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Item IINote of ApologyLetter of Congratulations Note of Apology(道歉信Book 2,P32)道歉信主要用于向他人道歉,有各种原因,例如道歉信主要用于向他人道歉,有各种原因,例如做了错事,给人造成了不便做了错事,给人造成了不便,或彼此有某些误会。文,或彼此有某些误会。文体可以是非正式的。如果用于公司之间,学校之间等,体可以是非正式的。如果用于公司之间,学校之间等,则要使用较为正式的文体。则要使用较为正式的文体。主要内容包括:主要内容包括:1.道歉的原因。道歉的原因。2.解决问题的办法。解决问题的办法。写道歉信要注意以下几点:写道歉信要注意以下几点:1.态度要诚恳;态度要诚恳;2.语言要简洁、语气要坦诚。语言要简洁、语气要坦诚。首段:表明写信意图,对某事表示歉意。首段:表明写信意图,对某事表示歉意。主体段落:说明道歉的具体原因,应展开。在主体段落主体段落:说明道歉的具体原因,应展开。在主体段落中,写信人应当在申述理由时照顾读信人的感受,切忌中,写信人应当在申述理由时照顾读信人的感受,切忌强词夺理。强词夺理。结尾段:再次表明歉意,请求收信人的谅解。在结尾段结尾段:再次表明歉意,请求收信人的谅解。在结尾段还可以建议对自己的过失采取何种补救措施。还可以建议对自己的过失采取何种补救措施。英文道歉信主要内容英文道歉信主要内容Main ProceduresApologizingThe reasons The solution or promise 1.I am writing this letter to express my regret2.I am writing to apologize for3.I would like to give you my apology for4.I am very sorry to say that5.I must apologize about(not)doing sth6.Please accept my sincere apology for7.I am writing to say sorry for8.I am terribly sorry,but道歉信中开头段常用 句式和套话1.Once again,I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.2.Please allow me to say sorry again.3.Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.4.I want to let you know how regretful I am feeling now.5.I am sorry that I cant and trust that you will be able to understand.道歉信中结尾段常用句式和套话 Expressions for Apologizing I 1.表示道歉的一般表达:表示道歉的一般表达:1)Sorry,its all my fault.对不起,都是我的错。2)Please forgive me for my carelessness.请原谅我的粗心。3)I apologize for what I did.我为我所做的表示道歉。4)Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.对不起,让你久等了。5)Im sorry to have caused you so much trouble.很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦。6)Please accept my apologies.请接受我的道歉。7)It wont happen again.我保证下不为例。Expressions for Apologizing II2.表示道歉的正式表达表示道歉的正式表达 1)Im writing to apologize for 我特地因向你致歉。2)I am very sorry for not answering promptly.3)I am sorry to tell you that 我很抱歉地告知你 4)Please forgive me any inconvenience I may cause you.请原谅我可能造成的不便。5)I am extremely sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.对于我对你可能带来的不便,我非常抱歉。6)In the future I shall try not to miss any more appointments.以后,我将尽力不错过任何约会。Expressions for Apologizing III3.表示道歉的正式表达表示道歉的正式表达1)I am busy doing我忙于做2)Please excuse me for not attending the company meeting yesterday.I am afraid I forgot to check my schedule.请原谅我 昨天忘了参加公司的会议,我想我是忘了看我的日程安排表了。3)I hope you are not upset with me.我希望你不要生我的气。4)I apologize to you.I now make a promise to you that this will never happen again.我向你们道歉,我现在向你们保证,这样的事绝不会再发生了。Sample I (Book 2,P32)May 16,2001 Dear Prof.Zhang,I am writing to apology for my failure to call on you at the office as planned.Ive been preoccupied with writing my course paper these days and simply forgot about our appointment.I an extremely sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you.In the future I shall try not to miss any more appointments.Sincerely yours,Xu Lin Sample II (Book 2,P33)May 24,2010Dear Sir,I am very sorry for not answering promptly.I am busy making preparations for an arts exhibition to be held at the beginning of next month.I understand you must be waiting for my reply and I do hope that you will forgive me for any inconvenience my delay may have caused you.By the way,are you interested in our arts exhibition?Your presence would be welcome.Sincerely yours Henry Pike 道歉信英汉对照道歉信英汉对照写信时间:写信时间:20062006年年5 5月月1515日日收信人:收信人:弗兰克弗兰克写信人:写信人:汤姆汤姆内内 容:容:亲爱的亲爱的弗兰克弗兰克:很抱歉,很抱歉,上星期上星期 您借给我的那本书竟遗失了。我您借给我的那本书竟遗失了。我 每天每天 都在看,准备都在看,准备 下个月下个月 看完看完 昨晚昨晚 我回到我的卧室,到处也找不我回到我的卧室,到处也找不到那本书。我将尽力找到它。万一找不到,我只到那本书。我将尽力找到它。万一找不到,我只好买一本新的还好买一本新的还您。您。但是,新书恐怕不能代替那本旧书吧!旧书跟旧友一样,一但是,新书恐怕不能代替那本旧书吧!旧书跟旧友一样,一旦失去就不能再得。这种不可弥补的损失,皆由我起。我对待一旦失去就不能再得。这种不可弥补的损失,皆由我起。我对待一切太大意了,这次给我一个警告叫我以后要小心。切太大意了,这次给我一个警告叫我以后要小心。Sample III May 15,2006 Dear Frank:I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week.I read it everyday and intended to finish it next month.Last night when I came to my room,it was nowhere to be found.I will try to recover it as soon as possible.If I fail to find it,I will get a new book for you.But I am afraid it can never take the place of the old one.Old books are like old friends.Once lost,they can never be replaced.And for this irrecoverable loss,I am to blame.I was so careless with my things.This is a warning to me to be more careful in the future.Yours truly,Tom Practice I May 24th,2011Dear Jane,How awful to have to turn down your kind invitation for the tea party.1)(但(但是我们的确已有会议安排是我们的确已有会议安排)next Friday.Thank you so much for inviting us,Phyllis.I know 2)_ _ (我们一直盼望(我们一直盼望)such a marvelous opportunity.PleaseRemember us to Dr.Smith 3)_ (并转告我们的歉意)。(并转告我们的歉意)。With love,Tom1.Complete the following according to the given information.but we have made arrangements to attend a meeting and tell him how sorry we arewe are looking forward toPractice II Suppose you have made an appointment with Mr.Smith for a business talk this Friday afternoon.Now your manager has asked you to go to Beijing on business and you wont return until next Monday.Write a note of apology to Mr.Smith.2.Write a note of apology Key (Practice II)Sept.10,2010 Dear Mr.Smith,Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to meet you this Friday.This morning,my manager asked me to go to Beijing on business.I wont return until next Monday.Could we meet next Wednesday afternoon?Please forgive me for any inconvenience I may cause you.Sincerely yours,Henry White Letter of Congratulations 祝贺信Book 2,P49 祝贺信用于表达自己在得知他人学业有成、事业发展、婚姻或家庭生活美满等时感到的新欣慰之情。主要内容包括:写贺信要注意以下几点:1.要写的及时。2.不要写得太长。3.感情真挚热情,措辞得体,不要夸大事实。1.传达祝贺之意和欣喜之情。2.解释祝贺原因。3.表达对未来的良好祝愿。ProceduresCongratulateShare the good newsBest wishes Expressionsforwritinganoteofcongratulations1.1.祝贺信开头常用套语:祝贺信开头常用套语:Thanks for letting me know感谢你让我获悉I was delighted to hear that you were successful in我很高兴地得知你成功地I read in the morning paper that 我从晨报上得知I have learned with great delight that 我很高兴地得知 Expressions for writing a letter of congratulation2.2.表达祝贺的句型:表达祝贺的句型:I would like to add my congratulations to 我要向你表示祝贺。我要向你表示祝贺。.on which I congratulate you most heartily.对此我致以最热烈的祝贺。对此我致以最热烈的祝贺。Please once again accept my sincere congratulations.请再次接受我诚挚的祝贺。请再次接受我诚挚的祝贺。Congratulations!恭喜你!恭喜你!Expressions for writing a letter of congratulation3.3.结尾表示祝愿的套语:结尾表示祝愿的套语:All the best in your new job.祝你在心得工作岗位上一切顺利。祝你在心得工作岗位上一切顺利。The very best of luck in your business.祝你事业顺利。祝你事业顺利。I wish you all the happiness in the world.祝你幸福。祝你幸福。I wish you greater success in your studies and future life.我祝愿你的未来和学习能更上一层楼。我祝愿你的未来和学习能更上一层楼。Sample I(Book 2,P49)May 20,2011 Dear Lucy,Thanks for letting me know your new house address.It is good news that at last you have a house of your own.You must be very happy!My wife and I hope to see you two in the new place one of these days.We have just had a potted plant delivered to you.We hope you will like this token of our hearty congratulations.Best,Peter Sample II(Book 2,P130)May 20,2011 Dear Jim,I read in the morning paper that after five years work in a Sino-American joint venture,you are going to start a business firm of your own.Most impressive!I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving.Im sure your business firm will be a great success.I sincerely hope you will find in this new venture the happiness and satisfaction you so richly deserve.Cordially yours,Margaret 祝贺信英汉对照写信人:John Lee 收信人:马英 日期:2006年6月5号 内容:非常高兴马英最近找到了工作。表示衷祝贺并祝 愿他事业有成。希望他的工作富有挑战性并有助 于他今后的发展。期望很快再听到马英的好消息。祝他工作顺利。Sample III June 5,2006Dear Ma Ying,I was delighted to hear that you were successful in finding a good job.Congratulations!Allow me to offer my best wishes for your future success.I hope that you will find your job challenging,and that it.It will help you with your career development.I look forwardto hearing about how things progress.Good luck!Yours,John Practice I May 1,2007Dear Alice,I was_ to receive the Announcement of your engagement last Sunday.I _you and your finance the best of luck and ever-Increasing happiness._ Julia1.Fill in the following blanks with suitable words or phrases.delighted and excitedwishYours Practice IIDear Mr.Li,I learned from Wang Ying that 1)_(你以优异的成绩毕业(你以优异的成绩毕业)from Shandong University.I can well imagine how proud your parents are now.2)_(他们一直殷切期望你取得辉煌成就)他们一直殷切期望你取得辉煌成就).I have heard that you will continue studies in the United States soon.I wish you greater Success in your studies and research work.Yours sincerely,Tom 2.Complete the following letter according to the given graduated with high honorsTheyhave been anxiously expecting you to get brilliant achievement Practice III 写信人:Ellis 收信人;迈克 日期:2006年6月10日 内容:非常高兴获悉迈克最近被公司任命为销售经理,特表祝贺。职位高升意味着更多的责任。希望迈克百尺竿头,更进一步。祝他好运。3.Write a letter of congratulation according to the following information given in Chinese.Key (Practice III)June 10,2006 Dear Mike,I have learned with great delight that you were recently appointed Sales Manager of your company.I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving on your promotion.To be sure,the promotion brings with it added responsibilities,but I know you will give full satisfaction to your employers.I am looking forward to your further promotion.Good luck!Yours,Ellis


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