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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 11,Sad movies make me cry.,B,Unit 11 Sad movies make me c,1,快乐者的衬衫,很久以前,在一个富饶而又美丽的国家里面,,快乐者的衬衫很久以前,在一个富饶而又美丽的国家里面,,2,住着一位不开心的国王。他睡不好觉,也没有食欲。,住着一位不开心的国王。他睡不好觉,也没有食欲。,3,他总是面色苍白,还常常无端哭泣,这让王后和他的子民都很担忧。,他总是面色苍白,还常常无端哭泣,这让王后和他的子民都,4,一天,一位医生被召来给国王检查身体,但他发现国王的身体并没有如何问题。,一天,一位医生被召来给国王检查身体,但他发现国王的身体并,5,“他的病都在心里,药物和休息对他都无效。他需要的是一个快乐的人所穿的衬衫,,“他的病都在心里,药物和休息对他都无效。他需要的是一,6,那会使他快乐起来。”首相被叫到宫殿,但当人们把国王的情况向他解释之后,,那会使他快乐起来。”首相被叫到宫殿,但当人们把国王的,7,他却说:“尽管我有很多权力,但它并没有让我快乐。我总是担心会失去权力。,他却说:“尽管我有很多权力,但它并没有让我快乐。我总,8,有许多人都在试图取代我的位置。”接着,国王的银行家来到宫殿。,有许多人都在试图取代我的位置。”接着,国王的银行家来到宫,9,“唉,我恐怕也不快乐呢,”他说:“我有很多财富,但是我总是担心丢失钱财。,“唉,我恐怕也不快乐呢,”他说:“我有很多财富,但是,10,每天都有人想窃取我的钱财”。接下来,宫殿的歌手来到国王的房间,,每天都有人想窃取我的钱财”。接下来,宫殿的歌手来到国王的,11,但是他却这样说:“的确我很有名,而且每个人都喜欢我唱的歌,,但是他却这样说:“的确我很有名,而且每个人都喜欢我唱,12,但是我并不快乐,因为我总是担心被人跟踪,我没有自由。”,但是我并不快乐,因为我总是担心被人跟踪,我没有自由。,13,最后,国王的大将军被派出去,要他在三天之内找到一个快乐的人,。,最后,国王的大将军被派出去,要他在三天之内找到一个快乐的,14,The shirt of a happy man,A long time ago,in a rich and beautiful country,The shirt of a happy man A lo,15,there lived an unhappy king.He slept badly and didnt feel like eating.,there lived an unhappy king.,16,His face was always pale as chalk.He often cried for no reason.,His face was always pale as ch,17,This made the queen and his people worried.One day,a doctor was called in to examine the king.,This made the queen and his pe,18,But he found nothing wrong with his body.“Its all in his mind.,But he found nothing wrong wit,19,Neither medicine nor rest can help him.What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.,Neither medicine nor rest can,20,Thatll make him happy.”the prime minister was called to the palace.,Thatll make him happy.”the,21,But when they explained the kings situation to him,he said,“Although I have a lot of power,But when they explained the ki,22,it doesnt make me happy.Im always worried about losing my power.,it doesnt make me happy.I,23,Many people are trying to take my position.”Then,the kings banker came to the palace.,Many people are trying to take,24,“Oh,Im afraid Im not happy either,”he said.“I have a lot of wealth,“Oh,Im afraid Im not happy,25,but Im always worried about losing my money.Someone tries to steal my money every day.”,but Im always worried about l,26,Next,the palace singer came to the kings room.But this was what he said:,Next,the palace singer came t,27,“Its true that Im famous and everyone loves my songs.But Im not happy,“Its true that Im famous and,28,because Im always worried about being followed by others.I cannot be free!”,because Im always worried abo,29,Finally,the kings top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days time.,Finally,the kings top genera,30,Good habits achieve beautiful life.,Try to be your best,.,Good habits achieve beautiful,31,


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