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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Family with kids,家有儿女,Unit 3 Teenage problems,Fam,教学目标:,1.,完成调查问卷中的问题。,2.,学会向他人提出建议。,3.,完成,Millie,写给,Raymod,的信,能力目标:,能就青少年的烦恼独立写一封信,教学目标:1.完成调查问卷中的问题,How are you feeling in Grade Nine?,Warming up,busy,tired,worried,stressed,bad,How are you feeling in Grade N,How,can we deal,with,stress?,listen to music,read books or watch films to relax,share your problems with your friends or family members,keep your worries to yourselves,How can we deal with stress?li,Pre-writing,Task:,Finish,the,quiz,and,circle,the,best,answers.,1.,If someone laughs at you,you should _.,a shout at him/her,b hit him/her,c pay no attention to him/her,2.,If you do not have enough time to do your,homework,you should _.,a choose to do only part of it,b forget about your homework,c plan your time more carefully,Pre-writingTask:Finish the q,3.When it is too noisy at home and you cannot do your work,you should _.,a tell,your,family,b get,angry,c leave,the,house,4.If you worry about exams,you should,_.,a give up,b watch TV to relax,c talk to your teacher(s),3.When it is too noisy at hom,5.If you are feeling stressed,you should,_.,a shout at people,b keep quiet,c share your problem with somebody,6.The problem of stress gets worse when,you,_.,a,keep it,to,yourself,b,relax and take a holiday,c ask,for,friends help,5.If you are feeling stressed,Exercises,Complete,the,sentences:,1.,与我们同龄的很多学生都有这个问题。,_ have this,problem.,2.,不要把烦恼放在心里,否则问题会变得更糟。,Dont _,or the the problem will _.,3.,我的父母考试后太在意我的分数了。,My parents _ my marks after exams.,keep worries to yourself,get worse,Many students of our age,care too much about,ExercisesComplete the sentence,1.When you feel stressed before exams,2.If you feel bad about your English,3.If you dont know,who to talk to,4.If you are unhappy with your weight,5.When its too noisy for you to finish your homework at home,how about going,jogging every day?,B.you can enjoy,some music.,C.you can go to the,youth worker.,D.youd better tell it,to your parents.,E.why not watch some English TV,programmes?,B,E,C,A,D,1.When you feel stressed bef,Can you give him some suggestions?,Practice,exercise more,eat less,Practiceexercise moreeat less,Can you give him some suggestions?,talk to his parents,let them see his progress,talk to his parentslet them se,While-writing,Task 1:,Help Millie complete her email to Raymond.,While-writingTask 1:Help Mill,Dear,Raymond,Thank,you,very,much,for,telling,me,about,your,problems.,You,are,unhappy,with,your,weight,but,you,do,not,know,how,to,change,it.,Many,students,of,our,age,have,this,problem.,(1)_,_.,You,also,worry,about,exams.,Your,parents,care,too,much,about,your,marks,after,each,exam,so,you,always,feel,stressed.,(2)_,_?,I hope,you,think,my,advice,is,worth,taking.,Best,wishes,Millie,Perhaps you should take more exercise and eat fewer snacks,Why not talk to your parents about it,Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,Dear Raymond,3 parts,(Thanks),(Problems&suggestions),(Your hope),Task 2:,Useful,expressions,Thank,you,for,telling,me,about,your,problems.,You,are,unhappy,with,.,Many,students,of,our,age,have,this,problem.,What/How,about,?,You,also,worry,about,.,You,always,feel,sad/angry/stressed,about,.,Why,dont,you/not,?,I,hope,you,think,my,advice,/,suggestions,is/are,worth,taking.,3 parts(Thanks)(Problems&su,Task 3:,Help Helen write,a,reply,to Andy,about how,to,deal,with,his,problems.,Dear,Helen,I am Andy and I am a Grade 9 student.I have some problems,and I dont know how to deal with them.,I dont have many friends.Some classmates laugh at me and call me a bookworm.I feel angry about this.My parents are always busy,and they often go home late.They dont have time for me.This makes me unhappy.,What should I do?Can you offer me some suggestions?I look forward to your valuable advice.,Best wishes,Andy,Task 3:Help Helen write a rep,Sample writing,Dear Andy,Thank you very much for telling me about your problems.,You said your classmates laugh at you and call you a bookworm.You are unhappy with this.,I think you should pay no attention to the classmates who laugh at you and be proud of your schoolwork.,Your parents work all day and always go home late.This make you feel bad.,Why not talk to your parents and let them go back home earlier?,I hope you think my advice is worth taking.,Best wishes,Helen,Sample writing Dear Andy,Make,a,survey,What problems do you meet when writing the reply?,Post-writing,Problems,Ways,to,solve,them,Make a surveyWhat problems do,Homework,Write a report about the problems that you may have.,Finish off the relevant exercises.,Homework Write a report about,译林牛津版9上unit3-Task公开课教学课件,


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