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What can we do about global warming?Skim the two letters,and answer the questions below:1.Who are the writers of these two letters?2.What is the purpose of writing the letters?3.Does Earth Care agree that individuals can have no effect?Ouyang Guang and Earth Care.Getting and giving some suggestions.No,Earth Care dose not agree.Now scan the second letter and list Earth Cares suggestions in the chart on P30,and discuss whether you can carry out each suggestion.Give reason for your answers.Task Task 2 2:Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.What can we do about global warming?Turn a(n)_ off when youre not using it.Put on more clothes instead of turning up the _.Walk or _ instead of taking motor vehicles._ cans,bottles,plastic bags and newspaper if _ allow you to.get your parents to buy things that are _ with energy._ in your garden or your school yardfinally and most importantly,be an _.electrical applianceheatride a bikeRecycle circumstanceseconomicalPlant treeseducatorEarth Cares suggestionCan you carry it out?ReasonsTurn off electrical appliances.To save energyPut more clothes instead of heatTo save energyWalk or ride if you canTo save energyRecycle;recycled materials.To save energyEarth Cares suggestionCan you carry it out?ReasonsParents buy things that are economicalYesTo save energyPlant treesyesAbsorb carbon dioxideRefresh your spiritBe an educatoryesTalk with your family about global warming and what you have learned1.on behalf of 代表代表 I must thank you again for your generous help _(代表我们的公司)代表我们的公司)Im greatly honored to put on performance here _.很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。on behalf of my school Tom has something important to do today,so I accepted the award _ him.A.in honor of B.instead C.on behalf of D.for lack of Con behalf of our company2.There are many people who have a commitment like yours承担责任;有义务承担责任;有义务commitment n.承若;信奉;交托承若;信奉;交托commit vt.犯;委托;承担犯;委托;承担commit a crime 犯罪commit murder 杀人commit suicide 自杀那对我没有影响。那对我没有影响。That makes no difference to me.锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。锻炼对你的健康产生很大的影响。Exercise can make a great difference to your health.Together,individuals can make a difference.有很大影响:没有作用:make a great differencemake no differenceput up with 忍受;忍耐;受苦That woman,as a housewife,has a lot to put up with.作为家庭主 妇,那女人得忍受很多烦恼。知识拓展知识拓展表忍受的短语:表忍受的短语:stand,endure,tolerate,bearWe dont have to put up with pollution.put aside put awayput back put downput forwardput offput output up节省节省(钱、时间钱、时间);储蓄储蓄;把把放在一边放在一边 收拾起来收拾起来;储存储存(钱钱)放回原处放回原处;拖延拖延写下写下;记下记下;控制控制提出提出(意见、建议意见、建议);推荐推荐延期延期;推迟推迟熄灭熄灭;扑灭扑灭举起举起;张开张开(伞伞);张贴张贴;为为提供食宿提供食宿Match the phrases with the correct meaningDont be casual about this.casual adj.偶然的;随便的;漫不经心的;临时的;n.临时工人;便装,便鞋Such casual dress wouldnt be appropriate for a formal occasion.John is a casual;he cant find a proper job anywhere.She is casual about winning the prize.不要对此疏忽大意不要对此疏忽大意休闲的;随意的休闲的;随意的临时工临时工漫不经心的漫不经心的It takes a lot of energy to make things like from new material.So,if you can,buy things made from recycled materials.用新材料来做这些东西要花费大量的能源,因此,如果可能,就买那些用回收材料制成的物品吧。花费:take/cost/pay/spend 区别It/Sth takes some time to do sthSb pay for sthSb spends some time (in)doing sthSth cost sb some moneyon sthDay 2:Being a good friendCheck the answers:1.strengthen 2.Share 3.rank 4.trust 5.adult 6.choices 7.on 8.through 9.physically 10.presentImportant phrases and sentences:1.Being a good friend means being around.2.As time passes,some people stay by your side while others dont.3.strengthen your bonds with your friend:增进朋友之间的关系 accompany sb:陪伴某人 share a secret:分享秘密 treat him or her like a grownup:像大人一样对待他 accept that no friendship is perfect:没有完美的友谊 Being there physically,especially during hard timesDay 3:Peek into(偷看;偷窥偷看;偷窥)your future 1.Para 3:The authors introduce technological developments that are probably 20 years from now,including self-driving cars,robots that take care of all of your housework and wider Internet coverage.2.Para 5:The two young men responsible for the Boston bombings last month thanks to the internet.Para 6:privacy is also going to be a problem.3.2.Para5:the Boston bombings(波士顿爆炸事件)4.blessing in disguise:a curse in disguise:科技发展科技发展大面积的网络覆盖大面积的网络覆盖无人驾驶汽车无人驾驶汽车因祸得福因祸得福看起来好的事情但结果可能置你于不幸看起来好的事情但结果可能置你于不幸3.Para 6:the photos and comments we put online,the things we buy and the friends we have on our micro blog will be what makes us who we are.Your online identity becomes your real identity.We could see virtual kidnappings-ransoming your ID for real money.微博微博网络在线身份网络在线身份真正的身份真正的身份虚拟绑架虚拟绑架4.“there is no country where the situation has worsened(恶化恶化)with the arrival of the internet,”Rubber duck:1.The description of the Rubber duck?2.Who has created the Rubber duck?3.What is the Rubber ducks mission(任务)?A 6-storey-tall inflatable rubber duck called Spreading Joy around the World sailed in as a heart-melting reminder of peoples childhood joy.Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman in an effort to put smiles back on peoples face.Its mission is to provide a joyful interruption to peoples daily routine.Important phrases:fade away:remind us of the carefree times:float in your bathtub:a little kid:turn into:a 6-storey-tall inflation rubber duck:spread joy around the world:句子:Contrary to the busy backdrop of Hong Kong,the rubber duck creates a feeling of innocent happiness.逐渐消失;褪色逐渐消失;褪色使我们想起无忧无虑的时光使我们想起无忧无虑的时光漂浮在你的浴缸漂浮在你的浴缸小孩子小孩子把把变成变成6层楼高的充气小鸭层楼高的充气小鸭把欢乐传给世界把欢乐传给世界与香港繁忙的背景对比起来,小黄鸭给人带来天真无邪的与香港繁忙的背景对比起来,小黄鸭给人带来天真无邪的欢乐。欢乐。语法:强调句型语法:强调句型构成结构:1.It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他2.It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他John bought an old bike yesterday in a market.It was John who bought an old bike yesterday in a market.It was an old bike that John bought yesterday in a market.It was yesterday that John bought an old bike in a market.It was in a market that John bought an old bike yesterday.被强调部分可以是:主语;宾语;时间状语;地点状语被强调部分可以是:主语;宾语;时间状语;地点状语强调句型的疑问式:It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river.It was when it got dark that they came back.It was because of the rain that the sports meeting was put off.Was it because the water had risen that they could not cross the river?Was it when it got dark that they came back?Was it because of the rain that the sports meeting was put off?一般疑问句的构成结构:Was/Is+it+被强调部分+that/who+其他对划线部分提问:1.It was in the park that she met Jack.2.It was John who told me the secret.3.It was yesterday that I bought the bike in the market.4.It was by fishing that he supported his family.Where was it that she met Jack?Who was it that told me the secret?When was it that you bought the bike in the market?How was it that he supported his family?强调句型特殊疑问句的构成方式:特殊疑问词+is/was+it+that+其他部分It is/was+not until+被强调部分+that+其他部分1.He didnt go to bed until his wife came back.2.2.The students dont keep quiet until their headmaster comes in.3.3.The boy didnt get up until his mother shouted at him.It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.It is not until their headmaster comes in that the students kept quiet.It was not until his mother shouted at him that the boy got up.强调句型需要注意的谓语动词单复数形式:It is he who often _(help)me with my English.It is the foreigners who often _(help)me with my English.It is I who _(be)late for school.helpshelpam注意:强调主语;宾语He helped me yesterday.It was he that helped me yesterday.It was me that he helped yesterday.


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