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Hotel English 1Hotel English 1Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Click to add title in here know the main duties of the complaint center in hotelobtain some skills to handle complaints from customersmaster some expressions and sentences for handling complaints123Objectives:After finishing this unit,you will be able to:Click to add title in here Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section A:Warming upSection A:Warming upI.Have you ever had the following experiences in a hotel?If you had them,what would you do?Identify the following pictures,using the words or phrases below._ _ _ bad attitudes overcharging no hot watertoo noisy to sleep leaky pipes no coolingno hot watertoo noisy to sleep overchargingbad attitudes leaky pipes no coolingAFECDB_ _ _ _ _ _Section A:Warming upI.Have yUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section A:Warming upSection A:Warming upII.Do you know how to deal with complaints?Lets get to know the proper procedures for dealing with complaints 1.listen to the guest carefully 2.apologize 3.give explanations 4.offer help 5.take action 6.give feedbackSection A:Warming upII.Do yoUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Suggested answers:First,listen to the guests carefully and patiently,and ask guests names,room numbers and other relevant information.Then,express your sympathy on her shrank dress and examine the specific reasons.After that make an explanation and put forward measures to deal with this complaint and take immediate actions to guests satisfaction.III.Suppose you are a front office supervisor,a guest in your hotel complains to you about the damage done to her dress.Her dress shrank in the washing.How will you deal with the complaint?Discuss with your partners.Section A:Warming upSection A:Warming upSuggested answers:III.SupposeUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section B:ListeningSection B:ListeningTask 1 Ask&Answer Listen to the conversations between 5 hotel guests and receptionists.Choose what each conversation talks aboutNoise Luggage ServiceRoom FacilitiesRoom CleannessBad AttitudeGuest 1Guest 2Guest 3Guest 4Guest 5Section B:ListeningTask 1 Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section B:ListeningSection B:ListeningTask 1 ScriptDialogue1:R:Good morning.Can I help you?G:Yes,This is John Smith,Room 318.Ive just checked in.But the room hasnt been made up yet.Everything is a mess.Dialogue 2:R:Good evening.Is there anything I can do for you?G:This is Room 402.My room is very hot.The air-conditioner isnt working,but nobody has come since I called you.Dialogue3:G:Ive been waiting for my luggage for an hour.R:Im terribly sorry,sir.Ill see to it immediately.Dialogue 4:R:Good evening.Can I be of assistance?G:Im Bell.Im in Room 908.Its too noisy.I cant fall asleep.Can you do something about it?Dialogue 5:R:Good evening.What can I do for you?G:My room is untidy.When I complained to the room attendant,she didnt seem to be listening to me.She was just staring at me.R:Receptionist G:GuestSection B:ListeningTask 1 SUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Task 2 Fill in A guest has just checked in and isnt satisfied with the room.Listen to the dialogue twice and finish the chart with the information you have heard.Section B:ListeningSection B:ListeningWhats the problem with the room the guest is living in?_ How does the receptionist deal with the problem?_The room is smelly and untidy enough.There are no towels in the bathroom.Send a room attendant to clean your room right now.Bring clean towels for customers.Make apologies for the inconvenience.Change into a clean roomTask 2 Fill in A guest has Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section B:ListeningSection B:ListeningTask 2 ScriptScript R:Receptionist G:GuestR:Good morning.Front Desk.Can I help you?G:This is Jimmy Smith,from Room 807.I have just checked in.But Im quite disappointed with your room.R:Im sorry,sir.Is there anything wrong in your room?G:The room is smelly and untidy enough.There are no towels in the bathroom.R:Im terribly sorry to hear that.Ill send a room attendant to clean your room right now.Shell bring clean towels for you.We do apologize for the inconvenience.G:Can I change into a clean room?R:Please wait a moment,Mr.Smith.Let me check How about Room 912?Its of the same standard and rate as Room 807.G:OK.R:Would you please come to the reception desk to fill in the room changing form?G:No problem.R:Thank you for your understanding.Section B:ListeningTask 2 Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section C:DialoguesSection C:DialoguesDialogue 1 Complaint about Room ServiceM:Manager G:Guest M:Good evening,Mrs.Bellow.You asked to see me?G:Yes,I am not happy.M:What seems to be the problem?G:I ordered my dinner at 6:00 p.m,but it was finally served at 8:00 p.m.M:Im terribly sorry to hear that.This is quite unusual.Ill look into the matter at once.G:Whats more,I ordered my beefsteak to be prepared well done,but this one is absolutely raw.M:I apologize for it,sir.Please calm down.Ill ask the waiter to change it for you at once.Section C:DialoguesDialogueUnit 7 Complaints Settlement G:When I complained to the room service waiter,he didnt seem to be listening to me.He was just staring at me.M:Maybe he didnt understand you correctly.G:Ive never had such bad service!M:I do apologize for the inconvenience.Ill send the fruit salad to your room.It would be on the house.G:Thatll be fine.M:Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.I assure you it will never happen again.Section C:DialoguesSection C:DialoguesG:When I complained to the roUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Notes:complaint/kmplent/n.抱怨,投诉beefsteak/bi:fstek/n.牛排inconvenience/nknvi:nins/n.不方便;麻烦 look into 深入地检查;调查 calm down 平静下来;冷静What seems to be the problem?问题是什么?It would be on the house.免费的I do apologize for the inconvenience.给您带来不便我深表歉意。I assure you it will never happen again.我向你保证这种事不会再发生了。Section C:DialoguesSection C:DialoguesNotes:Section C:DialoguesUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Dialogue 2 Complaint about OverchargingR:Receptionist G:GuestG:Excuse me.R:Yes,sir.Can I help you?G:Yes.This bill is wrong.Ive been overcharged.R:Im terribly sorry to hear that.Can you describe it in detail?G:Ive stayed at the hotel for only two days,but I have been charged three days.R:I m so sorry.May I have a look at the bill?G:Sure,here you are.Whats more,it says I sent two faxes from your business centre,but Ive never even been there!Section C:DialoguesSection C:DialoguesDialogue 2 Unit 7 Complaints Settlement R:You mean youve been charged for faxes you didnt send?G:Yes,thats right.R:Can you just wait one moment while I contact the department concerned?G:Ok.R:Could I have your name and room number,sir?G:Hendrickson.Room 1209.R:Im sorry for keeping your waiting.It appears weve made a mistake.I must apologize to you on behalf of the hotel.G:Thats all right.Everyone makes mistakes.R:Thank you for your understanding.Well pay you the overcharged money back as soon as possible.R:You mean youve been chargeUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section C:DialoguesSection C:DialoguesNotes:overcharge/vt:d/vt.对要价过高 contact/kntkt/vt.使接触;与联系concerned/kns:nd/adj.有关(方面),被牵连的 in detail详细地 on behalf of 为了的利益;代表Ive been overcharged.多收我钱了。It says I sent two faxes from your business centre,but Ive never even been there!帐单上说我在商务中心发了两份传真,可我根本就没去过那儿。Can you just wait one moment while I contact the department concerned?我与相关部门联系一下,您稍等,好吗?I must apologize to you on behalf of the hotel.我代表酒店向您道歉。Section C:DialoguesNotes:Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section D:ReadingSection D:ReadingPre-reading questions1.How many kinds of guest complaints are there in a hotel?2.How to handle the guest complaints in a hotel?Handling Complaints in a Hotel No matter how great a hotel is,there will always be some complaints from the guests.They can be made orally or by letters.Guest complaints can be classified into four kinds:about facilities and equipment,service attitude,quality of service and unexpected events.Facilities and equipment usually include air-conditioners,lighting equipment,water supply,power supply,furniture and elevators.The complaints about service attitude generally focus on the followings:rude language,irresponsible responses,careless manners,etc.Complaints about quality of service are mainly about the 译译 文文 Section D:ReadingPre-readingUnit 7 Complaints Settlement attendants not following the principle of“First come,First served”,distributing the wrong rooms,not delivering the mails to guests in time,not carrying the luggage for guests or not providing morning calls on time,etc.Dealing with oral complaints,a receptionist should first listen to the guests carefully and patiently,ask guests names,room numbers and other relevant information.Then,express their sympathy to the guests,apologize for any wrongdoings on behalf of the hotel and show welcome about their complaints.Next,make a record.After that put forward measures to deal with complaints and take immediate actions.At last,the receptionist should telephone the guests to make sure they are satisfied.Section D:ReadingSection D:Readingattendants not following the Unit 7 Complaints Settlement As to written complaints,a receptionist should read the guests complaint letters carefully.Then meet the person who is in charge of the complaint department to examine the specific situation.If the guests havent checked out,contact the guests as soon as possible and communicate with them face to face.If the guests have left,write a letter to apologize with the managers permission.After that,fill the guest complaint records and send them to relevant departments.Section D:ReadingSection D:Reading As to written complaintUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section D:ReadingSection D:Reading酒店投诉处理酒店投诉处理 不管酒店多大,总是存在客人的投诉。投诉可能以口头或书面的形式被提出,依据投诉原因大体可分为设施设备、服务态度、服务质量和意外事件等四种类型。设施设备通常包括空调、照明设备、供水、供电、家具和电梯等设备。关于服务态度的投诉主要集中在语言粗鲁、不负责任的回复、粗心的服务方式等方面。关于服务质量的投诉主要是员工不遵循“先来,先服务”的服务原则、房间分配错误、客人邮件递送不及时、没有为客人搬运行李、没有按时提供叫早服务等等。处理口头投诉,接待员首先应该仔细耐心地听客人倾诉,询问客人的名字、房间号和其它相关信息。然后,向客人表达他们的同情,代表酒店为员工出现的任何过错向客人致歉,并欢迎客人多提宝贵意见。做好记录后,提出一些解决措施并立刻落实。最后,接待员应向客人电话确认,以达到客人满意。关于书面投诉,接待员应仔细阅读客人的投诉信。然后向被投诉部门的负责人核实具体情况。如果客人还没有结账离开,尽快与客人联系,当面与客人沟通解释。如果客人已经离店,在经理的允许下,写信向客人表达歉意。然后,做好投诉记录,将其告知相关部门。Section D:Reading酒店投诉处理 Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section D:ReadingSection D:ReadingExercises I Decide whether the following statements are T(true)or F(false)according to the passage.()1.Guest complaints can be classified into four kinds:complaint about equipment,service attitude,hotel service quality and unexpected events.()2.The workers in a hotel should follow the principle of“first come,first served in serving the guests.()3.The receptionists should show their sympathy to the guests when dealing with oral complaints.()4.According to the passage,dealing with the complaints of the guests is very easy.()5.After dealing with the complaints,the receptionist should fill the guest complaint records and send them to relevant departments.TTTFTSection D:ReadingExercises IUnit 7 Complaints Settlement A()1.make sure()2.take measure()3.focus on()4.check out()5.put forward Ba.集中于b.退房c.提出d.确信,证实e.采取措施Task 2:Match the expressions in column A with their meanings in column BSection D:ReadingSection D:Readingdeabc A BTask Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Task 3:Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words or expressions.Section D:ReadingSection D:Reading focus on classify unexpected put forward indifferent distribute on behalf of complaint irresponsible check out1.I am deeply sorry for my _ and selfish behavior I engaged in.2.He finds it hard to _ his thoughts _ one thing for longer than five minutes.3.The relief agency will _ the food among several countries.4.He had gone to the reception desk,probably to _.focusoncheck outindifferentdistributeTask 3:Fill in the blanks witUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section D:ReadingSection D:Reading5.Then he named a new manager _ to run the team.6.The news may be _;nevertheless,it is true 7.At the airport he read an address of welcome_ the company.8.She_ some reasons for abandoning the plan.9.In this book you will find the reasons for this common _.10.Men in the post office _ mail according to places it is to go.unexpectedon behalf ofput(s)forwardclassifycomplaintirresponsiblySection D:Reading5.Then he Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section E:Section E:Competence DevelopmentCompetence DevelopmentTask 1 Writing Its 6 in the evening when Mr.Bellow comes into Room 1218 of Haitaian Hotel,he finds there is no hot water in it.He telephones the front office to complain about it.After receiving his call,the receptionist Angele asks a repairman Joy to repair it immediately and Mr.Bellow is satisfied with the result.Finish the following chart according the above information.Section E:Competence DevelopUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Section E:Section E:Competence DevelopmentCompetence Development Action to ComplaintTime of ComplaintComplainantTelephone NumberRoom NumberReceptionistForms Oral Telephone Face to FaceOthersContent Recorder Time Performed by TimeSatisfaction Survey Performed by TimeSolution18:00PMMr.Bellow Room 1218 Angeleno hot water in Room 1218 18:00PM Angeleasks a repairman Joy to repair it immediatelyJoyafter18:00PMsatisfied AngeleAfter repairSection E:Competence DevelopUnit 7 Complaints Settlement Task 2 Role PlayingSituation A The lamp in Mr.Black s room is broken.No one solves the problems for him.He is very angry.A receptionist calls Mr.Dave to repair it.Situation B Stephen Nobel goes to the restaurant together with his friend Mr.Black.He has already made the reservation of a window table.But when they come,the receptionist cannot find the name.So the receptionist has to find another table for them.Section E:Section E:Competence DevelopmentCompetence DevelopmentTask 2 Role PlayingSection E:Unit 7 Complaints Settlement Section F:Section F:TipsTips处理投诉小技巧处理投诉小技巧 1.真诚地表示道歉,然后听取客人的意见。“客人永远是对的”是一个酒店服务员的口头禅,所以只要很认真地道歉,听取客人意见,一般人就会很快谅解。2.把握客人的心理反应,要明白客人的心理要求,一般投诉的客人有三种心态:求发泄、求尊重、求补偿,要根据具体的情况安慰客人,调节客人情绪,以利于尽快解决问题。3.处理要及时。客人的目的最终是为了解决问题,为此要对客人的投诉立即着手处理,必要时,要请上级管理人员亲自出面解决,这样可以在最快的时间里解决问题,达到维护酒店形象的目的。Section F:Tips处理投诉小技巧Unit 7 Complaints Settlement complaint/kmpleint/n 抱怨,诉苦,疾病,委屈 e.g.People have been reluctant to make formal complaints to the police.人们不愿向警方作出正式投诉。classify /klsifai/vt.分类,分等 e.g.Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.可以根据岩石的成因对其进行分类.unexpected/nikspektid/adj.意外的,想不到的 e.g.Help may also come from some unexpected places.帮助也可能来自某些意想不到的地方。air conditioner/e(r)kndin/n.空调 e.g.For the other thing,I got an invoice for an air conditioner.还有件事情,我接到一张空调发票.irresponsible/irispnsbl/adj.不负责任的,不可靠的 e.g.I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalization of drugs.我认为鼓吹毒品合法化是不负责任的行为。酒店英语1教学ppt课件Unit7-Complints-SettlementUnit 7 Complaints Settlement distribute /distribju:t/vt.分配,散布,分开,把分类 e.g.We didnt understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。relevant/relvnt/adj.有关的,相关联的 e.g.Do you have any more information that might be relevant.你还有什么别的相关情况要说吗?welcome/welkm/adj.受欢迎的,表示感谢的 e.g.This was certainly a welcome change of fortune.这确实是命运中一个令人欣喜的转变。sympathy/smpi/n.同情,同情心 e.g.Im not looking for your sympathy.我不寻求你的怜悯.specific /spsfk/adj.明确的,具体的 e.g.This report offered the most specific and accurate description of the problems.该报告对问题进行了最具体、最准确的描述。distribute /distribju:t/vt.Unit 7 Complaints Settlement focus on 集中于 e.g.In fact,several state media reports seem to focus on rising prices.事实上,多家官方媒体的报道似乎都在关注物价上涨。on behalf of 代表;为了的利益 e.g.On behalf of your staff,we would like to present you with this.Congratulations.我代表全体职员,很荣幸的把这个献上,祝贺你,先生 put forward 提出,建议 e.g.He has put forward new peace proposals.他提出了新的和平建议 make sure 确信;证实 e.g.Ill make sure you havethe finest seat.我得保证你选到最好的位子。check out 退房;结账;办理退房手续 e.g.They packed and checked out of the hotel.他们收拾好东西,办理了退房手续。Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.或许我们应该去趟图书馆,查个明白。focus on 集中于LOGOThank you!Thank you!


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