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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,T,he,t,est-tube baby technology,s,brief introduction,and discussion,Name:Pengxiang Li,Student Number:81110814,Class:,Laboratory Animal,The test-tube baby technolo,1,The concept of ivf,The developing course of ivf,Several common ivf,The advantages and,disadvantages of ivf,Content,The concept of ivf,2,1.The concept,Test-tube baby technology is also known as,in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer(IVF-ET)technology,means,us,ing,some,artificial methods,to,fertiliz,e,eggs and sperm,s,in vitro,or in a laboratory culture,and,carrying out,early embryo development,and then transplanted to the womb,to,cultivate,.Finnally,the pregnant women give birth to,the,baby,s,.,试管婴儿技术(英文版)课件,3,In 1947,The magazine Nature in UK reported a experiment of recycling rabbits eggs and transfering them to other rabbits to give birth to young rabbits by“borrowing the abdomen”.,In,1959,,,Minj,ue Zhang,a,Chinese,-,American biologist,,finished this experiment again,and achieved a success.,On July 25,1978,the worlds first test-tube baby Louis Brown was born in Britain.,2.,The developing course of ivf,In 1947,The magazine Nature in,4,From the late 1970 s to the late,19,80 s,many countries ha,d made the,first,generation,test-tube baby,s,successful,ly.,1988310,China,girl,The first test-tube baby,of t,he Chinese mainland,1981,1228,America,girl,1982120 Greek,,girl,1982224,French,girl,1978103,India,girl,1979114,UK,boy,1979623 Australia,,girl,198066 Australia,,a boy,and a girl,t,he first twins,of,test-tube,baby,19811019,UK,,girl,,t,he,first mulatto test-tube baby,1982625,UK,girl,1982922 Israel,girl,1982927 Swed,ish,girl,1983520 Singapore,,boy,,the first test-tube baby,of,southeast,A,sia,198368 Australia,t,he first triplets,1984116 Australias first quadruplets,1985416 Taiwan,,China,boy,first,test-tube baby,Up to now,,the global t,est-tube baby,s,have more than,3,billion.,From the late 1970 s to the la,5,Conventional,in vitro,f,ertilization and,embryo,transfer,Gamete and embryo,c,ryopreservation,technology,The genetic diagnosis,of embryos before planting,The technology,of ooplasm,substitution,Drugs,to stimulate,superovulation,A,single sperm,injection,of,Oocyte plasma,3.,Several common ivf,Conventional Gamete and embryo,6,3.1 The c,onventional in,vitro,f,ertilization and,embry,o,transfer,.,3.1 The conventional in,7,3.2,A,single sperm,injection,of,Oocyte plasma,.,3.2 A single sperm injection o,8,3.3,The genetic diagnosis of embryos before planting,.,3.3 The genetic diagnosis of e,9,Also known as the fourth generation of ivf.Human genetic material exists in the chromosomes of sperms and eggs nucleus ,and the cytoplasm around nucleus,plays an important part in providing nutrition and sustaining life.This kind of test tube babies are for those women who have oviposit function,but because of poor physical conditions,or older,causing the eggs quality is not so high,and the energy is poor.Specific method is to remove her nucleus of an egg cell,into a young,healthy womens cytoplasm of a egg,forming a new,high-quality egg,but it still expresses the genetic characteristics of the previous woman.Then combine this egg and her husbands sperm together in vitro to come being to a fertilized egg,implanted back into the first womans womb,so she gives birth to a healthy children that has no relationship with the third people providing the cytoplasm .,3.4,The technology of ooplasm,substitution,Also known as the fourt,10,4.,The advantages of ivf,Test-tube baby technology,a kind of assisted reproductive technology,create,s,the miracle of life,it is of great importance,that,brings,the Gospel to infertile women,and,maintain,s,the harmony,happy,famil,ies,and,a s,table,s,ociety,.,4.The advantages of ivf,11,If,the Y chromosome,tak,ing,micro,defect,is,inherited,it is,e,asy,to cause miscarriage,stillbirth,and,congenital,anomalies,and so,on.,If a woman has no,conditions,f,or breeding,has,a history of miscarriage.,Even if a test-tube baby,surgery,w,ork,s,also can cause,miscarriage,.,Some institutions,cannt,controll,the,sperm,s,strictly,the,source,of,sperm,s,is unknown.,Its,u,nable to guarantee the quality of the fetus.,H,igh cost for each offspring:an,artificial,insemination needs 2-30000 yuan,the,successful,rate,is about,20%.,The,test-tube baby,s m,ade by artificial fertilization,have the,three times higher risk of suffering from cerebral palsy.than,by,natural fertilization,when they,were,born,.,It,interference,s,f,emale physiology,strictly.,5.The disadvantages of ivf,If the Y chromosome taking mic,12,Conclusion:,T,o sum up,test-tube baby,technology,as a kind of,high-tech product,in medical along with the development of science and technology,write,s,a new chapter,for the h,uman reproductive history,and,create,s,the miracle of life,.But,at the same time,it,also appear,s,some related problems,this requires that we,should,learn to use a dialectical point of view.On the one hand,test-tube baby technology br,ings,good news for infertility family,on the other hand the quality,and,the complications of ivf also need to improve,.,Conclusion:To sum up,test-tub,13,Thank you,!,Thank you!,14,


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