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概要写作概要写作Summary Summary writingwriting高考新题型高考新题型概要写作高考新题型 提供一篇提供一篇350350词以内的短文,要求考词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一篇生基于该短文写出一篇6060字左右字左右的内容概的内容概要。阅卷时主要考虑以下内容:要。阅卷时主要考虑以下内容:(1)(1)对原文要点的理解和呈现情况对原文要点的理解和呈现情况(2)(2)应用语法结构和词汇的准确性应用语法结构和词汇的准确性(3)(3)上下文的连贯性上下文的连贯性(4)(4)对各要点表达的独立性情况对各要点表达的独立性情况 提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文写出一概要写作评分标准第五档(概要写作评分标准第五档(2125points):):1.理解理解准确准确,涵盖,涵盖所有要点所有要点 2.准确准确使用相应的使用相应的语法结构和词汇语法结构和词汇 3.完全完全使用使用自己的语言自己的语言。(60-80W)4.有效有效地使用了语句间的地使用了语句间的连接成分连接成分,使概要,使概要结构紧凑结构紧凑contents(内容内容)language skills(语言语言)structure(结构结构)What is a good summary?概要写作评分标 Once upon a time,industrial goods were made to last forever.If you bought a car or a stove,it was a once-in-a-lifetime investment.You paid good money for it,and you took care of it.Nowadays industry has persuaded us that products couldnt last a long time.It is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.This has led directly to the“throw-away society”which is a great waste of the earths resources.Just think of the cars that are traded daily,just because they are out of style.Think of the expensive packaging material that is thrown away every time a new object is bought.And we shoppers have to pay for that material!Our industrial society has turned us into spoiled children.This wastefulness has got us into the great trouble we are in now.When we have no resources left,then we will start to take care of what we have.But why cant we act before this happens?Why cant we try to build a society in which the prevention of waste is a virtue?(182W)Once upon a time,industStep 1.Understand the whole passage and grasp the key points.Step 1.Understand the whole 概要写作难点概要写作难点 1How to get the key points quickly and correctly?(如何快速、准确地捕捉要点如何快速、准确地捕捉要点)抓住主题句或关键信息,忽略次要信息抓住主题句或关键信息,忽略次要信息概要写作难点 1How to get the key poiPara 1:Once upon a time,industrial goods were made to last forever.If you bought a car or a stove,it was a once-in-a-lifetime investment.You paid good money for it,and you took care of it.detailed exampleu忽略具体事例忽略具体事例topic sentence概要写作难点概要写作难点 2 How to express the key points by using your own words properly?(如何灵活诠释,规避抄袭的嫌疑如何灵活诠释,规避抄袭的嫌疑)characteristicsPara 1:Once upon a time,indus1.Once upon a time,industrial goods were made to last forever._,industrial goods were made _.Some time ago;In the past;Decades agoto be used for a long timeto function well for a long time;durable近义词替换近义词替换Once upon a time,industrial gYou paid good money for it,and you took care of it.Decades ago,industrial goods were made durable.spent much money ontreasuretreat it kindlyYou spent much money on it and treasure it.Decades ago,industrial goods were made durableYou spent much money on it and treasure it.Para1.use it carefullyYou paid good money for it,an Nowadays industry has persuaded us that products couldnt last a long time.It is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.This has led directly to the“throw-away society”which is a great waste of the earths resources.Just think of the cars that are traded daily,just because they are out of style.Think of the expensive packaging material that is thrown away every time a new object is bought.And we shoppers have to pay for that material!topic sentencedetailed examplescharacteristicsresultu忽略具体事例忽略具体事例 Nowadays industry has Nowadays industry has persuaded us that products couldnt last a long time.It is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.This has led directly to the“throw-away society”which is a great waste of the earths resources.Just think of the cars that are traded daily,just because they are out of style.Think of the expensive packaging material that is thrown away every time a new object is bought.And we shoppers have to pay for that material!Nowadays industry has 1.Nowadays industry has persuaded us that products couldnt last a long time.2.It is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.3.This has led directly to the“throw-away society”which is a great waste of the earths resources.Modern Industrymade us believeconvincednot permanentModern industry has convinced us that products are not permanent.short-lived近义词替换近义词替换 1.Nowadays industry 2.It is cheaper to throw them away than to repair them.To throw them away is cheaper than to repair them.It is more expensive to repair them than to throw them away.改变主语(形式主语)改变主语(形式主语)正话反说、反话正说正话反说、反话正说2.It is cheaper to throw themThis has led directly to the“throw-away society”which is a great waste of the earths resources.which has resulted in a great waste of the earths resources.改变句式改变句式result inThis has led directly to the“Modern industry has convinced us that products are not permanent.To throw them away is cheaper than to repair them,which has resulted in a great waste of the earths resources.Para2.Modern industry has conviPara 3:提炼相关信息提炼相关信息 Our industrial society has turned us into spoiled children.This wastefulness has got us into the great trouble we are in now.When we have no resources left,then we will start to take care of what we have.But why cant we act before this happens?Why cant we try to build a society in which the prevention of waste is a virtue?过渡句过渡句We need to save resources before its too lateThis wastefulness has caused us a lot of trouble.We are running out of resources and we need to take action.Para 3:提炼相关信息 Our industrial This wastefulness has caused us a lot of trouble.We are running out of resources and we need to take action.We need to save resources before its too late.Para3.This wastefulness has caused us a lot of trouble.We are running out of resources.We need to save resources before its too late.This wastefulness has caused u Decades ago,industrial goods were made durable.We spent much money on it and treasure it.Modern industry has convinced us that products are not permanent.To throw them away is cheaper than to repair them,which has resulted in a great waste of the earths resources.This wastefulness has caused us a lot of trouble.We are running out of resources.We need to save resources before its too late.(71W)Polish your writing有效有效地使用了语句间的地使用了语句间的连接成分连接成分,使概要结构紧凑,使概要结构紧凑1921分分However,Therefore,Decades ago,industrial gooStep 1:Step 2:Step 3:Step 4:读懂文章大意读懂文章大意抓住主题句或关键信息,忽略次要信息抓住主题句或关键信息,忽略次要信息How to write a good summary?Conclusion灵活运用语言,对关键信息进行改编灵活运用语言,对关键信息进行改编添加有效连接成分,使概要结构紧凑添加有效连接成分,使概要结构紧凑Step 1:读懂文章大意抓住主题句或关键信息,忽略次要信息 The food we eat seems to have a great effect on our health.Although science has made big steps in making food more fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of human illness is related to food and forty percent of cancer is related to food as well.That food is related to illness is not a new discovery.In 1945,some researchers realized that things commonly used to keep colour in meats and other food additives(添加剂)(添加剂)caused cancer.Yet,these additives remain in our food,and it is difficult to know which things on the wrappings(包装)(包装)of foods are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to their animals,and because of this,penicillin has been found in the milk of cows.Sometimes similar tings are supplied to animals not for their health,but just to make a profit.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market.Although some countries have tried to control such things,the practice continues.(201W)The food we eat seems to The food we eat seems to have a great effect on our health.Although science has made big steps in making food more fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of human illness is related to food and forty percent of cancer is related to food as well.That food is related to illness is not a new discovery.In 1945,some researchers realized that things commonly used to keep colour in meats and other food additives(添(添加剂)加剂)caused cancer.Para 1:The food we eat seems to h (1.)The food we eat seems to have a great effect on our health.(2.)Although science has made big steps in making food more fit to eat,it has,at the same time,made many foods unfit to eat.(3.)Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of human illness is related to food and forty percent of cancer is related to food as well.1.Our food affects our health.2.Although science has greatly improved the quality of our foods,some are still unsafe to eat.(1.)The food we eat seems(3.)Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of human illness is related to food and forty percent of cancer is related to food as well.3.Research has proved that most of our diseases are caused by food,including cancer.(3.)Some research has shown tOur food affects our health.Although science has greatly improve the quality of our foods,some are still unsafe to eat.Research has proved that most of our diseases are caused by food,including cancer.Para 1:Our food affects our health.APara 2:Yet,these additives remain in our food,and it is difficult to know which things on the wrappings(包包装装)of foods are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to their animals,and because of this,penicillin has been found in the milk of cows.Sometimes similar tings are supplied to animals not for their health,but just to make a profit.Para 2:Yet,these additi(1.)Yet,these additives remain in our food,and it is difficult to know which things on the wrappings of foods are helpful or harmful.(2.)The additives which we eat are not all so direct.(3.)Sometimes similar tings are supplied to animals not for their health,but just to make a profit.1.We can hardly tell whether the additives in our food are harmful or not.2.They affect our body indirectly.(1.)Yet,these additives rem(3.)Sometimes similar tings are supplied to animals not for their health,but just to make a profit.3.Some farmers raise their animals with additives to earn more money.(3.)Sometimes similar tings aWe can hardly tell whether the additives in our food are harmful or not.They affect our body indirectly.Some farmers raise their animals with additives to earn more money.Para 2:We can hardly tell whether thePara 3:The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price on the market.Although some countries have tried to control such things,the practice continues.Some countries have taken measures to stop such things,but in vain.Para 3:The farmers are simply Our food affects our health.Although science has greatly improved the quality of our foods,some are still unsafe to eat.Research has proved that most of our diseases are caused by food,including cancer.We can hardly tell whether the additives in our food are harmful or not.They affect our body indirectly.Some farmers raise their animals with additives to earn more money.Some countries have taken measures to stop such things,but in vain.(77W)it有效有效地使用了语句间的地使用了语句间的连接成分连接成分,使概要结构紧凑,使概要结构紧凑because Our food affects our health.A Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits.Here are several ways to make that happen.Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscles-both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off.Walking the family dog,cycling to school,and doing other things that increase your daily level of activity can all make a difference.One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in“screen time”-the amount of time spent watching TV,looking at the computer,or playing video games.Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours per day.When you really get away from“screens”,such as TV,computers,IPad or mobile phones,you will really benefit a lot.Portion sizes are bigger than they used to be,and these extra calories contribute to obesity.Another key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary drinks,such as sodas,juice drinks,and sports drinks.So choose smaller portions(or share restaurant portions)and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda.People who skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on.So they get more calories than they would have if they ate breakfast.In fact,people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BIMs than people who eat breakfast.If you really put the above into practice at once,you will definitely reduce your weight gradually.And wish you have a good figure.Weight loss is most likely Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits.Here are several ways to make that happen.Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscles-both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off.Walking the family dog,cycling to school,and doing other things that increase your daily level of activity can all make a difference.Changing some habits may be a good way to lose weight.If people change their habits,they will surely succeed in losing weight.Whether people can lose weight or not depends on their living habits.Taking more physical exercise will make much difference to peoples health.Increasing the amount of regular exercise will benefit people a lot.Weight loss is most likely One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in“screen time”-the amount of time spent watching TV,looking at the computer,or playing video games.Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours per day.When you really get away from“screens”,such as TV,computers,IPad or mobile phones,you will really benefit a lot.Portion sizes are bigger than they used to be,and these extra calories contribute to obesity.Another key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary beverages,such as sodas,juice drinks,and sports drinks.So choose smaller portions(or share restaurant portions)and go for water or low-fat milk instead of soda.It is necessary to limit“screen time”if people want to lose weight.We are supposed to reduce“screen time”.Sticking to smaller portions and avoiding sugary drinks contribute to weight loss.Watching out for portion sizes and drinking water instead of sugary drinks are also a key to weight loss.One reason people get less People who skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on.So they get more calories than they would have if they ate breakfast.In fact,people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BIMs than people who eat breakfast.If you really put the above into practice at once,you will definitely reduce your weight gradually.And wish you have a good figure.People should avoid skipping breakfast.Skipping breakfast is actually not a wise way to lose weight.People will have a good figure if they take the above suggestions.People who skip breakfast Changing some habits may be a good way to lose weight.Taking more physical exercise will make much difference to peoples health.We are supposed to reduce“screen time”.Sticking to smaller portions and avoiding sugary drinks contribute to weight loss.People should avoid skipping breakfast.People will have a good figure if they take the above suggestions.(58W)First,Meanwhile,Besides Finally Changing some habits may b Rats eat our food or make it so dirty that it isnt fit for people at all.Thats why people often kill them by laying down poison.After a day or two,they find the poison still there.The rats havent touched it,even though it is near the food which they eat.People think they must be clever and cunning.Some scientists have been trying to find the best way to poison rats.They have watched to see just what a rat does day and night.They have found out that rats arent so clever.They are just very shy.Rats usually live in holes.They run from these holes to the places where they eat and drink.They have special paths on which they travel each time.So they know their paths quite well.If anything new,such as stone or wood,is put in the path,the rats wont go near it at first as they are too frightened.It will take them many days to get over the fear.They are also frightened to go near a place that they know,where something has been taken away.If a path goes around a rock,the rats follow the same path around the rock each time.If the rock is taken away,they will still run round the place where the rock was!They wont cross the empty place,which is now open to them,even though it would be quicker.Rats will always keep away from anything unusual to them.Thats why they wont eat poison on the first or second night.They usually wont go anywhere near it for about four days until they get used to being there.Even then they only eat a little at a time.If people want to kill rats with poison,all they have to do is to leave it out for a few days.Once the rats have got used to it,they will eat it and die.(331W)Rats eat our food or make(1).Rats eat our food or make it so dirty that it isnt fit for people at all.(2).Thats why people often kill them by laying down poison.(3).After a day or two,they find the poison still there.(4).The rats havent touched it,even though it is near the food which they eat.(5).People think they must be clever and cunning.(6).Some scientists have been trying to find the best way to poison rats.(7).They have watched to see just what a rat does day and night.(8).They have found out that rats arent so clever.(9).They are just very shy.Para 1:(1).Rats eat our food or make(3).After a day or two,they find the poison still there.(5).People think they must be clever and cunning.(9).They are just very shy.It is generally considered that rats are smart enough not to be poisoned.They just refuse to accept new things.(3).After a day or two,they(1).Rats usually live in holes.(2).They run from these holes to the places where they eat and drink.(3).They have special paths on which they travel each time.(4).So they know their paths quite well.Rats are familiar with their particular paths.Para 2:(1).Rats usually live in hole(1).If anything new,such as stone or wood,is put in the path,the rats wont go near it at first as they are too frightened.(2).It will take them many days to get over the fear.(3).They are also frightened to go near a place that they know,where something has been taken away.(4).If the rock is taken away,they will still run round the place where the rock was!(5).They wont cross the empty place,which is now open to them,even though it would be quicker.If any change takes place on their usual paths,they feel unsafe to use them.Para 3:(1).If anything new,such a(1).Rats will always keep away from anything unusual to them.(2).Thats why they wont eat poison on the first or second night.(3).They usually wont go anywhere near it for about four days until they get used to being there.(4).Even then they only eat a little at a time.(5).If people want to kill rats with poison,all they have to do is to leave it out for a few days.(6).Once the rats have got used to it,they will eat it and die.It took several days for rats to adjust themselves to their new surroundings.Para 4:They wont be poisoned until they become familiar with the change.(1).Rats will always keep awa It is generally considered that rats are smart enough not to be poisoned.They just refuse to accept new things.Rats are familiar with their particular paths.If any change takes place on their usual paths,they feel unsafe to use them.It took several days for rats to adjust themselves to their new surroundings.They wont be poisoned until they become familiar with the change.(66W)有效有效地使用了语句间的地使用了语句间的连接成分连接成分,使概要结构紧凑,使概要结构紧凑Thats not true.Actually,Generally speaking,Therefore It is generally considered


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