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Whatdoeshelooklike?Unit71Period12short hair/he/long hairShe has shorthair/he/longhairShe3curly hairstraight hairShe has/k:li/streit/curlyhairstraighthairSheha4long haircurly hairShe has and.longhaircurlyhairShehas5long hairstraight hairShe has and.longhairstraighthairShehas6heavymedium buildbuild(体形体形)thinShe/He is.heavymediumbuildbuild(体形)t7tall medium heightshortShe/He is.tallmediumheightshortShe8 long hair long hair he e 长头发长头发 short hair short hair hehe 短头发短头发 curly hair curly hair k k:lili he e 卷头发卷头发 straight hair straight hair streitstreit he e 直头发直头发 thin thin inin 瘦的瘦的 medium build medium build mi:dimi:dim mbildbild 中等体形中等体形 heavy heavy hevihevi 胖的胖的/重的重的 tall tall 高的高的 medium height medium height mi:dimi:dim m hait hait 中等高度中等高度 shortshort 矮的矮的New wordslonghairhe9A:What does he look like?B:He is medium build and he is a little short.He has short hair.A:Whatdoeshelooklike?B:10B:They are medium build and medium height.They have straight hair.A:What do they look like?B:TheyaremediumA:What11 A:What does he/she look like?B:He/She is and He/She has hair/eyes.A:Oh,his/her names Ask and Answer:A:What12Guess your classmates name.AguessinggameGuessyourcla131.Sheis tall.2.Shehasbig eyesand3.short hair.Sheistall.142.Sheistall.Shehassmalleyesandshorthair.2.Sheistall.153.Heismediumheight.Heisthin.Hehasbigeyesandshorthair.3.Heismediumheight.164.Sheisthin.Sheisalittleshort.Shehasshorthairandsmalleyes.4.Sheisthin.175.Heismediumheight.Heisheavy.Hehassmalleyes.5.Heismediumheight.186.Heismediumheight.Heisheavy.Hehasbigeyes.6.Heismediumheight.191.short hair _2.curly hair_3.long hair_4.straight hair_5.tall_6.short_7.medium height_8.thin_9.heavy_10.medium build_1acfaadhebge1.shorthair_1acfaadhebge20A:Is that your friend?B:No,it isnt.A:What does he look like?B:Well,hes really 1._ And he has 2._ 3._1btallcurlyhairA:Isthatyourfriend?1btall21DrawanddescribeWhatdoyou22Dont judge people by their appearances!别以貌取人别以貌取人。Dontjudgepeoplebytheirap23Period224Read the wordsshort/long straight/curly black/hairbuildthin/fat medium heavy/lightheighttall medium short Readthewordsshort/longst25 long curly hair long straight hair short straight hairshort curly hair Have a new look(外表外表)!I want to haveI havelongcurlyhairlongstr26What does he/she look like?She has long and curly hair.She has long and straight hair.He has green and short hair.Whatdoeshe/shelooklike?She27He has short and straight hair.He is tall.He is medium build.What does he look like?Hehasshortandstraighthair28What does she look like?She has long and curly hair.She is medium build and medium height.Whatdoesshelooklike?Sheha29What do they look like?Theyhavestraighthair.Theyaremediumbuildandmediumheight.Whatdotheylooklike?Theyha30 Listen and circle“is”or“has”below1.is/has tall2.is/has heavy3.is/has curly hair4.is/has medium height5.is/has thin6.is/has long hair7.is/has short8.is/has medium build9.is/has short hair2a312bListen again.Fill in the chart.is hasDavid tallcurly hairheavySally Pete medium heightlong hairthinshort hairshortmedium build2bListenagain.Fillinthech32描述人物的句型描述人物的句型:1.be(is,am,are)+形容词:Be+tall/shortBe+heavy/thin/mediumheight/mediumbuild2、have/has+名词词组Have/has+short/longhair+straight/curlyhair+big/smalleyes描述人物的句型:1.be(is,am,are)+33PAIRWORKDescribe Lilys new friend.A:Do you know I have a new friend in Class Five?B:What does she look like?A:She has _and _.B:Is she tall?A:No,shes _.B:I think I know her.She always wears a red _and _shoes.A:Yes,thats her.Her name is Nancy.long hairbig eyesshortdresswhite3PAIRWORKDescribeLilysnewfr34What does she look like?She is short.She always wears a red dress.She is goodlooking.She has long straight black hair.WhatdoessheSheisshort.She35What does she look like?She wears a red Tshirt.She is goodlooking.She is very popular.She has short straight black hair.WhatdoessheShewearsared36What does she look like?She has long curly blonde hair.She wears a short blue vest.She is goodlooking.WhatdoessheShehaslongcur37He has short straight hair.He is short.He is very popular.What does he look like?He loves to tell jokes.He is funny.Hehasshortstraighthair.Wha38He has short curly brown hair.He wears a sport T-shirt.He is the captain of the soccer team.What does he look like?HehasshortcurlyWhatdoesh39They are short.They are a little bit heavy.They have short hair.They have big eyes.What do they look like?Theyareshort.Whatdotheylo40 They are a little bit heavy.They have long white hair.They have white beard.They wear glasses.What do they look like?Theyarealittlebitheavy.41Who are they?ABCDWhoarethey?ABCD4214 43 32 2143243Liu PengXu QianMa Yan Wang LinWho are they?LiuPengXuQianMaYanWangLin443a:languagepoints(重点词汇)v1.thecaptainof:的队长例如:足球队队长thecaptainofthesoccerteamv2.lovedoing/todo:喜欢做例如:Ilovelearning/tolearnEnglish.v3.telljokes/ajoke:开玩笑v4.stopdoing:停止正在做的事例如:Pleasestoptalking.v5.likedoing/todo:喜欢做3a:languagepoints(重点词汇)1.the45Survey:namefriendsnameishaswearslikesJimPetertallshorthairablackcoatreadingWhat does your best friend look like?What does your best friend look like?What does he like doing?What does he like doing?Report:Jims best friend is Tom.He is Report:Jims best friend is Tom.He is tall.He has short hair.He often wears tall.He has short hair.He often wears a black coat.He likes reading.a black coat.He likes reading.Survey:namefriendsnameis46Guess:Whoishe/she?47Homework1 1.Finish Section B 1a-1b.2.Do the Ex.in the Ex.Book.3.Do you want to have a new look?What do you look like?Write a short passage about your new look.Homework11.FinishSectionB148THANKYOU49Period350George BushGeorgeBush51He has short,gray hair.Hehasshort,grayhair.52He has black hair.Hehasblackhair.53He has blonde hair.Hehasblondehair.54He has curly,blonde hair.Hehascurly,blondehair.55He has long,brown hair.Hehaslong,brownhair.56He is bald.baldHeisbald.bald57He is wearing glasses.Heiswearingglasses.58He has a beard.beardHehasabeard.beard59人教版七年级下unit7ppt课件英语60人教版七年级下unit7ppt课件英语61Listen and fill in the blanks:Johnny DeanTina Brown Jobrocker singermovie actor Looks liketall,thin,long curly hair,glasses medium height,long blonde hair Listenandfillintheblanks:621.Remember all the new words in Selfcheck1 by heart.2.Do the Ex.in the Ex.Book.Homework:1.Rememberallthene63人教版七年级下unit7ppt课件英语64Period465人教版七年级下unit7ppt课件英语66Whoishe/she?67Pairwork:Make a survey about your partners family members:familymemberheightbuildhaireyesglasses(or)fathertallmedium heightshort straightsmallWhat does your father/sister look like?Is he/she tall/heavy?Does he/she have/wear.?Pairwork:Makeasurveyabout68 Jims father is tall and heavy.He has short straight hair.He has small eyes.He doesnt wear glasses.Reportlikethis:69Old HenryTeenyHugemanDreamerWisemanDescribe Old Henry and his neighbors:OldHenryTeenyHugemanD701.Revise this unit.2.Do the Ex.in the Ex.Book.3.Write something about Old Henry and his neighbors.1.Revisethisunit.Homework:71Thank you for Thank you for listening!listening!Thankyouforlistening!72 谢谢您的配合与支持!我们会努力制作出更好的谢谢您的配合与支持!我们会努力制作出更好的PPTPPT!请您!请您多多关注多多关注!GOODBYE!THANKS VERY MUCH!GOODBYE!THANKS VERY MUCH!Always at your service Always at your service KXY!KXY!!k x yk x y制作工作室制作工作室73


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