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Section AUnit 7Its raining!新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA What is he/she doing?新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Hows the weather?天气怎么天气怎么样?=Whats the weather like?1)后可接后可接时间、地点。如:、地点。如:Hows the weather today?今天今天天气怎么天气怎么样?Hows the weather inin Sichuan?四川四川天气怎么天气怎么样?2)回答用回答用“Its+天气天气”(adj.)It 可用来指代天气可用来指代天气,在句中可不翻在句中可不翻译。要根据上下文理解。要根据上下文理解。注注意意:weather是不可数名是不可数名词 前面不用冠前面不用冠词a(an)。新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Talk about the weather.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA cloudy新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 名词名词+y 形容词形容词 wind cloud sun rain fog snow 表示天气的词表示天气的词 windy cloudy sunny rainy foggy snowy新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 表表“风、云、雨、雪、云、雨、雪”等天气的名等天气的名词都都是不可数名是不可数名词。但有。但有时可在前面加上可在前面加上“a”,表示表示“一一团、阵”等,等,这时就是可数。如:就是可数。如:a wind 一一阵风 a cloud 一一团云云 a rain 一一阵雨雨 We can see many clouds in the sky.我我们能看到空中有能看到空中有许多云彩。多云彩。新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 名名词&动词 snow(n.)“雪雪”&(v.)“下下雪雪”“下雪了下雪了”可可说:Its snowing.或或 Its snowy.rain(n.)“雨,雨水雨,雨水”&(v.)“下雨下雨”“下雨了下雨了”可可说:Its raining.或或 Its rainy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Hows the weather?Its cloudy.Its raining.Its rainy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Its snowing.Its snowy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Its windy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Its sunny.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA ShanghaiBostonBeijingMoscow 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Look and say新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 1a.Match the words with the pictures.1.raining _2.windy_3.cloudy_4.sunny _5.snowing_ aedbc新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Tapescript:Conversation 1Tom:Hey,Peter.Happy New Year!Peter:Happy New Year,Tom!Tom:Hows the weather down there in Shanghai?Peter:Its cloudy.Hows the weather in Boston?Tom:Its windy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Conversation 2Peter :Hi,Aunt Sally.Happy New Year!Aunt Sally:Hello,Peter.Happy New Year!Peter :Hows the weather in Moscow?Aunt Sally:Oh,its snowing right now.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Conversation 3Peter:So,hows the weather there in Beijing?Girl :Its sunny.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Conversation 4Peter :Happy New Year,Uncle Bill!Uncle Bill:Happy New Year,Peter!Peter :Hows the weather in Toronto?Uncle Bill:Its raining,as usual!新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA TorontoMoscowShanghaiBoston新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 2b.Match the names with the activities.1._ Uncle Joe a.is playing computer games.2._ Jeff b.is cooking3._ Mary c.is playing basketball4._ Aunt Sally d.is watching TVcadb cook(v.)“烹烹调,煮,煮”(n.)“厨厨师”cooker 炊具炊具,厨具,厨具 如:他父如:他父亲是一名厨是一名厨师,所以他家厨房里有许多厨具。,所以他家厨房里有许多厨具。His father is a cook,so therere many cookers in his kitchen.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Rick:Hello,Rick speaking.Steve:Hi,Rick.Its Steve.Hows it going?2d.Role-play the conversation.This is Hows it going?最近怎么最近怎么样?最近好不好?最近好不好?Hows it going with sb/sth.?“.最近怎么样最近怎么样”用来表达用来表达对朋友、家人的关朋友、家人的关怀。Hows it going with Peter?彼特最近怎么彼特最近怎么样?Hows it going with your study?你最近学你最近学习怎么怎么样?对此问句的回答:对此问句的回答:Not bad.还不不错。Just so-so.马马虎虎。虎虎。Pretty good.相当好。相当好。Great.很棒很棒pretty(adv.)很,非常很,非常 相当于相当于very (adj.)“美美丽的的”(常常指女子)。指女子)。新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Rick:Not bad,thanks.The weathers great.What are you doing?Steve:Im playing basketball with some friends at the park.Rick:Sounds like youre having a good time.sound like.听起来好像听起来好像 后加名词或者是句子后加名词或者是句子那听起来是个好主意。那听起来是个好主意。(idea)That sounds like a good idea.have a good/nice time=enjoy oneself 过得愉快;玩的开心过得愉快;玩的开心我希望你们在公园过得愉快。我希望你们在公园过得愉快。I wish you to have a good time in the park.(enjoy yourselves)Steve:Yeah.Is your brother at home?Rick:Oh,hes not here.Hes studying at his friends home.Can I take a message for him?Steve:Yes,Could you just tell him to call me back?Rick:Sure,no problem.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Grammar FocusHows the weather?Hows it going?What are you doing?What are they doing?Whats he doing?Its cloud./Its sunny./Its rainingIm cookingTheyre playing basketball in the parkHes studying at his friends home.Great!/Not bad./Terrible!新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 3a.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.be play study talk do make1.A:What are you doing?B:I _ my homework.I always_ my homework in the evening.2.A:Whats John doing right now?B:He_ soccer.He_ soccer every Saturday.is playingplaysam doing doright now 现在在=now=at the moment新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 3.A:_Julie_ English right now?B:No,she isnt.She_ Chinese.4.A:What are Julie and Jane doing?B:They_ soup.They can _ very good soup.5.A:_ Lisa_ on the phone again?B:Yes,she_ on the phone for three hours every day!Isstudyingis studyingare makingmakeIstalkingtalks新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 3b.Yuan Yuan from CCTV is interviewing people in five differentplaces.Fill in the chart below.Hows the weather?What are they doingIts sunny and warm.Hes playing the guitar.It windy.Theyre hiking.Its snowing.Its hot and humid.Its raining.Theyre cooking.Hes writing.Theyre playing soccer.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA.写出下列词的形容词1.rain _2.wind _3.cloud _4.sun _5.snow _rainywindycloudysunnysnowy新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 1.-What are you doing?-Im(watch/watching)TV.2.-Whats she doing?-Shes(doing/playing)her homework.选择正确答案选择正确答案新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 3.-Whats he doing?-Hes(cook/cooking).4.-What are they doing?-They are(snowing/studying).5.-Hows the weather?-Its(rain/raining).新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA-Hows the weather?-Its _.-_ is the weather like?-Its _.windyWhatsunny.看图填空看图填空新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA-_ _ they doing?-Theyre _.-What _ he _?-_.is-What are you doing?-Im _.What areeating dinnerHes playing basketballwatching TVdoing新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA.Fill in the blanks1.北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。北京的天气怎样?天气晴朗。-_ _ _in Beijing?-Its _.2.Jeff 在干什么?他在玩电子游戏。在干什么?他在玩电子游戏。-What _ Jeff _?-He _ _ computer games.Hows the weather sunnydoing is playingis新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 3.Mary 在客厅里看电视。Mary _ _ TV _ the living room.4.Sally阿姨在干什么?她在做饭。-_ Aunt Sally _?-_ _.is watchingWhats Shes cooking indoing新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA Alice:How is it going?Bob:_.Alice:_ is the weather _ in Beijing?Bob:Its windy.Alice:What _ you _?Bob:I am _ books and _ TV at home.GreatWhatlikearedoingreading watching.完成对话完成对话新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA.汉译英1.你喜你喜欢冷天冷天吗?不喜不喜欢.2.这儿的天气怎儿的天气怎样?在下雪在下雪.3.怎么怎么样?好极了好极了.4.-那儿天气那儿天气热还是冷是冷?-冷冷.Do you like the cold weather?No,I dont.Hows the weather here?Its snowing.-Hows it going?-Great.-Is it hot or cold here?-Its cold.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 5.-多多伦多天气如何?多天气如何?-这里正在下雪。里正在下雪。6.-今天天气怎么今天天气怎么样?-今天是今天是乌云密布。云密布。-Hows the weather in Toronto?-Its snowing here now.-Hows the weather today?-Its cloudy.新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA 新目标英语七年级下Unit7 SectionA


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