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Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.Lesson 5.1Mr.mist 先生 good gdadj.好 morning mn n.早晨 Miss ms小姐 newnjuadj.新的New words and expressions .Mr.mist 先生 good gdadj2student stjud()nt n.学生nice nasadj.美好的 meet mitv.遇见tootuadv.也New words and expressions .student stjud()nt n.学生nic3French frentadj.&n.法国的,法国人 German dmnadj.&n.德国的,德国人 Japanese dpni:zadj.&n.日本的,日本人Chinesetanizadj.&n.中国的,中国人 Korean krinadj.&n.韩国的,韩国人New words and expressions .French frentadj.&n.法国的,法国人4重点重点词汇讲解解Mr.Mr.先生先生Miss.Miss.小姐(未婚女士)小姐(未婚女士)Mrs.Mrs.夫人(已婚女士)夫人(已婚女士)eg:Mr.Zhang eg:Mr.Zhang 张先生先生 Miss.Li Miss.Li 李小姐李小姐 Mrs.Green Mrs.Green 格林夫人格林夫人.重点词汇讲解Mr.先生.5 good good 好好反反义词:bad bad 坏坏 new new 新的新的反反义词:old old 旧的旧的 eg:She is a good girl.eg:She is a good girl.This is my new bike.This is my new bike.good 好.6 morning morning 早晨早晨 Good morning!Good morning!早上好!早上好!Good afternoon!Good afternoon!下午好!下午好!Good evening!Good evening!晚上好!晚上好!Good night!Good night!晚安!晚安!.morning 早晨.7 student student 学生学生 teacher teacher 老老师 eg:Mr.Yang is our English teacher.eg:Mr.Yang is our English teacher.We are his students.We are his students.student 学生.8French French 法国人法国人 France France 法国法国German German 德国人德国人 Germany Germany 德国德国Japanese Japanese 日本人日本人 Japan Japan 日本日本Korean Korean 韩国人国人 Korea Korea 韩国国Chinese Chinese 中国人中国人 China China 中国中国English English 英国人英国人 England England 英国英国 eg eg:Im Im ChineseChinese,Im from,Im from ChinaChina.简单的国家和国家的人的表达:的国家和国家的人的表达:.French 法国人 France9 nice nice 美好的美好的=glad=glad meet meet 遇遇见=see=seeNice to meet you!Nice to meet you!见到你很高到你很高兴!Glad to see you!Glad to see you!Nice to meet you,too!Nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高到你也很高兴!.nice 美好的=glad.10 too too 也也(多用于肯定句和疑(多用于肯定句和疑问句的句句的句末,末,用逗号隔开)用逗号隔开)also also 也也(用于肯定句的句中(用于肯定句的句中主主语之之后)后)eg:You have a dog,I have a dog,eg:You have a dog,I have a dog,tootoo.I I alsoalso have a dog.have a dog.你有一只狗,我也有一只狗。你有一只狗,我也有一只狗。.too 也(多用于肯定句和疑问句的句末,用逗号隔开11I am I am FrenchFrench.I am I am GermanGerman.I am I am JapaneseJapanese.I am I am ChineseChinese.I I amam KoreanKorean.I am French.I am I am Japan12.13fra:ns.fra:ns.14frent.frent.15d:mni.d:mni.16d:mn.d:mn.17dpn.dpn.18dpni:z.dpni:z.19kri.kri.20krin.krin.21tain.tain.22taini:z.taini:z.23sufi.sufi.24hns.hns. is Miss Sophie Dupont.Sophie,this is Hans.And this is Naoko.And this is Chang-woo.And this is Luming.And this is Xiaohui.This is+人一般用于将某人介绍给他人。Focus on grammar.This is Miss Sophie Dupont.Thi30 Sophie is a new student.=Sophies a new student.She is French.=Shes French.He is German.=Hes German.She is Japanese.=Shes Japanese.She is Chinese,too.=Shes Chinese,too.Be动词可以和它前面的名词和代词缩写。Focus on grammar.Sophie is a new student.Be动词31.32She is She is FrenchFrench.Sophie,Sophie,this isthis is Hans.He is Hans.He is GermanGerman.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.她是法国人。她是法国人。索菲索菲娅,这位是位是汉斯。他是德国人。斯。他是德国人。很高很高兴见到你。到你。.She is French.33.34AndAnd this is Naoko.this is Naoko.ShesShes Japanese.Japanese.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.AndAnd是是连接接词,语气助气助词,在,在这里可以不翻里可以不翻译Shes=She is,Shes=She is,她是她是这位是直子。她是日本人。位是直子。她是日本人。很高很高兴见到你。到你。.And this is Naoko.Shes Japan35.36And this is Chang-woo.And this is Chang-woo.HesHes Korean.Korean.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.Hes=He is,Hes=He is,他是他是这位是昌宇。他是位是昌宇。他是韩国人。国人。很高很高兴见到你。到你。.And this is Chang-woo.Hes Ko37.38And this is Luming.He is Chinese.And this is Luming.He is Chinese.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.这位是位是鲁明。他是中国人。明。他是中国人。很高很高兴见到你。到你。.And this is Luming.He is Chin39.40And this is Xiaohui.And this is Xiaohui.ShesShes Chinese,Chinese,tootoo.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.too too,也。用于肯定和疑,也。用于肯定和疑问句的句末句的句末这位是位是晓惠。她也是中国人。惠。她也是中国人。很高很高兴见到你。到你。.And this is Xiaohui.Shes Chi41.如何询问国籍呢?What nationality are you?I am Chinese.如何询问国籍呢?What nationality are y54本课总结本课主要讲特殊疑问句和选择疑问句。1.特殊疑问句:以疑问词引导的句子叫特殊疑问句。结构为:疑问词+一般疑问句?回答时不能用Yes或No,读降调。提问名字:Whats your name?My name is Hans.提问事物:Whats this?Its an egg.提问人:Whats that?Thats Tony.本课总结本课主要讲特殊疑问句和选择疑问句。.55提问地点:Where is his pen?Its on the desk.提问国籍:What nationality are you?I am French.提问年龄:How old is she?She is ten.提问颜色:What color is it?Its red.对划线部分提问,就是将划线部分改为相对应的疑问词放到句首,再将剩余的句子改为一般疑问句,如句子中有第一人称,切记改为第二人称。.提问地点:Where is his pen?Its on562.选择疑问句就是将两个一般疑问句合二为一。选择疑问句的结构:一般疑问句+or+选择对象.Or前部分读 升调,后部分读降调。回答不能用yes或no。Is she Japanese or German?她是日本人还是德国人?She isnt German.She is Japanese.她不是德国人,她是日本人。Is your friend a boy or a girl?你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?A boy.是个男孩。Is it a Japanese car or a Swedish car?它是一辆日本汽车还是瑞典汽车?Its a Swedish car.It isnt a Japanese car.2.选择疑问句就是将两个一般疑问句合二为一。.57 Homework1 背诵第L1,L3,L5课文。2 第5,6课单词,短语,句子抄二听一 (带音标和中文)3 做5,6课课练。.Homework1 背诵第L1,L3,L5课文。.58


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