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成人学士学位英语辅导成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解(一)(一)成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解会话技能讲解考纲解析:考纲解析:考查实际工作中的口语交际能力;考查实际工作中的口语交际能力;突出交际目标,实用性,不涉及专业性;突出交际目标,实用性,不涉及专业性;通过选择最佳答案来补全语言情境,实现通过选择最佳答案来补全语言情境,实现交际功能。交际功能。会话技能讲解考纲解析:会话技能讲解会话技能讲解考试策略:考试策略:深入所考查的场景,注意中西方文化的差深入所考查的场景,注意中西方文化的差异;把握对话人的角色,掌握口语的习惯异;把握对话人的角色,掌握口语的习惯表达法;切忌死记硬背,避免受到中文口表达法;切忌死记硬背,避免受到中文口语表达的干扰。语表达的干扰。会话技能讲解考试策略:会话技能讲解会话技能讲解解题技巧:解题技巧:1.通读对话,了解对话的情景和目的。通读对话,了解对话的情景和目的。2.注意对话要符合英语交际和表达习惯。注意对话要符合英语交际和表达习惯。3.每个句子都要看懂,每个句子都要看懂,抓住相应语境中的抓住相应语境中的关键词关键词,准确理解其含义。,准确理解其含义。4.重读对话,验证答案。重读对话,验证答案。5.采取排除法。采取排除法。会话技能讲解解题技巧:会话技能讲解会话技能讲解常考的英语口语交际语境:常考的英语口语交际语境:(一)问候(一)问候 (二)询问(二)询问(三)建议(三)建议 (四)邀请(四)邀请(五)祝贺(五)祝贺 (六)赞美(六)赞美(七)感谢(七)感谢 (八)道歉(八)道歉(九)其他(九)其他会话技能讲解常考的英语口语交际语境:会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 介绍自己介绍自己:Id like to make a self-introduction.Im Please allow me to introduce myself.I would like to introduce myself.Im How do you do?Im 会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 介绍他人介绍他人:Tom,this is Mark,the CEO of Tom,Id like you to meet Tom,let me introduce to you.请求别人介绍请求别人介绍:Would you please introduce yourself?May I have your name?会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 互相介绍互相介绍 1.Come and meet John.-How do you do?2.-Let me introduce you to my friend Mr.Brown./I would like you to meet my friend Mr.Black.-Im pleased/glad to meet you./Nice meeting you.会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 互相介绍互相介绍 How do you do?I dont think weve met before.Im Tom.-How do you do?Its a pleasure to meet you./Nice to meet you.会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 问候:问候:1.How are you?/How are you doing?-Im fine,thanks./Very well,thanks.And you?2.How is everything?-Pretty good.-Whats new?会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍类别一:问候和介绍 问候:问候:How is everything going?How is it going?(包括复数的情况)(包括复数的情况)Hows life with you?Fancy meeting you here!Anything new!近况如何!近况如何!会话技能讲解类别一:问候和介绍会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别二:告别类别二:告别告别前用语及其可能的回答:告别前用语及其可能的回答:I have got to be going now.Im afraid I must be off/leaving.Its about time I was going.Cant you stay any longer?Do you really want to go?会话技能讲解类别二:告别会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别二:告别类别二:告别 1.Good bye./Bye Bye.2.See you.-So long./See you.3.Take care.-You too.会话技能讲解类别二:告别会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问路问路 Excuse me,would you please tell me the way to the railway station?Excuse me,can you tell me where the Xinhua Bookstore is?Excuse me,how can I get to?会话技能讲解类别三:询问会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问路问路Sorry to bother/trouble you,but can you direct me to the airport?Excuse me,which direction is it to the Yuying Middle School?会话技能讲解类别三:询问会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问指路:指路:Walk four blocks down the street and turn right.不知道方向:不知道方向:Sorry,I dont know.I am new here,too.Sorry,I am not sure.Youd better ask会话技能讲解类别三:询问会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问距离和交通方式:问距离和交通方式:How far is it from?Is it long way to on foot?Which bus shall I take?会话技能讲解类别三:询问会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问时间:问时间:What is the time?/What time is it,please?Have you got the time?Whats the date today?/What date is it today?What day is it today?会话技能讲解类别三:询问会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问天气问天气Whats the weather like outside today?Whats the weather going to be tomorrow?How are the summer here?Whats it like outside today?Whats the temperature today?.会话技能讲解类别三:询问.会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别三:询问类别三:询问问天气的回答问天气的回答Well,its very hot./its wonderful.Hot and humid.Its freezing outside.Its going to be cloudy tomorrow.The temperature will drop.会话技能讲解类别三:询问.成人学士学位英语辅导成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解(二)(二)成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告请求与允许请求与允许/不允许不允许Do you mind if I smoke?/Would you mind my smoking?-No,I dont.-Oh,Id rather you dont.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告请求与允许请求与允许/不允许不允许-Is it all right if I smoke?-Yes,go ahead./Do it,please.-Can I make a phone call?/Id like to make a phone call,if you permit me.-Go ahead.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告建议建议1.Why not go swimming?/Why dont we go swimming?-Good idea./Thank for your advice./Its a good suggestion.-Id love to,but I have to prepare for tomorrows report.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告建议建议How about going for a walk?What about a beer?Would you care to go to the party?Youd better take an umbrella with you.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告相应建议的回答相应建议的回答Id love to.OK,Ill do that.Thats an excellent idea.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告忠告忠告If I were you,Id leave now.I would try again if I were you.Youd better not go to school.We dont permit you smoking in this building.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告类别四:建议与忠告忠告的相应回答忠告的相应回答Thank you for reminding me.Ill remember that.All right.I wont go.会话技能讲解类别四:建议与忠告会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会类别五:邀请与约会提出邀请:提出邀请:Would you like to have dinner with me?How about going to the cinema with us tonight?I wonder if you can go picnicking with us tomorrow.I am calling to see if you would like to have lunch tomorrow.会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会类别五:邀请与约会接受及婉拒接受及婉拒Sure./Sounds good./Yes,thats a great idea./Yes,I do./With pleasure Id like to.ButIm sorry.But this week is not convenient for me.会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会类别五:邀请与约会商定约会时间或地点商定约会时间或地点Shall we meet at 7:00 pm?Will 10 oclock be OK?Anytime and anywhere are all right.No,I cant make it today.How about tomorrow?会话技能讲解类别五:邀请与约会会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别六:感谢类别六:感谢Thank you very much./(Many)thanks./Thanks a lot.I can never thank you enough.Thank you for all youve done for us.I really appreciate your help/assistance/what youve done for me.会话技能讲解类别六:感谢会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别六:感谢类别六:感谢感谢的回答感谢的回答 Its my pleasure./My pleasure./Anytime.Dont mention it.You are welcome.Thats all right./Its nothing.会话技能讲解类别六:感谢会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别七:道歉类别七:道歉I apologize for what I have done.Please accept my heartfelt apology.I am really sorry for the trouble I brought to you.I feel sorry about Please forgive my fault.会话技能讲解类别七:道歉会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别七:道歉类别七:道歉Sorry to disturb you.I did not mean to do that.Its my fault;Ill try to make it up to you.I owe you an apology for what I did last night.会话技能讲解类别七:道歉会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别七:道歉类别七:道歉道歉的回答道歉的回答Thats all right./Never mind./It doesnt matter.Forget it./No problem./Thats nothing.Nothing serious.It really isnot worth mentioning.会话技能讲解类别七:道歉会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别八:请求许可类别八:请求许可I wonder if I can use your computer.Is it all right if I?Would you mind my turning on TV?Would you please lend Would it be possible for me to put off the work.会话技能讲解类别八:请求许可会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别八:请求许可后的类别八:请求许可后的 回答回答No,do as you like.Certainly not./Not at all.No,go ahead.You can if you like.Im sorry,but I do.I wish you would not.会话技能讲解类别八:请求许可后的 回答会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别九:祝愿祝贺类别九:祝愿祝贺You look great this morning!Congratulations!/Congratulations onPlease accept my heartiest congratulation.Good luck./The best of luck.Have a nice weekend./Happy New Year!.会话技能讲解类别九:祝愿祝贺.会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别九:对祝愿祝贺的回答类别九:对祝愿祝贺的回答Thank you.Thank you!Its very kind of you to say so.The same to you.在此情景中要特别注意不要受到中文表达在此情景中要特别注意不要受到中文表达习惯的干扰。习惯的干扰。.会话技能讲解类别九:对祝愿祝贺的回答.成人学士学位英语辅导成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解(三)(三)成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助类别十:提出或请求帮助提出的方式:提出的方式:What can I do for you?Can I help you?Is there anything I can do for you?Let me give you a hand.会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助类别十:提出或请求帮助提出的方式:提出的方式:Can you do me a favor?Can you help me(with)?Would you please give me a hand?I Would appreciate you very much if you give me some help.会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助类别十:提出或请求帮助接受与拒绝:接受与拒绝:Yes,please./Yes,thanks.Its very knid of you./That would be nice.No,thanks.I can manage it.Thank you all the same.会话技能讲解类别十:提出或请求帮助会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景类别十一:电话的情景打电话:打电话:May I speak to,please?Is Tom in?Id like to talk to Mr.White.Is this Dr.Smiths office?Can you connect me with Mike?会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景类别十一:电话的情景接电话:接电话:This is speaking.Speaking,please.Just a moment.I will put him on.会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景类别十一:电话的情景无法接电话:无法接电话:Would you like to hang on a moment?Hold on,please.Sorry,he isnt in all the moment.Sorry,He is not available now.会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景类别十一:电话的情景留言:留言:Would you like to leave a message?Would you mind calling back later?Can I leave Mr.Smith a message?Please tell him to call me back.会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景类别十一:电话的情景挂断及拨错号码挂断及拨错号码Thanks for calling./Please call again anytime.Theres no one here by that name.I am afraid youve got the wrong number.I am sorry.I must have misdialed.会话技能讲解类别十一:电话的情景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景类别十二:餐厅场景询问及预约询问及预约Could you recommend a nice restaurant near here?Id like a restaurant with Id like to have some local food.Id like to reserve a table for three.Wed like a table with a nice view.会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景类别十二:餐厅场景餐厅点餐餐厅点餐Are you ready to order?What would you like to eat?Would you like to look at the menu?Whats the specialty today?What do you recommend?会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景类别十二:餐厅场景点餐及其结账点餐及其结账Id like some soup and two fried eggs.Tonights on me.今晚我买单。今晚我买单。Well go Dutch.How would you like to pay?Do you take cash or card?会话技能讲解类别十二:餐厅场景会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医类别十三:看病就医预约:预约:Id like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.Would tomorrow afternoon be convenient for you?Im afraid Dr.Smith is occupied this afternoon.会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医类别十三:看病就医询问病情:询问病情:Whats the matter?Whats the trouble with you?Whats wrong with you?会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医类别十三:看病就医询问病情:询问病情:I dont feel well with my stomach.I have a headache.I think there is something wrong with my heart.会话技能讲解类别十三:看病就医会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十四:购物类别十四:购物招呼及指导顾客招呼及指导顾客What can I do for you?Can/May I help you?Try it,please!Can you show me?会话技能讲解类别十四:购物会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十四:购物类别十四:购物招呼及指导顾客招呼及指导顾客I am just looking around.Where is the fitting room?This is too big/just my size/suits me.Sorry,it is out of stock.We have it in stock.会话技能讲解类别十四:购物会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十四:购物类别十四:购物讨价及付款讨价及付款How much does it cost?Could you bring the price down?Can you give me a little discount.I have no change.会话技能讲解类别十四:购物会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十五:称赞或赞美类别十五:称赞或赞美Well done!/Good job!You have a very nice business.You have a good taste.It matches you perfectly.No words can express.会话技能讲解类别十五:称赞或赞美会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十五:称赞或赞美类别十五:称赞或赞美 的的应答应答Thanks/Thank you for Im delighted you think so.How kind of you to say that.会话技能讲解类别十五:称赞或赞美 的应答会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪类别十六:表达个人情绪询问喜好询问喜好What you like to do in your free time?How do you like your?Which do you like better,or?Which do you prefer,or?会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪类别十六:表达个人情绪表达好恶:表达好恶:I prefer/like/love pizza.She is happy with Id rather have tea than coffee.is my favorite.会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪类别十六:表达个人情绪表达遗憾:表达遗憾:Im very sorry to hear your failure in this examination.I feel very sad to know that your pet dog has died.What a pity that Its a pity that 会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪类别十六:表达个人情绪表达同情或关心表达同情或关心Whats the matter?You look so sad.What are you worried about?You seem different today.会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪.会话技能讲解会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪类别十六:表达个人情绪表达同情或关心的应答表达同情或关心的应答Nothing serious.Thanks!Im all right./I can manage it.Everything will be fine.会话技能讲解类别十六:表达个人情绪.成人学士学位英语辅导成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解(四)(四)成人学士学位英语辅导会话技能讲解会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(一)(一)谈论计划及相应的谈论计划及相应的回答回答 What would you like to do tonight?Whats your plan for the summer vacation?What are you going to do after graduation?会话技能讲解补遗(一)谈论计划及相应的回答 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(一)(一)谈论计划及相应的谈论计划及相应的回答回答 I want to go to the movie tonight.Im going to stay in the school.If possible,Id like to become a good teacher.会话技能讲解补遗(一)谈论计划及相应的回答 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(二)寄信(二)寄信 What can I do for you?/Can I help you?Anything I can do for you?I want/need two stamps/envelopes.会话技能讲解补遗(二)寄信 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(二)寄信(二)寄信 I want to send it by express mail/air mail.How much is the postage?Whats the postage?会话技能讲解补遗(二)寄信 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(三)在银行(三)在银行 What can I do for you?/Can I help you?Anything I can do for you?I want to open a savings account/checking account.会话技能讲解补遗(三)在银行 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(三)在银行(三)在银行 Id like to deposit/withdraw 1 thousand yuan(RMB)Could you tell me my balance?Can you change RMB for dollars?会话技能讲解补遗(三)在银行 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(四)在海关(四)在海关 Passport,please!Could you show me the passport?Anything to declare?申报申报 Do you have anything to declare?会话技能讲解补遗(四)在海关 会话技能讲解会话技能讲解补遗补遗(四)在海关(四)在海关 Here you are.This is my passport.No,I have nothing to declare.Yes,I have two cameras to declare.会话技能讲解补遗(四)在海关 会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Carlo:How much is it for a person for a day?Ben:With lunch,its only 60 Euros.Carlo:Ok,_ A:it is too expensive.C:forget it.B:it is a deal.D:goodbye.(2013)会话技能的综合运用Carlo:How much is it会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Mark:Lets go and sit down for a while.I need to rest and have a drink.Linn:_.Im tired too.A:You are fight B:Thats amazingC:Lets do that D:Well give it a try (2013)会话技能的综合运用Mark:Lets go and si会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Lucas:Sorry sweetie.I didnt hear you._?Mary:Look here,this dress has matching belt and shoes.What do you think?A:Where are you B:How you doingC:What did you say D:Why are you here (2013)会话技能的综合运用Lucas:Sorry sweetie.会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Kathy:I hope they have all that stuff at the supermarket.Ben:_ We can also look online for the things we like.A:It beats me.B:How can I know?C:Whats the point?D:It doesnt matter if they dont.(2013)会话技能的综合运用Kathy:I hope they ha会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Cashier:Okay,thatll be$8.55.Customer:_.Cashier:Thanks Next!A:Here you go B:Take this awayC:You are fight D:Its very nice of you 会话技能的综合运用Cashier:Okay,thatl会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Speaker:Thank you all for attention.Host:Professor Cohen,_.Speaker:Sure.(2012)A:wed like to thank you anyway.B:I wish you a safe trip back.C:could you expand on it?D:would you like to take some questions?会话技能的综合运用Speaker:Thank you al会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Sam:Oh,Im feeling dizzy now.You know I have just enjoyed much beer.Peter:Really?Dont you know its a very important party?_.(2012)A:Mind how you go B:Behave yourself C:Mind your own businessD:Watch your back 会话技能的综合运用Sam:Oh,Im feeling 会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用Nancy:Caroline must have left since your train arrived so late.Elline:To my surprise,I found her waiting for me at the station.Nancy:_!(2012)A:How kind!B:What a pity!C:Good for her!D:No kidding!会话技能的综合运用Nancy:Caroline must 会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用-Dont forget to pass on the message to my teacher.-_ (2010年年)A:Yes,I dont.B:I dont think so.C:No,I wont.D:Sorry,I wouldnt.会话技能的综合运用-Dont forget to pa会话技能的综合运用会话技能的综合运用-How did you find your visit to the museum,Eddie?-_.(2010年年)A:I went there all by myself.B:Oh,wonderful,indeed.C:My friend showed me there.D:By taking a No.2 bus.会话技能的综合运用-How did you find y会话技能会话技能The end 会话技能The end


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