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ReadingLanguage PointsUnit 1 Back to schoolReadingLanguage PointsUnit 1 B11.Realizing your potential.(Title)u(1)n.U潜能;可能性。lrealize/achieve ones potential 发挥你的潜力lhave the potential to do sth.有做某事的潜力lthe potential for(doing)sth.做某事的可能性u(2)adj.可能的,潜在的。lpotential danger/customers 潜在的危险/顾客Unit 1 1.Realizing your potential.(T31.Every day has the potential _(be)a goodand,in some cases,a great day for you.2.The region has great potential _ economic development.3.He has the potential _(appoint)as manager this year.4.Clearly this is a _(potential)dangerous situation.Practice makes perfect.to beforto be appointedpotentiallyEvery day has the potential _42.Welcome to senior high school.(Line 1)u(1)adj.中学的;级别高的;老年的lsenior high(school)高中lsenior citizens 老年人lbe senior to sb.比某人年长;比某人的地位/职位高u(2)n.C 级别/地位较高的人;年长的人;上司be junior to sb.:比某人级别低Unit 1 2.Welcome to senior high scho51.Though he is 3 years younger _ me,he is senior _ me in the company.2.It is impolite for children to cut in when their _(senior)are talking.3.My brother Jack is senior to me _ two years.Practice makes perfect.thanto seniorsbyPractice makes perfect.1.Though he is 3 years younge63.and the start of a promising future.(Line 2)upromise n.C承诺lmake/keep/break a promise 许下/信守/违背诺言upromise n.U获得成功的迹象lTheir future was full of promise.他们的前途希望无穷。promising adj.有希望的uv.承诺;答应lpromise sth.to sb./promise sb.sth.lpromise to do sth.Unit 1 3.and the start of a promisi71.The college principal promised _(look)into the matter.2.She kept _(she)promise to visit her aunt regularly.3.I firmly believe you will have a _(promise)future.Practice makes perfect.to lookherpromisingPractice makes perfect.The college principal promised84.I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.(Line 4)ucant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事udescribe v.描述ldescribe sth.to/for sb.ln.description a detailed/brief description详尽的/简要的描述beyond description 难以言表Unit 1 4.I cant wait to describe to91.I cant wait _(know)the final result of the exam.2.The teacher gave a brief _(describe)of the book.3.Honestly speaking,the pain goes _description.Practice makes perfect.to knowdescriptionbeyondPractice makes perfect.I cant wait _(know)th105.The path before you leads to a world full of challenges.(Line 5)ulead to 通向;导致(*to为介词)lAll roads lead to Rome.lYour carelessness led to the mistake.uchallenge n.C,U挑战lface/meet/accept a challenge 面临/迎接/接受挑战uchallenge v.向挑战lchallenge sb.to sth./challenge sb.to do sth.challenger n.挑战者 challenging adj.挑战性的Unit 1 5.The path before you leads t111.His pride _(lead)to his failure.2.I challenged my deskmate Helen _(learn)100 new words within half an hour.3.She performed the most _(challenge)task without a mistake.4.Mike challenged me _ a game of chess.Practice makes perfect.ledto learnchallengingtoPractice makes perfect.His pride _(lead)to his126.,opportunity lies in each challenge.(Line 8)ulie in 存在;在于lThe problem lies in deciding who will pay the bill.ulie-lied-lied-lying 撒谎(lie to sb.about sth.)lie-lay-lain-lying 躺,在于 lay-laid-laid-laying 放置,产卵,下蛋ulie n.谎言ltell a lie 撒谎 la white lie 善意的谎言Unit 1 6.,opportunity lies in each131.The chief difficulty lies _ finding a goodopportunity.2._(lie)on the grass,he looked at the starry sky.3.He closed the door,_(lay)the book on the desk and _(lie)on the bed.4.He _(lie)to me again yesterday.5.The hens _(lay)50 eggs last week.Practice makes perfect.inLyinglaidlayliedlaidPractice makes perfect.The chief difficulty lies _147.When you rise to the challenges,.(Line 9)urise to 能够处理(突发情况)(*to为介词)lrise to the challenge 应付挑战Unit 1 7.When you rise to the challe158.Most importantly,your time and effort at(Line 11)umost importantly 最为重要的是ueffort n.U,C努力,费力的事lwith(an)effort费力地 without effort 毫不费力地lspare no effort to do sth.不遗余力地做某事un.C 尽力,艰难的尝试lmake an effort/make efforts 做出努力lmake every effort to do sth.竭尽全力做某事lin an effort to do sth.为了做某事Unit 1 8.Most importantly,your time161.All the high school students are supposed to spare no effort _(remain)in good academic standing.2.The company has made a new plan _ an effort to expand business.3.The school clubs _(make)every effort to interest more students now.4.No one can achieve success_.(毫不费力地).Practice makes perfect.to remaininare makingwithout effortPractice makes perfect.All the high school students a179.Put simply,potential is your.(Line 14)uput simply 简而言之Unit 1 9.Put simply,potential is yo1810,what medical advances you will make.(Line 16)un.C,U进步,进展lmake an advance in在方面取得进展lin advance 预先uvi.前进,行进;vt.发展,促进,提出lNot to advance is to go back.不进则退。lThe soldiers are advancing towards the town.士兵正向镇上行进。advanced 高级的Unit 1 10,what medical advances you191.You should book your flight about two or three weeks _ advance.2.This earthquake alert system is possibly the most_(advance).3.Scientists _(advance)many theories about tears up to now.4.The Belt and Road Initiative is bound _(advance)economic growth along the routes.Practice makes perfect.inadvancedhave advancedto advancePractice makes perfect.You should book your flight ab2011.what amazing technologies(Line 16)uamazing 惊人的,了不起的amaze vt.使惊奇lbe amazed at/by sth.;be amazed to do sth.amazed 感到惊奇的amazement:n.U惊奇lto ones amazement:令某人感到惊讶的是lin amazement惊奇地Unit 1 11.what amazing technologie211.It was only after we had watched Amazing China that we realized what _(amaze)achievements China has made in recent years.2.I was amazed _(find)it didnt taste so bad.3.Much to my _(amaze),my son was able to tell the whole story without a mistake.Practice makes perfect.amazingto findamazementPractice makes perfect.It was only after we had watch2212.and I have confidence in your(Line 17)uconfidence n.U 信心lhave confidence in sb./sth.对某人/某事有信心llose confidence in sb./sth.对某人/某事失去信心llack confidence 缺乏信心lwith confidence 自信地confident adj.有信心的lbe confident about sth.对某事有信心lbe confident of(doing)sth.对(做)某事有把握lbe confident that确信Unit 1 12.and I have confidence in231.I have full confidence _ my teammates.2.We are _(confidence)that the work will be finished on time.3.The director said _(confident)that he had worked out a solution to the problem.4.He answered the questions _ confidence.Practice makes perfect.inconfidentconfidentlywithPractice makes perfect.I have full confidence _2413.in your ability to make a difference(Line 18)umake a difference 有影响,有作用lmake a difference to sb./sth.对某人/某物有关系lIt makes a difference to sb.+从句对某人来说有影响。lmake little/no difference to sb./sth.对几乎没有/没有影响lmake some/much difference to sb./sth.对有一些/很大影响Unit 1 13.in your ability to make a251.The rain didnt make much difference _ the game.2._ makes a great difference which major you choose in university.3.She is one of many examples of young people who are making _ difference in the world.Practice makes perfect.toItaPractice makes perfect.The rain didnt make much diff2614.for you to make the most of(Line 21)umake the most of 充分利用lmake full use of/make the best of/take full advantage ofUnit 1 14.for you to make the most 2715.Take advantage of your classes,(Line 22)utake advantage of 利用lhave the advantage of 具有的有利条件lhave the/an advantage over胜过/优于lbe at an advantage 占优势lto ones advantage 对某人有利Unit 1 15.Take advantage of your cla281.Peter has the advantage _ you when it comes to the spoken English.2.You will be _ an advantage if you prepare for the interview in advance.3.Personally,this agreement is _ their advantage.Practice makes perfect.overattoPractice makes perfect.Peter has the advantage _2916.balance your schoolwork with(Line 26)ubalance v.同等重视,权衡lbalancewith/and同等重视和lbalanceagainst权衡与ubalance n.U 平衡,平衡能力lkeep a balance betweenand保持与的平衡balance n.余额balanced adj.均衡的Unit 1 16.balance your schoolwork w301.You are supposed to balance the advantages _ the disadvantages of going abroad.2.The lecture made me fully aware of the importance of a _(balance)diet.3.I struggled _(keep)my balance on my new skates.4.Could you do me a favor and check the _(balance)in my account?Practice makes perfect.againstbalancedto keepbalancePractice makes perfect.You are supposed to balance th3117.,yet you alone are responsible for(Line 33)uresponsible adj.有责任的lbe responsible for对负责responsibility n.U,C 责任,义务lIts ones responsibility to do sth.某人有责任做某事。ltake/accept/shoulder responsibility for承担责任irresponsible adj.不负责任的Unit 1 17.,yet you alone are respon321.You ought to be responsible _every word you have said in court.2.My English teacher polished my writing _(responsible).3.Rick is a man who values a sense of _(responsible).4.Dont you find it _(responsible)to leave a child alone at home at night?Practice makes perfect.forresponsiblyresponsibilityirresponsiblePractice makes perfect.You ought to be responsible _331.challenge2.effort3.balancing4.rise to5.responsible6.acquire7.take advantage of8.confidenceBuilding your language.(Page 5)1.challengeBuilding your lang34A1.confidence 2.effort 3.attitude 4.potential5.attracts/attracted 6.responsible 7.challenges8.goal(s)/aim(s)9.improving 10.independentB1.cant wait to 2.lies in 3.rise to 4.make a difference5.make the most of 6.taking part in7.look forward to 8.stick toExploring language.(Page 57)AExploring language.(Page 57)35Thank you Thank you Thank you 36


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