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Unit 8 How was your school trip?dolphin shark whaleoctopus sealLast summer,I went to the aquarium and I sawa/an1.Did you get any g_ on your last birthday?2.I went to the a_ last summer.3.At the age of 16,he w_ the p_ for the best singer.4.She h_ _ with her friends on her day o_.5.I bought Rains a_ as a s_,when I went to 6.his concert last year.6.At the _ of story,he lost himself.7.访问者;参观者;游客访问者;参观者;游客 _ _ _8.indoor -_9.Who is your m_?10.If it is rain,we need take _ _ or wear a _.iftifts squariumonrizeung outffutographuvenirvisitortouristtravelleroutdooronitoranumbrellaraincoatendReview:(grammar)What is past tense?I went to the zoo the day before yesterday.过去发生的动作I was tired this morning.过去时间里的状态He always slept late last month.过去的习惯动作或说明过去经常发生、反复发生的动作或存在的状态Time:Yesterday/the day before yesterdayLast week/night/summer/month two years/days/hours/month.agoLong long agoIn 2009 At that time/moment This morning At the age ofJust nowIn the pastVerb:Regular+ed worked rained play+d moved lived saved used y-i+ed studied tried worried hurried 双写+ed stopped planned Irregular:cut cut put put let let hit hit cost cost lost lost beat beat hurt hurt read read sleep slept keep kept sweep sweptsay said pay paid lay lain think thought buy bought bring-brought sell sold tell told teach taught catch caught spend spent send sent build-builtsit sat (babysit)give gave sing-sang drink drank begin began swim swam ring rang know knew grow grew throw threwfeed fed meet met break broke speak spoke wear-worewin won write wrote drive drove do-did go went make made have had hear heard mean meant hang hung(hanged)lie lied(lay)stand stood run ran eat ate I went to the aquarium at my day off.It is fantastic and I have a fun time.There were any seals,sharks,octopus,dolphins and so on.I see the dolphin show and meet Eason at the aquarium.Luckily,I got his autograph.But I wasnt bought any souvenir.After that,I hang out with my f r i e n d s a n d b o u g h t s o m e b o o k.onwashadsomeessawmetshungsdidntbuyEnglish song competition Was there an English song competition at our school this Monday?Yes,there was.Did our class take part in this competition?Yes,we did.Did we win the first prize?Yes,we won the first prize.Did we also win the third prize in the basketball game last month?Yes,we did.Were you nervous when you stood at the stage?Were you excited when you heard that you won the first prize?Were there any strong competitors?Yes,there were some strong competitors.No,there werent any strong competitors.A:Were there any in the aquarium?B:Yes,there were /No,there werent.sea horsesPart work 1:-What did you do last Sunday?-I a.watch TV with a friends b.sleep late c.go for a drive d.take a class e.help mom and dad Part work 2:Homework Write a short dialog,using those phrases and sentences on the page47,1b


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