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高考英语阅读理解之科技说明文Expositions about popular science高考英语阅读理解1Scientific expository articles in Gaokao近近5年江苏高考英语卷的科技说明文年江苏高考英语卷的科技说明文YearsTopics2015B:如何处理电子垃圾如何处理电子垃圾2016B:人类的合作人类的合作C:厄尔尼诺现象厄尔尼诺现象2017B:鸟类的胎教鸟类的胎教C:气候应对措施气候应对措施2018B:餐馆里的规则餐馆里的规则C:小农场的优势小农场的优势2019B:黄石公园的火山黄石公园的火山Scientific expository articles2large vocabularycomplex sentenceslimited timelong textargumentationLOREM IPSUM DOLORReading comprehensionReading comprehensionexposition 议论文说明文large vocabularycomplex senten301Features 02Scientific terms are _.03Sentence structures are _.The logic is _.01Features 02Scientific terms 4Understand details.Summarize the main ideas.Work out new words in context.Make judgment or inference.Figure out paragraph development.Clarify the authors intention,opinion or attitude.Understand details.What are w5细节理解词义猜测推理判断主旨大意考题分类考题分类细节理解 词义猜测 推理判断主旨大意考题分类6近年高考真题近年高考真题考查题型考查题型20192019B B20182018B B20172017B B20162016B B2016 2016 C C2015 2015 B B细节理解题细节理解题585859595959585861,6261,62 58,58,59 59词义猜测题词义猜测题60605858推理判断题推理判断题5858606059596363主旨大意题主旨大意题595960606060646460602019 B2019 B2018 B2018 B2017 B2017 B近年高考真题考查题型201920182017201620167细节理解题2.Locate the key sentences in the text through scanning.1.Find the key words in the question.3.Understand the key sentences correctly.4.Analyze the options carefully.细节理解题2.Locate the key sentenc8真题真题 1(2019江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)58.What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone?In the 1960s,while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Park,Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that,oddly,had not troubled anyone before:he couldnt find the parks volcano.It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in naturethats what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features.But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.To explain!A.Its complicated geographical features.B.Its ever-lasting influence on tourism.C.The mysterious history of the park.D.The exact location of the volcano.真题 1(2019江苏卷,Passage B)58.9真题真题 2(2018江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)59.How could a fine dining shop make more profit?Time is money,but that principle means different things for different types of restaurants.Unlike fast-food places,fine dining shops prefer customers to stay longer and spend.One way to encourage customers to stay and order that extra round:put on some Mozart(莫扎特).When classical,rather than pop,music was playing,diners spent more.Fast music hurried diners out.Particular scents also have an effect:diners who got the scent of lavender(薰衣草)stayed longer and spent more than those who smelled lemon,or no scent.AA.Playing classical music.B.Introducing lemon scent.C.Making the light brighter.D.Using plates of larger size.真题 2(2018江苏卷,Passage B)59.10A fine dining shop could make more profit by playing classical music and introducing lavender scent.A fine dining shop could make 11Meanwhile,things that you might expect to discourage spending“bad”tables,crowding,high pricesdont necessarily.Diners at bad tablesnext to the kitchen door,sayspent nearly as much as others but soon fled.It can be concluded that restaurant keepers need not“be overly concerned about bad tables,”given that theyre profitable.As for crowds,a Hong Kong study found that they increased a restaurants reputation,suggesting great food at fair prices.And doubling a buffets price led customers to say that its pizza was 11 percent tastier.Meanwhile,things that you might expect to discourage spending“bad”tables,crowding,high pricesdont necessarily.“bad”tables,crowding,high prices wont discourage spending.真题真题 3(2018江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)60.What does the last paragraph talk about?A.Tips to attract more customers.B.Problems restaurants are faced with.C.Ways to improve restaurants reputation.D.Common misunderstandings about restaurants.Misunderstandings!Meanwhile,things that you mig12主旨大意题59.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A.The shapes of volcanoes.B.The impacts of volcanoes.C.The activities of volcanoes.D.The heights of volcanoes.真题真题 4(2019江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)主旨大意题59.What does the second 13Most of us,when we talk about volcanoes,think of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro,which are created when erupting magma(岩 浆)piles up.These can form remarkably quickly.In 1943,a Mexican farmer was surprised to see smoke rising from a small part of his land.In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high.Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across.Altogether there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth,all but a few hundred of them extinct.There is,however,a second less known type of volcano that doesnt involve mountain building.These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack,leaving behind a vast hole,the caldera.Yellowstone obviously was of this second type,but Christiansen couldnt find the caldera anywhere.59.What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?A.The shapes of volcanoes.B.The impacts of volcanoes.C.The activities of volcanoes.D.The heights of volcanoes.There are two shapes of volcanoes.Most of us,when we talk about14Most of us,when we talk about volcanoes,think of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro,which are created when erupting magma(岩浆)piles up.There is,however,a second les known type of volcano that doesnt involve mountain building.Meanwhile,things that you might expect to discourage spending“bad”tables,crowding,high pricesdont necessarily.Topic sentencesTransitional wordsKey wordsMost of us,when we talk about151.Find out the topic sentences through skimming.2.Pay attention to transitional words like however,actually,but,in fact,etc.3.Find out the key words.4.Pay attention to conclusions.1.Find out the topic sentence161.How can we infer from the passage?2.What kinds of words should we notice?Words like infer,suggest,imply,conclude,intend,think of,etc.in the questions?Options with words like never,always,all,none,everything,etc.?Sentences taken directly from the passage?Think1.How can we infer from 17推理判断题真题真题 5(2018江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)58.The underlined phrase“none the wiser”in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the customers were _.真题真题 6(2017江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)60.Embryonic learning helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which _.推理判断题真题 5(2018江苏卷,Passage 18真题真题 7(2018江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)58.The underlined phrase“none the wiser”in paragraph 3 most probably implies that the customers were _.A.not aware of eating more than usual B.not willing to share food with othersC.not conscious of the food quality D.not fond of the food providedLighting matters,too.When Berlin restaurant customers ate in darkness,they couldnt tell how much theyd had:those given extra-large shares ate more than everyone else,but were none the wiserthey didnt feel fuller,and they were just as ready for dessert.推理判断题(Questions of inference)Fact not aware of the fact A真题 7(2018江苏卷,Passage B)58.19真题真题 8(2017江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)60.Embryonic learning helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which _.A.can receive quality signals B.are in need of trainingC.fit the environment better D.make the loudest callThis observation hints that effective embryonic learning could signal neurological(神经系统的)strengths of children to parents.An evolutionary inference can then be drawn.“As a parent,do you invest in quality children,or do you invest in children that are in need?”KIeindorfer asks.“Our results suggest that they might be going for quality.”推理判断题(Questions of inference)真题 8(2017江苏卷,Passage B)60.20(Questions of guessing words)词义猜测题真题真题 9(2019江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)真题真题 10(2017江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)We can guess the meanings of new words according to _.(Questions of guessing words)21真题真题 11(2019江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)60.What does the underlined word blow-up in the last paragraph most probably mean?Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone.A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors centers.As soon as Christiansen saw the photos,he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera;almost the whole park-2.2 million acreswas calderaA.Hot-air balloon.B.Digital camera.C.Big photograph.D.Birds view.真题 11(2019江苏卷,Passage B)60.22真题真题 12(2017江苏卷江苏卷,Passage B)58.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 1 means“_”.A.be the worst B.be the best C.be the as bad D.be just as goodBefore birth,babies can tell the difference between loud sounds and voices.They can even distinguish their mothers voice from that of a female stranger.But when it comes to embryonic learning(胎教),birds could rule the roost.As recently reported in The Auk:Ornithological Advances,some mother birds may teach their young to sing even before they hatch(孵化).New-born chicks can then imitate their moms call within a few days of entering the world.真题 12(2017江苏卷,Passage B)58.23词义猜测题解题要点词义猜测题解题要点:We can guess the meanings of new words according to _.synonyms(近近义义词词),antonyms(反反义义词词),causes and effects,explanations,contrasts,examples,descriptions,etc.Summary 词义猜测题解题要点:24Reading strategydetailsmain ideaswordsinference总结回顾Reading strategydetailsmai25


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