四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 HobbiesLesson 3∣人教新起点(2018秋) (共15张PPT)

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四年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 HobbiesLesson 3∣人教新起点(2018秋) (共15张PPT)_第1页
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人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Unit 4 H obbiesLesson 3 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Teaching O bjectives 1. Master expressions of hobby.2. Be skilled in oral expression of book. 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Dictations:读书做拼图游戏唱歌跳舞做模型滑板收集橡皮 review 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Check:readingdoing jigsaw puzzlessinging and dancingmaking modelsskateboardingcollecting erasers 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 This is my familys hobby book. 这是我爸爸的爱好书。I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢收集印章。I have over 200 stamps. 我有超过200个印章。I also like skateboarding. 我还喜欢滑雪。I think it is very cool. 我觉得它很酷。My mother likes drawing. 我妈妈喜欢画画。She is really good at it. 她很擅长画画。My father likes fishing. 我爸爸喜欢钓鱼。He often goes fishing but never catches any fish. 他经常钓鱼但是总是钓不到。My cat likes eating fish. 我的猫喜欢吃鱼。She often goes with my father, but she never gets any fish! 她经常和我爸爸一起去 ,但是她从来没捉到过鱼。 Read and write 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Hobby BookBy Bob Bob1.collecting stamps2. Motherskateboarding drawing fishing eating fishFather Cat 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Bob likes_His mother likes_His father likes_His cat likes_I like _My_drawingfishingeating fishcollecting stamps and skateboarding 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Talk about your familys hobby! Exercise 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Hi, Linda, I like playing the violin, what about you?I like reading.Hello, Cathy, whats your hobby? 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 He likes playing the piano. Hello, what are your brothers hobbies? 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 He likes fishing. But he never catch a fish.Oh my father likes it too. And he is good at it.They can fish together.Whats your fathers hobby? Yeah, thats great. 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 Im sleepy. I played computer games too much. Hi, Jerry, whats wrong with you? You like playing computer games too much.Yes, my hobby is that. But you maybe too tired. 人民教育出版社 四年级 | 下册 1.Read the article to your parents.2.Ask and answer with your friend by using: Whats your/your mother /your father/your brother hobby?3. Write an article. H omework 谢谢观看!


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