You,must,stop and wait.,red light stop and wait at a r,yellow,light,slow down,and,stop,at a yellow light,Don,t,go at a yellow light.You,must,slow down and stop.,yellow light slow down and sto,traffic rule,s,(规则),traffic light,s,Remember the traffic rules.,Look at the traffic lights.,traffic rules(规则)traffic light,red light,yellow light,green light,Go,at a green light.,Stop,and,wait,at a red light.,Slow down,and,stop,at a yellow light.,Remember,(记住),the,traffic rules.,red lightyellow lightgreen lig,the traffic rules.,at the traffic lights.,at a yellow light.,at a green light.,at a red light.,1.Look,5.Remember,3.Stop,and wait,4,.,S,low down,and stop,2.Go,请你连一连,the traffic rules.1.Look5.Re,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,helmet,Lets talk,t,raffic lights,helmetLets talktraffic lights,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,We must pay attention to the traffic lights.,We must wear the helmet on the bikes.,We must pay attention to the t,1._ can I _ _ the Fuxing Hospital?,2._ the No.57 bus _ there.,3.So many pictures _ bikes!,4.They _ _ my cousin _ the USA.,How,get to,Take,over,of,are from,in,读课文,填空,1._ can I _ _ the,1.What _ this?,2.In the USA people _ bikes must wear,one.,3.The bus is _.,4._ go _ the red light!,5.I must _ the traffic,lights!,is,on,coming,Dont,at,pay attention to,1.What _ this?isoncomingDon,You must look right before you cross the road.You can see this on the road in Hong Kong.,You must look right before you,It means“,stop,”.,Dont,turn right.,Dont,turn left.,It means“stop”.Dont turn ri,Dont touch,the door.,You can see this in the,subway,.,.,Dont touch the door.You can s,t,urn right,c,rosswalk,n,o cars,n,o parking,n,o bikes,go straight,t,urn,left,Traffic Signs,turn rightcrosswalkno carsno p,sled,Read and write,ferry,sledRead and writeferry,Papa Westray,Scotland,Papa WestrayScotland,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,3,2,4,1,bus,train,stop,on foot,wait,3241bustrainstopon footwai,PEP人教版英语小学六年级上册Unit-2-Ways-to-go-to-school公开课ppt课件,单元小结,重点词汇,bus plane,taxi ship,subway train,by on foot,stop slow,down slow down,公共汽车,飞机,出租汽车,(大)船,地铁,火车,(表示方式)乘,步行,停下,慢的,减少;降低,慢下来,单元小结重点词汇公共汽车飞机出租汽车(大)船地铁火车(表示方,重点句型,1.,How do you get to.?,你怎么去?,2.,I usually/often/sometimes come to school on,foot/by.,我通常/经常/有时候步行/乘,来学校。,3.,Dont go at the red light!,别闯红灯!,4.,I must pay attention to the traffic lights!,我必须注意交通信号灯!,重点句型1.How do you get to.?你怎,(),1,.Dont go_ the red light!,,C.on,(),2,.Please pay attention _,the traffic,lights,.,A.on,,,(),3,.The yellow light means _.,A.go,B.stop,C.wait,(),4,._ can I get to the zoo?,A.What B.How,C.How old,(,),5,.How _ Lily go to school?,,,C.does,B,B,C,B,C,一、开心三选一。,小练习,()1.Dont go_ the red,二、连词成句。,,p,ark How can get,the,we,?,_, can bus,Y,ou No.15 go the,.,_,3.the post do office go How to you,?,_,4.train I go usually by,.,_,How can,we,get to,the,p,ark?,You can go by the No.15 bus.,How do you go to the post office?,I usually go by train.,二、连词成句。How can we get to the p,欢乐记单词,现代社会发展快,交通工具也换代,,陆上穿行比较多,短程步行,on foot,,,公交站里坐,bus,,紧急打车用,taxi,,,畅通无阻选,subway,,路途遥远乘,train,,,水上航行靠,ship,,空中飞行是,plane,,,便捷出行选择多,高新生活无限好。,日常交通很重要,交通规则需记牢;,红灯停(,Stop at the red light,),,绿灯行(,Go at the green light,),,黄灯亮了减速等一等(,Slow down and stop at the yellow light,)。,欢乐记单词现代社会发展快,交通工具也换代,,轻松学语法,语法一:询问出行方式,句型结构:How do/does+主语+come/go to+地点?,答语:,主语+come(s)/go(es)to+地点+by+交通工具.,主语+come(s)/go(es)to+地点+on foot.,主语+take(s)a+交通工具.,主语+take(s)the+车号+交通工具.,轻松学语法语法一:询问出行方式,【,小贴士,】,by后面一定要直接加交通工具的单数形式。另外,“小脚丫”foot与on搭配,即“步行”要用“on foot”表示。,例:,【小贴士】by后面一定要直接加交通工具的单数形式。另外,“小,语法二:频度副词,频度副词是用来表示动作频率的,但程度上有别。,常用的频度副词频率由高到低用图表示为:,always usually often sometimes never,100%80%60%40%0%,例:,语法二:频度副词,语法三:情态动词must,must是情态动词,意为“必须”,语气很强烈,没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形。,句型结构:主语+must+动词原形+其他.,例:,语法三:情态动词must,语法四:祈使句,祈使句主要用来表达请求、命令、建议、叮嘱或祝愿等。祈使句通常省略主语(you)。,肯定祈使句,1.Do型祈使句,句型结构:动词原形+其他.,例:,语法四:祈使句,2.Be型祈使句,句型结构:Be+形容词.,例:,3.Let型祈使句,句型结构:,Lets/Let me+,动词原形,+,其他,.,例:,2.Be型祈使句,否定祈使句,1.Don,t型祈使句,句型结构:Don,t+动词原形+其他.,例:,2.No型祈使句,句型结构:,(1)No+动词-ing形式+其他.,(2)No+名词+其他.,例:,否定祈使句,Thank you!,Thank you!,


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