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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Body language(Book4)肢体语言,Showing our feelings,Unit 4 Body language(Book4)Sh,1,Main Contents,I.Analysis of teaching material,II.Teaching theories,III.Teaching methods and studying ways,IV.Teaching procedures,V.Blackboard design,VI.Teaching evaluation,Main ContentsI.Analysis of,2,Analysis of the teaching material,(教材分析),Knowledge aims,知识目标,Ability aims,能力目标,3).Teaching key points,教学重点,4).Teaching difficult points,教学难点,1).Analysis of the teaching content,教材内容,5).The analysis of the students,学生分析,2).Teaching aims,教学目标,Emotional aims,情感目标,Analysis of the teaching mater,3,1).Analysis of the teaching content,教材内容分析,The type of this class is an extensive reading class,which plays an important part in developing students reading ability.So,during the teaching process,the teacher should focus on developing the students reading ability by extensive reading,and get them to learn some reading skills such as skimming,scanning and so on.Moreover,the students should receive some moral education,let them know more about body language in cultures in different countries.,1).Analysis of the teaching,4,Knowledge aims,(知识目标),a.Get students to learn the following useful new words and expressions:unspoken,facial,functional,ease,truly,false,anger,fist,yawn,subjective,hug,rank,at ease,face,turn ones back to,掌握重点词句,b.Get students to read the passage and let them know more about body language.,阅读文章,更多了解肢体语言,2)Teaching aims,(教学目标),Knowledge aims(知识目标)a.Get st,5,Ability aims,(能力目标),a.,Develop students reading skills by extensive reading and enable them to learn how to use different reading skills to read different reading materials,.,通过泛读训练提高学生的阅读能力,b.Have students know and understand more about body language,.,让学生多了解肢体语言,2)Teaching aims,(教学目标),Ability aims(能力目标)a.Develop,6,Emotional aims,(情感目标),a.Let students have a better understanding of body language in different cultures and try to avoid misunderstanding.,了解中外文化的区别,b.Develop students sense of group cooperation and teamwork.,培养学生的合作精神,2)Teaching aims,(教学目标),Emotional aims(情感目标)a.Let st,7,3)Teaching key points,(教学重点),a.Have students master the important new words and expressions in this part.,掌握该部分的重点词句,b.Let students read and understand the passage“Showing our feelings”.,让学生读懂本篇文章,c.Develop students reading skills by extensive reading.,通过泛读训练培养学生的阅读能力,3)Teaching key points a.Have,8,4)Teaching difficult points,(教学难点),a.How to get the students to grasp the main idea and the key words of each paragraph as quickly as possible,把握文章大意,掌握重点单词,b.How to finish a task:act out different ways of greetings and describe the performance,理解并运用身势语,4)Teaching difficult points,9,5,).Analysis of the students,学生分析,As to the students of class 5&6,most of them are poor in English,they show little interest in learning English,and they are lack of vocabulary and confidence.So,during the teaching process,the teacher should focus on how to arouse their interest in English.In addition,the teacher should teach them the proper way to learn English and encourage them to learn English well.,5).Analysis of the students,10,II.,Teaching theories,(理论基础),理论依据,新课标提出:英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富社会经历、开发思维能力和提高人文素养的过程。,II.Teaching theories(理论基础)理论,11,III.Teaching methods and studying ways,(教学方法及学法指导),Task-based teaching approach,Question-and-answer activity teaching method,Scanning,skimming,Pair work and individual work method,Teaching methods:,Studying methods:,III.Teaching methods and stud,12,Step 1 Lead-in,(导入),Two activities:,a.Whats the meaning of the following gestures?,b.Whats the meaning of the following face expressions,?,IV.Teaching procedures,(教学过程),Step 1 Lead-in(导入)Two activiti,13,Gestures 手势,Gestures 手势,14,Facial expressions,(表情),anger,joy,sorrow,fear,disgust,surprise,Facial expressions (表情)ange,15,Discussion,(讨论),What is the function of body language?,(肢体语言的作用),b.What do think the role of body language in our daily life?(,肢体语言的地位),c.Are all the body language the same in the world?What do you know about them?(,所有的肢体语言都是一样吗?),Step 2.Pre-reading,(读前),Discussion(讨论)What is the func,16,Step 3.While-reading,(,读中),a.Fast-reading,(快速阅读),b.Detail-reading,(细节阅读),Step 3.While-reading a.Fast,17,Find out the topic,sentences of each paragraph,找出每段的大意,Fast-reading快速阅读,Find out the topicFast-reading,18,Part 1(Para.1),Body language shows all kinds of feelings,wishes and attitudes and sometimes more important than spoken language.,Part 2(Para.2-Para.6),Denotation and examples of some body language.,Part 3(Para.7-Para.8),There are differences in body language,its important for us to know them.,Part 1(Para.1)Part 2(Para.2-,19,Detail-reading细节阅读,训练阅读,提高语言组织能力,Read the passage carefully and finish the following reading tasks.,完成下列阅读任务,Detail-reading训练阅读Read the pas,20,Task 1,Decide whether the,following statements,true or false,判断对错,Task 1Decide whether the,21,Body language is never as important as spoken language.,2.If you are angry at a person,you might turn your back to him or her.,3.You can threaten a person by refusing to speak.,4.If you stand with your arms across your body,you are always protecting yourself from being physically attacked.,F,T,F,F,Body language is never as impo,22,Task 2,Answer the following questions according to the text,根据课文回答问题,Task 2Answer the following que,23,1.How can we know others feelings,even if they do not speak to us?,2.Why should we be careful with our body language?,3.Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others?,4.What are some jobs in which using body language is extremely important?,1.How can we know others feel,24,Discussion,(讨论),a.How can we know others feelings,even if they do not speak to us?,b.Why should we be careful of our own body language?,c.Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them?,培养合作精神,Step 4.Post-reading,(读后),Discussion(讨论)a.How can we k,25,Step 5 Post-class Extension,(课后拓展),a.Surf on the Internet,try to know more about body language and tell your classmates.,b.Finish a paper.,Step 5 Post-class Extensiona,26,Step 6.Homework,(作业布置),a.Recite the new words and expressions of this part.,b.Read through the passage after class.,c.Finish off the workbook exercises.,d.Prepare for the next period.,Step 6.Homework(作业布置)a.Reci,27,V.Blackboard design,(,板书设计,),I.Pre-reading,II.While-reading,1.The main idea of each paragraph,Para 1,The function of body language,Para 2,Examples of some body language,Para 3,Differences in body language,2.True or false,3.Answer questions,4.Differences and similarities in body language,III.Post-reading,V.Blackboard design(板书设计)I.,28,VI.Teaching evaluation,(教学评价),1.Face all students,design different activities,try hard to arouse students interest.,(,开展多种教学活动,激发学生兴趣),2.Regard the students as the nucleus of teaching and respect the individual differences.,(,坚持学生的主体作用,尊重个体差异性),3.Attach as many opportunities as possible for the students to output after input.,(,尽量多给学生机会进行知识输出),VI.Teaching evaluation(教学评价),29,Thanks for your listening,Thanks for your listening,30,


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