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1.It is twenty years since my father _(fall)in love with oil painting and he is a famous painter now.2.They _(get)married in 2010 after they _(be)in love with each other for 3 years.3.Great changes _(take)place in my hometown and some new buildings _(appear).4.It _(occur)to me that I had forgotten to lock the door.5.To my _(surprise),the plan succeed.1.Bob played _ part in a film at _ age of six,which made him very famous.2.He took 200 photographs _ planet earth _ total.3_(found)in 1998,this company is wellknown for its firstclass product quality and complete aftersale service.4.While the teacher _(explain)the text,the students listened attentively and took notes.5.Is this the first time you _(come)to Kunming?Yes,how excited I am!6._ you are grown up,you must stop this childish behavior,_ youll make a fool of 8.We were all doing our history paper in the classroom yesterday evening _ the light went out.9._time went on,the people in the area came to realize how seriously the environment had been polluted.10.How about _ Christmas evening party?I should say it was _ success.11.Mr Smith,_(replace)with a new mayor,is giving his farewell speech at the meeting.1.I heard she marry a man without a lot money.2.After the long journey,the two girls went back home,hungrily and tiredly.3.Chinese arts have win the appreciate of a lot of people outside China.4.They are arguing _ each other _ private affairs.5.The book is quite well and I very like it.6.If he _(follow)my advice,he _(lose)his job.1.They cared too many about winning and losing.2.High school students is facing with a choice between arts and science.3.She showed great courage in a face of dangerous.4.She has had the number of different jobs,ranged from chef to swimming instructor.5.Costs range _ 50 _ several hundred pounds.6.The Business Library is situated in the ground floor.7.The two things are _ agreement.8.They have made _ agreement _ the plan.书面表达:书面表达:25分分 手机给人们的日常生活提供了许多方便。如:便于与父母和朋友联系;能增加乐趣。但是手机的使用也存在着一些弊端。如:上课时使用手机不利于教师教学和学生停课;课件用过后会分散上课注意力;用手机聊天、发短信费时费钱费精力。作为一名中学生,你对中学生持有手机有何看法?最好能提供些合理建议。提示词语:mobile phone;offer a lot of convenience(便利);send short message;bring trouble;necessary;in a proper way请根据上述内容写一篇100词左右的短文,短文的开头已给出:Nowadays,mobile phones are very common around us.1.Our flight was delayed _ the weather was bad.2.He was angry _ what he said.3.We are _ good terms _ all our neighbors.4.In _(term)of health,eating less is quite necessary.5.On the one hand,computers improve the working efficiency;on the other hand,they also bring about some new problems.6.Neither he nor I _ fond of this magazine.7.A poet and artist _(come)to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon.8.You will never gain success _ you are fully devoted to your work.跑步释放的不止汗水(sweat)。他没去上学是因为生病了。他因为考试作弊受到老师的惩罚。幸亏你的帮助,我通过了测验。我因为重感冒,请了一天的假。除非你完全致力于你的工作,否则你将永远不会获得成功。1._ to/with many girls,she was indeed very lucky.2.Its necessary to compare English _ Chinese in English study.3.一方面,我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿意搬家。4.随着中国以这样的速度发展,越来越多的外国人来中国。5.为了能让他们对我家乡了解的更多,我愿意讲讲我家乡的情况。6.泸州是一个位于长江河畔,历史悠久的城市。1.I dont know why he didnt agree _ this plan.2.This machine is very easy _(operate).Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.3.At school,some students are active _ some are shy,yet they can be good friends with one another.4._ I always felt I would pass the exam,I never thought I would get an A.5.I was _(surprise)by her words,which made me realize what silly mistakes I had made.6.Usually John would be late for meetings.But this time,_ to my surprise,he arrived on time.much to ones surprise=to ones great surprise书面表达:5.31 作为一个即将升入高二的学生,很多学生因缺乏锻炼,面对学习尤其是升学的压力,一些学生上课不能集中注意力,很多学生已经了解到健康的重要性。请根据以下要点,以“How to Keep Healthy”为题,写一篇英语短文。1.健康的重要性;2.饮食健康;3.身体健康;4.心理健康;注意:词数100词左右,可适当增加内容,使得语意连贯。the importance of.eating habitsdo harm to/be harmful tobe good for You are what you eat.Whats most important is that.the health of mind and bodyexercise,play sportsearly to bed and early to raisekeep happy/have a right way to release pressurenot gloomypositive attitudetry our best to/be attempting to on one hand,on the other handin a wordall in all As many students lack of exercising,they are easily getting ill.Whats more,sometimes they cant concentrate on their studies.So its totally important to keep healthy.In my experience,here are some advice as follows.First of all,having a good eating habit is good for health,especially,we should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.You are what you eat.Then,early to bed and early to raise is a good choice to keep healthy.Whats most important is the health of mind.We must have a positive attitude to life and have the right ways to release pressure.All in all,if you follow these suggestions,its easy for you to keep healthy both in body and mind.1.作为一个中国学生,我觉得适当的语言环境对于英语学习很重要。2.他一直对数字不感兴趣,因此他觉得学习数学很困难。3.每天有这么多任务要完成,我们发现作好计划是很有必要的。4.我相信我自己,并且我对未来充满了信心。5.我在学习和生活上都遇到了一些困难,这让我觉得很沮丧。1.遇到困难,我会向老师和同学们寻求帮助。2.我很感激我的老师、家人和朋友为我做的一切。3.我能比以前更流利地说英语,这得多亏了我英语老师的帮助。6.41.根据他们的经验,我们可能遇见了骗子。2.乐观积极的态度能让我们取得更加优异的成绩。3.猫和狗在很多方面有相似之处。4.我们的老师跟我们在性格方面有点相似。5.我们既是敌人也是亲密的朋友。1.The train accident is really the most unforgettable _ he has ever _ in his life.(experience)2.What happened without any previous warning that day _ all the passengers aboard the train.It was really a _ scene,and many people are still _ at the thought of taking a high-speed train.(terrify)3.今天在这儿和大家分享我学习英语的经验对我来说是一件快乐的事。4.我经常坐在教室,陷入沉思。1.吃太多的垃圾食品损害了他的健康。2.我突然想到我们可能选择了错误的选项。3.我打算写一篇英语作文,但结果却在家看电影。4.当那个非常著名的明星出现在的时候,我正好在哪儿。5.如果你愿意更加努力,你就有可能有更大的进步。1.At the end of the meeting,it was announced that an agreement _.(reach)2.By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _(build)in Beijing.3.John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it _(damage)seriously.4.Mr.Alcott told me that four fifths of the houses _(sell).5.He did what he _(tell)to.6.51.我不知道他为什么生气了。2.他所说的话逗笑了我们。3.你现在所做的事都是值得的。4.你将来会感激你现在所付出的努力。6.91.我跟你的情形很相似,也缺乏经验。2.一个人的行为方式与他所受的教育有关系。3.他的卧室没有他姐姐的整洁。4.他这次考试没考好,这是因为他生病了。5.每小时、每分钟、每秒钟对我们来说都很宝贵。6.雨一直下了三天,影响了很多学生。6.101.这个小孩走路很粗心,头撞到了门上。2.他到14岁的时,就已经能独立自主的生活。3.如果你专心于记一个单词,你很快就会记住的。4.他平均每天记忆20个句子。5.我被这个感人的场面深深打动了。6.111.晚会以一首优美的歌曲告终。2.经过几年的努力学习,她终于成为一名大学生。3.我猜测坏天气会破坏我们的假期。4.古老寺庙在这次洪水中被完全摧毁了。5.如果你不控制你自己,你的未来会被手机给毁了。6.141.老师提醒我们不要下河游泳。2.有可能明天会下雨。3.听到那个可怕的消息,我们感到很恐惧。4.依照他的指示,我们顺利完成了这项任务。5.他每次都很积极的背诵句子。6.他虽然老了,可仍然很活泼。书面表达 现在越来越多的中学生使用词典,有人选择使用传统词典,有人则喜欢使用电子词典。请你以“Printed dictionary or E-dictionary,which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文,可根据需要适当发挥:1.传统词典:优点:内容详细、例句多,缺点:携带不便2.电子词典:优点:省时、方便,缺点:例句少3.我选用的词典及理由。注意:1.词数100左右;文章题目和开头已给出;2.参考词汇:电子词典E-dictionary;传统词典 printed dictionary;条目entry;释义 definition Printed dictionary or E-dictionary,which do you prefer?Nowadays more and more students use dictionaries as study aids.Some think that it is better to use _书面表达:近日,在你班上就学生是否应该玩游戏进行了激烈的讨论。一些学生认为,游戏可以放松压力,而且很多人都在玩游戏,能和同学有共同话题;但另一些学生认为,玩游戏会严重影响学习,游戏中有很多不好的影响,比如说:暴力,影响学生养成良好的行为习惯。对此,请说说你的看法。提示词:话题 topic 暴力 violence 行为习惯 behaving habits


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