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Unit 2 My favourite dayPart BLets learn&Ask and answer人人 教教 PEP 版版 英英 语语 五五 年年 级级 下下 册册Unit 2 Part BLets learn&AskMake a dialogue.Which season do you like best?I like best.Why?BecauseWarm upMake a dialogue.Which season Lead inWhich season does Amy like best?Amy likes autumn best.What about Wu Yifan?Lead inWhich season does Amy lPresentationListen and answer the questions.Which season does Wu Yifan like best?Spring.Why does Wu Yifan like spring best?Because he often goes on a picnic with his family in spring.go on a picnicLets learnPresentationListen and answer Which season is it?Summer.What do you do in summer?go swimmingI often go swimming.Which season is it?Summer.WhatWhat about autumn and winter?What can you do?pick applesmake a snowmanWhat about autumn and winter?Look at the pictures based on phrases.go swimminggo on a picnicpick applesmake a snowmanLook at the pictures based on Listen and read after the tape.Which season do you like best?I like spring best.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.I often go on a picnic with my family.pick applesmake a snowmango on a picnic go swimmingListen and read after the tapeWork in pairs.A say,B do.A:I like spring best.I often go on a picnic.B:For example:Work in pairs.A say,B do.A:B:I like winter best.I often make a snowman.A:A do,B say.For example:B:I like winter best.I oftenLook at the picture and say the phrases.go swimminggo on a picnicpick applesmake a snowmanLook at the picture and say thHow to write the sentence.Which season do you like best?点击画面播放视频在练习书写时,不要写的太快,笔尖不要太轻,一定要有力度,放慢速度,笔画一定要写到位,但注意不要出格。Language pointsI like the spring best.There are beautiful flowers everywhere.I often go on a picnic with my family.How to write the sentence.WhicThere are beautiful flowers everywhere.【详解】该句为there be句型结构的句子。表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”。everywhere意思是“每个地方;到处”。句型结构:There be(am/is/are/was/were)+名词+地点状语.【注意】1.there be句型中 be动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一致There are beautiful flowers ev如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词,be动词用 is或was。2.如果句子的主语是复数名词,be动词就用 are或were。e.g.There are three books on the desk.There is a basketball in the box.e.g.There are three books oPracticeWhich season do you like best?Winter.I often play in the snow.go on a picnicgo swimming pick applesmake a snowmanplay in the snowplant flowerseat ice creamAsk and answer.Ask and answerPracticeWhich season do you liPair work.Spring.I often.Summer.I often.Autumn.I often.Winter.I often.Which season do you like best?Pair work.Spring.I often.SumI want to know幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。列夫托尔斯泰Happiness exists in life,while life exists in labor.I want to know幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于pick apples一、看图片写短语。Exercisesmake a snowman go on a picnic go swimmingpick apples一、看图片写短语。Exercisesm()1.There _beautiful flowers.A.am B.is C.are()2.I often plant flowers _ my family.A.with B.and C.both()3.I often play _ the snow.A.on B.under C.inC二、单项选择。AC()1.There _beauti1.snow,often,the,I,in,play(.)_2.season,like,which,best,you,do (?)_3.winter,like,best,do,why,you(?)_I often play in the snow.Which season do you like best?Why do you like winter best?三、连词成句。1.snow,often,the,I,in,play(.Summary七彩课堂 伴你成长1.学习了下列单词:picnic,pick,snowman,swimming等,并复习了表示频度的副词often。2.学习了下列句型:Which season do you like best?Winter.I often play in the snow.Summary七彩课堂 1.学习了下列单词:picnic,七彩课堂 伴你成长HomeworkAct the dialogue out and show it to your parents.Do“Ask and answer”with your friends.Talk about your favourite season and write a short passage.ONETWO七彩课堂 HomeworkAct the dialogue Unit 2My favourite seasonPEP五年级下册习题课件习题课件Unit 2My favourite seasonPEP 课时5PartB5PartB Lets learnAsk and answer课时 5 Part B Lets learnAsk提示提示:点击点击 进入习题进入习题四四五五二二三三一一提示:点击 进入习题四五二三一一、选择每组中不同类的单词。()1.A.plant B.summer C.pick()2.A.swimming B.spring C.running()3.A.best B.eat C.drink()4.A.snowman B.people C.pretty()5.A.which B.white C.whatBBACB一、选择每组中不同类的单词。BBACB二、补全下列短语,并选择合适的图片。()1.go on a_()2._swimmingD picnicE go二、补全下列短语,并选择合适的图片。D ()3._apples()4.make a _()5._flowersB pickA snowmanC plant()3._applesB 三、用上题的短语,补全句子。1.In winter,I _ with my friends.2.Spring comes.We_ in the garden.3.Its warm today.Lets_.4.We can _in autumn.5.I like summer.I often _.make a snowmanplant flowers go on a picnicpick applesgo swimming三、用上题的短语,补全句子。make a snowmanpl四、选择恰当的单词,补全对话。Amy:Hi,Lingling!1._season do you like best?Lingling:I like spring best.There are lots of 2._.Amy:I like flowers,too.Lingling:3._is your favourite season?Amy:Summer.Lingling:Why do you like this season?四、选择恰当的单词,补全对话。Amy:4._I like summer 5._!Lingling:Me,too.()1.A.Where B.When C.Which()2.A.flowers B.snow C.trees()3.A.When B.What C.Where()4.A.So B.But C.Because()5.A.vacation B.picture C.seasonCABCA Amy:4._I like su五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello,Im Tingting.I live in Beijing.There are four seasons in a year.In spring I can go on a picnic with my parents.Its very hot in summer.I often go swimming with my brother.Its very beautiful in autumn.The sky is blue.The trees are yellow and red.In winter,I often play in the snow with my friends.五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。()1.Tingting is from_.A.B.C.()2.Tingting can _ in spring.A.B.C.BA()1.Tingting is from_()3.Tingting_ in summer.A.goes swimmingB.goes for a walkC.goes shoppingA()3.Tingting_ in su()4.Tingting can_ in winter.A.eat ice creams B.pick applesC.play in the snow()5.Its _ in summer.Its _in autumn.A.rainy;beautiful B.hot;beautiful C.hot;greenCB()4.Tingting can_


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