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选修修6Unit 4Global warming选修6Unit 4Global warming2课课 前前 三三诵读话题经典诵读话题经典言言 两两 语语2课前三诵读话题经典言两语3Only in this way can we3Only in this way can we4so badly polluted that 4so badly polluted that 5基基 础础 知知构建知识体系构建知识体系识识 梳梳 理理5基础知构建知识体系识梳理6tend quantity glance advocate mild 6tend quantity glance advocate7range widespread average circumstance environmental 7range widespread average circ8quantities ranging glanced 8quantities ranging glanced 9circumstances averaging 9circumstances averaging 10opposed consequently statement 10opposed consequently stateme11steadily existence 11steadily existence 12consequences Consequentlystated statement 12consequences Consequentlysta13contribution growth educator education disagreement 13contribution growth educator14pollution polluted existence existing economical economy 14pollution polluted existenc15existence exists existing 15existence exists existing 16economyeconomic economical educators educated education 16economyeconomic economical e17胡乱的;任意的 同意;捐赠;订阅 签署(文件);捐助 资料;数据 趋势;倾向;走向 外部的;外面的 17胡乱的;任意的 同意;捐赠;订阅 签署(文件);捐助 资18电的;与电有关的 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的 发动机 容器;罐头 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 18电的;与电有关的 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的 发动机 容19使恢复;使振作 能再生的;可更新的 副产品 旱灾;干旱 个人;个体 单独的;个别的 19使恢复;使振作 能再生的;可更新的 副产品 旱灾;干旱 20显示;演出 承诺;交托;信奉 现象 20显示;演出 承诺;交托;信奉 现象 21普通的 大量涌入 21普通的 大量涌入 22go up subscribe to quantities of be opposed to put up with and so on to of to up 22go up subscribe to quantitie23result in keep on come about on the whole on behalf of on about On in 23result in keep on come about24even if thatmeans a huge amount of debt 24even if thatmeans a huge amo25As/So long as we dont loseheart and keep on trying 25As/So long as we dont loseh26重重 难难 考考突破思维瓶颈突破思维瓶颈点点 探探 究究26重难考突破思维瓶颈点探究2727282829are being washed is being washed in 29are being washed is being wa30a large quantity of/agreat deal of 30a large quantity of/agreat d313132323333343435building Opposed Opposing 35building Opposed Opposing 36opposite 36opposite 37opposed it/were opposed to it With a lot of people opposed to/opposing the newproposal37opposed it/were opposed to i3838393940ranging from to within beyond 40ranging from to within beyon41 awide range of41 awide range of4242434344An on 44An on 45averaging with 45averaging with 46with an average of 18 students above average below average 46with an average of 18 studen474748on aside off 48on aside off 49put forward a lot of questions put up with 49put forward a lot of questio505051515252535354as long as as good as 54as long as as good as 55as well as as far as 55as well as as far as 56As long as 56As long as 57核核 心心 素素强化运用技能强化运用技能养养 达达 标标57核心素强化运用技能养达标58having have been spent 58having have been spent 59ranging(should)set being polluted 59ranging(should)set being p60above with in 60above with in 61that about 61that about 62contributions Consequently 62contributions Consequently 63going steadily existence 63going steadily existence 646465known of the quantities to go 65known of the quantities to g66warming disappearance But quicker 66warming disappearance But qu67will keep 67will keep 68subscribe to steady going up of the temperature result in 68subscribe to steady going up69are opposed to environmental consequences even if protecting environment69are opposed to environmental70to reduce 70to reduce 71As long as we work hard together to do something to reducethe carbon dioxide,the global warming may slow down.71As long as we work hard toge72 Some scientists subscribe to the view that global warming will be a catastrophe.The steady going up of the temperature may result in floods,drought and famines.However,other scientists are opposed to this,saying the warming will be mild with no severe environmental72 Some scientists subs73consequences.I think that even if the conclusion is not clear,we should pay special attention to protecting environment,because it is surely beneficial to our health.As long as we work hard together to do something to reduce the carbon dioxide,the global warming may slow down.73consequences.I think that 74课课 时时 提提 能能 练练点击右图进点击右图进入入74课时提能练点击右图进入Thank you for watching!Thank you for watching!


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