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第七章 介绍性口译(英译汉)Unit 7 Interpreting Informative Speeches (English-Chinese)Unit 7 Interpreting Informative Speeches(E-C)u7-1 大学介绍 University Informationu7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating Wellu7-3 浪漫香槟 The Romantic Champagneu7-4 教堂之游A Tour around the Cathedral 7-1 大学介绍 University Information Vocabulary Workumany cultures blend多种文化交织融合ua world-class research university 一所世界级研究性大学uamazing cultural diversity 精彩纷呈的文化多样性uunexcelled natural beauty 无与伦比的自然景观ucutting-edge education 先进的教育ube charged with the energy of people and place 人杰地灵、充满活力 Vocabulary Workube strong in academic power and research capacities 学风浓郁、科研强大ufilm and digital media 电影及电子传媒uexplore your passion 陶冶情操uflagship university 旗舰大学udollar-for-dollar university 物有所值的大学uAmericas legendary Route 66 美国传奇的66号公路uthe renowned country road 闻名遐迩的乡间公路 Vocabulary Workube imbued with 充满ua renowned A-list-faculty 一流的师资队伍unational academies 国家科学院ua city with a welcoming small-town vibe 有着浓郁小镇情调、热情好客的城市7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuMany cultures blended and created new knowledge and built innovative ways to live.u多种文化在此交织融合,创造了新的知识,也构建了前所未有的生活方式。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuThis university blends amazing cultural diversity,unexcelled natural beauty,big life,and cutting-edge education and discovery.u这所大学融合了精彩纷呈的文化多样性、无与伦比的自然景观、包容大气的生活方式、先进的教育和前沿的研究。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuNo matter where you want to go in life,you can get there from here.We provide promising students with an ideal space to realize their dreams.u无论你志在何方,这里就是你的起航之地,是志向远大的青年才俊实现梦想的理想之地。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuThis university is so distinctive,so charged with the energy of people and space,so strong in academic power and research capacities,so flexible,so supportive in helping you arrive at your future.u这所大学特色鲜明,这里人杰地灵、充满活力,这里学风浓郁、科研强大,这里体制灵活、服务真诚,可助莘莘学子早日成才、施展宏图。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuYou will broaden your horizons and explore your passions.If you are willing to work hard and think big,any career is possible.u你要拓宽视野、陶冶情操,只要志向远大、勤奋进取,你就能梦想成真、事业有成。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuWherever you come from,youll discover endless surprises and limitless possibilities on your academic journey,led by talented faculty.u无论你来自何方,你将在才华横溢的导师的率领下,踏上学术的发现之旅,历经无尽的惊喜和无限的奇遇。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuEnergized by both the national and local spirit,you can focus more clearly,feel more deeply,and accomplish more.u你同时从国家精神和地域精神中获取养料,目标会更明确,感受会更深切,成就会更突出。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuThe legendary Route 66 is Americas renowned country road imbued with a rich history of local cultures.u传奇的66号公路是美国的一条闻名遐迩、充满风土人情地方色彩的乡间公路。7-1 大学介绍 University InformationuThere is indeed something special about learning in a place where centuries of culture enlighten forward-looking research and innovation.u人文教育开启了面向未来的研究者和创新者的心智,这样的教育确实意义非凡。7-2 饮食艺术饮食艺术 The Art of Eating Well Vocabulary WorkuChinese cuisine 中餐ueat communally 群体性饮食u banquet 宴席u Chinese eateries 中国餐馆u street vendors 路边小摊u small stalls 小排档u deft cooks 技术娴熟的厨师 Vocabulary Workuherbal medicine meals 药膳usour,bitter,sweet,pungent,salty,clear 酸、苦、甘、辛、咸、无味uChinese God of Agriculture 农神utaste 100 herbs 尝百草ube deficient and replete 盛与亏uempower oneself 强身健体 Vocabulary Workucollaborate together 交流互动u sensory experience 感官体验u formal rituals are enacted 正式礼仪的履行u political acumen 政治家的社交智慧u intent 良苦用心7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating WelluThe Chinese really understand food and eating well.We Westerners sometimes forget the medicinal value of food but Chinese people understand this well.They gratify themselves by eating but many of my Chinese friends also choose medicinal meal.u中国人真的很懂食物,懂得饮食艺术。我们西方人有时忘了食物的医药价值,而中国人却深谙食物的药膳作用。7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating WelluChinese eateries come in many forms.The modest range includes small street vendors,small stalls and home styles cafes.u中国餐馆形形色色、名目繁多。最简朴的有路边小摊、小排档和家庭式小餐馆。7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating WelluFor the Chinese,being together-food as medicine and banqueting to establish social harmony-can create specific types of outcomes for participants and create a sweet and harmonies memory.u中国人以药膳和宴席为媒介而相聚在一起,共同营造社会的和谐,并留下难以忘怀的美好回忆。7-2 饮食艺术 The Art of Eating WelluBanquets create occasions to negotiate and strengthen social connections among people who work together.Feasters of banquets all strive for the harmonious and balanced aim,and in this way,banquets and traditional medicine happen to generate the same positive results.u宴席为增进同事之间的交流提供了良机。赴宴者为达到和谐平衡的共同目标而努力,就这方面而言,宴席和中医所产生的积极作用是不谋而合的。7-3 浪漫香槟浪漫香槟 The Romantic Champagne Vocabulary WorkuChampagne Sampling Party 香槟品酒会ucork 软木塞ualluring fizz 诱人的嘶嘶声ube akin to 好似.ua complex and painstaking process 复杂而艰辛的酿造过程ufor weeks on end 连续数周uthe eponymous drink 同名汽酒 Vocabulary Workuthe tiny carbon dioxide bubbles 二氧化碳小气泡ube ranked by dosage 按剂量分类uthe fermentation process 发酵过程uextra-brut 偏酸型uvintage champagne 精致香槟ugo well with 和.合适7-3 浪漫香槟 The Romantic ChampagneuFew flavors in the world can match that of champagne,which is a truly unique taste,created by a complex and painstaking process.u世界上几乎没有哪一种饮料的口味可以与香槟酒的口味相媲美,这种独特的口味是通过艰辛复杂的酿造过程获得的。7-3 浪漫香槟 The Romantic ChampagneuOne of the delights of Chinese food is its range-its fairly easy to tailor a perfectly good Chinese meal that will go well with wines.u中国菜的好处之一在于品种繁多的菜式,我们很容易选择一种可与葡萄酒饮用相得益彰的菜肴。7-3 浪漫香槟 The Romantic ChampagneuA good wine,or a vintage champagne,is like a person youve met whose personality you dont forget.u遇到一瓶上等葡萄酒,或者说一瓶上品香槟酒,其感觉就像遇到一个其个性令你难以忘怀的人一样。7-3 浪漫香槟 The Romantic ChampagneuA bottle of good champagne is nothing but the ideal companion for a delicious meal where you dont want your personality to be easily forgotten.u一桌美味佳肴,配以一瓶上等香槟酒助兴,你的性格会给客人留下难以忘怀的深刻印象。7-4 教堂之游教堂之游 A Tour around the Cathedral Vocabulary WorkuWashington National Cathedral 华盛顿国家大教堂uEpiscopal Church 主教派教会uCathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul 圣彼得及圣保罗大教堂uin the presence of 当着某人的面ua bell tower 钟楼uattend religious services 参加宗教活动7-4 教堂之游 A Tour around the CathedraluBuilt with money from private citizens,the Washington National Cathedral is one of the largest and most famous religious centers in the United States.u有私人赞助建造的华盛顿国家大教堂是美国规模最大、最负盛名的宗教中心之一。7-4 教堂之游 A Tour around the CathedraluThe colored glass windows color the sunlight as it enters the building and spills across the floor.u彩色玻璃将射入建筑物的阳光染得五彩缤纷,洒落在大教堂一侧的地上。7-4 教堂之游 A Tour around the CathedraluThe Washington National Cathedral is open to all people for many religious events throughout the year,and also holds many religious services,family activities,weddings,funerals,concerts and educational programs for children.u华盛顿大教堂全年对举办各种宗教活动的人士开放,还举办许多宗教活动、家庭活动、婚礼葬礼、音乐会、儿童教育等活动。


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