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Multiple ChoiceFor Final Exam1.Fishing is his favorite hobby,and _ 2.A.hed like to collect coins as wellB.he feels like correcting coins,tooC.to collect coins is also his hobbyD.collecting coins also gives him great pleasure 3.2.How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A.to take B.take C.taking D.to be taking3.The purpose of new technologies is making life easier,_ it more difficult.A.not make B.not to makeC.not makingD.do not make4.Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party.A.having not been invited B.not having invited C.having not invited D.not having been invited 5.Mr.White and I keep in touch _ writing often.A.with B.on C.by D.from6.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having invented 7.We are busy.We cant help _ the house.A.cleansB.clean C.cleaning D.cleaned8.Ill give this dictionary to _ wants to have it.A.whomever B.whoever C.whom D.whatever9.Well do what we can _ you.A.help B.to help C.helped D.helps10.The day she was looking forward to _ at last.A.coming B.come C.came D.comes11.That is the reason _ he gave us for carrying out the plan.A.because B.why C.when D.which 12.Father made a promise _ I passed the exam he would buy me a bike.A.that B.if C.whether D.that if13._ the letter,tears kept coming to her eyes.A.To read B.She was reading C.Reading D.While she was reading 14.Mr.Smith is a warm-hearted person.He often helps me _ I ask him to.15.A.whatever B.whenever C.whereverD.however15.I,_ your friend,will try my best to help you out.A.that is B.who isC.who am D.who are16._ enough time,but I couldnt do it better.A.Given B.To be given C.I was given D.Although I was given17.Early _ the morning of May 1,we started off _ the mountain village.A.in;for B.in;to C.on;/D.on;for18.The visiting minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,_ that he had enjoyed his stay here.A.having added B.to add C.adding D.added19.European football is played in 80 countries,_ it the most popular sport in the world.A.making B.makes C.made D.to make20._ up at his father,he asked what was the matter with him.A.Having looked B.Looking C.To look D.Look21._ from his clothes,he is not so poor.A.Judged B.Judging C.To judge D.Having judged22._ such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.A.Having sufferedB.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered23.Its well worth _the effort to learn how to do it.A.making B.being madeC.to make D.to be made 24.The detective,_ to read a newspaper,glanced at the man _ next to a woman.A.pretending;seating B.pretending;seated C.pretended;seating D.pretended;seated25.New ideas sometimes have to wait for years before _.A.being fully acceptedB.fully acceptedC.fully accepting D.fully being accepting26._ ill worried my parents greatly.A.I fell B.Me falling C.My falling D.I falling27.She suggested_ for an outing the next Sunday.A.go B.to go C.going D.gone28.He asked who was the man_ on.A.to be operating B.operating C.to operate D.being operated29.She is writing a letter to a friend of hers,_ him to attend the party.A.having invitedB.invitingC.to invite D.invited30._,he went to ask his teacher for help.A.Knowing not how to do itB.Unknown how to doC.Knowing how to doD.Not knowing how to do it31.It is no use _ that you didnt know the rules.A.pretendB.to pretendC.pretending D.pretended32.The building _is for our teachers.A.has builtB.To be building C.being builtD.to build33.The dictionary _ on the desk belongs to Li Tao.A.lay B.Laying C.lying D.laid34.The lady _an expensive diamond necklace looked _.A.wearing;worriedB.worn;worried C.wears;worryingD.wore;worrying35.We appreciate _ the problem with you again.A.to discuss B.to be discussing C.discussing D.having discussed36.The old man needs _.A.to look afterB.looking after C.being looked afterD.to be looking after37.I can hardly imagine John _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed38.Look around when _ the street.A.you crossingB.to cross C.crossingD.crossed39.Did you see _ toward us?A.she runningB.she run C.her run D.her running40.Not until Jane got off the bus did she find her wallet _.A.missed B.missing C.losingD.lose41.The mother asked her daughter not to delay _ the paper.A.handing inB.to hand in C.hand in D.having handed in42.Do you have any trouble _ out the experiment?A.to carryB.carrying C.with carryingD.carried43.He had a hard time _ up this morning and had little time_ breakfast.A.getting;havingB.to get;to have C.getting;to have D.to get;having44.I couldnt help but _ her the news,and hearing the news she couldnt help_.A.tell;cryB.to tell;to cry C.telling;cryingD.tell;crying45._ the room,he found many books _ on the floor.A.Enter;lieB.Entering;laying C.To enter;lying D.Entering;lying46.He regretted _ the doctors advice.A.not having followedB.having not followed C.not to followD.not have followed47.China succeeded in launching a manned spacecraft to space,_ it the third country in the world that has such technology.A.making B.to make C.made D.make48.-Whats made you so unhappy?-_ three tickets to the pop music concert.A.Lost B.losing C.Because of losingD.Since I lost49.The boy used to _ by his father,and now he is not used to _ by his father.A.be scolded;be praised B.being scolded;being praised C.be scolded;being praised D.being scolded;be praised 50.There is no need _ with him.He wont listen to you.A.to argue B.argue C.arguingD.argued51.The bird was lucky enough to miss _.A.catching B.being caught C.to catch D.to be caught 52.Hes considered _ a poor teacher and hes considering _ his job.A.to be;to quit B.being;quittingC.being;to quitD.to be;quitting53.Dont forget _ English during the summer holidays.A.to practice speaking B.to practice to speakC.practicing speaking D.practicing to speak54.We were lucky that we just escaped _ the rain.A.being caught in B.to catch C.to be caught inD.catching55.With all the taps _,how much water are you wasting a day?A.run B.running C.ran D.runs56._ enough preparations,they thought it better to put off the meeting.A.Not having made B.Having not made C.Not making D.Not to have made57.Do you remember _me somewhere before?A.to meet B.met C.meeting D.meet58._ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A.The president will attend B.The president to attend C.The presidents attending D.The president attended That the president will attend59.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _.A.20 dollar remained B.20 dollar to remain C.remained 20 dollar D.remaining 20 dollar60.There was a terrible noise_ the sudden burst of light.A.followed B.following C.to be followed D.being followed61.The candle remains _ in the wind.A.burnB.burning C.burnt D.burns62.-Why dont we take a little break?-Didnt we just have_?A.itB.that C.one D.this63.Few pleasures can equal _ of a cool drink on a hot day.A.some B.any C.that D.those64.The recorder is better than _ I bought last year.A.the one B.one C.it D.which65.The population of Zibo is smaller than_of Beijing.A.oneB.that C.populationD.it66.-Do you have my book,Mr.Wang?-Yes,I have_ right here.A.one B.this C.it D.that67.These pictures are more beautiful than _ on the wall.A.that B.those C.one D.ones68.Do you consider_wise to tell him the truth?A.thisB.that C.which D.it69.I glanced at my watch._ was earlier than I thought.A.There B.This C.That D.It70.Well go to the cinema tonight.We must book the tickets in advance.Whod like to do _?A.that B.it C.this D.one71._doesnt make any difference my being there.A.That B.Which C.He D.It72.Whos knocking at the door?-_.A.This is I B.Its I C.Its me D.This is me73._ was December 26,1893_ Mao Zedong was born in a common village.A.The day;when B.It;that C.It;when D.That;on which74._ was on December 26,1893_ Mao Zedong was born in a common village.A.The day;when B.It;thatC.It;when D.That;on which75.The beggar kept asking money from the others,_didnt help him out of poverty.A.heB.which C.she D.it76.The beggar kept asking money from the others,but _didnt help him out of poverty.A.heB.which C.she D.it77.It was _discovered the secret first.A.I whoB.me that C.myself that D.myself who78.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have _.A.it B.those C.them D.one79.If our parents would listen more to us,they would understand us better.-_.They just expect us to listen.A.I believe not.B.No problem C.Good idea D.I cant agree more80.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _“Sorry to miss you;will call later.”.A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading81.Who takes_ possession of the beautiful big house?-It is in_possession of Mr.Brown.A.a;/B./;the C./;/D.the;the82.All the peace-loving are against Americas bombing Iraq.They think Bush is lifting a stone _ it _ on his own feet.A.only to have;to drop B.having;drop C.having;droppingD.only to have;dropped 83.Excuse me,can you tell me where I can find a supermarket?-I happen to know_nearby.Come on,Ill show you the way.A.some B.it C.that D.one84.After swimming in the sea,they came out of water and lay on the _ for a rest.A.bank B.coast C.seaside D.beach 85.Terrorism in the world means more deaths and heavier losses and _ it is our duty to fight against it.A.altogetherB.therefore C.otherwise D.moreover86.It was _ she was about to leave for work_ the telephone rang.A.when;thatB.as;that C.before;then D.when;before 87.Swimming in the lake,_.A.a rock cut Sues footB.Sues foot was cut C.Sue had her foot cut on a rock D.a rock cut Sue by the foot88.If you find this English-Chinese dictionary _,you can have it as your birthday present.A.of usefulB.great useful C.of much use D.much use89.You havent met the requirement in the driving test,_ you fail in the test.A.in a wordB.in other words C.in my opinion D.in fact90.I am sorry for _ you the truth.A.not telling B.not having been told C.not having told D.not being told91.It is the ability to do the job_ matters not where you come from or what you are.A.oneB.thatC.what D.it92.I remember theres a train at 6:30,but youd better _ of it.A.be sureB.make sure C.find out D.look out93.She is upstairs _ letters.A.writesB.is writing C.write D.writing94.Hard work_ success and failure often_ laziness.A.lies in;leads to B.leads to;lies in C.lies to;depends on D.depends on;leads to;95.I _ 25 yuan for the book,which _ him only 15 yuan.A.took;costB.paid;cost C.cost;spent D.spent;cost96.She _ a Frenchman.She has_ him for three years.A.married with;married with B.married;married C.married to;married with D.married;been married to 97.He is the only one of the students who _ praised at the meeting.A.wasB.were C.has D.have98.Christmas is drawing near.Are you going home for the holiday?-I havent decided yet.I_ go home,but it depends on the weather.A.must B.need C.may D.will99.Those books are _ for you on your tenth birthday.Happy birthday.A.intendedB.wanted C.offered D.supplied100.Dont make any noise,_ you?The baby is sleeping.-Sorry,Mum.A.wontB.could C.doD.will


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