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Task2 2选选1话话题题 Task2 2选1话题 Q2 pair-choice question:note-taking,brain-stormingO.G.Some students study for classes individually.Others study in groups.Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?Q2 pair-choice question:Q2分为两大题型:personal preference and agreement 1.Personal choice(个人爱好题个人爱好题):Which one do you think is better?Which one do you prefer?2.Agreement(同意题):(同意题):Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Q2分为两大题型:personal preference 但这两种题型模版和第一题是一样的。即T S C模版在Q2的模版中要包含的东西:First,you should clearly state your opinion.Then,you should offer detailed reasons.Whats more,you should use transitions in your answer.但这两种题型模版和第一题是一样的。即T S C模版Topic中可以说中可以说:I prefer to do sth.Personally speaking,I would chooseI think the first or second option is better.I agree with the statement that.也可以两方面都说,但要看具体题目。Topic中可以说:Personal preference:1.About life in school or university:例1.Some college students like studying in big cities but other students would like to stay in a small city or even a small town to complete their university life.Which style do you prefer?Please include details and examples in your explanation.类似:Some people prefer to live in a small town.Other prefer to live in a big city.Which place would you prefer to live in?Personal preference:1.About lBig cities:1.many talented and famous professors choose to live in big cities.That is why so many prestigious universities lie in mega-cities,like Beijing and Shanghai.2.more chances of finding part-time jobs.Working experience is of great importance to all graduates while looking for a satisfying job.3.life is convenient in metropolitan cities.There are a lot of life facilities:supermarkets,cinemas,gyms Big cities:1.many talented anSmall city1.Serene environment,but if you live in a big city,the streets are always crowded and noisy.This will disturb the peace of a university campus.I can not concentrate on my research and studies.2.get closer to nature.Human being cannot be separated from nature.Living in a small city can help me better understand the harmony between nature and humans.Small city1.Serene environmen例2:Some college students would like to live by himself or herself.Others would like to live with a roommate.Which lifestyle do you prefer?例2:Some college students wouldTopic:I prefer to live by myself.1.quiet place for me to study and rest,without any disturbance from others.For example,sometimes if I want to hit the hay early in the evening,and the noises made by my roommate will damage my sleep.2.secrets and privacy.Everyone has something only to himself or herself.3.different students have different habits and those difference will probably lead to the conflicts and even hatred between roommates.Smoke,snoringTopic:I prefer to live by mysTopic:I like to live with a roommate.1.funs,laughter,share our interesting stories and experiences.2.more friends.If you live by yourself,you will close the door to friendship to some extent and sometimes you will miss important information and opportunities in school without your roommates reminders.3.learn a lot from your roommates.It is important to have a roommate with good habits and living with such a roommate will benefit me much.Topic:I like to live with a r类似题目Some people think college freshmen should share dorms with seniors but others think that freshmen should live in a separate building.Which view do you agree?You have been told that dormitory rooms at your university must be shared by two students.Would you rather have the university assign a student to share a room with you,or would you rather choose your own roommate?students at universities often have a choice of places to live.They may choose to live in university dormitories,or they may choose to live in apartments in the community.Where would you prefer to live?类似题目Some people think college 例3:Many students choose to attend schools or universities outside their home countries.Why do some students study abroad?Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.例3:Many students choose to atTopic:an increasing number of Chinese students choose to further their studies abroad.1.learn or master a foreign language.Practice makes perfect.2.good universities overseas and learn advanced technologies.(Harvard MIT oxford)3.get a chance of being familiar with different cultures and life experiences4.being independent of your families and it is good for your character developmentTopic:an increasing number oPersonal preference:2.About studies in school or university:Some students study for classes individually.Others study in groups.Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?Personal preference:2.About sIndividually:1.think and solve problems independently,without disturbance from others2.avoid wasting time chatting3.make a schedule for myself according to what I have to study and focus on my weaker areas,which might not be the ones a study group would choose.Individually:In groups:1.Others notes can help make up what you missed in class2.Discussions help improve understanding In groups:The principle of oppositeness:Advantages of group studies:others notes can help you remember what you have missed in class.If you study in a group,your classmates can help you make up the key points.On the contrary,if you study independently,you will never have a chance to catch those knowledge that may have great use for you.The principle of oppositeness:Styles of group study 讲授(讲授(lecture)讨论讨论(seminar)辅导辅导(tutorial)角色扮演(角色扮演(role play)案例研究案例研究(case study)模拟法庭模拟法庭(moot court)Styles of group study 讲授(lectu两者都选:两者都选:I think in some cases it is better to study individually while in other cases it is better to study in a group.It is better to study individually when one is preparing an exam,because these tasks require quiet and independent thinking.For example,one needs to memorize a lot of knowledge points for exams and it would be better if no one is around to interrupt.But if we are preparing for a paper,it would be better to study in a group,because others opinions may help us broaden our thinking and make up for the notes we have missed in class.This saves lots of time and improves our learning efficiency.Therefore,both ways of study have their advantages and disadvantages.两者都选:I think in some cases it 例4:Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people in a team or to work independently?例4:Work in a team:1.every work procedure is a complicated process and it requires all personnel in a company or a group to work together.for example:PC:hardware,operating system,LCD2.advantages:cooperative environment,help solve your problem through communication,save timeWork in a team:Work independently:1.think independently without any disturbance from others2.with the advancement of computer and automation technology,people have the ability and possibility to work independently SOHO freelancer Work independently:Both are ok:In some cases if the work procedure is very complex,people should work in a team and in other cases,with the help of computers and the Internet,people can work independently.Both are ok:例例5:Some students like classes where teachers lecture(do all of the talking)in class.Other students like classes where the students do some of the talking.Which type of class do you prefer?Give specific reasons and details to support your choice.例5:Teachers should do all the talking:1.traditional way of teaching.Teachers have a deep understanding of the knowledge and on the contrary,students do not know much about what is going to be discussed in class.2.I am too shy and I dont dare to speak in front of the class.I am a small small girl in a big big classroom.Teachers should do all the talStudents should talk:1.Classroom is a place where teacher and students should have a good communication and studying in classroom should be a two-way rather than one-way process.When students listen to a lecture,they are not supposed to sit tight and write down what teachers have told them.They are encouraged to argue with teachers and even refute the teachers viewpoints.2.When students begin talking and arguing with their teachers,they are really starting to comprehend the lecture and communication with teachers can help improve the understanding of the difficult points in class.环球雅思讲义托福口语第二题-模板+例题+总结课件Both are ok:In some classes,students should be encouraged to talk with teachers and in other classes,it is not necessary for students.In classes like history,philosophy,and oral English,students should talk a lot in classes and state their own opinions and I think this is the best way for attending such classes.However,in classes like grammar,vocabulary and even mathematics,what students need to do is to be all ears and receive as much information as possible from teachers because there is not too much to talk about in such classes.Both are ok:In some classes,s与学校学习相关的题还有:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that classes with a lot of discussions can help students with their studies?Some people would like to look for information online but others stick to the traditional ways,such as reading books or journals.Which way do you prefer and please explain the reason?(84题:Some people think that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information.Others think access to so much information creates problems.Which view do you agree?)与学校学习相关的题还有:Do you agree oOG230.Some college students choose to take courses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education.Others choose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeper understanding of that area.Which approach to course selection do you think is better for students and why?75题Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects.Other universities require students to specialize in one subject.Which do you prefer?【This item is very similar to OG 230】14题:Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes.Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students.Which point do you prefer?环球雅思讲义托福口语第二题-模板+例题+总结课件3.About future job or career例例6:Some people prefer to do whatever job with a high salary,but others prefer to do the job that they are interested in despite the relatively low wage of that job.Which kind of job do you prefer?3.About future job or careerJob with a high salaryMoney is important though maybe not the most important thing in ones life.Whether a person can earn a large amount of money has become a criterion for evaluating a persons value in the world of today.Therefore,it is necessary for me to find a job that can earn me a high salary and comfortable life.Most of the time,a job with a high salary means a job requiring great efforts and challenges.I always like to take challenges in my life and I will try my best to show my ability and do the job well.A job with a high salary do not always go against a job I am interested in and I think quite often they are the same.For example,finance,real estate,computer software,online games.Therefore,choosing a high-salaried job is to choose a job that I take an interest in.Job with a high salaryMoney isA job that you are interested in1.Interest is of vital importance when a person takes a job.If one does not take any interest in what he or she is doing,this person will not work hard on the job and he or she can hardly do it well.For example,2.If I real take great interest in a job and do my best in the job,my income will gradually get improved though the starting salary is low.In my opinion,the salary is decided by yourself.So long as you love the job you are doing,you will receive pleasure from it and your salary will grow during the pleasant process.A job that you are interested 类似的题 例7:Which would you choose:a high-paying job with long hours that would give you little time with your family and friends or a lower-paying job with shorter hours that would give you more time with family and friends?Explain your choice,using specific reasons and details.类似的题 例7:Job with a high salary:1.money is important though not the most important thing in ones life.Whether a person can earn a large amount of money has become a standard for evaluating a persons value in the world of today.Therefore,it is necessary for me to find a job that can earn me a high salary and comfortable life.2.most of the time,a job with a high salary means a job requiring great efforts and challenges.I always like to take challenges in my life and I will try my best to show my ability.3.my families and friends are always very busy and they do not have much free time staying with me.Therefore,we all have to pay a price for a high-salaried job,that is,we cannot spend a lot time with our families and friends.Job with a high salary:1.monJob with a lower salary 1.what is the purpose of earning a lot of money?I think most people will answer like this“to enjoy life!”Money can only make you enjoy material life and staying with your families and friends assure you a happy spiritual life.Just imagine what a beautiful picture it is when you enjoy a shiny sunrise with your beloved ones on a smooth beach!Your happiness is increased because it is shared by your families and friends.2.however important money becomes,it is still an external object.Without cares and love from your families and friends,money is nothing but useless paper and metal.Nobody can really live happily just by having a large amount of money.For example,a lot of rich men feel very lonely and some of them even commit suicide.Therefore,money should not become your whole life and your families and friends are really what you should love the most.Job with a lower salary 1.wha例8:If you were an employer,which kind of worker would you prefer to hire:an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?例8:Experienced worker:1.Higher efficiency,time is money,more qualified products in the same time 2.Less accident,safety consciousness,pay compensation 3.Talents are the most important factor,reputationExperienced worker:1.Higher eInexperienced worker:1.College students,modest and friendly,listen to and learn from others 2.Active and enthusiastic,work hard,speed up the efficiency 3.Less experience means more creation.very important,they are not hampered by experience.Inexperienced worker:1.CollegBoth:Topic:different strategies should be applied to different situations.1.In those jobs that require only physical strength or basic skills,we can hire reduce cost,a small restaurant 2.On the other hand,when more knowledge and skills is crucial for a job,the boss should employskilled workers are valuable assets,for example,in some IT company,if a key software designer leaves,the lost of the company can not be valued in terms of money.Both:Topic:different strategi4.About daily life and how to be a man 例9:If you had a large amount of money,some would like to do something practical;like investment or doing business;others would spend all of them on leisure activities,like buying clothes,houses and foods or attending parties.What would you like to do?Include details and examples in your explanation.4.About daily life and how toTopic:I would do sth.practical like investment.1.it can bring more money and opportunities For example billionaires Hok Yingtung started from scratch but smart at doing business.On the contrary,if you spend all your money on leisure activities,your wealth will disappear sooner or later and you will have nothing you can survive on.2.charity work Many billionaires are philanthropist.Bill Gates and Bill Melinda Gates Foundation,they help those who are in desperate need of money and food for survival.Topic:I would do sth.practicTopic:I prefer to spend money on leisure activities I already have enough money and I do not have to worry about my salary or even my job.I have plenty of time and wealth to be engaged in leisure.It is not a bad thing,in fact it is beneficial to our economic development.Expand domestic needs.Do contribution to our countrymeet more friends enjoy my life.Topic:I prefer to spend moneyBoth:Topic:I think I would like spend some of my money on investment and doing businesses and some on leisure activities。环球雅思讲义托福口语第二题-模板+例题+总结课件类似的题目32题 Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.33题:You have received a gift of money.The money is enough to buy either a piece of jewelry you like or tickets to a concert you want to attend.Which would you buy?类似的题目例例10:Does the first impression or long-term contact give people a more accurate assessment about a persons character?例10:As far as I am concerned,the long-term contact gives me a more accurate assessment.1.As a proverb goes:“Time tells all”or“Time will prove it”.A long contact with a person will give you a better understanding of his or her strong and weak points in his or her characters.Therefore,I have never be hurried to come to a conclusion about a persons character before I have made at least several contacts with this person.2.Everyone tries to behave well the first time he or she meets with a stranger.So the first impression can not always reflect a persons true character.For example,a lot of“falling-in-love-at-the-first-sight”marriage broke up.This is a very good proof that the first impression is sometimes deceptive.As far as I am concerned,the The first impression 1.A persons face always tells me what kind of character he or she has,even if it is the first time I meet him or her.Maybe this guy will cheat me some time in the future,but the appearances of his or her eyes,mouths and the airs in his or her face will reveal the truth.2.The first impression is the lasting one and it is an important part in forming an accurate impression about a person.Therefore,we have so many romantic examples of“falling in love at the first sight”.The first impression 1.A pers其他一些方面的问题,例如:其他一些方面的问题,例如:A.生活方面:(1)do you agree or disagree with the statement that Childhood is the most important period in a persons life?(2)Do you prefer a busy life or a leisure life?(3)do you prefer to sleep early at night and get up early in the morning or the other way around?其他一些方面的问题,例如:A.生活方面:Early:1.Early to bed,early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.Good to health.2.The early bird catches the worm.Morning is a good time to study.3.Be late for classes or have to skip classes.Early:Late:1.Have to stay up to late at night.A lot of homework to do,go over lessons,get prepared for the coming classes 2.The whole city is a sleepless city.The city dwellers are used to going to bed late and they have a wonderful night life.Late:From both ways:In some cases I would like to hit the hay earlier and in some other cases I have to stay late into the night.1.Something important the next day 2.A lot of homeworkFrom both ways:B.城市方面:(1)a city should reserve its ancient buildings or tear them down and build new modern architectures?(2)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:When you come to a new city,would you like to visit its landmark first or its history sites first?B.城市方面:Task 2 小结 1 第二题在做的时候,Reasons 有两点就可以了有两点就可以了,每一点说的要充分一些。其实很多时候,在真正的考场上说出两点理由就已经很好了,每一点都有具体的detail.2 如果某一点理由发现没有太多的东西可以说的时候,怎么办呢?那就从反面来说,也就是相对性原则也就是相对性原则。3 选择没有正误之分,只要你能自圆其说就行。4.一个练习一个练习Q1和和Q2的好办法的好办法就是随意拿起一道模拟题,马上就说45秒,不加任何思索。5.第二个方法第二个方法就是同一道题目多次进行练习,每次说的内容要不一样,可以充分发挥你的想象力。Task 2 小结 1 第二题在做的时候,Reasons Tell yourself you can do it,because you have accumulated so much;Tell yourself it is high time to speak out because you can not bear the weight of the knowledge any more.Let the world on the other side of the Ocean hear you and you are the one who can rock them;Let the people in the States feel your voice and your voice is so magnetic and vigorous.Smile wide and breathe deep,you are not taking a test and you are only showing yourself.Say to yourself:“just do it!”


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