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书面表达常用短语1一、学校生活及学习成绩类一、学校生活及学习成绩类 be absorbed in bury oneself in acquire(obtain)knowledge put ones heart into be interested in be fond of be good at be poor at do well in be weak in make progress in fail in be tired of improve oneself in get 90 marks have a good command of pass the exam major in history be getting on well with ones study take several courses at school have English every other day work hard at live up to ones hope get a doctors degree learn about succeed in be active in class take an active part in learn sth by heart work out a problem improve oneself in have a good command of lay a good foundation in一、学校生活及学习成绩类 be absorbed in p2二、师生关系类二、师生关系类 give sb.a passing grade examine the students homework stand on the platform raise a question like to be with students be gentle with us be kind to us be a strict teacher be strict in ones workWe think ofas helpwith praise sb for sth blame sb for sth give sb advice on sth question sb on be satisfied with correct the students homework carefully and prepare for the next day give sb a lot of work try to teach sb to develop good study habits make ones lessons lively and interesting teach sb sth teach sb to do sth devote all ones time to ones work admire sb for his devotion to the cause of education二、师生关系类 give sb.a passing gra3三、课外活动及周末生活类三、课外活动及周末生活类 have a swim have dance on weekends have a picnic over the weekend go to the cinema have a party hold a sports meeting spend ones time in many different ways enjoy doing sth by oneself go swimming go for an outing have an outing at(the seaside)see the sights of Beijing play the piano play chess do some reading help sb do sth enjoy a family trip get everything ready for ride ones bike to the parkThere are a lot of activities at the beachWe enjoy a change from our busy life in the cityShe would like to bring sth to the picnicIt was a very relaxing SundayThere are good programs on TV on weekend三、课外活动及周末生活类 have a swim play 4四、彼此沟通信息类四、彼此沟通信息类 tell sb to do sth get information about express ones idea(feeling)in English write sb a letter saying apologize to sb for thank sb for make a speech at the meeting take a message for sb send a message to sb hear from sb talk about/of sth explain sth to sb look upon sb as think sb to be take ones side四、彼此沟通信息类 tell sb to do sth ta5五、事件中人的态度类五、事件中人的态度类 feel bored(embarrassed,nervous)would like to do be unforgettable show ones thanks have fears for my heart beats fast hesitate for a few minutes give sb a meaningful smile allow sb to do sth keep/prevent sb from doing call on sb to do sth be afraid to do sth/of sth feel like doing insist on doing sth drive sb off speak highly of sb speak ill of sb think highly of sb force sb to do sth offer to do sth refuse to do sth agree to do sth regret doing sth prefer to do sth rather than do sth had better do sth would rather do sth than do sth五、事件中人的态度类 feel bored(embarra6六、事情过程类六、事情过程类 be woken up by the phone set out without a delay do sth as usual do what he wants us to do set about doing sth try ones best to do sth go all out to do sth get into trouble help sb out do ones bit for sb have the habit of doing sth have no trouble doing sth make up ones mind to do sth prepare sb for sth give up doing sthwait for sb to do sth find a way to do sth make friends with sb show(tell)sb how to do sth take(send)sb to Im trying to find Im afraid we are out of pass the time doing sth feel a little excited about doing sth cant help doing sth do some good deeds to people be prepared for more hard work 六、事情过程类 be woken up by the pho7七、感官活动与思维活动类七、感官活动与思维活动类 be pleased with be delighted in doing take a pleasure in doing be worried about feel surprised at be sorry for be angry with sb for sth be angry about look forward to doing wish to do expect to do sth long for sth/long to do sth be sick for ones home have a strong desire to do sth look around for look up/down at catch sight of take a look at hear sb doing take notice of take view of have a good understanding of consider sb to do sth come to know realize that know that七、感官活动与思维活动类 be pleased with 8八、健康类八、健康类 develop a disease enjoy good health be in good health be in poor health feel well(weak,sick,terrible)fall ill have got a fever have got a cold take ones temperature have got a pain in be good for ones healthIts nothing serious.stay in bed save ones life八、健康类 develop a disease have g9九、问路和应答类 go down this street turn right/left at the first crossing its about miles from here.go straight ahead till you seeYou cant miss it.at the corner pass two blocks九、问路和应答类 go down this street10学校生活及学习成绩类课件11一、文章及段落起始的过渡词一、文章及段落起始的过渡词1.To begin with,2.Generally speaking,3.First of all,4.In the first place,一、文章及段落起始的过渡词To begin with,12二、文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词二、文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词1.therefore,thus2.in conclusion3.in brief4.to sum up5.in a word,in short二、文章及段落结尾常用的过渡词therefore,thus13三、常见的表示先后次序的过渡词三、常见的表示先后次序的过渡词1.first/firstly2.second/secondly3.next4.eventually/finally5.since then6.afterwards7.meanwhile三、常见的表示先后次序的过渡词first/firstly14四、常见的表示因果关系的过渡词四、常见的表示因果关系的过渡词1.Accordingly2.for this reason3.as a result4.in this way5.consequently6.so7.due to8.therefore9.because of10.thus四、常见的表示因果关系的过渡词Accordingly15五、常用比较和对比的过渡词五、常用比较和对比的过渡词1.in contrast with2.on the contrary3.different from4.whereas5.on the other hand6.similarly7.likewise8.equally important五、常用比较和对比的过渡词in contrast with16六、常用表示举例的过渡词六、常用表示举例的过渡词1.for example2.for instance3.namely/that is4.七、常用描写图表的过渡七、常用描写图表的过渡词词5.1.during this time/this period2.apart pared with4.from the above table六、常用表示举例的过渡词for example17八、常用表示强调的过渡词1.furthermore2.moreover3.besides4.in fact5.also 6.indeed7.again8.in particular9.naturally八、常用表示强调的过渡词furthermore18学校生活及学习成绩类课件19一、用于驳斥和比较的常用句型一、用于驳斥和比较的常用句型1.In general,I dont agree with2.In my opinion,this point of view doesnt hold water.3.The chief reason why is that4.Its not true that5.It can be easily denied that6.We have no reason to believe that7.What is more serious is that8.There is no doubt that9.But its a pity that10.Besides,we should not neglect that11.Others may find this to be true,but I believe that.一、用于驳斥和比较的常用句型In general,I do20二、用于描写和数据的常用句型1.It has increased by three times compared with that of 1998.2.There is an increase of 20%in total this year.3.The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.4.It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.5.The total number was lowered by 10%.6.Compared with 1997,it fell from 15 to 10 percent.7.The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.8.It has decreased almost two and a half times,compared with二、用于描写和数据的常用句型It has increased21三、解释原因、分析影响的常用句型三、解释原因、分析影响的常用句型1.Everybody knows that2.It can be easily proved that3.It is true that4.No one can deny that5.I am for the opinion that6.This can be expressed as follows:7.We have reason to believe that8.The change in largely results from the fact that9.There are several causes for this significant growth in,first,second,finally10.A number of factors could account for the development in11.Perhaps the primary reason is12.It is chiefly responsible for三、解释原因、分析影响的常用句型Everybody know22四、有关文章、段落起始的常用句型四、有关文章、段落起始的常用句型1.With the(rapidly)growing popularity of computer in China,the quality of our lives is improving for the better.2.With the(rapid)growth of our economy,an increasing number of problems,such as water shortages are beginning to appear.3.With the rapid development of science and technology,an increasing number of people come to realize that 4.Currently,there is a wide spread concern over environment pollution.5.It is quite clear that6.The government is seriously concerned with high unemployment rate.四、有关文章、段落起始的常用句型With the(rapi237.Recently the issue of has brought to public attention.8.Nowadays,a heated debate(discussion)about is underway in China.9.As the public awareness of heightens,10.There are three major values of owing a car.To begin with Next Last There are,on the other hand,more reasons against it.FirstlySecondly Finally7.Recently the issue of has 24五、有关文章和段落结尾的常用句型五、有关文章和段落结尾的常用句型1.In a word,2.In short,3.In conclusion/To conclude,4.To sum up,5.From this point of view,we can see6.There is no immediate solution to the problem ofbut might be helpful.7.Its high time that we put emphasis on五、有关文章和段落结尾的常用句型In a word,25 26评分原则以及给分范围评分原则以及给分范围第五档(很好):完全完成试题规定的任务(第五档(很好):完全完成试题规定的任务(21-25)-所有内容要点;较多的语法结构和词汇;语句连接词,少量所有内容要点;较多的语法结构和词汇;语句连接词,少量错误。错误。第四档(好):较好地完成试题规定的任务(第四档(好):较好地完成试题规定的任务(16-20)-漏掉漏掉1、2个次重点;一定量的语法结构、词汇及连接词;些个次重点;一定量的语法结构、词汇及连接词;些许错误。许错误。第三档(适当):基本完成试题规定的任务(第三档(适当):基本完成试题规定的任务(11-15)-漏掉一些内容;一定量的语法结构、词汇及连接词;一些漏掉一些内容;一定量的语法结构、词汇及连接词;一些错误但不影响理解。错误但不影响理解。第二档(较差):末完成试题第二档(较差):末完成试题规定的任务规定的任务(6-10)-漏掉一些主要内容;语法结构单调、词汇有限;错误较多漏掉一些主要内容;语法结构单调、词汇有限;错误较多影响理解。影响理解。第一档(差):末完成试题第一档(差):末完成试题规定的任务。规定的任务。只能写出与所给要只能写出与所给要求内容有关的一些单词(求内容有关的一些单词(1-5)0分:末能传达读者任何信息。分:末能传达读者任何信息。评分原则以及给分范围第五档(很好):完全完成试题规定的任务(272004年高考书面表达题年高考书面表达题试题要求:试题要求:假设你是李越假设你是李越,你的加拿大笔友你的加拿大笔友Steve来来信说信说,他和他的一些同学正在学中文他和他的一些同学正在学中文,请你推荐两请你推荐两本学中文的词典本学中文的词典.根据下表提供的信息根据下表提供的信息,请你给他请你给他写一封回信。写一封回信。英汉英汉/汉英词典汉英词典 新华字典新华字典 收词收词(字字)18,000(英语英语)20,000(汉语汉语)10,000 价格价格 52元元 11元元 特点特点 大量例子、用大量例子、用法说明,适合法说明,适合初学者初学者中国最常用的中国最常用的汉语字典汉语字典 2004年高考书面表达题试题要求:假设你是李越,你的加拿大笔28要点要点1.得知你们在学中文得知你们在学中文2.向你推荐向你推荐2本词典本词典3.英汉英汉/汉英词典有汉英词典有18,000英语单词英语单词,20,000汉字汉字4.英汉英汉/汉英词典汉英词典52元元5.英汉英汉/汉英词典有大量例子汉英词典有大量例子,适合初学者适合初学者6.新华词典有新华词典有10,000汉字汉字,仅仅11元元7.新华词典是中国最常用的汉语词典新华词典是中国最常用的汉语词典8.请告知是否要买请告知是否要买要点得知你们在学中文29 I help you very happily.I recommend the English-Chinese Chinese-English dictionary.This Dictionary have 18000 English words and 20000 Chinese words.I recommend another dictionary is very good,too.That dictionary have 10000 chinese words,but it is only cost 11yuan.That is the most widely of China.I hope my recommendation can help for you.I hope you can learn Chinese earliy.5分分5分30 Very glad to see your letter.I heard you are learning Chinese.I very glad to hear that.There are two dictionary very well to recommend you.The first one,The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary.It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese that cost only 52 yuan,there are lots of examples and how do you used it,that first learn used it very well.The other one is Xinhua Dictionary.It has 10,000 words,only cost 11yuan,there are usually uses Chinese dictionary its very wonderful.So,I hope you are learning well.I will listen to your goodider.10分分 10分31 Thank you for receiving your letter.With your letter I will recommend two dictionaries with you.The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary(ECCED)and Xinhua Dictionary(XD).The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary have many examples and proper with jounary students.The price of ECCED is 52 RMB.About 18,000 words and 20,000 Chinese words in it.The Xinhua Dictionary is the most populer with Chinese people.The XD have 10000 words and the price of it is 11 RMB.They are both too fine.I hope you will buy them.14分分 14分32 Ive received your letter and know that you want me to recommend two dictionaries to you and your classmates who are learning Chinese now.I think the English-Chinese ChineseEnglish Dictionary which cost 52 yuan is useful to learners who has already began to learn.It includes 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words.It offers you examples of how to use these words.Another dictionary called Xinhua is also very good.It contains 10,000 characters,which used most frequently in China,so you can find the useful meaning in XD easily.And it is cheaper.You spend only 11 yuan to get one.I hope those two dictionaries can help you with your Chinese study and wish you make progress in your studying!20分分 Ive received your lette33 Thank you very much for your last letter which asked me something about how to choose a dictionary for learning Chinese.Here I strongly recommend you the following two which may be useful to you.One of them is the English-Chinese/Chinese English Dic-tionary(ECCED)which will cost you 52 yuan.There are 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words in it.As ithas lots of examples showing how to use the words,it will be much valuable for the beginners like you.The other one,Xinhua Dictionary(XD),which charges you only 11 yuan and has a collection of 10,000 Chinese words.It is the most commonly used one in China.If you need my help with your Chinese study please write to me.Im looking forward to your reply.24分分 Thank you very much for y34得分情况(得分情况(3000份)份)得分得分人数人数得分得分人数人数得分得分人数人数03510162202614711190211225012458227358134392324341442624153615259250619161697721712881171899平均分平均分12.079911942得分情况(3000份)得分人数得分人数得分人数035101635存在问题存在问题1、基本功不扎实,语法错误数不胜数。、基本功不扎实,语法错误数不胜数。2、中文思维,中式句子随处可见。、中文思维,中式句子随处可见。3、主次不分,要点丢三拉四。、主次不分,要点丢三拉四。4、时态、语态,概念不清,非常混乱。、时态、语态,概念不清,非常混乱。5、人称代词,你我他不分。、人称代词,你我他不分。6、追求复杂,从句套从句,导致文章不够简、追求复杂,从句套从句,导致文章不够简洁,字数过多。洁,字数过多。7、答题不规范,不慎重。、答题不规范,不慎重。8、不少学生交白卷或抄一段阅读文章或汉语、不少学生交白卷或抄一段阅读文章或汉语拼音以蒙骗老师。拼音以蒙骗老师。存在问题1、基本功不扎实,语法错误数不胜数。36写作建议写作建议1、正确性:书面表达必须坚持正确第一的原则,、正确性:书面表达必须坚持正确第一的原则,保证所写句子在语法上、结构上是正确的、得体保证所写句子在语法上、结构上是正确的、得体的,尤其是文章的开头和结尾。的,尤其是文章的开头和结尾。2、条理性:在确保正确的前提下,适当运用一些、条理性:在确保正确的前提下,适当运用一些连接词或连接句,使文章条理清晰。同时还要学连接词或连接句,使文章条理清晰。同时还要学会分段。会分段。3、多样性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求句型表、多样性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求句型表达的多样性。达的多样性。4、复杂性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求词汇词、复杂性:在确保正确的前提下,要追求词汇词组及句型的复杂性。组及句型的复杂性。5、规范性:要用黑色笔答题,不乱涂乱划,不超、规范性:要用黑色笔答题,不乱涂乱划,不超出答题区域,字迹要端正,标点符号不乱用。出答题区域,字迹要端正,标点符号不乱用。写作建议1、正确性:书面表达必须坚持正确第一的原则,保证所写37学校生活及学习成绩类课件38一、应用文 1)称谓 2)被推荐人 3)被推荐人 的基本情况 4)具体说明被推荐人 的优点 5)总结 6)落款Dear(1)_,I take pleasure in recommending to you one of my(2)_.He/she graduated from(3)_.He/she is good at(4)_.(5)_ I would be most grateful if you would consider my recommendation.Faithfully yours,(6)_模板模板1 写推荐信写推荐信一、应用文模板1 写推荐信39 1)日期)日期 2)称呼)称呼 3)职位)职位 4)年龄)年龄 5)年份)年份 6)学校)学校 7)年份年份 8)擅长什么擅长什么 9)爱好爱好 10)联系电话联系电话 11)署名署名 (1)_Dear(2)_,Im glad to learn that your company needs(3)_ from the newspaper.I think Im fit for it,so I write to apply for this position.Im a girl of(4)_,born in(5)_.I graduated from(6)_ in(7)_.Im good at(8)_.In the meantime I am interested in(9)_.Ill try my best to do it very well if I am given the job.Im looking forward to hearing from you.My phone number is(10)_.with best wishes Truly yours,(11)_ 模板模板2 写应聘信写应聘信模板2 写应聘信40 1)称谓)称谓 2)具体原因)具体原因 3)从反面说明)从反面说明 4)总结)总结 5)落款)落款Dear(1)_,Thank you very much(2)_ _.Without your help(3)_ _.(4)_ I appreciate it more than I can say.Yours faithfully (5)_ 模板模板3 写感谢信写感谢信模板3 写感谢信41 1)称谓)称谓 2)具体原因)具体原因 3)总结)总结 4)落款)落款Dear(1)_,Im sorry that(2)_ _ _.(3)_ _ Will you please accept my apology?Sincerely yours (4)_模板模板4 写致歉信写致歉信模板4 写致歉信42 1)称谓)称谓 2)具体事情)具体事情 3)表达祝贺之情)表达祝贺之情 4)总结)总结 5)落款)落款Dear(1)_,I was delighted to know the news(2)_ _.I congratulate you(3)_ _.(4)_.We wish to share your honor and joy.Best wishes,(5)_模板模板5 写祝贺信写祝贺信模板5 写祝贺信431)日期日期 2)称呼称呼 3)问题问题 4)问题具体表现问题具体表现 5)提出措施提出措施1 6)措施措施2 7)总结总结 8)署名署名 (1)_Dear(2)_,Im a student of a middle school.Id like to tell you something about(3)_.Nowadays(4)_.Something must be done to solve the problem.In my opinion,above all,(5)_.Then(6)_.Only in this way can we(7)_.Best wishes.Yours truly (8)_模板模板6 写信反映问题写信反映问题模板6 写信反映问题441)日期日期 2)称呼称呼 3)活动活动 4)时间时间/地点地点 5)某路公共汽车某路公共汽车 6)地地点点1 7)地点地点2 8)地点地点3 9)地点地点4 10)署名署名 (1)_Dear(2)_,We are so glad youre coming to join us in(3)_(4)_.Here is how you can find us.First take(5)_ to(6)_.Then walk straight on until you come to(7)_.Turn right/left and walk along the street.After walking for a while,youll find(8)_.And then take turn on the right/left and go along the road.Ill meet you(9)_.Im sure you will have no trouble finding us.Best wishes.(10)_模板模板7 根据路线图指路根据路线图指路模板7 根据路线图指路45 1)会议原因)会议原因/目的目的 2)时间、地点)时间、地点 3)会议)会议内容内容4)通知发布部门)通知发布部门 5)日期)日期 Notice (1)_,there will be a meeting to be held in(2)_.The meeting is about(3)_.Everyone is required to be present on time.(4)_(5)_模板8 写会议通知模板8 写会议通知46 1)具体内容 Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attention,please.I have something important to tell you.(1)_.Thank you for listening.模板9 写口头通知模板9 写口头通知47 1)对象 2)地点 3)课题 4)对象 5)对象Ladies and gentlemen!We feel quite honored to have a chance to invite(1)_ from(2)_ to give us a lecture on(3)_.(4)_ is very famous all over the world/country for his great achievements.Please allow me,first of all,on behalf of us all,to give our warm welcome to the respected guest.Please pay attention to taking notes attentively and well have a discussion after it.Now lets greet(5)_ with warm applause.模板模板10 写欢迎词写欢迎词 模板10 写欢迎词48 1)时间 2)对象 3)地点 4)对象 5)具体描述对象Ladies and gentlemen!How time flies!(1)_ ago,we were happily here to give(2)_ a warm welcome.Now he/she will leave(3)_.(4)_ is our old friend.He/she(5)_.Now lets express our thanks to him/her and wish him/her a pleasant journey home and good health.模板11 写欢送词模板11 写欢送词49二、写讨论材料二、写讨论材料 1)讨论问题)讨论问题 2)原因)原因1 3)原因)原因2 4)原因)原因3 5)原因)原因1 6)原因原因2 Dear editor,Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether(1)_.Opinions are divided on this question.70 percent of the students are for the idea.Firstly,(2)_.Secondly,(3)_.Whats more,(4)_.On the other hand,30 percent of the students are against the idea.In their opinion,first,(5)_.Second,(6)_.With best wishes.Yours truly Li Hua 模板模板12 客观地反映客观地反映二、写讨论材料 模板12 客观地反映50 1)现象 2)优点 3)观点 4)原因1 5)原因2 6)强调自己的观点 Nowadays(1)_ is very popular in our daily life.(2)_.However,different people have different attitudes.In my opinion,(3)_.First,(4)_.Second(5)_.In a word,I think we(6)_.模板13 我的观点模板13 我的观点511).某种产品 2)某种产品 3)优点1 4)优点2 5)缺点1 6)缺点2 With the development of science and technology,(1)_ is more and more popular in our daily life.As we all know,(2)_ is very convenient.(3)_.Besides,(4)_.However,every coin has two sides.(5)_.What worse,(6)_.I do hope people will pay enough attention to these problems.模板14 介绍优缺点模板14 介绍优缺点52三、写对比材料三、写对比材料1)地点 2)过去情况1 3)过去情况2 4)现在情况1 5)现在情况2 Great changes have taken place in(1)_.In the past,(2)_.(3)_.Things are quite different now.(4)_.Whats more,(5)_.Im sure our life will be better and better.模板15 过去与现在对比三、写对比材料模板15 过去与现在对比53四、数据表达1)某种产品某种产品 2)百分之几的人百分之几的人 3)某种产品某种产品 4)时间时间5)百分之几百分之几的人的人 6)某种产品某种产品 7)时间时间 8)某种产品某种产品 9)倍数倍数 10)时间时间 11)原因原因1 12)原因原因2 With the development of society,(1)_ plays more and more important role in peoples life.According to the chart,only(2)_had a(3)_ in(4)_.With time going on,(5)_ had a(6)_ in(7)_.The number of the people who had(8)_ was(9)_ compared with(10)_.There are several reasons for the increase.First,(11)_.Secondly,(12)_.Im sure greater changes will take place in our country.模板模板16 数据变化数据变化四、数据表达模板16 数据变化54五、记叙文五、记叙文1)时间 2)集合的时间和地点 3)目的地 4)具体描述我们的表现 5)几点钟 6)具体描述野餐的情况 7)我们的心情和感受 (1)_ my classmates and I went out on a picnic.Everyone gathered at(2)_.The weather was fine and it was a great day for an outing.We headed for(3)_ with light hearts.(4)_.At(5)_ we reached there,then(6)_.It was dark when we returned to school.(7)_.模板24 A picnic五、记叙文模板24 A picnic55模板模板17 数据变化及优缺点描写数据变化及优缺点描写1)某种产品某种产品 2)某时的数据某时的数据 3)数据变化数据变化1 4)数据变化数据变化2 5)时间时间 6)优点优点1 7)优点优点2 8)缺点缺点1 9)缺点缺点2 10)我的观点或态度我的观点或态度 With the development of society,(1)_ plays more and more important role in peoples life.According to the chart,(2)_.With time going on,(3)_.Now(4)_compared with(5)_.As we all know,(6)_.Besides,(7)_ However,every coin has two sides.(8)_.Whats more,(9)_.I hope something must be done to(9)_.模板17 数据变化及优缺点描写某种产品 2)某时的数据 356用于描写数据的常用句型1.It has increased by three times compared with that of 1998.2.There is an increase of 20%in total this year.3.The table shows a three times increase over that of last year.4.It was decreased twice than that of the year 1996.5.The total number was lowered by 10%.6.Compared with 1997,it fell from 15 to 10 percent.7.The number is 5 times as much as that of 1995.8.It has decreased almost two and a half times,compared with用于描写数据的常用句型It has increased by57Thank You58


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