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高一英语Good-manners课件Helping each other is good manners.Is it good manners?It is bad manners to kick over the dustbin.Is it good manners?It is bad manners to spit.Is it good manners?It is impolite to ask for a womans age.Is it good manners?It is impolite to throw rubbish onto the ground.Is it good manners?It is good manners to help the old.Is it good manners?Its polite to offer your seat to a woman who is carrying a baby.Is it good manners?It is good manners to respect and help a lady.Is it good manners?It is bad manners to sleep in class.Is it good manners?It is good manners to answer questions actively.2431Picture 1:A teacher is giving a lesson to her students when a student comes into the classroom.-_.Can I come in?-_.Weve already started.-_.I missed the bus.-_.Were on page 47.Excuse meSureIm sorryThats OKPicture2:Two teachers are talking together about sth.Astudent comes to talk with them.-_.May I interrupt you for a moment?-_,Jordan?-_,Mr Baker.I put my homework on your desk.Excuse meWhat is itIm sorryPicture3:There is a boy and a girl with an umbrella in a supermarket.They are in the queue.Suddenly the girl hurts the boy with her umbrella.-Hey,_!-Oh,_.-Thats all right.Im sorrybe carefulPicture 4:There are many people in anairport or railway station.Someone seems to get pushedby one behind him.-Ouch!_?!-_.What are you doingIm terribly sorryListening1.What are the problems that Bill and Cliff talk about?A.Taking the bike without asking.B.Taking the bike after askingC.Losing the bike.D.Losing the key Listen to the tape and choose the correct answers.Listening Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:2.What does Bill say to apologise for taking the bike without telling Cliff?Oh,_.I only used it to get to school because I was late.Im sorry3.What does Cliff say?_.Just ask me next time,will you?Thats OK4.What does Bill say to apologise for losing the bike?I really _.Its about your bike.5.What does Cliff say?Oh,_.I guess it wasnt really your fault,was it?Thats _._.It was an old bike anyway.have to apologisethats all rightOKForget it6.Bill took Cliffs bike without asking him.He also lost Cliffs bike.He apologises for losing it by saying _I am really sorry about the bike.Ways of making apologiesI am sorry.I really have to apologies.I am really very sorry.Possible answersThats OK.Thats all right.Forgive me.I am very sorry.I apologize for I am sorry.I did not mean to Oops.Sorry about that.Oh,thats all right.Oh,well,thats life.Its OK.No problem.It does not matter.Never mind.Speaking Situation 1:Many students and teachers come to the party.You are looking for two seats to sit down with your friend,but there are none.You see two seats,but there are bags on them.You go over to ask the girl sitting beside the bags.Situation 2:Many people are drinking at the party and there are many glasses on the table.You take the wrong one.What will you say and what will you do?Situation 3:A man wants to smoke.You try to stop him and tell him why.Complete the second sentence in each pair according to the first one.ConsolidationExample:Your friend wants you to have more food,but you are already full.You may say,“No,thanks.Ive had enough.”1 Your friend gives you some advice,but you have a different opinion.You may say,“_”2 2 You are in an office and are talking with someone.You want to smoke.You may say,“_”3 Your friend is inviting you to his birthday party,but you have to go to see one of your friends.You may say,“_ _”Im afraid I dont agree.Do you mind if I smoke here?Im afraid I wont be able to come.I have to visit a friend in hospital.4 You have just played in a football match.You feel thirsty and want a drink,but you have no money in your pocket.You may say,“_”5 It is already 1 oclock in the morning.You cant sleep because the TV noise from the next room is too loud.You go and ask your neighbour to turn down the TV.You may say,“_ _”Could you buy me a drink?Ill pay you next time.Could you please turn down your TV?I cant sleep if there is such a big noise.盛世皇朝 nl617/盛世皇朝娱乐悲愤万分之中稍微缓回来壹些神儿:小柱子说得没有错!自己就是气死了,还是于事无补,更会被爷看了笑话去!壹想到这里,她加快了脚步往屋里走。幸好这壹路有游廊,还有藤萝架遮拦着火辣辣的太阳,但她经过了刚刚那壹番大折腾,回到屋里的时候,早已经是汗流浃背,脸色通红,筋疲力尽。第壹卷 第127章 对策进了屋子,里面没有吟雪,没有月影,诺大的房间空空荡荡地没有壹个人。虽然她的仆从众多,但那些人全都不是能够近前贴身侍候的二等以下的丫环,连她的屋子都不能被允许进来。此时,她口渴难耐,只得随手捡了桌子上的剩茶水,壹口气地灌进了肚子里,才算是暂时缓解了口干舌燥。只是滚热的身子被这凉茶壹刺激,禁不住又胃痛起来。她捂着绞痛的胃,蜷缩在桌边的椅子上,愤恨的心情仍是久久未能平复。吟雪和月影的受罚给她带来了极大的震动!也使她更进壹步深刻地意识到王府生存环境的险恶,王爷处事手段的阴险毒辣。但是,她偏偏就不是壹个能够安心受人摆布、认命服输的人。虽然她的身体比花朵都娇弱,可是她的意志却比磐石都坚定,她不会就这么被打垮,她会奋起反抗,即使是用自己最微薄的力量。从最初的震惊过后,冰凝冷静了下来,分析了当前形势,并迅速理顺了下壹步的打算!当务之急是处理好吟雪和月影受罚之后的善后事宜,在王府里,这两个人就是她的左膀右臂,是她最大的支撑和依靠,她们两个壹定不能垮掉。第二件事情,培养自己的亲信。陪嫁丫环虽然忠心耿耿,但不了解王府的情况,她们主仆三人就是睁眼瞎,因此她迫切需要熟知王府情况的奴才。不用太多,只要有壹、两个就足够,但必须对她忠贞不二。第三件事情,和福晋姐姐搞好关系。通过这壹个月的观察,福晋姐姐是所有女眷中最需要她努力维系好关系的人,既手握生杀大权,又不是非常苛刻,心思虽然很多,但又不全都是坏心思,因此福晋姐姐壹定不能得罪,更是要竭力维系。第四件事情,离爷远远的!虽然自己已经离爷很远了,但从目前的情形来看,爷这么精确地抓住了自己最薄弱的方面,说明自己离爷还是太近了。古人云,知已知彼,百战不殆。爷对自己了如指掌,可是自己对爷却是壹无所知,才会造成今天这么被动挨打的局面。这个情况必须尽快扭转!自己既要离爷远远地,但是爷的情况也要牢牢地掌握在自己的手里,才能争取主动!在这么短的时间里,冰凝就基本确定下来日后相当长壹段时间的总体规划和部署,她不能认输,她不只是在为她自己,她还要为吟雪和月影,她是她们的主子,她有责任保护她们!现在摆在冰凝面前的首要问题就是保护好吟雪和月影。她现在不可能去解救她们,她唯壹能为她们做的事情就是受罚回来之6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。斯宾诺莎斯宾诺莎7、自知之明是最难得的知识。、自知之明是最难得的知识。西班牙西班牙8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。塞内加塞内加9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。赫尔普斯赫尔普斯10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。笛卡儿笛卡儿 Thank you拯畏怖汾关炉烹霉躲渠早膘岸缅兰辆坐蔬光膊列板哮瞥疹傻俘源拯割宜跟三叉神经痛-治疗三叉神经痛-治疗


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