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一一.英语小作文英语小作文二二.罗国强罗国强三三.一一.考题定位考题定位四四.二二.应用文写作要点应用文写作要点五五.三三.应用文写作分类精讲应用文写作分类精讲一一.一一.考题定位考题定位二二.1.书信类应用文书信类应用文三三.十一种书信:感谢信、道歉信、申请信、推荐信、十一种书信:感谢信、道歉信、申请信、推荐信、邀请信、辞职信、投诉信、建议信、咨询信、请求信邀请信、辞职信、投诉信、建议信、咨询信、请求信和祝贺信。和祝贺信。四四.2.告示类应用文,主要为各类通知告示类应用文,主要为各类通知。一一.二应用文注意事项二应用文注意事项二二.1.语言语言三三.2.内容内容四四.格式正确格式正确五五.内容安排合理内容安排合理六六.达到写作目的达到写作目的 一一.2.1 格式正确格式正确 二.Dear John,三.Dear Sir or Madam,/To whom it may concern,四.Enclosed is the manuscript“freedom of Choice”which you asked me to referee.I have read the paper carefully and am submitting the following report.五.六.Sincerely yours七.Li Ming(学)八.Zhang Wei(专)一一.2.2 内容安排合理内容安排合理二二.开头部分开头部分三三.正文部分正文部分四四.结尾部分结尾部分开头部分开头部分1.自我介绍自我介绍2.写作目的写作目的一.Directions:二.While your family was on vacation,your friend,Cathy looked after your dog,Smart.Now write a letter to her to show your gratitude.三.Dear Cathy,四.I am writing to express our sincere thanks for your taking good care of Smart while we were on holiday.Directions一.Write a letter to resign your job which you got last month.Write your letter about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Do not write the address.二.Dear Mr.Zhang,三.I am sorry to inform you of my decision to resign my position in this company.Directions一.You want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area.Write a letter to the department concerned,asking them to help find a candidate.二.To whom it may concern/Dear Sir/Madam,三.My name is Li Ming,a college student of Beijing University,and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to find a needy child for whom I may provide financial support.正文正文部分部分注意:注意:内容应连贯,不要想到一句写一句内容应连贯,不要想到一句写一句Dear Mrs.Zhang,I am sorry to inform you of my decision to resign my current position as an assistant at this company.I enjoy working with the people in the office,because they are kind and hardworking.However,after a months work,I unfortunately find the job is quite far from my expectations.First of all,I could hardly bear the extra work and night shift.Meanwhile,the salary is far from satisfactory which cannot support my large family.What is more,I find my talents are not being made use of.,一一.结尾部分结尾部分二二.主要是一些和写作目的相关的套话,如再次向别人感谢,主要是一些和写作目的相关的套话,如再次向别人感谢,再次道歉。在此基础上,还可以表达自己的期望。再次道歉。在此基础上,还可以表达自己的期望。2.3 达到写作目的达到写作目的Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to express my interests in the job as a personal secretary to the general manager.My name is LiMing and graduated from XX university.My major is Chinese.I was the secretary to the monitor of my school because of my ability on writing.I have got several good marks both on study and work when I was in the university.I want to get more challenges and opportunities now,so I choose to work in your company and do as a personal secretary.We should believe that I will do a good job for our company.Please give me a chance to let us examine my ability on work.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your reply.Dear Sir or Madam,一.My name is Zhang Wei,a college student from Nanjing University.I am writing to apply for the vacancy of secretary to the general manager advertised in yesterdays newspaper.二.I worked as secretary in an insurance company for two years and accumulated much experience.It was easy for me to handle the job.I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of secretary to the general manager of your company.三.Thank you for your consideration.I shall be pleased to attend an interview at your convenience,and give you further details concerning myself.一一.三小作文写作分类精讲三小作文写作分类精讲二.1.感谢信三.第一步:表示感谢 I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude/appreciation for四.第二步:说明事由五.第三步:再次表示感谢,表达希望回报对方的愿望。六.Thanks again and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return/repay your kindness.Directions一.While your family was on vacation,your friend,Cathy looked after your dog,Smart.Now write a letter to her to show your gratitude.二.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You dont need to write the address.Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter;use“Zhang Wei”instead.Dear Cathy,一.I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your taking good care of Smart while we were on holiday.二.三.He was such a happy dog when we got home.We knew he must have had lots of loving attention from you.When we picked up him in your home,we found he was quite reluctant to leave you and your house.You not only saved us some money,but also spared us the worry about him while we were away.四.五.Thanks again and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your kindness.六.i 2.道歉信道歉信第一部分:表示歉意第一部分:表示歉意Im writing to express my regret/apology for第二部分:说明具体原因第二部分:说明具体原因第三部分:再次致歉第三部分:再次致歉,希望得到对方谅解,并提出补救办法。希望得到对方谅解,并提出补救办法。Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience caused,and I hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.一.Directions:You are required to write a letter to apologize for missing a date with your friend.二.Dear Jane,三.Im writing to express my regret for missing the date with you because I had to go to the airport to meet an overseas visitor.四.I really kept our date in my mind all those days.However,I received my boss e-mail and he asked me to go to the airport to meet one of his friends from Australia.Its sudden and urgent and I had to go.五.Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience caused,and I hope you can accept my apology and understand my situation.Can I ring you up to make another time?六.一一.3.申请信申请信 求职申请求职申请二.第一部分:说明写信目的三.I am writing this letter to apply for the position of that you have advertised in our schoos job-seeking site.四.I am writing to apply for the vacancy ofadvertised in五.第二部分:展示个人能力、经历六.I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of七.It seems to me that this experience,together with my education,has given me preparation to assume the role of in a firm such as yours.八.第三部分:希望面试机会,表示感谢九.Thank you for your consideration.I shall be pleased to attend an interview at your convenience,and give you further details concerning myself.Directions:You want to apply for a job as secretary to the general manager of a company.Write a letter to the Human Resources Department of that company offering your services.Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Zhang Wei,a college student from Nanjing University.I am writing to apply for the vacancy of secretary to the general manager advertised in our schools job-seeking site.I worked as secretary in an insurance company for two years and accumulated much experience.It was easy for me to handle the job.I feel I have the necessary qualifications and experience needed for the position of secretary to the general manager of your company.Thank you for your consideration.I shall be pleased to attend an interview at your convenience,and give you further details concerning myself.求学申请第一部分:自我介绍、写信目的I am writing to explore the possibility of studying in department of your university.第二部分:展开申请原因My major is,and I know your university has a good program in this field.第三部分:表示感谢、期盼回复Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your reply.Enclosed are my score reports on all subjects and two recommendations.Dear Sir/Madam,My name is Zhang Wei,a college student from Nanjing University in China.I am writing to explore the possibility of studying in Computer Science Department of your university.From 1998 to 2002,I studied in Nanjing University as a computer major and maintained an average score of no less than 90 during my study.Since graduation,I have been working in the Computation Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University.As I know your university has a good program in this field,I want to study further in order to develop my potential in this field.Thank you for your consideration.I am looking forward to your reply.Enclosed are my score reports on all subjects and two recommendations.4.推荐信第一部分:指出写信目的I am writing to recommend you to第二部分:推荐的原因My recommendation is based on the followng reasons.第三部分:表达自己的信心和期望You will probably find my recommendation worthwhile,and if you like it,please tell me next time I meet you.2011真题Write a letter to a friend of yours to1.Recommend one of your favorite movies and2.Give reasons for your recommendationDear Jack,I am writing to recommend you one of my favorite movies Ghost to relax and entertain(娱乐)you.My recommendation is based on the following reasons.First,the plot is intricate and you will never know the result until you have finished watching it.Second,the protagonists performances are impressive,winning many international prizes,which undoubtedly proves its excellence and success.I ever played it to my students and all of them were moved and liked it very much.You will probably find my recommendation worthwhile,and if you like it,please tell me next time I meet you.一一.5.邀请信邀请信(讲座、宴会、聚会、比赛等)讲座、宴会、聚会、比赛等)二二.第一部分:说明邀请目的第一部分:说明邀请目的三三.I am writing(on behalf of.)to invite you to attend.四四.第二部分:说明活动安排第二部分:说明活动安排(包括活动时间、地点包括活动时间、地点)五五.第三部分:期望对方能参加,并表示感谢第三部分:期望对方能参加,并表示感谢六六.I hope that you have no engagement,and we shall be much appreciated if you could participate.Directions:You want to invite Mr.Williams to give a lecture on American literature in your college.Supposed you are the assistant of the English department,write a letter and say:一.1)the purpose of the invitation,二.2)the time of the lecture.Dear Mr.Williams,My name is Zhang Wei,a student in Nanjing University.I am writing on behalf of the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.As English majors,our students would like to know something about American literature.We know that you are an expert in American literature,and we would be very grateful if you could give a talk on Modern American Literature to students of the English Department on Saturday,June 4.If the subject and time do not suit you,any other similar topic or time would be acceptable as well.I hope that you have no engagement,and we shall be much appreciated if you could participate.6.辞职信(Letter of Resignation)第一部分:提出辞职I am sorry to inform you of my decision to resign my current position as.in this company.第二部分:说明原因第三部分:希望对方批准,并表示歉意。I am sorry for any inconvenience caused,and I sincerely hope that you can approve of my resignation.Dear Mrs.Zhang,I am sorry to inform you of my decision to resign my current position as an assistant in this company.I enjoy working with the people in the office,because they are kind and hardworking.However,after a months work,I unfortunately find the job is quite far from my expectations.First of all,I could hardly bear the extra work and night shift.Meanwhile,the salary is far from satisfying which cannot support my large family.What is more,I find my talents are not being made use of.I am sorry for any inconvenience caused,and I sincerely hope that you approve of my resignation.7.投诉信投诉信写作写作“三步走三步走”:说明目的说明目的描述具体情况描述具体情况给出建议,期给出建议,期待解决,并表示感谢待解决,并表示感谢第一部分:说明投诉问题第一部分:说明投诉问题I am writing to complain about第二部分:描述具体情况第二部分:描述具体情况第三部分:给出建议,期待解决,并表示感谢。第三部分:给出建议,期待解决,并表示感谢。I suggest.I would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible.And I am looking forward to your reply.DirectionsYou found something wrong with the telephone bill you have received from the local post office.You made a call to inquire about this;however the person who answered the call was very rude.Write a letter of complaint to the manager of the post office,explaining the situation and giving your suggestions for improvement.Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to complain about the bad attitude of one of your staff when I made a call to inquire about my telephone bill.I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and found there were some errors in calculation.However,when I called your Complaints Department,the girl answering my phone was very rude.For one thing,she interrupted me continually;for another,she even said that the fault was my own.Needless to say,such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable.I suggest that the girl should be disciplined,and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients.I would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible.And I am looking forward to your reply.一.8.建议信二.第一部分:说明写信目的三.I am writing to present my suggestions on sth/on how to do sth四.第二部分:提出建议五.第三部分:表达感谢和期望六.Thank you for your attention.I hope you will find these suggestions/proposals/recommendations helpful/practical/useful.一.Directions二.Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities.As a regular user,please write a letter to the chief librarian,offering your suggestions.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You dont need to write the address.Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter use“Zhang Wei”instead.Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Zhang Wei,a college student in Nanjing University.I am writing to present my suggestions on how to improve the service and facilities in the library.In my opinion,our library should do its best to purchase the latest publications and make sure it has a full set of classic works.Besides,it will be more convenient if computers can be used for searching.In this way,the library will expand its services to more readers.Thank you for your attention.I hope you will find these proposals practical.9.咨询信咨询信第一部分:自我介绍、说明目的I am writing to see whether you can provide me with information regarding/concerning第二部分:具体询问事宜第三部分:表示感谢、期盼回复Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I am looking forward to your reply.DirectionsYou are going to study at a foreign university.Write a letter inquiring about the specific information concerning accommodation,fees and qualifications there.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You dont need to write the address.Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Zhang Wei,a college student from Nanjing University in China.I am writing to see whether you can provide me with information regarding accommodation,fees and qualifications at your school.First,how much is the tuition?Though I intend to be self-supporting,I would be interested to know if there is any scholarship available for international students.Second,I wonder what qualifications I need to follow a course at your university.Third,as regards to accommodations,is it possible for me have a single room?Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.I am looking forward to your reply.10.请求信请求信(Letter of Request)第一部分:提出请求I am writing in the hope of your assistance to.第二部分:说明原因及其它事项第三部分:表达谢意、期盼回复Thank you for your attention to this matter.I am looking forward to your reply.DirectionsYou want to contribute to Project Hope by offering financial aid to a child in a remote area.Write a letter to the department concerned,asking them to help find a candidate.You should specify what kind of child you want to help and how you will carry out your plan.To whom it may concern,My name is Zhang Wei,a college student of Beijing University,and I am writing in the hope of your assistance to find a needy child for whom I may provide financial support.First and foremost I would like to declare that I have the financial ability to implement this plan owing to my decent income from part-time jobs.As to the candidate,I hope that he/she comes from an elementary school of the less developed areas of Western China,who is forced out of school.I would like to pay for his/her tuition fee and other school expenses until he/she graduates from university.Thank you for your attention to this matter.I am looking forward to your reply.11.祝贺信祝贺信第一部分:表示祝贺第一部分:表示祝贺I am very delighted to hear the news thatHeartfelt congratulations on your success.第二部分:表述贺喜内容第二部分:表述贺喜内容第三部分:表达美好祝愿第三部分:表达美好祝愿I am proud of your,and I wish you more success and better luck in the years ahead.DirectionsYour friend Jack has got his masters degree.Write a letter to show your congratulations.Your letter should be no less than 100 words.You dont need to write the address.Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Zhang Wei”instead.Dear Jack,I am very delighted to hear the news that you have got the masters degree.Heartfelt congratulations on your success.I have good reasons to feel proud of you.I know the degree of master means many years of hard work.I have heard of your excellent record in research and social practice.You have taken the right road to emerge as a fully developed young man to society.Your really deserve this achievement.I am proud of your,and I wish you more success and better luck in the years ahead.告示类应用文告示类应用文(通知)(通知)一一.1、格式正确、格式正确二二.2、关注细节(时间、地点)、关注细节(时间、地点)三三.3、紧贴题干、紧贴题干一.English speaking contest(notice)二.Attention please!In order to improve students ability to speak English and enrich after class-activities,the Students Union is organizing a school-wide English speaking contest at 2:00 next Sunday(20th,January)at the students recreational(娱乐)center.Those who are interested in taking part in it can sign up with the monitor of their classes before Thursday this week.Six teachers will be invited to be the judges.The first six winners will be given awards.Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest.三.Students Union 2010真题You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization.The notice should include the basic qualifications for applicants and other information you think is relevant.NoticeAttention please!The Postgraduates Association is recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization which is to be held in Beijing on May 10,2016.Any potential applicant is to meet the following qualifications as follows.Above all,postgraduate is a must due to the academic background of the conference.Besides,the candidate should be excellent in listening,speaking and interpreting.This is essential in establishing good communication among delegates of the international conference.Finally,applicants whose major,interest or research field is relevant to globalization are preferred.Those who wish to seize the opportunity need to sign up at the Postgraduates Association within this week.Postgraduates Association大作文大作文1.写作基础知识写作基础知识2.错误解析错误解析3.考研作文讲解考研作文讲解1.措词措词 避免重复手段主要有以下几种:近义词,如pretty/beautiful;worker/employee.Oil companies in the U.S.are already beginning to feel the pressure.Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being laid off.单词,词组交替使用:如look into-investigate;comprise-consist of.Several members were dispatched to look into the casethey investigated the time of the occurrence,the scene and the evidence provided by those witnesses.同根词复现;如 classify-classification,prepare-prepared-preparation.They suddenly became extinct.Smaller species survived.The large,slow-growing animals were easy game,and were quickly hunted to extinction.1.2 用词具体 The number increase(soar/surge)from 0.4 billion to 4 billion.the number decrease/drop/(slump)from 4 billion to 0.4 billion.Everybody loves a fat pay rise.Yet pleasure can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one.Indeed,if he has a reputation for slacking,you might even be outraged.1.3 适当选用较高词级EastOriental Settle/solve-tackle/address Help-assistResult in/lead togive rise to/triggerBe made up ofconsist ofGood/bad/terrible/something Sports are good for our health.Sports are beneficial for our health.Not all books are good.Not all books are appropriate.Fake foods are bad for consumers health.Fake foods are detrimental to consumers health.2.句子:其要求为(1)语法正确(2)句型多样化2.1语法正确指句子要避免语法错误.如果学生基本功不强,要学会用简单句来表达意思.I graduated from Nankai University which enjoyed a national reputation.I graduated from Nankai University enjoying a national reputation.I graduated from Nankai University.It enjoyed a national reputation.2.2 句型多样化 3.段落段落由主题句引导的段落是英语中一种非常典型的段落结构,尤其在论说文中更加流行.1:We Americans are quite lazy.Instead of cooking a simple,nourishing dish,we pop a frozen dinner into a oven.Instead of studying a daily newspaper,we are contended with a summ


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