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Module 6 Unit 3 ProjectMaking a reference bookModule6Unit3Lead-inThe Uyghur wi:gu Lead-inTheUyghurwi:guLead-inThe DaiLead-inTheDaiLead-inThe Tibetan tbetn Lead-inTheTibetantbetnEvery country has some or many ethnic(种种族的)族的)groups.How many ethnic groups do we have in China?How about ethnic minorities?5655BrainstormEverycountryhassomeormanyAttheendoftheclass,wewillbeableto:Learning aims:have a better understanding of minority cultures around the world.use what we have learnt to make a reference book about a minority culture in China.Attheendoftheclass,wewiPre-class testWhat minority groups does this passage talk about?In which countries do these minority groups live?Pre-classtestWhatminoritygrThe Inuit njut TheInuitThe Aboriginesbrdn TheAboriginesThe Maoris mamar r TheMaorisThe Plains Indians ThePlainsIndiansIn which countries do these ethnic groups live?the Inuitthe Aboriginesthe Maoristhe American Indians Canada Australia New Zealand North AmericaInwhichcountriesdotheseet牛津英语模块牛津英语模块6-Unit-3-Project公开课优质公开课优质ppt课件公开课大赛课件公开课大赛Whichofthefollowingtopicsarementionedinthepassage?foodlanguageweddingbeliefmusical instrumentsways of greetinghousingclothingpopulationlocation(方位)(方位)WhichofthefollowingtopicsEthnic groupbelieffoodhousing clothingSpecific eventsseal,deer,seal,deer,whalewhalemeatmeat,and fishand fishigloos igloos orortentstents2.having large 2.having large summer summer assemblies in assemblies in which you can which you can dance,listen to dance,listen to accounts of accounts of bravery and bravery and play gamesplay games1.riding on a 1.riding on a dog sled and dog sled and travel in a travel in a seal-skin boatseal-skin boatanimalanimalspiritsspiritsInuitclothes clothes made made from from animal animal skinsskinsRead the lines:task-based readingEthnicSpecificeventsseal,deeInuitchildrenInuitchildrena dog slednative jewelleryadogslednativejewelleryIgloo圆顶小屋圆顶小屋iglu:Igloo圆顶小屋圆顶小屋iglu:Ethnic groupbelieffoodhousingclothingSpecific eventsAborigines(Group1)Maoris(Group2)PlainsIndians(Group3)Task based reding-Group work EthnicSpecificeventsPlainsTEthnic groupbelieffood housingclothingSpecific eventscollect collect food food from from the bush the bush and hunt and hunt down down holes holes forforthe great the great spirits spirits created created all the all the people,people,animals animals and and plants.plants.2.learning 2.learning about about musical musical instruments instruments and and boomerangboomerangAborigine1.seeing1.seeingAborigine Aborigine ceremoniesceremoniesTask based reading-group 1 EthnicbelieffoodhousingclotAborigine.bridniAborigine.bridni牛津英语模块牛津英语模块6-Unit-3-Project公开课优质公开课优质ppt课件公开课大赛课件公开课大赛Boomerang回力镖回力镖 bu:mr BoomerangEthnic groupbelieffood housingclothingSpecific eventsMaorisMaoristhe God the God of the of the Forest Forest/Sea/Seafish and fish and sweet sweet potatopotatowoodenwooden houseshouses1.doing a dance 1.doing a dance called the called the Haka(Haka(哈卡舞)哈卡舞)哈卡舞)哈卡舞)2.cooking in 2.cooking in under ground under ground ovens ovens 3.going night 3.going night fishingfishingTask based reading-group 2EthnicbelieffoodhousingclotThe Maoris cook food by wrapping them in leaves and steaming them over the hot stones.TheMaoriscookfoodbywrappiEthnic groupbelief food housingclothingSpecific eventsAmericanAmericanIndiansIndiansthe the Great Great SpiritSpirit meat meatroasted roasted over an over an openopen firefirein an in an Indian Indian tent tent clothes clothes mademade from from animal animal skinskin2.seeing natives 2.seeing natives smoking the smoking the peace pipepeace pipe3.involved in a 3.involved in a bow and arrow bow and arrow competitioncompetition1.taking part 1.taking part in the Sun in the Sun DanceDanceTask based reading-group 3 EthnicbelieffoodhousingclotAbowandarrowcompetitiontheSunDancesmokeapeacepipeAbowandarrowtheSunDancesEthnic groupbelief food housingclothingSpecific eventsAmericanAmericanIndiansIndiansthe the Great Great SpiritSpirit meat meatroasted roasted over an over an openopen firefirein an in an Indian Indian tent tent clothes clothes mademade from from animal animal skinskin2.seeing natives 2.seeing natives smoking the smoking the peace pipepeace pipe3.involved in a 3.involved in a bow and arrow bow and arrow competitioncompetition1.taking part 1.taking part in the Sun in the Sun DanceDance Transform the chart into a passage.Ethnicbelieffoodhousingclot Read between the lines.Read this travel brochure again and find out the similar sentence structures in the four tours.1.While staying with ,you will have the chance to 2.Here you will have/get the chance to 3.You will get the chance to You will also get the chance to 4.On this trip,you will Readbetweenthelines.RWhat would be the best title for the passage?A.Different ethnic groups.B.Inuit experience.C.Mysterious ethnic groups.D.Ethnic experience tours.民族风情体验之旅民族风情体验之旅Read beyond the linesWhatwouldbethebesttitlefAThispassageismostprobablytakenfrom_.BCDa geography textbooka newspaper reporta science magazinea guidebookRead beyond the linesAThispassageismostprobablySummary1.attractive pictures2.traditions,customs,ways of living and specific events 3.While staying with you will have/get the chance to On this trip,you willSummary1.attractivepicturesMake a reference book on minority cultures in China MakeareferencebookChallenge yourselves!Challengeyourselves!Mysterious Gaoshan n Would you like to explore a minority culture?You will have the chance to meet the Gaoshan people in Taiwan!n If you like singing and dancing,this tour is for you.You will join them there,and learn about their musical instruments.You will also have the chance to wear clothes made from hemp and cotton,and learn to make baskets with bamboo.n Seize the chance,or you will regret!SampleMysteriousGaoshanWouldPresentationWhen in Rome,do as Romans do.We should appreciate and respect different cultures.When we meet eith different ethnic groups,we should:WheninRome,doasRomansdo.HomeworknPolish your travel brochure and share it with others.nDo Part B My trip to Spain on Page 120 in the Workbook.HomeworkPolishyourtravelbro


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