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Revision of Book one:Unit one Teaching Aims Part one 复习巩固本单元的基本词汇和词组复习巩固本单元的基本词汇和词组Part two calm power settle concernPart three1)there was a time when 2)I happened to be3)It was the first time that 4)4)While doing(walking)the dog,you-5)5)It is/was+强调部分强调部分+that/who+剩余部分剩余部分loosespellbind thunder highwayoutdoorsgossipface to facesuitcasego throughno longerpowerswapvettip be concerned aboutcurtainentiredusk on purposeGermansurveyitem说一说说一说1.心烦的,不安的心烦的,不安的_ pt _p.p _2.忽视,不理睬忽视,不理睬 _ 3.使镇定,平静使镇定,平静 _ 4担忧,涉及担忧,涉及 关系到关系到 _ 5.连续,系列连续,系列 _6.在户外在户外 adv _7.黄昏,傍晚黄昏,傍晚 _8.打雷打雷vi 雷声雷声n._ 9.整个的完全的整个的完全的 _10.能量,权力能量,权力 _ 11.窗帘窗帘,幕布,幕布 _upset upset upsetignore calm concernseries outdoors duskthunder entire powercurtain12.积满尘灰的积满尘灰的 adj _ 13.伙伴,合作人伙伴,合作人_14.安家,停留安家,停留 vi 使定居,解决使定居,解决vt _ n _15.遭受,经历遭受,经历 _16.公路公路 _17.痊愈,重新获得痊愈,重新获得 _ 18.捆扎,包装捆扎,包装 _19.手提箱手提箱 _ 20 大衣,外套大衣,外套 _dusty partner settle settlementsuffer highwayrecover packsuitcaseovercoat21.十几岁的青少年十几岁的青少年 _22.不同意不同意 vi _23.确切如此确切如此 adv _24.感激的,表示谢意感激的,表示谢意 _25.不喜欢不喜欢 vt&n _ 26.提示,技巧提示,技巧 _ 27.交换交换 vt _28.项目,条款项目,条款 _29.迷住迷住 _30.闲话,闲谈闲话,闲谈 _ teenager disagree exactly grateful dislike tip swapitem spellbindgossip写出下列词的适当形式写出下列词的适当形式1.Upset:_ pt,_(pp)_ adj.2.calm:_,(adv.)3.German:_(pl.)4.series:_(pl.)5.disagree:_(n.)6.recover:_adj._(n.)7.settle:_(adj.)_(n.)8.outdoors:_(adj.)9.entire:_(adv.)10.dust:_(adj.)11.suffer:_(n.)upset upset upsetcalmly Germans series disagreement recovered,recovery settled,settlement,outdoorentirely dusty suffering写一写写一写译一译译一译1.He was entirely ignorant of the survey.2.Loneliness is said to cause many diseases.3.He shook my hands gratefully.4.This is a list of the items to pack up.5.Exactly when coffee was introduced to China is 6.unknown,but it was probably in the 17th century.7.6.The ticket window is packed with people.8.7.Fat began to pack on my body.9.8.Is here a restaurant where I can get a pack of cigarettes?10.9.The company has agreed to settle out of court.11.10.Two birds settled on the fence.12.11.I took a pill to help settle my nerves.13.好词好句好词好句14.下面是一些实用的建议。下面是一些实用的建议。15.多谢你的帮助。多谢你的帮助。Here the following are some practical tipsI am grateful for your timely help.用一用用一用1.I like playing _,for _ 2.activities are of great benefit to us.(outdoor)3.2.They call on face-to-face talk to settle 4.our _(disagree).5.3.I spent the _ night typing letters,6.which made me _ worn out.(entire)7.4.-They look _ the same.8.-_.(exact)9.5.“Stay _,”his mother whispered to10.him _.(calm)6.He shows great _ to the Diaoyu 7.Island issues,which is _ with 8.the future of his business.(concern)outdoorsoutdoordisagreemententireentirelyexactlyExactly calmcalmlyconcernconcernedPhrases:add upcalmdownbe concerned aboutgo through set downon purposeat duskface to face9.不再不再10.遭受遭受11.对对厌烦厌烦12.将(东西)打包将(东西)打包13.与与相处相处14.爱上爱上15.参加加入参加加入16.与与交流交流no longersuffer fromget/be tired ofpack(sth)upget along withfall in lovejoin incommunicate with 3_ your scores and we will see who wins.4I _ watching television;lets go for a walk.5Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the contract.6How can you expect me not to _ my own son?7Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _.8We arrived just as the musicians were _ their instruments.9He took a few deep breaths to _.10I will _ in my notebook the story as it was told to me.Add up am tired of looked through be concerned about on purpose packing up calm himself down set down 1How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2Ive always found him a bit difficult to .gone through get along with 基础检测:基础检测:As a senior three student,We have 经历经历 系系 列列 changes.We have learned that we should 与与相处融洽相处融洽 others and shouldnt 不不 理理 睬睬 others 故故 意意.When we meet with problems,we should not get 心心 烦烦.Instead,we should 镇镇 定定 下下 来来,because teachers and parents 关关 心心 us.When we are down,we can go 在在 户户 外外 for a walk to enjoy the beautiful scenery of our school,then we will grow crazy about it.gone through a series of get along well with ignore on purpose upset calm down are concerned about outdoors.重点句式重点句式扫描描(原文重原文重现)1._(当遛狗(当遛狗时),),you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.2._(这是第一次)这是第一次)in a year and a half that _(我目睹了我目睹了)the night face to face.3.I wonder if _(是因是因为我我长久无法出久无法出门的的缘故)故)Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.While walking the dogits because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long thatIt was the first timeId seen4.I _(我我 恰恰 巧巧 在在 楼楼 上上)upstairs at dusk when the window was open.5._(曾曾有有一一段段时光光)a deep blue sky,the son of the birds moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.happened to beThere was a time when【仿句自仿句自测】根据下面句式仿写句子根据下面句式仿写句子while/when+v.-ing看看电视时,我听到从厨房里,我听到从厨房里传出一个可怕的声音。出一个可怕的声音。面面对困困难时,要向老,要向老师求教。求教。It was the first time(that)仿写:那是他第一次仿写:那是他第一次经历地震。地震。While watching TV,I heard a terrible noise coming from the kitchen.It was the first time that he had gone through an earthquake.When facing(faced with)difficulties,youd better turn to the teacher for advice.According to the pictures,try to write a short passage using the key words,phrases and patterns weve learned in this period.took an English test/last week.fail/upset It was the first time that Linda concerned talk face to face while doing ignore important details positive attitude to study,etc add to /encouragement/recover We took an math test last week.fail upset while doing ignore concerned talk face to face,add to encouragement recover grateful Last week,we took a math test.But Linda did poorly in it,which made her so upset.Because it was the first time that she had failed in math.Therefore,her teacher along with her classmates were all concerned about her and had a face to face talk with her,thus adding to her confidence.In the meanwhile,she herself decided to change.Firstly,While doing her homework or quizzes,never ignore some details.Moreover,it is significant to form a good habit.More importantly,the attitude to study matters.Now she is grateful to her classmates especially her head teacher.It is their encouragement that recovers her confident smiles.回顾回顾Unit1 Unit1 根据语境用根据语境用concern的恰当形式及短语填空的恰当形式及短语填空concern vt.&n.Professor Wang does something _ (涉涉及及)social work.For example,he _(关关心心)world peace and human progress.He also makes it clear that his research work should _ (与与有有关关)the farmers income because_ (就就 他他 而而 论论),to increase the farmers income is of greater importance than anything else.concerningis concerned aboutbe concerned withas far as he is concerned vt.1.加增加;加增加;2.补充说补充说 add up 把把加起来加起来 add 3 and 4 together add to 增加增加 add to the happy atmosphere add up to 合计达合计达;总共达;总共达 total add to 把把加入到加入到中中 add some sugar to the milk add The president said it was not easy to manage a company,_ that the financial crisis _ the difficulties.However,the dormitory for the workers must _and they would _ a toilet_ each room.The week before,he _all the expenses and the total _ more than$100,000.根据语境用根据语境用add的适当短语填空的适当短语填空add upadding added tobe added toaddtoadded upadded up to Everything was _ except that the heavy rain struck the window.Then the mudslide happened,but the frightened people stood there _,not knowing what to do.He remained _ in the face of the danger,and led all the people to go to the safe place.Later he kept _ over his brave behavior.quiet still calm silentquiet/still/calm/silent 语境填词语境填词 (根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空)1.When recalling _(一系列一系列)hardships he had _(经历经历)abroad,he was quite _(难难受受)and it took him a long time to _(平静平静下来下来).2.Three days later the police _(重新找回重新找回)the stolen jewellery.3.Although I _(不喜欢不喜欢)it,Im quite _(感激感激)that you asked me to _ you _(参加参加)your game.a series of gone through upset calm down recovereddislike grateful join in 单句改错;单句改错;1.He stayed calmly in time of danger.2.It is the first time that I had visited the Great Wall.3.It was in the room where the meeting was held.4.4.I am tired from living abroad.calm have that of高考连接:高考连接:1.Film has a much shorter history,especially when _ such art forms are music and painting.(2012新课标全国卷新课标全国卷)(compare to)2.If_ to look after luggage for someone else,inform the police at once.(2013)(ask)compared to asked 重点突破重点突破 vt.1.涉及;牵涉;涉及;牵涉;2.使担心使担心 n.1.关心关心 2.担心;忧虑担心;忧虑 adj.concerned be concerned about/for 担心;关心担心;关心 be concerned with/in 和和有关系有关系;涉及涉及;对对感兴趣感兴趣;关注的关注的 as far as be concerned 就就而言而言 prep.concerning 关于关于 concern 易混辨析易混辨析 calm silent quiet still The baby is sleeping,so everyone should be _.In order not to wake up the baby,the dog must remain _.quiet still with little noise not movinga.It is so hot and the air is _.b.Time seemed to be _ and it seemed years before the exam was out.c.Cant you sit _ when I brush your hair?The weather is fine and the sea is _.calm(of water)not rough,smoothWhen his mother shouted at him,the boy just kept _.silentnot speaking 改写句子改写句子:1.Be careful when you are crossing the road.2.He will attend the meeting if he is invited.3.Though he is ill,he continues his work.4.Even if we are defeated,we will not give up.when crossingif invitedThough illEven if defeated高考连接:高考连接:.It was not until the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan.(2013天津卷天津卷)A.that B.where C.why D.when.It was only after he had read the paper _ Mr.Cross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.(2013全国卷全国卷2)A.when B.that C.which D.what.It is not what we do once in a while_ shapes our lives,but what we do consistently.(2011湖南湖南)A.who B.that C.how D.when1.She refused to offer any help,which quite _ all the people present.Aignored Bsettled Cupset Dsuffered2“If you _ your diet,trouble will follow,”my doctor warned me.Apack Bignore Crecover Dconcern3He devoted himself _ to his research work,having no time for play.Aexactly Bgratefully Cloosely Dentirely.词义辨析词义辨析CBD4Im afraid its not within my _ to get the work done in such a short time.Aenergy Bstrength Cpower Dforce5She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some sunlight in.A.curtains Bsuitcases Cpartners Dteenagers6I cant express how _ I am for all youve done for me.Agrateful Bloose Ccalm DEntire7In order to build the dam,they moved the local people and _ them in another place.A.recovered Bignored Cconcerned Dsettled8The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to _from heart trouble.Auncover Bdiscover Crecover DcoverCAADC9The train arrived at _ 8 oclock,neither earlier nor later.Aclearly Bexactly Cwidely Dnearly10Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good pictures.Apowers Btips Citems DthundersBB.短语填空短语填空1How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2Ive always found him a bit difficult to .gone through get along with 译一译:译一译:1.He came back on purpose to give her a pleasant surprise.2._(tire)of his mother,he chose to live outside.3.Refer to the notes _(set)down yesterday.4.I wonder _ he is getting along well with his partners.5.He said all were to blame,and this is _ I disagree.Tiredset if/whetherwhereTranslation:1.我们对钓鱼岛问题很关切我们对钓鱼岛问题很关切 We are concerned about the problem of Fish Island.2.在二战中,中日人民都遭受很多在二战中,中日人民都遭受很多I Both Chinese and Japanese suffered a lot in the Second World War.3.希望日方冷静,希望日方冷静,与中国政府面对面解决分歧。与中国政府面对面解决分歧。We hope the Japanese side keep calm,and sit face to face with the Chinese government to settle the disagreement.4.否则,否则,战争会带来一连串后果。战争会带来一连串后果。Otherwise,war will bring about a series of consequences.微写作微写作利用本单元的词汇,完成下面的作文。(字数利用本单元的词汇,完成下面的作文。(字数50左左右)右)面对高三的考试,很多同学不适应,他们感到厌烦面对高三的考试,很多同学不适应,他们感到厌烦或是不知所措,或是不知所措,请你给一些建议请你给一些建议1)平时的学习态度,)平时的学习态度,学习方法学习方法2)考试时的心态)考试时的心态3)考后要及时总结,向老师寻求帮助考后要及时总结,向老师寻求帮助


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