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英 语英 语1英语音标学习ppt课件2音音 标标(一)元音(一)元音音 标(一)元音3音音 标标(二)辅音(二)辅音音 标(二)辅音4Lesson One 第一课第一课一、指示代词一、指示代词 thisthat be(重点重点)1、肯、肯 定定 句:句:This is a table.2、否、否 定定 句:句:This is not a table.This isnt a bag.3、一般疑问句:一般疑问句:Is this a table?Yes,it is.No,it is not.No,it isnt.4、特殊疑问句:、特殊疑问句:What is this?This is a table.二、二、too either 也也 too 表表肯定肯定 This is a table.That is a table,too.either 表表否定否定 This isnt a bag.That isnt a bag,either.Lesson One 第一课一、指示代词 this5第一课练习题(一)把下列句子变成否定句。(一)把下列句子变成否定句。1.This is a pig.2.That is a cap.(二)仿照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。(二)仿照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。例:例:This is a cap.Is this a cap?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.1.This is a bed.2.That is a table.第一课练习题(一)把下列句子变成否定句。6第一课课后译文第一课课后译文1)This is a desk.This isnt a bed.2)Is that a pig?No,it isnt.That is a dog.3)Good morning!4)Good afternoon!5)Good evening!6)Good night!7)Good-bye!第一课课后译文1)This is a desk.This7Lesson Two 第二课第二课一、指示代词一、指示代词 thesethose be (重点重点)1、陈述句:、陈述句:Those are bags.2、否定句:、否定句:Those are not bags.Those arent bags.3、一般疑问句一般疑问句:Are those bags?Yes,they are.No,they are not.No,they arent.4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句:What are those?Those are bags.Lesson Two 第二课一、指示代词 these8第二课练习题第二课练习题(一)仿照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。(一)仿照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。例:例:These are apples.Are these apples?Yes,they are./No,they arent.1)These are hens.2)Those are horses.(二)仿照例句,把下列句子改成特殊疑问句,并回答。(二)仿照例句,把下列句子改成特殊疑问句,并回答。例:例:These are dogs.What are these?They are dogs.1)These are goats.2)Those are tigers.第二课练习题(一)仿照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答9Lesson Two 第二课第二课二、可数名词的复数形式二、可数名词的复数形式 (重点重点)(一)规则变化(一)规则变化 1)1)加加s 一般情况下加一般情况下加s 2)2)加加es 以以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词结尾的名词 如如:bus-buses box-boxes peach-peaches brush-brushes 大部分以辅音字母大部分以辅音字母+o结尾的名词结尾的名词 如:如:hero-heroes potato-potatoes 3)3)把把y改为改为i再加再加es 如:如:butterfly-butterflies city-cities party-parties 4)把把f,fe 变为变为v,再加再加es 如:如:leaf-leaves knife-knivesLesson Two 第二课二、可数名词的复数形式 (10Lesson Two 第二课第二课二、可数名词的复数形式二、可数名词的复数形式 (重点重点)(二)不规则变化(二)不规则变化1 1)单、复数同形)单、复数同形 fish-fish(鱼鱼)sheep-sheep(羊羊)Chinese-Chinese(中国人中国人)2)改变词干中的元音字母构成复数)改变词干中的元音字母构成复数 把把a变成变成e man-men(男人男人)woman-women(女人女人)把把oo变成变成ee foot-feet(脚脚)tooth-teeth(牙牙)3 3)其他)其他 child-children(小孩小孩)ox-oxen(牛牛)Lesson Two 第二课二、可数名词的复数形式 (11课后作业课后作业 把下列名词变为复数。把下列名词变为复数。bus dictionary chair uncle knife sheep man watchhorse woman foot friendparty child bike map课后作业 把下列名词变为复数。12第二课课后译文第二课课后译文1)These are cats.Those are cats,too.2)These are not ducks.Those are not ducks,either.3)Are those tigers?No,they arent.They are lions.4)What are these?Theyre apples.5)What is that?Its a cow.6)How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?Very well,thank you.第二课课后译文1)These are cats.Those13Lesson Three 第三课第三课一、人称代词一、人称代词(重点)(重点)概念:代替人或事物名称的词,叫做人称代词。在句概念:代替人或事物名称的词,叫做人称代词。在句子中担任子中担任主语成分主语成分的,为的,为人称代词主格人称代词主格,见下表:,见下表:Lesson Three 第三课一、人称代词(重点)14Lesson Three 第三课 Be 动词动词 (重点)重点)Lesson Three 第三课 Be 动词 (重点)15Lesson Three 第三课第三课陈述句陈述句:Im a teacher.否定句:否定句:They are not students.一般疑问句一般疑问句:Are you a teacher?Yes,I am.Is heshe a student?No,heshe isnt.注意简写注意简写I am Im he is hesyou are youre she is sheswe are were it is itsthey are theyreLesson Three 第三课陈述句:Im a tea16第三课练习题(一)第三课练习题(一)(一)依照例句,把下列句子变成否定句。(一)依照例句,把下列句子变成否定句。例:例:I am a worker.I am not a worker.1)You are a student.2)She is a nurse.3)We are accountants.(二)依照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。(二)依照例句,把下列句子变成一般疑问句,并回答。例:例:I am a soldier.Are you a soldier?Yes,I am./No,I am not.1)We are teacher.2)They are doctors.第三课练习题(一)(一)依照例句,把下列句子变成否定句。17第三课练习题(二)第三课练习题(二)(三)用动词(三)用动词be 的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1)I Wang Hai.I a student here.That Lin Jian.He a worker.That Li Ling.She a doctor.you students,too?2)No,we not.We actors.amamisisisisAreareare第三课练习题(二)(三)用动词be 的适当形式填空。amam18Lesson Three 第三课第三课人称代词的宾格人称代词的宾格(重点)重点)P74 在句子里担任宾语成分的,称为人称代词宾格。在句子里担任宾语成分的,称为人称代词宾格。Lesson Three 第三课人称代词的宾格(重点)19第三课练习题(三)第三课练习题(三)(四)用适当的人称代词填空。(四)用适当的人称代词填空。1)(我们)(我们)are students.2)(我)(我)am glad to see (他)(他).3)Lets wait for (他们)(他们).4)(她)(她)is a nurse.5)(他)(他)hear (她)(她)singing.WeIhimthemSheHeher第三课练习题(三)(四)用适当的人称代词填空。WeIhimt20第三课课后译文第三课课后译文1)He isnt a driver.He is a doctor.2)Is she a nurse?No,she isnt.She is a teacher.3)I am a soldier.He is a worker.4)Are you actors?No,we arent.Were musicians.5)Are they professors?Yes,they are.6)Im very glad to meet you.或或 Glad to meet you.或或 Pleased to meet you.或或 Glad to see you.第三课课后译文1)He isnt a driver.H21Lesson Four 第四课第四课一、物主代词:表明事物所属关系的代词。包括形一、物主代词:表明事物所属关系的代词。包括形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。(重点)重点)(一)形容词性物主代词:(一)形容词性物主代词:Lesson Four 第四课一、物主代词:表明事物所属关22Lesson Four 第四课第四课(二)名词性物主代词:(二)名词性物主代词:Lesson Four 第四课(二)名词性物主代词:23Lesson Four 第四课第四课二、名词所有格:表示事物的所有关系二、名词所有格:表示事物的所有关系(重点)(重点)1)表示有生命的名词,其所有格一般在词尾加表示有生命的名词,其所有格一般在词尾加 s例:例:the dogs eyes the girls skirt 2)表示无生命事物的名词,用介词表示无生命事物的名词,用介词of来表示来表示例:例:the name of the road 3)有些表示时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,用有些表示时间、距离、国家、城镇等的名词,用 s 构构成所有格成所有格例:例:todays newspaper 今天的报纸今天的报纸 a hundred meters distance 一百米的距离一百米的距离 Chinas future 中国的未来中国的未来 Shanghais industry 上海的工作上海的工作Lesson Four 第四课二、名词所有格:表示事物的所24第四课练习题第四课练习题一、用物主代词填空。一、用物主代词填空。1)This is (我的)(我的)desk.That is (他的)(他的)desk.2)This is (我们的)(我们的)professor.3)(你们的)(你们的)coats are blue.(他们的)(他们的)coats are black.二、用名词所有格填空。二、用名词所有格填空。1)This is (李先生的)(李先生的)coat.2)Is this (那个工人的)(那个工人的)hat.3)(那个女孩的)(那个女孩的)cloak is red.myhisourTheirYourMr.Listhe workersThe girls第四课练习题一、用物主代词填空。myhisourTheirY25第四课练习题第四课练习题三、用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。三、用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。例:例:Our room is big but their room is small.Our room is big but theirs is small.1)This is Marys dictionary,not my dictionary.2)This is Marys dictionary,not mine.3)2)These old photographs are their photographs.4)These old photographs are theirs.第四课练习题三、用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。26课后作业课后作业用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。1)The blue suit is his suit.2)Our country is a big country.3)Whose pen is this?Its your pen.4)Dick needs a room,so Mary lets him use her room.5)Dont use his bike.Please use my bike.课后作业用名词性物主代词改写下列句子。27第四课课后译文第四课课后译文1)That isnt my vest.My vest is red.2)This isnt Johns raincoat.It is the professors raincoat.3)Are those her skirts?Yes,they are.4)Is he your teacher?No,he isnt.He is our doctor.5)Is she their driver?No,she isnt.She is their nurse.6)May I help you with the bag?No,thank you.第四课课后译文1)That isnt my vest.28Lesson Five 第五课第五课一、一、There be 结构结构 (重点)(重点)一一)陈述句陈述句 1)There is+单数名词单数名词 例:例:There is a book on the desk.2)There are+复数名词复数名词 例:例:There are books on the desk.Lesson Five 第五课一、There be 结构 29Lesson Five 第五课第五课一、一、There be 结构结构二二)否定句:否定句:no=not a/not any 1)There is not a+单数名词单数名词 例:例:There is not a book on the desk.2)There is not any+单数名词单数名词 例:例:There is not any book on the desk.There are not any+复数名词复数名词 例:例:There are not any books on the desk.3)There is no+单数单数 例:例:There is no book on the desk.There are no+复数名词复数名词 例:例:There are no books on the desk.Lesson Five 第五课一、There be 结构30Lesson Five 第五课第五课一、一、There be 结构结构综合:综合:Lesson Five 第五课一、There be 结构31Lesson Five 第五课第五课一、一、There be 结构结构三)一般疑问句三)一般疑问句问问1:Is there a book on the desk?Is there any book on the desk?问问2:Are there any books on the desk?Yes,there are./No,there arent.Yes,there is.No,there isnt.Lesson Five 第五课一、There be 结构Y32第五课练习题第五课练习题(一)(一)(一)依照例句,把下列句子变为一般疑问句,(一)依照例句,把下列句子变为一般疑问句,并回答。并回答。例句:例句:There is a knife on the table.Is there any knife on the table?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.1)There is a magazine on the box.2)There are some chairs in the classroom.第五课练习题(一)(一)依照例句,把下列句子变为一般疑问句,33Lesson Five 第五课第五课一、一、There be 结构结构四)特殊疑问句四)特殊疑问句 What is(there)?There is What are(there)?There are例例1:What is(there)on the desk?There is a book on the desk.例例2:What are(there)on the desk?There are some books on the desks.some(一些(一些)一般用于肯定句一般用于肯定句 any(任何,一些)一般用于否定句和疑问句任何,一些)一般用于否定句和疑问句Lesson Five 第五课一、There be 结构34第五课练习题(二)第五课练习题(二)(二二)依照例句,回答下列问题。依照例句,回答下列问题。例句:例句:What is in the box?(two pens)There are two pens in the box.1)What is on the table?(a TV set)2)Whats above the map.(two pictures)3)Whats there in front of the desk?(a chair)第五课练习题(二)(二)依照例句,回答下列问题。35第五课练习题(三)第五课练习题(三)(三三)用用a,the,some 或或 any 填空。填空。1)There is coat on bed.2)My black jacket is on chair.3)There are desks in classroom.4)There isnt book on bookshelf.5)There arent telephones in room.athethesometheany/atheanythe第五课练习题(三)(三)用a,the,some 或 a36第五课练习题(四)第五课练习题(四)(四四)用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1)There is a lamp the desk.2)There are no electric fans the hall.3)There is not any magazine the TV set.4)There is a picture the map.5)There are some shirts the bed.overononinabove第五课练习题(四)(四)用适当的介词填空。overonon37第五课课后译文第五课课后译文1)There is a ruler in the box.2)There is a TV set on the desk.3)There is a picture above the map.4)There is a chair in front of the bookshelf.5)There is a bed beside the bookshelf.6)Hello.Hello,may I speak to Mr.Smith,please?This is Smith speaking.Hi,Mr.Smith.This is Li Ming.第五课课后译文1)There is a ruler in 38


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