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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018/5/2,#,Unit 1 How can I get there?,PEP,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?PEP,1,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part,A,第,1,课时,第,2,课时,Part,B,第,1,课时,第,2,课时,第,3,课时,第,4,课时,Unit 1 How can I get there?Par,2,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part A,(,第一课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Lead-in,Lead-in,Learning goals,1.,能够理解对话大意,并能够用正确的语音、语调朗读,对话,并能进行角色表演。,2.,能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:,Where is.?Its next to.,交流场所的方位;,能运用礼貌用语寻求他人的帮助。,3.,能够在语境中理解生词,museum shop,postcard,post office,的意思,并能正确发音。,4.,能介绍自己所在城市建筑物。,Learning goals1.能够理解对话大意,并能够用正,Im going to buy some books.,Where can I go?,bookstore,Go to the bookstore,buy,a book.,书 店,New words,Im going to buy some books.b,I want to send a letter(,信,).,Where can I go?,post office,邮 局,Go to the post office,send,a letter.,I want to send a letter(信).pos,I want to know about history(,历史,).,Where can I go?,museum,博物馆,I want to know about history(历,New words,New words,Lets try,Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots.,Listen and tick.,Where are they?,In,the museum.,In the bookstore.,2.Is Grandpa there?,Yes,he is.,No,he isnt.,Lets tryWu Yifan and Robin ar,Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the,shop?,I want to buy a postcard.,Robin:Its,the door.,Wu Yifan:Thanks.Where is the,?,I want to send it today.,Robin:I dont know.Ill,.Excuse me,sir.,Man:Wow!A talking robot!What a great museum!,Robin:Where is the post office?,Man:Its,the museum.,Robin:Thanks.,museum,near,post office,ask,next to,Task 1:,Lets talk,Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the,Read and answer.,2.Where is the museum shop?,3.Where is the post office?,1.Is there a museum shop?,Its near the door.,Its next to the museum.,Yes,there is.,Task 2:,Read and answer.2.Where is th,Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the museum shop?,I want to buy a postcard.,Robin:Its near the door.,Wu Yifan:Thanks.Where is the post office?,I want to send it today.,Robin:I dont know.Ill ask.Excuse me,sir.,Man:Wow!A talking robot!What a great museum!,Robin:Where is the post office?,Man:Its next to the museum.,Robin:Thanks.,Wu Yifan:Robin,where is the,人教版六年级英语上册Unit-1-How-can-I-get-there全单元ppt课件,14,Language points,Where is,the post office?,邮局在哪里?,Where is?,询问(建筑物),在哪里?,例句,:,Where is,the school?,Its near/next to,在,的附近,/,旁边。,Language pointsWhere is the po,Its,near,the door.,Its,next to,the museum.,near,:在,附近,next to,:在,旁边,near,next to,Its near the door.Its next t,Practice,Talk about the places in your city/town/village.,Is there a?,Where is it?,Its near/next to/behind,park library zoo,post office school museum,PracticeTalk about the places,Exercise,1.Where,the post office?,2.,is there a bookstore near,here?,3.The bookstore is,to the museum.,4.How can I,the post office?,is,Excuse me,next,get to,Exercise 1.Where the po,Dear Amy,Please come to my twelfth birthday party at 6 pm on Saturday.Now let me tell you how to come:,1.Start from the bus stop in front of our school.,2.Take the No.17 bus.,3.Get off at the post office.,4.Walk east for three minutes.,5.Find the white building on the left.,6.Look for me near the door.,Yours,Choose the best answer.,Sarah,1.Amy is one year older than Sarah.How old is Amy?,2.Sarahs home is in the,of the post office.,3.Whats the colour of the building Sarah lives in?,13,east,white,Dear Amy,13eastwhite,Summary,Where is?,Its near/next to,near,next to,behind,Summary Where is?Its near/,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part A,(,第二课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Learning goals,1.,能够听、说、读、写有关建筑物的单词和词组:,science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,2.,能够正确使用上述单词和词组介绍场所的方位;,理解一些简单的构词规律,如合成词,bookstore,是由两个词构成。,3.,能完成本页绘制地图并进行简介的活动。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、读、写有关建筑,Warming up,Where is the?,Its next to/near/behind,Warming upWhere is the?Its,New words,science museum,We will go to the,science museum,this week.,科学博物馆,巧记:,mu-se-um,New wordsscience museumWe will,post office,She went to the,post office,.,邮 局,post,组成的复合词,:,postcard,post officeShe went to the pos,bookstore,I will go to the,bookstore,.,书 店,book,组成的复合词,:,bookshop,bookstoreI will go to the book,cinema,Lets go to the,cinema,this evening.,电影院,看电影,:,go to the cinema,cinemaLets go to the cinema t,hospital,Mikes father works in the,hospital,.,医 院,住院,:,in hospital,hospitalMikes father works in,Lets learn,science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,Lets learnscience museumpost,Where is the cinema?,Its next to the bookstore.,Where is the cinema?Its next,Play roles,Where is the hospital?,Its near the post office.,Play rolesWhere is the hospita,Where is the bookstore?,Its behind the cinema.,Where is the bookstore?Its be,Make a map and talk,pet,hospital,park,There is a pet hospital in my city.,Where is it?,Its near the park.,Make a map and talk pet parkT,pet,hospital,park,There is a zoo in,my city.,Where is it?,Its next to the park.,zoo,pet parkThere is a zoo in Wh,There is,a zoo in my city.,There be,句型:某处有某人或某物。,There be,句型的疑问句:,Is/are there,+,人,/,物,+,地点?,Is there,a zoo in my city?,There is a zoo in my city.Ther,There be,句型:,陈述句中的,some,在疑问句中要改成,any,。,There are,some,lions in the zoo.,There arent,any,lions in the zoo.,There be 句型:There are some lio,Group work,Make a map with your partner,and talk about it.,hospital,park,zoo,bookstore,cinema,museum,Group workMake a map with your,Exercise,science museum,post office,bookstore,cinema,hospital,Exercisescience museumpost off,按要求完成句子。,is hospital the Where,(,连词成句,),.,2.There is a cinema near here.,(,改成一般疑问句,),3.Buy want shoes a pair of to I,(,连词成句,),.,Where is the hospital?,Is there a cinema near here?,I want to buy a pair of shoes.,按要求完成句子。is hospital the Where(,Summary,There be,句型:某处有某人或某物。,There be,句型的疑问句:,Is/are there,+,人,/,物,+,地点?,SummaryThere be 句型:某处有某人或某物。Th,报 听 写,报 听 写,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B,(,第一课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Learning goals,1.,能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:,How can we get there?,Turn left/right.,问路或作答。,2.,能够在语境中理解生词,interesting,Italian,restaurant,pizza,street,get,的意思,并,能正确发音。,3.,能介绍自己喜欢的餐厅或影院。,Learning goals1.能够听、说、读、写,并在情,Lets try,Wu Yifan is calling Mike.Listen and tick or cross.,()They want to go to the bookstore.,()The cinema is next to the bookstore.,Lets tryWu Yifan is calling M,听力原文,Wu Yifan:Hi,Mike.Lets go to the cinema.,Mike:Sure.How can I get there?,Wu Yifan:Go to Main Street.Turn left at the,bookstore.The cinema is next to the,bookstore.See you soon.,Mike:OK.Bye.,听力原文Wu Yifan:Hi,Mike.Lets,Lets talk,Listen and fill in the blanks.,What,next to,Turn left,turn right,Mike:,an interesting film!,Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now.I know a great,Italian restaurant.,Mike:Yum!I like pizza!Where is the restaurant?,Wu Yifan:Its,the park on Dongfang Street.,Mike:How can we get there?,Robin:,at the bookstore.Then,at the hospital.,Mike:Ok.Lets go!,Lets talkListen and fill in t,Read and answer.,2.Where is the restaurant?,3.How can they get to the restaurant?,1.Where are they?,Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.,Turn left at the bookstore.,Then turn right at the hospital.,They are at the restaurant.,Read and answer.2.Where is the,感叹句。多么有趣的电影啊!,饥饿的,我们怎么到那儿?,向左转,向右转,Mike:What an interesting film!,Wu Yifan:Yes,but Im hungry now.I know a great,Italian restaurant.,Mike:Yum!I like pizza!Where is the restaurant?,Wu Yifan:Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.,Mike:How can we get there?,Robin:Turn left at the bookstore.,Then turn right at the hospital.,Mike:Ok.Lets go!,感叹句。多么有趣的电影啊!饥饿的我们怎么到那儿?向左转向右转,人教版六年级英语上册Unit-1-How-can-I-get-there全单元ppt课件,What,an interesting film!,感叹句。多么有趣的电影啊!,What(a/an),+,形容词,+,名词,+,主语,+,谓语,!,What a fine day it is!,多么晴朗的一天啊!,知识点一:感叹句,What an interesting film!What,知识点二:问路,How can we get there?,我们怎么到那儿?,How can,+,主语,+,get(to),+,地点,?,我们怎么到电影院?,How can we get to the cinema?,知识点二:问路How can we get there?我们,Turn left/right at+,地点,.,向左,/,右转,表示在某地转弯,地点前面要加介词,at,。,知识点三:转弯,Turn left/right at+地点.向左/右转表示,Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like.How can you get there?,I like.,Turn left/right at,How can I get to the.?,Talk about a cinema or restaur,Play roles,Turn left/right at,How can I get to the.?,Where is the.?,Its near/next to/behind,Play rolesTurn left/right atH,Exercise,1.What,great library!,A.an B.a,is your Chinese teacher?,He is near the door.,A.Where B.Who,3.Turn right,the school.,A.in B.at,B,A,B,Exercise 1.What great,连词成句,注意标点符号。,1.can,get,we,How,there(?),2.bookstore,left,the,Turn,at(.),3.is,post,Where,office,the(?),How can we get there?,Turn left at the bookstore.,Where is the post office?,连词成句,注意标点符号。1.can,get,we,H,Summary,How can,+,主语,+,get(to),+,地点,?,What(a/an),+,形容词,+,名词,+,主语,+,谓语,!,Summary How can+主语+get(to)+,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B,(,第二课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Lead-in,同学们,你们认识下面这些交通标志吗?,Lead-in同学们,你们认识下面这些交通标志吗?,Learning goals,能够听、说、读、写描述方位的单词和词组:,crossing,turn left,go straight,turn right,2.,能够正确使用上述单词和词组为他人指路。,3.,学生通过角色扮演,运用本单元的词汇句型指路,并简单介绍景点。,Learning goals能够听、说、读、写描述方位的单词,New words,crossing,十字路口,巧记:,cross,(,横过,),+-ing,(,十字路口,),New wordscrossing十字路口巧记:cross(,turn left,向左转,turn left,向左转,on the left,在左边,turn left向左转turn left 向左转 on,go straight,直 走,Go straight at the cinema.,go straight直 走Go straight at t,turn right,向右转,turn right,向右转,on the right,在右边,turn right向右转turn right 向右转,New words,New words,Lets learn,Mike:Where is the Italian restaurant?,Turn right here?,Robin:No,turn left.,Lets learn Mike:Where is,Play roles,hospital (right),cinema (straight),museum (left),Play roleshospital (r,A:Where is the hospital?,Turn right here?,B:Yes,turn right.,A:Where is the hosp,Be a tour guide,Beihai Park,Palace Museum,Tiananmen,Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing.Can you help her?,Be a tour guideBeihai ParkPala,Beihai Park,Palace Museum,Tiananmen,Now we are in front of Tiananmen.,Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.,Beihai ParkPalace Museum Tian,Beihai Park,Palace Museum,Tiananmen,Now we are in front of the Palace Museum.,Turn left and you can see the Beihai park.,Beihai ParkPalace Museum Tian,指路的句型,Turn left/right at,+,地点,到,左转,/,右转,一般用来指示方向。,到邮局向右转。,Turn right at the post office.,指路的句型Turn left/right at+地点到,In front of,在,的前面,表示一种位置关系,,of,后接名词、代词或人称代词的宾格。,The cinema is in front of the park.,In front of在的前面,表示一种位置关系,Th,In front of,表示在,(范围外)的前面。,In,the,front of,表示在,(范围内)的前面。,There is a tree,the house.,There is a blackboard,the classroom.,in front of,in the front of,In front of 表示在(范围外)的前面。In,Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.,go straight(for,+,一段时间,),直走你就能看到故宫博物院。,Go straight,for,five minutes.,Go straight and you can see th,Exercise,你认识这些交通标志吗?看一看,填一填。,turn left,turn right,go straight,Exercise 你认识这些交通标志吗?看一看,填一填。tu,()How can I get there?,()Where is the bookstore?,I want to buy some books.,()Go straight and turn right at the,post office.,()Thank you.,()Its near the cinema.,()Youre welcome.,将下列句子重新排列组成一段完整的对话。,1,2,3,4,5,6,()How can I get there?将下列句,Summary,turn left,turn right,go straight,Turn left/right at,+,地点,In front of,go straight(for,+,一段时间,),Summary turn left turn right g,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B,(,第三课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Learning goals,通过阅读问题训练学生在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,学会根据上下文猜新词的能力;推理获得教材此部分提供的阅读理解题;,2.,能根据阅读所获取的信息写出文章梗概,为复,述故事做提纲;,Learning goals通过阅读问题训练学生在语篇中捕捉,Read and write,You are in a car.Which of these can,help you find a place?,map,compass,GPS,stars,Read and writeYou are in a car,Robin has GPS!,Read the text and finish the following tasks.,Robin has GPS!Read the text a,Read the text and answer the questions.,1.What is Robins new feature?,He can find food.,He can find the way.,2.How many places did they pass by?,Underline them in the text.,3.Which word under the fourth picture,means”,奏效,起作用,”?,Two.bookstore hospital,works,Read the text and answer the q,go straight,turn left at the,turn right behind the,Wu Yifan and his friends want to eat some pizza in an Italian restaurant.,They,and,.They,and then turn right again.,bookstore,hospital,go straightturn left at thetur,Robin has GPS!,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature.He now has GPS.He can help the boys find,the Italian restaurant.,特征,特性,Robin has GPS!Wu Yifans gran,Robin:Were in front of the cinema.Lets go,straight and turn left at the bookstore.,Follow me,please!,Robin:Were in front of the c,Mike:Is it far?,Robin:No.Now we are behind the hospital.,Lets turn right and then turn right again.,Mike:Is it far?,Mike:There is the restaurant!,Robin:My new GPS works!,Wu Yifan:Yes!Ill tell Grandpa.,But lets eat first.,Im so hungry!,Mike:There is the restaurant!,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin a new feature.,吴一凡的爷爷赋予罗宾一个新特点。,give sb.sth.,给某人某物。,同义句,:,give sth.,to,sb.,给某人某物。,Amy gives Mike a book.,Amy gives a book to Mike.,Wu Yifans grandpa gave Robin,He can,help,the boys find the Italian restaurant.,他可以帮助男孩们找到意大利餐馆。,help sb(to)do sth.,帮助某人做某事。,Amy helps me find my ruler.,艾米帮我找到了我的尺子。,He can help the boys find the,Help sb with sth.,Help sb in doing sth.,同义句,He helps me with my English.,He helps me in doing housework.,Help sb with sth.Help sb in d,用 表示升调,用 表示降调。,Tips for pronunciation,用 表示升调,用 表示降调。Tips for pro,Tips for pronunciation,Robin has,GPS.,Follow,me,please!,Is it,far?,Where is the,restaurant?,Tips for pronunciationRobin ha,Exercise,A:Excuse me,is there a,near here?,B:Yes,there is.,A:,is it,please?,B:Its,the hospital.,A:Is it,?,B:No,it isnt.,A:Thank you,B:Youre welcome.,cinema,Where,near,far,Exercise A:Excuse me,is there,Summary,give sb sth.,给某人某物。,help sb(to)do sth.,帮助某人做某事。,Summary give sb sth.给某人某物。he,R,六年级上册,Unit 1 How can I get there?,Part B,(,第四课时,),R六年级上册Unit 1 How can I get th,Learning goals,学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地去听录音,听后完成判断任务。,2.,Lets wrap it up,板块是本单元学习的重点知识的小结,,是对表示场所的介词及介词短语的集中归纳和运用。,3.,通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加语言,的输入。,Learning goals学会从图片信息中推测考查点,做到,Lets check,Listen and tick the places you hear.,Lets checkListen and tick the,Listen and write the words under,the pictures.,school,post office,bookstore,cinema,museum,Listen and write the words und,Listen again and answer.,1.Where does the boy want to go?,2.How can he get there from the post office?,He wants to go to the museum.,He can go straight ahead and turn right at the cinema.,Listen again and answer.1.Whe,Lets wrap it up,Try to write more words.,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in,front,of,Lets wrap it upTry to write m,Can you make sentences with these words?,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in,front,of,Can you make sentences with th,The bookstore is next to the hospital.,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in,front,of,The bookstore is next to the h,Go straight and turn left.,next to,near,beside,right,left,behind,in,front,of,Go straight and turn left.next,Story time,Zoom:Hey,that looks tasty.Where,can I buy one?,Boy:Near the London Eye.,Go that way.,Story timeZoom:Hey,that look,Zoom:Excuse me.Where is the London Eye?,Man:Its next to the film museum near the,Thames.,Zoom:Excuse me.Where is the,Zoom:Excuse me.Is the Thames far from,here?,Man:No.Go straight and turn left.,Zoom:Excuse me.Is the Thame,Zoom:Zip,look!,Zip:Finally!,Zoom:Zip,look!,Zoom:Hi!Three large portions and one small,one,please.,Man:OK.,Zoom:Hi!Three large portions,Zoom:Oh,my stomach hurts!I miss my,tanghulu,!,Zip:You still want to eat?!,Zoom:Oh,my stomach hurts!I,Review,科学,post office,电影院,crossing,left,右,博物馆,bookstore,hospital,turn,straight,science,cinema,right,museum,邮局,十字路口,左,书 店,医 院,转 弯,笔直地,Review 科学post office电影院crossin,1.,询问地点的句型,Where is the?,2.,There be,句型的一般疑问句,Is there a?,1.询问地点的句型Where is the?2.Ther,3.,What,引导的感叹句,What an interesting film!,4.,问怎样到达某地的句型,How can I get there?,3.What 引导的感叹句What an interesti,5.,指路的句型,Turn right at the bookstore.,6.,in front of,在,的前面,5.指路的句型Turn right at the books,7.,给某人某物,give sb sth=give sth to sb,8.,帮助某人做某事,help sb(to)do sth,7.给某人某物give sb sth=give sth t,报 听 写,报 听 写,


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